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China could defeat US in East Pacific conflict by 2020: Russian analyst

China can't even defeat our brother nation Japan. If US wants they can pick apart China and disintegrate it by economic and military action. But US has a very valuable poker. It is Japan. They are itching to finish where they were left off. They have close ties with Turkics and all other neighboring countries. I'd say this Russian analysist was drunk when he made this statement.
Remember, the Russians predicted the US would break up back in the Jun-July 2010 timeframe.

Remember Us predicted China would break apart and stop being communist, while economy would crash, since 1989.

One of your more kind predictions is China to beat Japan GDP by 2015.

Even right this minute there are predictions of the same kind going on. As there are every year.

So maybe we should stop listening to US sources. Since non of them has happened, and yet new predictions are done and the same result continues.
Remember Us predicted China would break apart and stop being communist, while economy would crash, since 1989.

One of your more kind predictions is China to beat Japan GDP by 2015.

Even right this minute there are predictions of the same kind going on. As there are every year.

So maybe we should stop listening to US sources. Since non of them has happened, and yet new predictions are done and the same result continues.
This is not about US predictions but about Russian ones. But no matter, I do encourage people to listens more to the Russians, after all, it was Khruschev who said: 'We will bury you.'
Remember Us predicted China would break apart and stop being communist, while economy would crash, since 1989.

One of your more kind predictions is China to beat Japan GDP by 2015.

Even right this minute there are predictions of the same kind going on. As there are every year.

So maybe we should stop listening to US sources. Since non of them has happened, and yet new predictions are done and the same result continues.

I just want to ask you one question

Can you in you clear conscious claim communism do still exist in China? I am not talking about socialist-communism, but pure communism like follow Marx idea to the letter?
I just want to ask you one question

Can you in you clear conscious claim communism do still exist in China? I am not talking about socialist-communism, but pure communism like follow Marx idea to the letter?

I always maintained China is not communist, and socialism with Chinese characteristics is just Capitalism. Which btw was developing in China before 1949 anyways.

Also you might not know this, but China has never achieved communism, it was the goal, but Mao created a socialist state wanting to become communist. Most people don't like to look into the details, also no reason to, but China has never been full on communist.

You might need to know exactly what it is before you know, but my uncle is the principle of a communist university for officials, and he majored in communist theories and he always maintained that china is socialist state and "wants" to become communist.

This is not about US predictions but about Russian ones. But no matter, I do encourage people to listens more to the Russians, after all, it was Khruschev who said: 'We will bury you.'

You are right it isn't about US predictions, but you are basically saying because Russia was wrong on this issue it is always wrong.

I'm simply saying America isn't so accurate either.

We look at the arguments and decide whether it is true or not, a broken clock is still right twice a day.
I just want to ask you one question

Can you in you clear conscious claim communism do still exist in China? I am not talking about socialist-communism, but pure communism like follow Marx idea to the letter?
China is not a communism nor a capitalism social system. It a combination of both, which happens to be very suitable for China's development. Stop showing off superiority on that.
US has military bases everywhere nearby China, just try to threaten their military personnel there ...
in Japan, South Korea, Darwin, Phillipines, .. Guam .. Singapore ...


China is not a communism nor a capitalism social system. It a combination of both, which happens to be very suitable for China's development. Stop showing off superiority on that.
Marx said: 'From each according to his ability. To each according to his needs.'

Communism is the political execution of Marxism. So yes, China was once a communist country. Today, China is 'politically amoral' because the communist system proved to be an utter failure. The best descriptor is probably 'socialist dictatorship'. Socialism is state control of economic activities. Dictatorship because the Communist Party exercises brutal oppression of political opposition.
Marx said: 'From each according to his ability. To each according to his needs.'

Communism is the political execution of Marxism. So yes, China was once a communist country. Today, China is 'politically amoral' because the communist system proved to be an utter failure. The best descriptor is probably 'socialist dictatorship'. Socialism is state control of economic activities. Dictatorship because the Communist Party exercises brutal oppression of political opposition.

we dont care what the suck-up say about China
China is China
We have our system, others have theirs
We dont need to conform with any particular system
so the haters can go away and fcuk off!

You do recall his rants against India earlier right?

I am not trivolous to go through all the threads and positngs
I am only interested in those which have fun or those which look like the start of a smearing campaign against Chinese or China
After having been on PDF for so long as I am, I notice that there are quite a large no of ethnic indians who impose as other nationals and hide behind the flags
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we dont care what the suck-up say about China
China is China
We have our system, others have theirs
We dont need to conform with any particular system
so the haters can go away and fcuk off!

I am not trivolous to go through all the threads and positngs
I am only interested in those which have fun or those which look like the start of a smearing campaign against Chinese or China
After having been on PDF for so long as I am, I notice that there are quite a large no of ethnic indians who impose as other nationals and hide behind the flags


That makes me feel better.
War war everyday. The US and China will never have a total war. Not now, not future. Capitalism or socialism are just two methods to build you guys country and neither 100% capitalism nor socialism could be found in this World. Every government has her own choice to adjust the rate according to the situation of herself, in order to make society stable and give people a good Life. Very simple.
Marx said: 'From each according to his ability. To each according to his needs.'

Communism is the political execution of Marxism. So yes, China was once a communist country. Today, China is 'politically amoral' because the communist system proved to be an utter failure. The best descriptor is probably 'socialist dictatorship'. Socialism is state control of economic activities. Dictatorship because the Communist Party exercises brutal oppression of political opposition.

You are like those guys that says modesty is a Christian value, no modesty is a human value. Chinese are much more modest than Westerners, there are Chinese words, phrases without equivalent in English that would humble oneself.

Each according to his ability and according to need is common sense, not communism.

If I need a car, I won't buy a table, if I can design information systems, I shouldn't be asked to pilot a plane, the first wouldn't help me, the second would kill me and my passengers.

Communism wasn't a failure, if true communism was reached, but it can't, just like Porsche 911 says 3.1 0-60, it can't reach it unless under the most ideal situation, same is true for communism, the current condition of people cannot achieve communism, because it would be a society without jealousy, envy, greed and all those emotions, which is impossible.

But if it could, communism would be just as sweet as the 911 porsche under ideal conditions.

As to dictatorship, 人民民主专政, people's democratic dictatorship, why is this true? China isn't a monarchy or total dictatorship.

It's a non elected, BUT MERIT BASED selection process. This isn't Europe where dictatorship means rank based on birth. A beggar and a scholar would be judged on the basis of his merit not his class. Not that the two would have equal chance, the beggar is where he is and the scholar is where he is for the same reason they won't be judged similarly. BUT, talent isn't over looked. Of course there are other factors involved, but even in America, merit isn't the only thing on display.

Perfect example, Hu Jintao was as a youth an enemy of the state due to his father, in a western style dictatorship he shouldn't be where he is, but he is. That's because Chinese dictatorship means decision without committee, NOT APPOINTMENT WITHOUT VALID REASON.

Watch from 8:00, but if you want, this is a good video through out.

This video describes the Chinese political system in which even XI had to go through and each level, everyone starts at the bottom, nobody is excluded.
You are like those guys that says modesty is a Christian value, no modesty is a human value. Chinese are much more modest than Westerners, there are Chinese words, phrases without equivalent in English that would humble oneself.

Each according to his ability and according to need is common sense, not communism.

If I need a car, I won't buy a table, if I can design information systems, I shouldn't be asked to pilot a plane, the first wouldn't help me, the second would kill me and my passengers.

Communism wasn't a failure, if true communism was reached, but it can't, just like Porsche 911 says 3.1 0-60, it can't reach it unless under the most ideal situation, same is true for communism, the current condition of people cannot achieve communism, because it would be a society without jealousy, envy, greed and all those emotions, which is impossible.

But if it could, communism would be just as sweet as the 911 porsche under ideal conditions.

As to dictatorship, 人民民主专政, people's democratic dictatorship, why is this true? China isn't a monarchy or total dictatorship.

It's a non elected, BUT MERIT BASED selection process. This isn't Europe where dictatorship means rank based on birth. A beggar and a scholar would be judged on the basis of his merit not his class. Not that the two would have equal chance, the beggar is where he is and the scholar is where he is for the same reason they won't be judged similarly. BUT, talent isn't over looked. Of course there are other factors involved, but even in America, merit isn't the only thing on display.

Perfect example, Hu Jintao was as a youth an enemy of the state due to his father, in a western style dictatorship he shouldn't be where he is, but he is. That's because Chinese dictatorship means decision without committee, NOT APPOINTMENT WITHOUT VALID REASON.

Watch from 8:00, but if you want, this is a good video through out.

This video describes the Chinese political system in which even XI had to go through and each level, everyone starts at the bottom, nobody is excluded.
Neednt to talk more on that. Only Scandinavian countries can claim that they have nearly reached the stage of communism. Chinas chooing on the socialism but not the capitalism has no related with the capitalism is a total failure, but which is not suitable to China whatever in history nor at present. The period that Karl Marx said the capitalism would be killed was dramatic just at the pioneering Days of the capitalism, which at that time did have a lot of problem. However, is there any people will abandon their Children when the Children was made a mistake only in 5 years old? Moreover and ironically, the socialism did make quite a few mistakes when it was borned as well. For Europe's present, since they have nearly experienced every stupid things in the modern development, naturelly, their people, even the most common civizens know what they should do. opponent in China, there still exist some people who even cannot read. So how can those people who even cannot read, have no idea with the World to manage the whole country? To the conclusion, capitalism and socialism will live together in the World with a very long period and no need to talk about which is much more better. What the Chinese people need to do is sit down, calm down and do some real things.
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