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China could defeat US in East Pacific conflict by 2020: Russian analyst

Maybe you aren´t fluent in english? I already said i don´t care about the author. I adressed morons who want war here. The original article is completly irrelevant.
Herr Markus:-), Jetzt wissen Sie was das Asien ist... jetzt sehr kompliziert...

Maybe you aren´t fluent in english? I already said i don´t care about the author. I adressed morons who want war here. The original article is completly irrelevant.
Take it easy
Maybe you aren´t fluent in english? I already said i don´t care about the author. I adressed morons who want war here. The original article is completly irrelevant.
Asien Menschen können verstehen nachdem sie haben erfahren, nicht jetzt. Wir können schwätzen andere Sache.
Russians flip flop more than Obama. One Russian analyst say China's military is like a toothless tiger with toys that look nice but do not do much damage, the next thing they say we can take on the US in 2020.

I take any foreign news that cannot be substantiated with a grain of salt.

Ja genau, ich bin ein indischer Troll. Und was bist du? Schlitzaugen Troll? Sorry, aber ich kann wohl bisschen mehr erwarten von jemanden der als Heimat Deutschland angibt oder?
Thanks google translator. Move along indian....
Chinese friends, you are so strong that every countries want you to be weaker .... by a conflict with USA ... I guess ...
study Sun Tzu first to "knowing you and knowing me" ...

The one talks good about you is who want to kill you ...
China could defeat US in East Pacific conflict by 2020: Russian analyst
China could defeat US in East Pacific conflict by 2020: Russian analyst - Trunews: Trunews:

Yes Yes by 2020...

China waill have 11 Aircraft Carriers...
China will have superior A/c Than F22
China will have superior SUBS than LA Class.
Chinese have Better Ma/c than F18 E/F + Prowler.....

In just 6 years, Chinese will accelrate Equiment and Experience on all Fronts
Such articles GET iota of Importance by Respected Infternational Forums like Military Photos.net....

Yes Yes by 2020...

China waill have 11 Aircraft Carriers...
China will have superior A/c Than F22
China will have superior SUBS than LA Class.
Chinese have Better Ma/c than F18 E/F + Prowler.....

In just 6 years, Chinese will accelrate Equiment and Experience on all Fronts
Such articles GET iota of Importance by Respected Infternational Forums like Military Photos.net....


We had nothing in the Korean war and we slaughtered the American soldiers.

And you defeated them again in the Vietnam war.
Go ahead, pal !!!

We were the main reason America was defeated in the Vietnam war.
China was helping Vietcong big time.
No, this article is very stupid. Please notice "written by Russian"

Agreed, it is stupid. That still won't however stop at least some circle jerk slobbering from a few of the belligerent hyper-nationalists around here.
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reserve your german to yourself
that doesnt make it less ethinic indian
Look - back to topic: the OP was pasting an article written by a Russian! Why blame us for any potential of war here!?
That could be a picture of his friend. lol...
Russians flip flop more than Obama. One Russian analyst say China's military is like a toothless tiger with toys that look nice but do not do much damage, the next thing they say we can take on the US in 2020.

I take any foreign news that cannot be substantiated with a grain of salt.

Thanks google translator. Move along indian....
thats no google translator. I even use local bavarian slang.
thats no google translator. I even use local bavarian slang.
Thank you for PMing to me. It just shows your uncivilized behaviour and your incompetence to have a discussion in the forum. Where as you call yourself first world, your behaviour is as pathetic as a fourth world. Stop Pming me! I am straight!!!

Mods, take a look. Racist member.
@Hu Songshan, @Aeronaut

ching chong china man? I came to this forum to adress that fucking india holds two of our ITALIAN soldiers hostage. For me india is as pathetic as china. both are 3rd world countries and way under our european level. So your personal insults don't hit me. And no, its not a picture of my friend, its myself. Why? Because i stand personal for what i think and have no problem to stand for my opinion and say and show who i'm. Come back when you can open your eyes like a normal human being. i won't allow non europeans to talk shit about me.
Thank you for PMing to me. It just shows your uncivilized behaviour and your incompetence to have a discussion in the forum. Where as you call yourself first world, your behaviour is as pathetic as a fourth world. Stop Pming me! I am straight!!!

Mods, take a look. Racist member.
@Hu Songshan, @Aeronaut
you are racist for calling me indian. You insult me and i have the right to defend myself. And you are not straight.
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