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China could defeat US in East Pacific conflict by 2020: Russian analyst

I think the Russian analyst means the West Pacific (Asia-Pacific)?

The East Pacific is the western coast of USA.
You speak english?

Your english is horrible bad and hard to follow. I would advice you to try it better so you can communicate with others.

You mean horribly bad?..or just some unique Italian English
You mean horribly bad?..or just some unique Italian English

I ask again, whats your ideas about peaceful cooperation with Japan in economic and scientific areas? Nobody takes that war bullshit serious so try to say something posotive.
Uh, is that you in the avatar? I didn't know 'Italians' were so swarthy...
I ask again, whats your ideas about peaceful cooperation with Japan in economic and scientific areas? Nobody takes that war bullshit serious so try to say something posotive.
Hey mate, I've repeated so much times! This essay was written by RUSSIAN! Which is NOT the idea of Chinese People!!! Understand English now???
Yeah, Russian Always like that. What they do is two things:1, Selling cheap weapons to India and Vietnam and getting USD, whatever those Money should be paid on India and Vietnam's domestic development. 2, Selling Resources to EU and getting a benfit from the high price at the moment. 3, Calling their experts write such essaies to heat the "China Threat Theory" and hope USA paying a more military treasure on China and spending more military expenditure on that. Personally, without thinking history, I even would rather consider Japanese not Russian.

What about those buying those cheap weapons and making even cheaper and inferior copies of those. Be in AK-47 or Su-33..almost all cheap Russian weapon now has a cheaper Chinese version.
I think the Russian analyst means the West Pacific (Asia-Pacific)?

The East Pacific is the western coast of USA.

exactly! that Russian cant get the positions on compass right

that Markus guy is not an ethnic italian Most likely another indian loser!
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I ask again, whats your ideas about peaceful cooperation with Japan in economic and scientific areas? Nobody takes that war bullshit serious so try to say something posotive.

You better stay out of this,it has nothing to do with you and it is Japan who talks about war.Japan has territorial dispute with every,I mean every single of its neighbors.
What about those buying those cheap weapons and making even cheaper and inferior copies of those. Be in AK-47 or Su-33..almost all cheap Russian weapon now has a cheaper Chinese version.
Sincerly, I've no offense to you. Check the record, you ignore the "written by Russian" first, and this essay is really topic.

It's a no-brainer that China would be formidable in their own backyard since they have 100% of their weaponry at the front line. Problem is they don't have a World military ability like the US does. Once outside they are sitting ducks.

East Pacific would be US's West Coast, I think the article meant to say West Pacific (China's east coast).
What about those buying those cheap weapons and making even cheaper and inferior copies of those. Be in AK-47 or Su-33..almost all cheap Russian weapon now has a cheaper Chinese version.
I'll say sorry If you tell me all your English weapon are made by English idea and English hands. No offense. Chinese weapons are cheap, but Chinese expert will never write such stupid essay.
You better stay out of this,it has nothing to do with you and it is Japan who talks about war.Japan has territorial dispute with every,I mean every single of its neighbors.
I prefer Japan over China. I like japanese culture and history. And i personal like their art and technology.

You ever visited Kyoto? You should. Its a beautiful city.
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Do you guys understand how stupid such war talks are? But ok, move on. Make war with Japan. Kill many people on both sides and destroy your achievements. Its quite sad, that you think like that. But i guess i should ignore it. After all war in asia is good for Europe i guess. Divide et impera.

I hope you guys wake up and realize that one day.
Do you guys understand how stupid such war talks are? But ok, move on. Make war with Japan. Kill many people on both sides and destroy your achievements. Its quite sad, that you think like that. But i guess i should ignore it. After all war in asia is good for Europe i guess. Divide et impera.

I hope you guys wake up and realize that one day.
OMG, please, please, please! It's witten by Russian. If I had said every Italian are stupid, so every people in the World will Think Italian are stupid??? Come on
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