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China could defeat US in East Pacific conflict by 2020: Russian analyst

You are like those guys that says modesty is a Christian value, no modesty is a human value. Chinese are much more modest than Westerners, there are Chinese words, phrases without equivalent in English that would humble oneself.
Beware the man who boasts he is modest. :lol:

Each according to his ability and according to need is common sense, not communism.
To date, there are only two successful communist and dictatorship communities: the family and the monastery.

In the family, we have an absolute dictator: the father. The mother usually serves as the executor of the father's will and vision for the family. The children are intellectually and physically immature.

The monastery, which includes the nunnery, is the functional communist society. Inside, every person lives according to Marxism. It is voluntary to enter this society.

So how do you see the Chinese people? As children who needs absolute control from the Party? Or as volunteers in a grand Marxist society? We know how the Marxist experience turned out, do we?

Looks like you have an issue with freedom here, do you?

As to dictatorship, 人民民主专政, people's democratic dictatorship, why is this true? China isn't a monarchy or total dictatorship.

It's a non elected, BUT MERIT BASED selection process. This isn't Europe where dictatorship means rank based on birth. A beggar and a scholar would be judged on the basis of his merit not his class. Not that the two would have equal chance, the beggar is where he is and the scholar is where he is for the same reason they won't be judged similarly. BUT, talent isn't over looked. Of course there are other factors involved, but even in America, merit isn't the only thing on display.

Perfect example, Hu Jintao was as a youth an enemy of the state due to his father, in a western style dictatorship he shouldn't be where he is, but he is. That's because Chinese dictatorship means decision without committee, NOT APPOINTMENT WITHOUT VALID REASON.

90% Of China’s Super-Rich Want To Send Children Abroad
Western media have reported that Xi Mingze, the daughter of Xi Jinping, who is widely expected to become the new president of China and chairman of its Communist Party, is studying at Harvard University under an assumed name.
Little miss Mingze is not out of school and already groomed to be the next President of China. I guess whatever 'valid reason' for that belief is not open to discussions by the Chinese people.
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The analyst tried to promote the Chinese to be proud of their military power ...
Nothing better than peace for developing the economy and enrich the life of people.

More money to race army, less money to the social benefit ...
2020? Without nuclear weapon I think it would be very hard, if America plans to fight a total war. Maybe China can win a well prepared local conflict
Beware the man who boasts he is modest. :lol:

To date, there are only two successful communist and dictatorship communities: the family and the monastery.

In the family, we have an absolute dictator: the father. The mother usually serves as the executor of the father's will and vision for the family. The children are intellectually and physically immature.

The monastery, which includes the nunnery, is the functional communist society. Inside, every person lives according to Marxism. It is voluntary to enter this society.

So how do you see the Chinese people? As children who needs absolute control from the Party? Or as volunteers in a grand Marxist society? We know how the Marxist experience turned out, do we?

Looks like you have an issue with freedom here, do you?


90% Of China’s Super-Rich Want To Send Children Abroad

Little miss Mingze is not out of school and already groomed to be the next President of China. I guess whatever 'valid reason' for that belief is not open to discussions by the Chinese people.

I never said I was modest, modesty is not good for me.

Communism is just a label, it's not a one size fits all, most of the Mao's revolutionaries have no idea what communism is, it was only much later did Mao himself know what communism actually is.

That's why there's this thing called Maoism, Mao didn't like what he saw, and he was on very bad terms with Comi intern, as well as later the soviets.

He didn't approve of their version of communism, which I admit is probably closer to actual communism than his.

Mao by nature is a practicalist, not a idealist. Which is why he succeeded, and the people that really studied communism in the Soviets not only failed but relegated to the back role. He, like Deng, never big on ideals, but more on the practicality of things.

You have no idea what China is like, you only think what your media tells you, when in fact China is more free in certain parts, for one thing police cannot beat you if you don't corporate. Being a police state, our police are actually quite powerless, and having so much freedom, your police certainly seem too powerful.

I have talked yo your kind before, some have came back with me and saw something completely different. Take it from a white man.

90% wants to sent child abroad, because western university have prestige, and because as you know second generation rich kids are not really known for their drive, so the best Chinese universities are closed to them.

Also since when is going to places visiting a reflection on country? My Canadian classmates, most have been to America and Europe or Asia for terms, I did a semester in Paris, which is cool. Didn't speak French was kind of a problem, but not big.

As to Xi's daughter, I got "reliable" sources that says Obama is born in Africa, is a terrorist, is a muslim, Romney is a witch, tortures people, friends with African dictators.

Which do you want to believe first?
You have no idea what China is like, you only think what your media tells you, when in fact China is more free in certain parts, for one thing police cannot beat you if you don't corporate. Being a police state, our police are actually quite powerless, and having so much freedom, your police certainly seem too powerful.
Yeah...Sure...We wonder if you would still say that if the secret police ever come for you.

As to Xi's daughter, I got "reliable" sources that says Obama is born in Africa, is a terrorist, is a muslim, Romney is a witch, tortures people, friends with African dictators.

Which do you want to believe first?
Please...Dictatorships are notorious for promoting relatives into powerful positions in government, or at least give them privileges and authority they did not earned. Which one of Mao's relative is a general and for what?

You see nothing wrong with the way your leaders are chosen: in private and by an elite group. So tell us: Are you a member of the Communist Party? If not, why not? If not, how do you like it that a relative of a Party official, at any level, is a Party member and exercises authority over you, your business, and parts of your life that he/she did not earned? And please do not insult the public's intelligence by saying such does not exist. If I voted for Joe Schmoe for President and Joe lost, at least I conceded to an agreement with my fellow Americans where the loser have to accept the majority's votes. In your case, if you are not a Party member, you have no agreement, no voice, nothing. And if someday little miss Xi Jinping ascended to the Dragon Throne, you will be left wondering with bitterness on what did she accomplished, other than knowing how to toe the Party line, to have complete authority over your life.
My post was deleted... and yet, just about everyday, I have seen many nasty bellicose posts on PDF that never get touched. I guess I'm not from the right country. :lol:
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Yeah...Sure...We wonder if you would still say that if the secret police ever come for you.
Don't you know American cops are notorious for shoot first and ask questions later? These cops are legendary for beating people who are unarmed and even when they are on the floor. Land of the freedom indeed where cops are above the law.

Asien Menschen können verstehen nachdem sie haben erfahren, nicht jetzt. Wir können schwätzen andere Sache.
du überraschst mich nun. hab nicht gewußt, daß du auch deutsch kannst. klasse.

mods should close this thread...chinese can this chinese can that...what next? fly over the building and turn water into wine?
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du überraschst mich nun. hab nicht gewußt, daß du auch deutsch kannst. klasse.

mods should close this thread...chinese can this chinese can that...what next? fly over the building and turn water into wine?
...I told Markus stop arguing, you should tell other.
Yeah...Sure...We wonder if you would still say that if the secret police ever come for you.

Please...Dictatorships are notorious for promoting relatives into powerful positions in government, or at least give them privileges and authority they did not earned. Which one of Mao's relative is a general and for what?

You see nothing wrong with the way your leaders are chosen: in private and by an elite group. So tell us: Are you a member of the Communist Party? If not, why not? If not, how do you like it that a relative of a Party official, at any level, is a Party member and exercises authority over you, your business, and parts of your life that he/she did not earned? And please do not insult the public's intelligence by saying such does not exist. If I voted for Joe Schmoe for President and Joe lost, at least I conceded to an agreement with my fellow Americans where the loser have to accept the majority's votes. In your case, if you are not a Party member, you have no agreement, no voice, nothing. And if someday little miss Xi Jinping ascended to the Dragon Throne, you will be left wondering with bitterness on what did she accomplished, other than knowing how to toe the Party line, to have complete authority over your life.

What secret police?!

You are like those stupid hippies that keep saying they want off the grid so the man won't get them, what man?! Who gives a rats *** who they are. The Chinese secret police don't give a crap who you are or what you are, they got their own thing.

Your little tombstone fella is still out there being the Chinese version of Gordon Chang. Why didn't the secret police get him? Because the party care about him as much as they care about you. They see the future, and it is them deciding world events, not them arresting petty nobodies.

As to dictatorships promoting relatives, what's America then, Kennedy, Bush, Clinton, various governors, senators, and this and that.

And voting? You get two choices, the choices are made by the party themselves, the pool isn't as big as you think, the candidate comes from the party's will. There are independents, but to date none has won.

Even Mao and Deng couldn't promote their own relatives and they had a cult of personality. Today's Chinese leaders are powerful, but by no means all powerful. if you watched the video you would have seen that 90%+ of party high ups are first generation, most Chinese business leader are also first generation, even higher percentage. You want to compare that to US and tell me how the normal people can't become great?

Did you even bother looking at the Chinese leader's resume? All of them has been at the regional level and all of them have bigger resumes and accomplishments than Obama.

Mao's grandson is a joke in China, sure he's given a general rank, but he's in the Siberia of Chinese politics. Nobody knows and cares who he is.

Not a party member you have no voice? Any idiot can be a party member, not everyone wants to, any idiot can be a republican, I don't see everyone jumping on their wagon.

Stop saying general crap, name somethings party members can do THAT IS A NORM, not some Ahole doing crap, America doesn't lack Aholes anymore than we do.


This dude is only 13 years older than Xi's father. He's older than my grandmother. By at least 15 years. What does he represent? Effectiveness? He can't even wipe his own *** at this point. lol
du überraschst mich nun. hab nicht gewußt, daß du auch deutsch kannst. klasse.

mods should close this thread...chinese can this chinese can that...what next? fly over the building and turn water into wine?
BTW, I dont Believe China could launch a attack what the topic means, and I talked with Markus just wanted to make him clear the europen idea is not the asian idea now. To the following insult, no need to say more, none of my business

What secret police?!

You are like those stupid hippies that keep saying they want off the grid so the man won't get them, what man?! Who gives a rats *** who they are. The Chinese secret police don't give a crap who you are or what you are, they got their own thing.

Your little tombstone fella is still out there being the Chinese version of Gordon Chang. Why didn't the secret police get him? Because the party care about him as much as they care about you. They see the future, and it is them deciding world events, not them arresting petty nobodies.

As to dictatorships promoting relatives, what's America then, Kennedy, Bush, Clinton, various governors, senators, and this and that.

And voting? You get two choices, the choices are made by the party themselves, the pool isn't as big as you think, the candidate comes from the party's will. There are independents, but to date none has won.

Even Mao and Deng couldn't promote their own relatives and they had a cult of personality. Today's Chinese leaders are powerful, but by no means all powerful. if you watched the video you would have seen that 90%+ of party high ups are first generation, most Chinese business leader are also first generation, even higher percentage. You want to compare that to US and tell me how the normal people can't become great?

Did you even bother looking at the Chinese leader's resume? All of them has been at the regional level and all of them have bigger resumes and accomplishments than Obama.

Mao's grandson is a joke in China, sure he's given a general rank, but he's in the Siberia of Chinese politics. Nobody knows and cares who he is.

Not a party member you have no voice? Any idiot can be a party member, not everyone wants to, any idiot can be a republican, I don't see everyone jumping on their wagon.

Stop saying general crap, name somethings party members can do THAT IS A NORM, not some Ahole doing crap, America doesn't lack Aholes anymore than we do.
I did tell you no need to explain those foreigners these things. They Think demodracy is all-purpose, so let it be. Out of the forum, many of my friend can China's policy, they are just "finding fault" on purpose.
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