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China could defeat US in East Pacific conflict by 2020: Russian analyst

Guys , we should keep our head lower and work hard .

Our actual strength and fact are the best answer to The China Threaten Theory, this will make them quite and save so much saliva to argue with them.
LOL...another thread to satisfy chinese ego...
:-), we have encough capital to show off.

du überraschst mich nun. hab nicht gewußt, daß du auch deutsch kannst. klasse.
mods should close this thread...chinese can this chinese can that...what next? fly over the building and turn water into wine?
Such kind of thread hurt you?! I know you don't like them, hehe!
Great atleast according to someone, china is reducing the gap with US atleast in east pacific.
What secret police?!
You mean political dissent are tolerated?

The Chinese secret police don't give a crap who you are or what you are, they got their own thing.
No...They make sure people like you stay in line.

As to dictatorships promoting relatives, what's America then, Kennedy, Bush, Clinton, various governors, senators, and this and that.
Sure...Show everyone how did Bush promoted his son. Not only that, you must show that there is a consistent pattern of nepotism comparable to that of China.

And voting? You get two choices, the choices are made by the party themselves, the pool isn't as big as you think, the candidate comes from the party's will. There are independents, but to date none has won.
That was my point: the Chinese people are excluded. Just admit it, you live in dictatorship and you have no problems with it.

Even Mao and Deng couldn't promote their own relatives and they had a cult of personality.

Chairman Mao's grandson proclaims nepotism was key to promotion - Telegraph
Now Mao Xinyu, 40, has confirmed that nepotism played its part in his appointment, admitting to a popular Chinese website that his family background was "definitely a factor" in the decision to add a second star to his epaulettes.
When those who managed into government saw what Mao did, they followed. Nepotism is common enough in China that sociologists and political scientists considered it a major factor in Chinese cultural and political development.

Mao's grandson is a joke in China, sure he's given a general rank, but he's in the Siberia of Chinese politics. Nobody knows and cares who he is.
There is a saying: Rank Hath Its Privileges (RHIP). Am certain there must a Chinese equivalent.

Do you really think Mao Xinyu gave a damn about the Chinese people's opinions of him and his rank? To him: 'RHIP...Baby...!!!' He got plenty of privileges that comes with the rank but none of the real responsibilities to commensurate with those privileges. And you got none.

Not a party member you have no voice? Any idiot can be a party member, not everyone wants to, any idiot can be a republican, I don't see everyone jumping on their wagon.
May be not everyone, but enough do.

China's Rich Lists Riddled With Communist Party Members - Forbes
Membership has its privileges, particularly in China where it’s proving to be a prerequisite for climbing the social ladder. The Forbes China 400 Rich list revealed a record number of 146 U.S.-dollar billionaires this year, compared to 128 in 2010. The growing ranks of the mega-rich in China are unsurprising in an economy that doubles in size every eight years. However, the fact that over 90% of the 1,000 richest people tracked by the Hurun Report are either officials or members of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is a troubling sign. A closer look at how wealth is actually created and distributed in China completely dispels the notion that its authoritarian model is beneficial for the majority of Chinese people.
Your government is filled with thugs who placed more value on personal enrichment than on country. Especially...What business is it that a general is also a CEO of a state owned enterprise (SOE)? Corruption exists in the US, but in your China, it openly thrives until it is conveniently prosecuted occasionally to preserve a face.
Some practical questions :
Until 2020, Chinese average income could defeat Japan or US or not ??
Could Chinese people has the safe food and drink for everyday usage ?
Idiot, the article was written by a Russian.

Anyway, don't be sad because Uncle Sam might get defeated by "fake" chicoms.

Hahaha nice one false one great your jack @$$

Guys , we should keep our head lower and work hard .

Our actual strength and fact are the best answer to The China Threaten Theory, this will make them quite and save so much saliva to argue with them.

Its china treat theory genius! Jesus can't even get that $hit right Well its only lie to you guys but for the rest of us its a very dangerous reality
@Hu Songshan, @Aeronaut

1. Why don´t you ban this false flag Indian troller MarkusS who reapeatedly derail this thread claiming he is an ethnic Italian and German?

2. I´ve been living in the heart of Europe since I was 6. I´ve had countless Dutch, German, French, Spanard and Italian mates since I was 6. If this guy were an ethnic German or Italian, then I must, I repeat, I must be Queen Elisabeth of England, is that clear enough for you?!

3. So instead of banning this lying-to-the-teeth troll MarkusS whom most likley is a recent Indian immigrant to Germany ( 20 years ago, there were barely ANY Indian living in Germany or Italy - yeah right, I went there skiing almost every winter for more than 2 decades now), you just sent me a warning/ban for insulting this `ethnic German`´s bullcrap. I don´t know what beackgrounds you 2 moderators come from...are you living in the states or europe... for how long... , but for God´s sake, look at that foto of the `german`and tell me another time in a straight face that he is what he claims he is?
WHAT is f%#$ing wrong with this forum?!
@Hu Songshan, @Aeronaut

1. Why don´t you ban this false flag Indian troller MarkusS who reapeatedly derail this thread claiming he is an ethnic Italian and German?

2. I´ve been living in the heart of Europe since I was 6. I´ve had countless Dutch, German, French, Spanard and Italian mates since I was 6. If this guy were an ethnic German or Italian, then I must, I repeat, I must be Queen Elisabeth of England, is that clear enough for you?!

3. So instead of banning this lying-to-the-teeth troll MarkusS whom most likley is a recent Indian immigrant to Germany ( 20 years ago, there were barely ANY Indian living in Germany or Italy - yeah right, I went there skiing almost every winter for more than 2 decades now), you just sent me a warning/ban for insulting this `ethnic German`´s bullcrap. I don´t know what beackgrounds you 2 moderators come from...are you living in the states or europe... for how long... , but for God´s sake, look at that foto of the `german`and tell me another time in a straight face that he is what he claims he is?
WHAT is f%#$ing wrong with this forum?!
Take it easy, through Markus's conversation can I identified he is at least from Europé, but real the problem here has no relation with where he comes from, but two different thinkings from two different social Environment.
Take it easy, through Markus's conversation can I identified he is at least from Europé, but real the problem here has no relation with where he comes from, but two different thinkings from two different social Environment.

My understanding is that it´s apparently obvious from the foto that he is an ethnic but self-hating South Asian in origin (Indian most likely, but hey I came across many Indians in Europe claiming they are anything other than Indian, it´s not the noverty). he is most likely a recent immigrant to Germany from the last 10 years or so when the mass immigration began. 15 years ago I´ve seen no South Asian in Germany or Italy no matter where I went, and 20 years ago it´s unheard of. he may have German paper, but that has nothing to do with his racial ethnicity that he claims to be.

I am very crossed cuz the clueless mods just gave me a warning for ban because I pointed it out this troll who repeartedly rerailed this thread with his `german` crap.
My understanding is that it´s apparently obvious from the foto that he is an ethnic but self-hating South Asian in origin (Indian most likely, but hey I came across many Indians in Europe claiming they are anything other than Indian, it´s not the noverty). he is most likely a recent immigrant to Germany from the last 10 years or so when the mass immigration began. 15 years ago I´ve seen no South Asian in Germany or Italy no matter where I went, and 20 years ago it´s unheard of. he may have German paper, but that has nothing to do with his racial ethnicity that he claims to be.

I am very crossed cuz the clueless mods just gave me a warning for ban because I pointed it out this troll who repeartedly rerailed this thread with his `german` crap.
Did you live in GB or France before?

My understanding is that it´s apparently obvious from the foto that he is an ethnic but self-hating South Asian in origin (Indian most likely, but hey I came across many Indians in Europe claiming they are anything other than Indian, it´s not the noverty). he is most likely a recent immigrant to Germany from the last 10 years or so when the mass immigration began. 15 years ago I´ve seen no South Asian in Germany or Italy no matter where I went, and 20 years ago it´s unheard of. he may have German paper, but that has nothing to do with his racial ethnicity that he claims to be.

I am very crossed cuz the clueless mods just gave me a warning for ban because I pointed it out this troll who repeartedly rerailed this thread with his `german` crap.
Whatever, it is not wise he got in insult here.
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Its china treat theory genius! Jesus can't even get that $hit right Well its only lie to you guys but for the rest of us its a very dangerous reality

So what is the difference between "china threat theory" and "The Threaten Theory "?

Everyone here can understand it , including you !
China, with your recent advancements, you could narrow your target, to defeat them before 2018
So what is the difference between "china threat theory" and "The Threaten Theory "?

Everyone here can understand it , including you !

Wow running out of the usual tricks huh? that's just so sad poor chinamen does not know the difference between a fact and theory that's why you should get a real education not just the commie propaganda programs you have at home.

This sentence surely didn't make much sense. :rofl:

Neither did this. :P

Wow no rebuttals just the usual commie tweskan trash go figure
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