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China CCP just dismiss & arrest a PLA Senior General for guilty of corruption

I wonder how much the moles were paid to rat them out.
There are enough upright & dignified officers who oppose these insatiable scums. Past leadership lack the political will to tackle them & some argue that Xi is merely replacing them with his own, but as long as they take out as much corruption as possible, & allow the PLA to transform to a fighting fit & discipline force, it is a good thing.
2013 pic, Bo Xi Lai and Xu Cai Hou



Quote from other forum, only Chinese can understand CCP :coffee:

康师傅推出重庆火锅味计划受阻。先是王老吉把重庆火锅秘方交到可口可乐公司手里,重庆火锅受到沉重打击,立马去参观云南白药工厂,然后若无其事到康师傅总部谈判上市的事宜 。

重庆火锅仗着自己继承了老干爹的口碑 ,还有蛙哈哈集团的幕后支持,盛气凌人,妄图占领中国市场。





身为商业联合协会理事长的康师傅,有权利调动城管。为了阻挠证监会查封重庆火锅,康师傅出动了城管,并鸣枪警告。 !


What does Europe think about PRC ? Indeed China is not a Communist Country, what we r in ur eyes ?

You are still a communist country, although Marx would be turning in his grave....

Competition between various corporations that are in the end owned directly or indirectly by the CPC and PLA fat cats is not capitalism. Sukhoi and MiG also competed against each other for years in USSR.
It is true you opened your market for FDI, unlike a classic communist country, but still, an investment has to come with 51% Chinese participation , which is at the end owned or connected to the CPC.

We will see in the coming year or two, there's an agreement coming up removing 51% Chinese ownership through JV.

That said, i do like the speed of decision making in China, which is in itself connected to the small number of the people that sit in the commitee on top. Which wouldn't be possible if there was democracy for example...

The problem is inside CPC, whatever one clique take over another one, the CPC still there. If CPC collapse, Game Over for all CPC members and their family like former Soviet Union.

Mr Xi try to find the balance between Corruption and CPC's Health, he is the son of 1-gen old CPC members, he has the duty to maintain the CPC can develop more further. The Chinese officers corrupt money, YES ! Specially in a prosperous & huge China market, money coming easily. But if personal corruption affect CPC's interest or some clique wanna replace CPC, CPC should clean him out. Today Mr Xi just did it again, it looks like anti-corruption the truth is internal power struggle, the CPC is still the winner.

I agree with all that i quoted above, but you have to convince Chinese people CPC is still entitled to lead. For example, just today there are demonstrations in Hong Kong.
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Xi get PLA military force support and Central Discipline Inspection Commission support, i think Xi has advantage in CPC party and military.

One important thing, Xi is the son of old CPC member, what his purpose is to make sure CCP continue to govern China and strengthen the Party. Money is not important for the 2nd-gen CPC member, the power is 1st, without CCP all CPC members will lose powers in China. Xi can get many supports from other CPC family, Jiang's biggest supporter - Deng had gone he is alone.

It's no doubt, Xi will bring a new reform to China society, but whatever he will do:
1. CPC continue to rule China.
2. Chinese continue to earn money in 21 century.
3. CPC's capitalist has greater ambition than the Wall Street.
4. China won't be next Russia, it also mean CPC lose powers.

4 contradicts 1 in a way.
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