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China CCP just dismiss & arrest a PLA Senior General for guilty of corruption

i think CCP and PLA will be incorruptibility and efficient,since the xi stand on the stage

So, how does this clash of Jiang Zemin vs Xi Jinping look like?
i dont see the clash.
when jiang were in power,it was the most difficult time of china.military project,Still,he left so many military projects,such as J-10、CV liangning,etc.
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i dont see the clash.
when jiang were in power,it was the most difficult time of china.military project,Still,he left so many military projects,such as J-10、CV liangning,etc.

I was looking for a serious answer. Don't quote me again please.
重庆火锅店 == Bo Xi Lai
王老吉 == Wang Zhi Jun
云南白药工厂 == Bo Yi Bo's Army
康师傅 == Zhou Yong Kang
蛙哈哈集团 == Wang Yang ???
锦湖轮胎 == Hu Jin Tao
天线 == Wen Jia Bao
淘宝网 == Zhong Nan Hai
城管 == Armed police
汰子洗衣粉 == Xi Jin Ping

I can't sure the 蛙哈哈集团, what it mean ?
蛙哈哈集团 是Jiang Zemin,FA LUN GONG说Jiang是蛤蟆变的
So, how does this clash of Jiang Zemin vs Xi Jinping look like?
Xi get PLA military force support and Central Discipline Inspection Commission support, i think Xi has advantage in CPC party and military.

One important thing, Xi is the son of old CPC member, what his purpose is to make sure CCP continue to govern China and strengthen the Party. Money is not important for the 2nd-gen CPC member, the power is 1st, without CCP all CPC members will lose powers in China. Xi can get many supports from other CPC family, Jiang's biggest supporter - Deng had gone he is alone.

It's no doubt, Xi will bring a new reform to China society, but whatever he will do:
1. CPC continue to rule China.
2. Chinese continue to earn money in 21 century.
3. CPC's capitalist has greater ambition than the Wall Street.
4. China won't be next Russia, it also mean CPC lose powers.
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But i admire Jiang Ze Min, i think Jiang is a good CEO for China as same as Steve Jobs for Apple. Ever in the worst situation, save the nation/company.
Corruption should not be tolerated in any society of the world, good job if done on merit.
Xi get PLA military force support and Central Discipline Inspection Commission support, i think Xi has advantage in CPC party and military.

One important thing, Xi is the son of old CPC member, what his purpose is to make sure CCP continue to govern China and strengthen the Party. Money is not important for the 2nd-gen CPC member, the power is 1st, without CCP all CPC members will lose powers in China. Xi can get many supports from other CPC family, Jiang's biggest supporter - Deng had gone he is alone.

Okay, thanks. That's more like a serious answer. :)

I agree with bold part, the only problem here is, this anti corruption drive of mr. Xi.....it won't touch all the big cats, or maybe just an occasional fat cat, like this general. For the rest, opacity will be maintained.

Because like you said, power is important. And to this end, the anti corruption campaign cannot even be allowed to operate independantly from the clique of mr. Xi, as there is danger it would uncover corruption where mr. Xi doesn't wan't it to.

In effect, what you have is house cleaning in the CPC, under the disguise of anti corruption campaign. It's perfect for mr. Xi, he get's rid of political opponents and maintains a good image to the people.

It's no doubt, Xi will bring a new reform to China society, but whatever he will do:
1. CPC continue to rule China.
2. Chinese continue to earn money in 21 century.
3. CPC's capitalist has greater ambition than the Wall Street.
4. China won't be next Russia, it also mean CPC lose powers.

i'd give you double for the effort! :wave:
Okay, thanks. That's more like a serious answer. :)

I agree with bold part, the only problem here is, this anti corruption drive of mr. Xi.....it won't touch all the big cats, or maybe just an occasional fat cat, like this general. For the rest, opacity will be maintained.

Because like you said, power is important. And to this end, the anti corruption campaign cannot even be allowed to operate independantly from the clique of mr. Xi, as there is danger it would uncover corruption where mr. Xi doesn't wan't it to.

In effect, what you have is house cleaning in the CPC, under the disguise of anti corruption campaign. It's perfect for mr. Xi, he get's rid of political opponents and maintains a good image to the people.
The problem is inside CPC, whatever one clique take over another one, the CPC still there. If CPC collapse, Game Over for all CPC members and their family like former Soviet Union.

Mr Xi try to find the balance between Corruption and CPC's Health, he is the son of 1-gen old CPC members, he has the duty to maintain the CPC can develop more further. The Chinese officers corrupt money, YES ! Specially in a prosperous & huge China market, money coming easily. But if personal corruption affect CPC's interest or some clique wanna replace CPC, CPC should clean him out. Today Mr Xi just did it again, it looks like anti-corruption the truth is internal power struggle, the CPC is still the winner.

Former Soviet Union collapsed and CPSU lost power in Russia, it's all good lessons for CPC and CPC members.

Next reported in China will be 2nd PLA Senior General: Guo Bo Xiong, and maybe Zhou Yong Kang.

i'd give you double for the effort! :wave:
What does Europe think about PRC ? Indeed China is not a Communist Country, what we r in ur eyes ?
Great to see. Xi is poised to become China's best leader in decades. His two predecessors were bureaucrats, not leaders.
Pulling the teeth out of these big, old tigers requires delicate but firm hands. Looks like Xi has the right tools. :tup:
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