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China calls on Japan to respect historical facts

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Ha ha , welcome.

Cham and Khmer peoples in Vietnam they can have their own ethnicity, but NanYue people in China don't have their own ethnicity. Its different.:yahoo:

You are supporter and cheerleader for Islam terrorist in Pinoy, what can you say about this action in Peking ?


[Uneducated Nam Man strike again~ Of course they are not dead, they were "disappeared" you stupid fool. Just like ethnic Saxon in Britain, they are all considered as English people nowadays. Not a single normal English guy will ask the British government or UN to "recognize their true identity" you retard~
How about you stupid Nam Man, a fake Kinh, go tell your government that your true identity is a primitive from Africa, since you are such a low IQ, uneducated, stupid single-celled organism~]

[Is it really that difficult for stupid idiot to understand such simple basis?
There is a house called H (Han), in this house we have:
A (Sichuanese), B (Zhejiang), C (Shanxi), D (Hunan), E (Cantonese) and the others.
Together these members with various cultures they are all considered as Han, they are in the same "cultural community".
See, it's not freaking difficult and confusing at all, but some idiots can't just understand and keep repeating their stupid nonsenses to make them look more stupid and ignorant.]

[I have told you many many times that people in Fujian, Canton and the other related regions are/were mostly Han (not related to any posterity of any minorities' ancestors), also why didn't you just use your stupid brain and learn. If you can't refute any points and can't make the Chinese government, Chinese people and the UN to accept your freaking stupid "True Han Theory" than you should really stop making noises and nonsenses like a freaking retarded baby, otherwise you should really kill yourself, put an end to your useless life in order to go back to your very own imagination land.]

Read again you low IQ creature~

[This map is the map of the Warring States as you have already mentioned yourself, it is nothing related to different kind of ethnics you freaking goddamn uneducated Nam Man. :omghaha:]

[Nobody says that only people of the Warring States are Han, besides as I have told you idiot many times the concept of Han was not even existed during that period you Nam Man low IQ monkey. Now who is the freaking troll here~ :partay:]

People of the middle land in Han Dynasty call themselves 華夏, 夏 and 中國人(old meaning, not Chinese) you stupid Nam Man~ You really know nothing about China and keep splitting your trash from your dirty mouth. :cheesy:

See, that's why you people should have never gave up learning Hanzi. You people know nothing about yours and other people's history but pretend that you know everything; even worse, some ignorant stupid Nam Man monkeys like you even dare to call us liers yet you know absolutely nothing : :rofl:
People of Han Dynasty's neighbors call people in Han Dynasty 秦人, not 漢人 you pitiful Nam Man loser:woot:

[Nobody says that only people of the Warring States are Han, besides as I have told you idiot many times the concept of Han was not even existed during that period you Nam Man low IQ monkey. Now who is the freaking troll here~ :partay:]

Also there are two definitions of 漢人 you stupid fork~ which are People of the Han dynasty or Han Ethnic, they are freaking different you retarded bastard :yay:. There were 齊Qi, 楚Chu, 燕Yan and other nations but there were never such terms of Ethnic Qi, Ethnic Chu and Ethnic Yan you stupid Nam Man loser. :woot:

Besides, according to my family tree, my ancestors were 商朝人~ Which means that I am the "True Han people" in your stupid "True Han Theory" you dumb axx stupid Nam Man~ How about you, "fake Kinh" loser~ Do you even have a family history book~ Oh, sorry, even you do have one, you can't even READ it~ :woot:

You have to learn more about your history kid.

Look again China map in Warring States period, Han State was in center and bordering with Qin, Wei and Chu.


The Han Dynasty was considered a classical period in Chinese civilization, in that it was able to expand its power and influence over Central, Southeast Asia and Northeast Asia. As a result of the Han Dynasty's prominence, many Chinese began addressing themselves as "people of Han" (漢人), a name that has since been carried down. :enjoy:

You have to learn more about your history kid.

Look again China map in Warring States period, Han State was in center and bordering with Qin, Wei and Chu.


The Han Dynasty was considered a classical period in Chinese civilization, in that it was able to expand its power and influence over Central, Southeast Asia and Northeast Asia. As a result of the Han Dynasty's prominence, many Chinese began addressing themselves as "people of Han" (漢人), a name that has since been carried down. :enjoy:


Oh my freaking baby Jesus~!!! :woot:
Once again you have proved that how stupid that you people have abandoned Hanji~:cheesy: That "Han" in the map is 韓, not 漢 you stupid Nam Man pig~ They have the same pronunciation but they are totally different things~:woot: :hitwall::sarcastic:


[Also there are two definitions of 漢人 you stupid fork~ which are People of the Han dynasty or Han Ethnic, they are freaking different you retarded bastard :yay:. There were 齊 Qi, 楚 Chu, 燕 Yan and other nations but there were never such terms of Ethnic Qi, Ethnic Chu and Ethnic Yan you stupid Nam Man loser. :woot:]

People of the middle land in Han Dynasty call themselves 華夏, 夏 and 中國人(old meaning, not Chinese) you stupid Nam Man~ You really know nothing about China and keep splitting your trash from your dirty mouth. :cheesy:

[See, that's why you people should have never gave up learning Hanzi. You people know nothing about yours and other people's history but pretend that you know everything; even worse, some ignorant stupid Nam Man monkeys like you even dare to call us liers yet you know absolutely nothing : :rofl:
People of Han Dynasty's neighbors call people in Han Dynasty 秦人, not 漢人 you pitiful Nam Man loser]

You stupid Nam Man can't even understand simple language, even through it is freaking Wikipedia~:woot:

Let's see here:
{As a result of the Han Dynasty's prominence, many Chinese began addressing themselves as "people of Han" (漢人)}

This doesn't even mention that many Chinese people addressing themselves as "people of Han" DURING THE HAN DYNASTY :rofl:. The term "Han people" became popular during the Northern and Southern Dynasty you lil stupid piggy~ Before that they mostly called themselves 秦人 :dance3:


Besides, during the Ming Dynasty, many Ming people called themselves 唐人, which means "people of Tang" and Tang Dynasty is another Chinese dynasty which had as many prominence as Han Dynasty~ Even now many Chinese still use this term to introduce themselves~ Does it mean that there is a "Tang Ethnic" you idiot loser~? :cheesy:


It is hilarious that you Nam Man pig want to teach me YOUR history from YOUR imagination land. :omghaha:
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@EastSea Can you tell me what was Nanyue, Minyue and Dian tribes.

You have to learn more about your history kid.

Look again China map in Warring States period, Han State was in center and bordering with Qin, Wei and Chu.


The Han Dynasty was considered a classical period in Chinese civilization, in that it was able to expand its power and influence over Central, Southeast Asia and Northeast Asia. As a result of the Han Dynasty's prominence, many Chinese began addressing themselves as "people of Han" (漢人), a name that has since been carried down. :enjoy:


You fool, the native inhabitants of nanyue before it was founded were Tai speakers like Zhuang people. Zhuang people are a recognized ethnicity in China. Cantonese are descended from Han settlers from northern China who moved to Guangdong and mixed with the native Tai. Cantonese language is a Sinitic language, unrelated to the native Tai language of the Zhuang, it is only through language contact that it has been influenced.

Cantonese are descended from Han migrants from northern China (mostly male) marrying native Tai baiyue (female), their descendants inherited their language and culture from their fathers.

Tai are unrelated to Vietnamese. The Tai Yue, ruled in the Van Lang and Au Lac states over the Vietnamese. They were your masters.

Even today, the natives of the northern border provinces of Vietnam are Tai speakers like the Tai and Nung, and not Kinh Vietnamese.


http://books.google.com/books?id=DT...#v=onepage&q=Cantonese tai characters&f=false

http://books.google.com/books?id=2E...#v=onepage&q=Cantonese tai characters&f=false

http://books.google.com/books?id=p-...#v=onepage&q=Cantonese tai substratum&f=false

Vietnamese (Kinh ethnicity) did not exist until the 15th century, when it was invented by the Le dynasty. Kinh means "capital", so "Kinh people", are people of the capital, that means only people around Hanoi are true Kinh.

All Kinh not from northern Vietnam, are fake Kinh Vietnamese, they are Montagnards, Cham, and Khmer brainwashed into thinking they are Vietnamese.

http://books.google.com/books?id=kt...Aw#v=onepage&q=kinh people of capital&f=false

http://books.google.com/books?id=2j...AQ#v=onepage&q=kinh people of capital&f=false

http://books.google.com/books?id=JG...AA#v=onepage&q=kinh people of capital&f=false

http://books.google.com/books?id=Ak...Ag#v=onepage&q=kinh people of capital&f=false

http://books.google.com/books?id=a2...BQ#v=onepage&q=kinh people of capital&f=false

http://books.google.com/books?id=oi...CA#v=onepage&q=kinh people of capital&f=false

This is Dai Viet, everyone in modern south Vietnam is fake Viet.


Viets have nothing to do with nanyue. Nanyue was a mix of Han and Tai people, even today, the native peoples of the border areas of China and Vietnam are Tai speakers.


The true homeland where the only true Kinh Vietnamese live- the Red River Delta.

Oh my freaking baby Jesus~!!! :woot:
Once again you have proved that how stupid that you people have abandoned Hanji~:cheesy: That "Han" in the map is 韓, not 漢 you stupid Nam Man pig~ They have the same pronunciation but they are totally different things~:woot: :hitwall::sarcastic:


[Also there are two definitions of 漢人 you stupid fork~ which are People of the Han dynasty or Han Ethnic, they are freaking different you retarded bastard :yay:. There were 齊 Qi, 楚 Chu, 燕 Yan and other nations but there were never such terms of Ethnic Qi, Ethnic Chu and Ethnic Yan you stupid Nam Man loser. :woot:]

People of the middle land in Han Dynasty call themselves 華夏, 夏 and 中國人(old meaning, not Chinese) you stupid Nam Man~ You really know nothing about China and keep splitting your trash from your dirty mouth. :cheesy:

[See, that's why you people should have never gave up learning Hanzi. You people know nothing about yours and other people's history but pretend that you know everything; even worse, some ignorant stupid Nam Man monkeys like you even dare to call us liers yet you know absolutely nothing : :rofl:
People of Han Dynasty's neighbors call people in Han Dynasty 秦人, not 漢人 you pitiful Nam Man loser]

You stupid Nam Man can't even understand simple language, even through it is freaking Wikipedia~:woot:

Let's see here:
{As a result of the Han Dynasty's prominence, many Chinese began addressing themselves as "people of Han" (漢人)}

This doesn't even mention that many Chinese people addressing themselves as "people of Han" DURING THE HAN DYNASTY :rofl:. The term "Han people" became popular during the Northern and Southern Dynasty you lil stupid piggy~ Before that they mostly called themselves 秦人 :dance3:


Besides, during the Ming Dynasty, many Ming people called themselves 唐人, which means "people of Tang" and Tang Dynasty is another Chinese dynasty which had as many prominence as Han Dynasty~ Even now many Chinese still use this term to introduce themselves~ Does it mean that there is a "Tang Ethnic" you idiot loser~? :cheesy:


It is hilarious that you Nam Man pig want to teach me YOUR history from YOUR imagination land. :omghaha:

You are idiot.

Han State in Warring States period and Han Dynasty founded by Liu Bang after Qin Dynasty was collapsed is in different name and times. so there were different countries, kid. :p:

Han State was in center and bordering with Qin, Wei and Chu both, there is native land of true Han (ethnic) people, including such ancient land of Xia, Shang, Zhou, where were land of ancestors of Han whose have been lived in ancient time. there is also the area with name of ZhongYuan, Center land of China, HanZhong, Han river...etc.:enjoy:

Yue people were living outside of Warring States border. :dance3:

When Liu bang founded Han Dynasty In North, As a result of the Han Dynasty's prominence, many Chinese began addressing themselves as "people of Han" (漢人).:coffee:

In South China, at first around hundred years, NamYue and MinYue was existed in the same time, people could claimed themselves as Yue.

When Manchus conquered China, people escaped from China to Vietnam, they claimed themselves as Ming People, they are called as MinHuong by Vietnamese.

It's nothing special.:enjoy:
@EastSea Can you tell me what was Nanyue, Minyue and Dian tribes.


It's very long story. Both òf such native people in Sothern China were no-Han. I can answer you briefly: Nan Yue and Min Yue were independence states in the past around 200 years BC as you know.

Same situation with the Dian tribes, they founded hís independence Dian state, in Chinese 滇王國, from 278 BC to 115 AC.
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You fool, the native inhabitants of nanyue before it was founded were Tai speakers like Zhuang people. Zhuang people are a recognized ethnicity in China. Cantonese are descended from Han settlers from northern China who moved to Guangdong and mixed with the native Tai. Cantonese language is a Sinitic language, unrelated to the native Tai language of the Zhuang, it is only through language contact that it has been influenced.

Cantonese are descended from Han migrants from northern China (mostly male) marrying native Tai baiyue (female), their descendants inherited their language and culture from their fathers.

Tai are unrelated to Vietnamese. The Tai Yue, ruled in the Van Lang and Au Lac states over the Vietnamese. They were your masters.

Even today, the natives of the northern border provinces of Vietnam are Tai speakers like the Tai and Nung, and not Kinh Vietnamese.


http://books.google.com/books?id=DTtyU2CC-B8C&pg=PA441&dq=Cantonese tai characters&hl=en&sa=X&ei=sYZZUuiNBMfC4APy74Aw&ved=0CDYQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=Cantonese tai characters&f=false

http://books.google.com/books?id=2E_5nR0SoXoC&pg=PA37&dq=Cantonese tai characters&hl=en&sa=X&ei=sYZZUuiNBMfC4APy74Aw&ved=0CFkQ6AEwBg#v=onepage&q=Cantonese tai characters&f=false

http://books.google.com/books?id=p-7ON7Rvx_AC&pg=PT547&dq=Cantonese tai substratum&hl=en&sa=X&ei=godZUtuaJLTD4AO-0IDAAw&ved=0CGEQ6AEwCA#v=onepage&q=Cantonese tai substratum&f=false

Vietnamese (Kinh ethnicity) did not exist until the 15th century, when it was invented by the Le dynasty. Kinh means "capital", so "Kinh people", are people of the capital, that means only people around Hanoi are true Kinh.

All Kinh not from northern Vietnam, are fake Kinh Vietnamese, they are Montagnards, Cham, and Khmer brainwashed into thinking they are Vietnamese.

http://books.google.com/books?id=ktazW5kWYy0C&pg=PA298&dq=kinh people of capital&hl=en&sa=X&ei=g7xJUs2iMoO48wSzq4GYBg&ved=0CEYQ6AEwAw#v=onepage&q=kinh people of capital&f=false

http://books.google.com/books?id=2j6GNiMMc1oC&pg=PA474&dq=kinh people of capital&hl=en&sa=X&ei=g7xJUs2iMoO48wSzq4GYBg&ved=0CDwQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=kinh people of capital&f=false

http://books.google.com/books?id=JG619Tq4ElkC&pg=PA127&dq=kinh people of capital&hl=en&sa=X&ei=g7xJUs2iMoO48wSzq4GYBg&ved=0CDYQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=kinh people of capital&f=false

http://books.google.com/books?id=AkIhYEavBrEC&pg=PA139&dq=kinh people of capital&hl=en&sa=X&ei=g7xJUs2iMoO48wSzq4GYBg&ved=0CEEQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=kinh people of capital&f=false

http://books.google.com/books?id=a2TerRF1j74C&pg=PA185&dq=kinh people of capital&hl=en&sa=X&ei=g7xJUs2iMoO48wSzq4GYBg&ved=0CFIQ6AEwBQ#v=onepage&q=kinh people of capital&f=false

http://books.google.com/books?id=oiLYu2-uc8IC&pg=PT429&dq=kinh people of capital&hl=en&sa=X&ei=g7xJUs2iMoO48wSzq4GYBg&ved=0CGUQ6AEwCA#v=onepage&q=kinh people of capital&f=false


NanYue, Minyue,and Wuyue are biggest ethnic group belong to Bai Yue, they are no_Han. If Yue people mixed with Han, they are also no Han, they are mixed people.

In linguistically your language Cantonese, there is influenced by Han language because you have to used Han Ji from long time, but in speaking you can not understand each to others if you don't learn Guan Hua. This results in the situation in which a Mandarin and Cantonese text almost look the same, but both are pronounced differently. The two languages have been described as "roughly as similar only as English is to Dutch.":p:

Van lang and Au lac is recorded in our history book and yours from long time. The word "Lac" in "Au Lac" is evaluated from word "Nac" or "nuoc" in Vietnamese, mean "water" or "Country" as we say today "Nuoc Vietnam" mean "Vietnam Country" in English.

Tay, Nung or H'mong people are living in border Vietnam - China, they came from Southern China. They could been happy when we let them chance to live there. They could not been our master, they are guards for us from invasion of Chinese. Nung Chi Cao was the symbol of such relation between Kinh people and other minorities are living in mountain area of North Vietnam. Nung Chi Cao had his rang as royal in Court in Tonkin and married the King's daughter but he had his responsibility to watching about our security.

The Kinh people is native people in our country. The word "Kinh" came from our first Emperor "Kinh Duong Vuong".

from our ancient word "Ke" mean "people". Hanoian say to day "Ke No, Ke Kia" means "this is people, that is people".

Katay (Thai, Muong) people called us with small ton modification as "Keo" people, so that in Han Ji is recorded by Hans in your history book as "Jiao" or "Jiao Ji" people.

You have study more, don't troll nonsense thing here.
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It's very long story. Both òf such native people in Sothern China were no-Han. I can answer you briefly: Nan Yue and Min Yue were independence states in the past around 200 years BC as you know.

Same situation with the Dian tribes, they founded hís independence Dian state, in Chinese 滇王國, from 278 BC to 115 AC.

Who are the descendants of Minyue in modern China.
Nanyue, Minyue and Dian were ancient Chinese kingdoms, just like Indians' Kerala and Kalinga.

We define our civilization based on a common Indic culture, Empires are man made based on personal greed of conquering alien territories.
Who are the descendants of Minyue in modern China.

It's reported that they are native people in Fujian Province where MinYue was, and also outside mainland China like Taiwan China and in South East Asia.
NanYue, Minyue,and Wuyue are biggest ethnic group belong to Bai Yue, they are no_Han. If Yue people mixed with Han, they are also no Han, they are mixed people.

In linguistically your language Cantonese, there is influenced by Han language because you have to used Han Ji from long time, but in speaking you can not understand each to others if you don't learn Guan Hua. This results in the situation in which a Mandarin and Cantonese text almost look the same, but both are pronounced differently. The two languages have been described as "roughly as similar only as English is to Dutch.":p:

Van lang and Au lac is recorded in our history book and yours from long time. The word "Lac" in "Au Lac" is evaluated from word "Nac" or "nuoc" in Vietnamese, mean "water" or "Country" as we say today "Nuoc Vietnam" mean "Vietnam Country" in English.

Tay, Nung or H'mong people are living in border Vietnam - China, they came from Southern China. They could been happy when we let them chance to live there. They could not been our master, they are guards for us from invasion of Chinese. Nung Chi Cao was the symbol of such relation between Kinh people and other minorities are living in mountain area of North Vietnam. Nung Chi Cao had his rang as royal in Court in Tonkin and married the King's daughter but he had his responsibility to watching about our security.

The Kinh people is native people in our country. The word "Kinh" came from our first Emperor "Kinh Duong Vuong".

from our ancient word "Ke" mean "people". Hanoian say to day "Ke No, Ke Kia" means "this is people, that is people".

Katay (Thai, Muong) people called us with small ton modification as "Keo" people, so that in Han Ji is recorded by Hans in your history book as "Jiao" or "Jiao Ji" people.

You have study more, don't troll nonsense thing here.

ahahaha my ANNAMese…..friend, it seem you are the one who must learn more :no:
the Chinese mean Han by culture, there is no such thing as Han blood just like there is no such thing as 'Kinh' blood, the Southern Chinese was mixed with the male biased Northern Han migration down and fawked with native Yue, this is confirmed by the genetic

edit: ok, Van Lang does actually seem to be recorded but it's true existence or greatness is pure fairytales made up by your historian,

the Au Lac name is also not recorded by the Chinese and it was only your historian who recorded it as Au Hac not Au Lac and then try to claim it has something to do with your Viet :sarcastic:

Lac is nothing to do with water/nation BS, that is probably just coincidence, Lac is the prefix for tribe names of some Tai population even to this day, An Duong Vuong was the Au Viet join up with his fellow Tai comrades the Lac Viet

how the hell can you be anything to do with Lac Viet when you weren’t even living in Red River delta at that time, that is Tai homelands, your Vietic barbarians homeland is further to the South West mainly in Laos and only arrive in delta in the AD period


Nung Tri Cao wasn’t your friend, he hated your Viets savages even pleaded with the Song to help him massacre you :woot:

I'm sorry my ANNAMese....friends but your ancient history is just all lies, just stop your stealing of Daic histories your thief race, I will trolling this history nonsense massively when they unbanned me on different forum
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This is Dai Viet, everyone in modern south Vietnam is fake Viet.


Viets have nothing to do with nanyue. Nanyue was a mix of Han and Tai people, even today, the native peoples of the border areas of China and Vietnam are Tai speakers.


The true homeland where the only true Kinh Vietnamese live- the Red River Delta.

ha ha ha...just keep posting BS, I don´t mind. How´s about your Taiwan?
Taiwan has not played any role in Chinese history until KMT arrived and occupied the island. Yeah...Taiwan was unknown, not worth to be mentioned in your history. You may return the rock to the island oborigines. You are a fake Taiwanese. :dance3:

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