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China builds man made islands in Spratly

haha,you must be daydreaming.how can you do that?with your abysmal fishboats makeshift "navy".
oct605032048 said:
by you? just by you?
ephone said:
Man, that is a great plan. Please carry it on.
As all of you can see, VN got great success in 1st step, we set up lots of Dk1 guard points in SCS(east sea), and China can not do anything already.

We're in good progress for step 2 bcz US already fled to Aussie , but US also set up new base there and US can barbecue Malaysia-Indonesia-Singapore-ThaiLand by napalm bomb anytime she want , no one protect Thailand -Singapore-Malaysia-Indonesia now, so their only best choice is joining in VietNam-Laos-Camb's side to counter any threat from US-China (it's OK if Indonesia doesn't wanna join bcz Indonesia is our good friend in ASEAN now)

When we finish step 2, time to process to step 3 , and maybe your PLAN realise that we will finish step 2 in near future , that why your rear admiral had to admit that: 'CHina's future is so doom'.China's economy will be in our hands when we receive all Kilos from Russia:cool:
Lu asks why Vietnam is willing to spend 2bn dollars to purchase six Kilo-class submarines. Yin replies that there are three main reasons. First, neighbouring countries of the South China Sea (SCS) are engaging in an arms race and Vietnam has the financial capability to increase its military spending. Second, Vietnam has to guard against the presence of US aircraft carriers in the region. Third, Vietnam wishes to deter China with regards to the ensuing territorial dispute over the Spratly and Paracel Islands.Yang adds that Vietnam has always adopted a two handed approach. "On one hand Vietnam wishes for peace to maintain its vested interests. On the other hand, Vietnam wishes to strengthen its military to expand its vested interests when the time is ripe," says Yang. He opines that while Vietnam has the ability to deter other neighbouring countries in the SCS, it is overestimating itself in thinking that it can deter China.

On the potential application of the Type 636 attack submarines and Su-30 MK2V multirole fighters in the SCS, Yin replies that the Type 636 attack submarines can be a major threat in the SCS. Yin adds that Vietnam has designated a submarine ambush zone in the Straits of Malacca for its tactical training. Yin says that the Straits of Malacca is a shipping lifeline of many countries including China, the United States, Japan and South Korea. "By designating a submarine ambush zone over there, it is to destroy the means of livelihood for everybody because it [Straits of Malacca] is everybody's lifeline," says Yin.
Remember, China cries more than somebody eles.(Fearless) Its also built Chinese to become self compliment. (IP man). I can't believe it.

Jetli won't saves China and Donie Yen can not stop Chinese cries.
You take movies seriously? In that case, Rambo alone beat the crap out of your country.

If movies are all Little Viets can think of these days, it's going to be a sad ending for your country.
Chinese navy can crush Vietnamese navy and sink every single Vietnamese ship in a matter of hours.so stop dreaming.Chinese navy and airforce modernization and development is the fastest in the world.
When Vietnam noticed that "big brother" whose Vietnam leaders was "BJ" China for good turns bad, Vietnam sent air fighters then China Navy back off. That's why China only took few islands instead to take "all".

haha,just to comfort yourself by making up that lie.China has way more superior airforce than Viets,a airforce battle can only spell complete disaster to Vietnma.
China don't respect international laws, whichs he has been signed. What kind of human china to be to ? robbers, bandits or pirates ? both of them.:undecided:

The big boys don't care about international laws. It's all made up bs that give someone time before a full scale invasion. International laws, what a joke! Start modernizing son, you will need it! Get out of your naieve mindset and look at reality! :enjoy:
some loudest speakers become known how to scare which we rarely be seen from them before!
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since when this forum become a stage for clownish people spreading their lame propaganda? :azn:

anyways, I am so scared when seeing these fancy toys up there, I think the rest of the world would feel the same! :cheesy:
What do international laws state in regards to man-made Islands in international waters? Most likely most of you don't know as you are not qualified. Though I thought I still ask.
The big boys don't care about international laws. It's all made up bs that give someone time before a full scale invasion. International laws, what a joke! Start modernizing son, you will need it! Get out of your naieve mindset and look at reality! :enjoy:
Therefore, VIETNAM is working with other countries to create international law on the East Sea (SCNS)
After China slap on Vietnam faces e times in 1974,1979,1988 "aka litle brother". That could a wake up called from "big brother" it is a time for Vietnam to prepared itself for another war.

Like I said, there is a will and there is a way. You might not to believe it but who cares. As of today, if your troops puts one step on Vietnam properties we will chop its off like we did ramped your ship last month.

another poor viet living in delusion .

---------- Post added at 08:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:02 PM ----------

Strong or weak of claiming of Vietnam is base on international law;
don't saying dirty word here.

Oh really like you never did? how many times you viet trolls been banned ?

---------- Post added at 08:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:04 PM ----------

Vietnam will take back or take such island occupied by china under fire.

Keep on dreaming after all it wont cost you much to dream, with wet dreams exceptional.
1st step: we will build more man made islands and set up more guard point in SCS(east sea), look at our DK1 guard points here.

2nd step: US fled to Aussie giving us a great chance to unify ASEAN and build up a strong association like NATO to counter China after that.

3th step: Capture all China merchan ships in Malacca to make China's economy collapse if China refuse to return all of our islands.

4th step: after weaken China's economy , and force China return all islands, we will demand China to return Guangdong-Guangxi to free all Bai Yue brothers :cool:

Hahaha you poor viets the only thing you can unify is gathering rats and cockroaches under those tunnels you guys hide during the vn war

---------- Post added at 08:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:08 PM ----------

With or without US we still fight with China and Vietnam already passed China tests in 1979 due to its brutal big fight with US. China still not even has chance to win. (Shameless)

Remember, in 1979 Vietnam not only fight with China. With 2 in 1 fights Vietnamese fighters shows their guts but China was not. (Shameless)

Want another one? Please comes Vietnam will serving you for its best. What else China could says beside its keeping warn to warned?

Cut the warns then do something but I dare China not.

Hahaha what a idiot your antique millitary is only good at display in museum
Does 1 China battle ship could be handle for 30 high speed boat with fully loaded explosive?

Does 30 high speed boats cost equal for 1 China battle ship?

As long as to take down China ship and whatever it cost Vietnam will throw at China with no mercy.( Like its was used in war with US)

Hahaha you silly fool your antique speed boats will sink faster than the titanic before they can be seen on our carrrier
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