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China builds man made islands in Spratly

Vietnam has taken independent back from China from year 938 AC, it included all Islands. China's emperors recognized Vietnam is independent state with all Islands belong to Vietnam. China occupied by force recently 1956, 1974 and 1888 is no permitted by Internationale law.

---------- Post added at 06:42 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:40 AM ----------

The job of robber do.:P

Dude, you can't be this naive. Your words are so weak that no one gives a $hit!
Vietnam has taken independent back from China from year 938 AC, it included all Islands. China's emperors recognized Vietnam is independent state with all Islands belong to Vietnam. China occupied by force recently 1956, 1974 and 1888 is no permitted by Internationale law.

---------- Post added at 06:42 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:40 AM ----------

The job of robber do.:P

go get them back then , go to un and cry like baby see if any one cares lol
We have waited several thousand years for you to grow a little bigger. However, you are still a small puppy to China. We have all the patience. We are just not sure whether you have the will and ability at all. :)

As for those invaders from North, we indeed had quite hard fights with them for thousands of years. As earlier as the Huns, then the Turks, then the earlier Manchurian (Jin), Mongols, later the Manchurian again.

We have defeated them and indeed have suffered defeat as well. However, in the end, we China at the final winner. As for those mongols, they did not only defeat the Song, but also wiped out almost the whole asia continents as well as part of europe??? If not for the death of Khan, the whole europe would have fallen. BTW, Song is the last to fall then as well.

The huns escaped to Europe. The Turks escaped to central asia and turkey. The manchurians have become Chinese. The mongols have become part of Chinese as well.

As of today, those former foes were either assimilated into Chinese or driven to somewhere else in the world. You need see the final result, not some victories in the middle. Hadn't hitler won many fights but lost in the end???
There is a way and there is a will. It is too early for China feels happies about it.

No one think Mongol has any chances to take down China till Ghengis Khan appeared. No one ever thought small country like Japan could take down China on grounds till Yamamoto appeared.

No one ever think US economic take downs on ground by China till ____ you can fill in the blank.

No one ever thought Vietnam could be friend from its enemies till "renova ways" appeared.

That's how people said: "There is a will and there is a way"
One thing for sure is that China is not a expansionist nation. That is why China is called middle kingdom that is proud of her own land, not other places.

We are not interested in colonizing other nations like those europeans. Otherwise, the mighty ZhengHe fleet would have colonized india and those southeast asia countries long before the English East India Company.

Congrats China, Indeed a great civil engineering structure.
Hope you guys when replace the US as the leaders of the world do not do the same mistakes that US did.
Congrats once more.
I am just curious whey they have got that enthusiasm. If that is out of a british's mouth, I can still consider that he/she still has the dream of mighty british empire hundreds of years ago.

Hahahaa in other word they will be puppy forever LOL
We have waited several thousand years for you to grow a little bigger. However, you are still a small puppy to China. We have all the patience. We are just not sure whether you have the will and ability at all. :)

As of today, those former foes were either assimilated into Chinese or driven to somewhere else in the world. You need see the final result, not some victories in the middle. Hadn't hitler won many fights but lost in the end???

After China slap on Vietnam faces e times in 1974,1979,1988 "aka litle brother". That could a wake up called from "big brother" it is a time for Vietnam to prepared itself for another war.

Like I said, there is a will and there is a way. You might not to believe it but who cares. As of today, if your troops puts one step on Vietnam properties we will chop its off like we did ramped your ship last month.
Wow, I am so afraid of you. :)

BTW, what did China do to you in 1974?

After China slap on Vietnam faces e times in 1974,1979,1988 "aka litle brother". That could a wake up called from "big brother" it is a time for Vietnam to prepared itself for another war.

Like I said, there is a will and there is a way. You might not to believe it but who cares. As of today, if your troops puts one step on Vietnam properties we will chop its off like we did ramped your ship last month.
These Islands seem much closer to Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia than to China. If they were uninhabited islands, then there are three rational solutions -
(a) An island should belong to that nation whose coastline is nearest
(b) Alternatively, they can be declared common property like Antarctica
(c) surrounding nations should get together and come to a negotiated settlement

So pls give Andaman to Myanmar.
These Islands seem much closer to Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia than to China. If they were uninhabited islands, then there are three rational solutions -
(a) An island should belong to that nation whose coastline is nearest
(b) Alternatively, they can be declared common property like Antarctica
(c) surrounding nations should get together and come to a negotiated settlement

Vietnam seems very close to China.
13th 054A comes to water these days, second in a month.
haha,you talk big,man,only Vietanmese believe that they can take on mighty Chinese military with just 1% of China's military budget.but problem is "how"?

1st step: we will build more man made islands and set up more guard point in SCS(east sea), look at our DK1 guard points here.

2nd step: US fled to Aussie giving us a great chance to unify ASEAN and build up a strong association like NATO to counter China after that.

3th step: Capture all China merchan ships in Malacca to make China's economy collapse if China refuse to return all of our islands.

4th step: after weaken China's economy , and force China return all islands, we will demand China to return Guangdong-Guangxi to free all Bai Yue brothers :cool:
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