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China builds man made islands in Spratly

Just give you the ugly truth that everything the US do until now and certainly will keep doing is strengthen Philippine, yes, those Spratly belong to the Philippines and the Paracel ? China.

we will see about it.
Götterdämmerung;2400220 said:
Hitler's mistake was first of all to invade the Soviet and not sign a free trade agreement with them. The Soviet needed desperatly Germany technology and sat on a huge pile of natural resources. We needed the resources and had tons of technology. With this co-operation we would have gotten rid of our debts and become the most modern, powerful and richest nation in Europe.

The second mistake is to discriminate people by religion (I don't really see Jews as an ethnic) and persecute them on this. Instead he should have persecuted Zionists. But zionism and nazism are same coin with a different face.
Germany's mistake was getting itself caught up in unnecessary conflict in the First World War due to the alliance system when it should have butted heads less with UK, focused its energies more on Russia and getting control over Eastern Europe. If Germany had done that, its technological advantages would have been so overwhelming that by the 20's or 30's, it would be able to tackle Czarist Russia (or USSR) in the middle of domestic unrest. Even then, the smarter move would have been to grow and annex Eastern Europe bit-by-bit, and never allow a two front war to develop.
Germany's mistake was getting itself caught up in unnecessary conflict in the First World War due to the alliance system when it should have butted heads less with UK, focused its energies more on Russia and getting control over Eastern Europe. If Germany had done that, its technological advantages would have been so overwhelming that by the 20's or 30's, it would be able to tackle Czarist Russia (or USSR) in the middle of domestic unrest. Even then, the smarter move would have been to grow and annex Eastern Europe bit-by-bit, and never allow a two front war to develop.

Eastern Europe was in the middle of a national awakening, in the long term, we wouldn't be able to rule over them. The best would have been to ally with Russia (later Soviets) and exchange technology with raw materials. It was just palin stupid to go against the UK, but as you also must know, WWI was rather a family feud amongst the royals of Europe. Kaiser Wilhelm II was the grandchild of Queen Victoria. Willy II hated his mother (Victoria's daughter) who never missed an opportunity to tell little Willy how great UK was, how Britania rules the wave with its mighty navy etc.

Germany was not a classical sea power and Willy's only desire was to match the navy of the UK and overcome his inferriority complex. There is not much logic behind all this but once you know the background of this, it's all so human and with that all its weaknesses.
Indeed, the Euro currency is now becoming a heavy financial burden for you guys, and many hard working German workers have to extend their retirement age to 70 in order to pay off the debt for those South European nations.

Many South European nations should realize that if they don't want to work hard, then they shouldn't consider to take the high quality living standard. Now the economy is getting bad, then they should work hard and save more money to pay off their own debt.

Now ditch that Euro burden and being freed from the US control will be the best future option for Germany.

You can build your own empire with the booming technology after not being politically and technologically suppressed by the Anglo-Zionists.

It's not that simple, when we started to build up our retirement system, peole had a much shorter life expectancy and the birth rate was increasing rapidly. Now, the old people just don't die away and the young people just don't want to have kids.

We, I mean our industry, did benefit a lot of the Euro because we are just highly efficient and our products are just superior to others. Soouthern Europe just couldn't compete with us as they are not efficient enough. In a way Germany acted like China. We lent lots of money to Greece and others to buy our products. The problem is, the average worker didn't benefit much of the huge profits the industry made. Our income has remained almost stagnant in the last 10 years.

I don't want a German empire, just a free Germany within the European family. First we need the US army to leave Germany.
thank for the posting. looks really nice.
can you also post their GPS positions pls?

much appreciated.
... You can build your own empire with the booming technology after not being politically and technologically suppressed by the Anglo-Zionists.[/QUOTE said:
Original Post By lonelyship*

how did you come to this shitty conclusion about Anglo-Zionists conspiracy?
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