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China, Bhutan ready to forge formal diplomatic ties


Feb 22, 2012
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Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao and his Bhutanese counterpart, Jigmi Y. Thinley, on Thursday expressed willingness to establish formal diplomatic ties between their countries.
China, Wen said, values the traditional friendship between the two nations and respects Bhutan's choice for its development path according to its own national conditions.
Bhutan is willing to settle border issues with China in an cooperative manner, enhance bilateral economic and trade cooperation and people-to-people and cultural exchanges, and carry out close communication and coordination in international and regional affairs, said Thinley.

China, Bhutan ready to forge formal diplomatic ties - Globaltimes.cn
Buthan is a defacto state of India and Bharmin hegemonist will most likely absorb it like sikkim. Butan
being kept detached from the rest of the world by akhand bharat dreaming Bhramin supermacist
deserve a better future. China along with the Intl community should come to her aid, but I don't think Bharmins will let it slip away easily. The chinese have been too peaceful and pacifist in this
region, its time they get a little assertive and works for peace in the region. And to do that they
should give this rotten bhramin spoiled child some spanking in the ****.

Bhutan is a semi-independent country at best. India decides Bhutan's foreign policy and defence matters.

Buthan doesn't have any independence. They even have to use the indian currency. Those people
are treated like slaves by the bharmins in dehli.
Buthan is a defacto state of India and Bharmin hegemonist will most likely absorb it like sikkim. Butan
being kept detached from the rest of the world by akhand bharat dreaming Bhramin supermacist
deserve a better future. China along with the Intl community should come to her aid, but I don't think Bharmins will let it slip away easily. The chinese have been too peaceful and pacifist in this
region, its time they get a little assertive and works for peace in the region. And to do that they
should give this rotten bhramin spoiled child some spanking in the ****.

Buthan doesn't have any independence. They even have to use the indian currency. Those people
are treated like slaves by the bharmins in dehli.

just like bangladesh i guess...you are reading too much conspiracy novels.. :rofl: :rofl:

you should read this portion as a novice..

Foreign relations of Bhutan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I think someone was molested in his childhood by a Bharmin :rofl: :rofl:

Buthan is a defacto state of India and Bharmin hegemonist will most likely absorb it like sikkim. Butan
being kept detached from the rest of the world by akhand bharat dreaming Bhramin supermacist
deserve a better future. China along with the Intl community should come to her aid, but I don't think Bharmins will let it slip away easily. The chinese have been too peaceful and pacifist in this
region, its time they get a little assertive and works for peace in the region. And to do that they
should give this rotten bhramin spoiled child some spanking in the ****.

Buthan doesn't have any independence. They even have to use the indian currency. Those people
are treated like slaves by the bharmins in dehli.
I think someone was molested in his childhood by a Bharmin :rofl: :rofl:

It's absolutely sick and disgusting that you are not only laughing at Brahmin child molestation but seemingly approving of it.
Brahmins have brainwashed you people so much that you will even defend their rape.
Buthan doesn't have any independence. They even have to use the indian currency. Those people
are treated like slaves by the bharmins in dehli.

I think the equation will change somewhat when China comes into the picture. There are not many countries Bhutan has diplomatic relation, now she brings China in means she wants to loosen India's grip on her which is good for her economies and sovereignty.

China is in the process of bringing Tibet's economy and infrastructures up to par with the rest of the nation, so roads and highways are extending toward India and Bhutan. Bhutan also receives favorable loans and technological helps. Bhutanese are very similar to Tibetans generically and culturally so the exchanges of these two people should not to a problem and in fact it will be more like a happy reunion.

So on a whole this new diplomatic formation is a win win for Bhutan.
It's absolutely sick and disgusting that you are not only laughing at Brahmin child molestation but seemingly approving of it.
Brahmins have brainwashed you people so much that you will even defend their rape.

I dont know about Brahmin brainwashing..but u definitely seem to have been brainwashed by a mullah Zaid Hamid!
I hope China can assist Bhutan to build up a real meaningful GDP instead of a silly meaningless 'Gross National Happiness' title the Kingdom uses to placate the people.

Hope both Bhutan and China will resolve their border dispute.
I think the equation will change somewhat when China comes into the picture. There are not many countries Bhutan has diplomatic relation, now she brings China in means she wants to loosen India's grip on her which is good for her economies and sovereignty.

China is in the process of bringing Tibet's economy and infrastructures up to par with the rest of the nation, so roads and highways are extending toward India and Bhutan. Bhutan also receives favorable loans and technological helps. Bhutanese are very similar to Tibetans generically and culturally so the exchanges of these two people should not to a problem and in fact it will be more like a happy reunion.

So on a whole this new diplomatic formation is a win win for Bhutan.

I think the equation will change somewhat when China comes into the picture. There are not many countries Bhutan has diplomatic relation, now she brings China in means she wants to loosen India's grip on her which is good for her economies and sovereignty.

China is in the process of bringing Tibet's economy and infrastructures up to par with the rest of the nation, so roads and highways are extending toward India and Bhutan. Bhutan also receives favorable loans and technological helps. Bhutanese are very similar to Tibetans generically and culturally so the exchanges of these two people should not to a problem and in fact it will be more like a happy reunion.

So on a whole this new diplomatic formation is a win win for Bhutan.

..and what about the border demarcation? are u going to give them the lands they claim? or are u going to kill bhutanese like u kill Tibetans?? u know they dont like Chinese for killing Tibetans...rt?

And btw u guys also thought Myanmar is going to be ur poodle? but they seem to have kick u guys out of Myanmar and are happily coming to India's side? so much for ur diplomacy? FAILED!!
we must use our intelligence agencies to support separatist groups in india that seeks independence like sikhs and tamils and others. our primary goal for india must be to break up that indian union up. that way we can significantly weaken india to the core.
i believe our leaders need to take a leaf out of the american playboook and use the divide and conquer strategy on india.

remember the british colonised many little kingdoms and glued them together and called them india. there is no such thing as indian in this world just like there is no such thing as a soviet now. india is a very fragile union, you go 50km in any direction and you will see a completely different culture, language, etc.
remember at one time the british put bangladesh and pakistan into that 'indian subcontinent', andboth got independence. i think there could be further break up of this current indian union into more independent countries.

our main way to deal with the indian threat is to break them up. we need to fund and arm separatist groups that seeks independence. we need to take an active role in breaking up india into pieces and not be passive like we are now.
Lol... alright.. now tell me where did you here "Brahmin child molestation" stories.. dont tell me from zaid hamid story book... :D

It's absolutely sick and disgusting that you are not only laughing at Brahmin child molestation but seemingly approving of it.
Brahmins have brainwashed you people so much that you will even defend their rape.

watch out people... Chini policymaker is here.. :rofl: :D


we must use our intelligence agencies to support separatist groups in india

that seeks independence like sikhs and tamils and others. our primary goal for india must be to break up that indian union up. that way we can significantly weaken india to the core.
i believe our leaders need to take a leaf out of the american playboook and use the divide and conquer strategy on india.

remember the british colonised many little kingdoms and glued them together and called them india. there is no such thing as indian in this world just like there is no such thing as a soviet now. india is a very fragile union, you go 50km in any direction and you will see a completely different culture, language, etc.
remember at one time the british put bangladesh and pakistan into that 'indian subcontinent', andboth got independence. i think there could be further break up of this current indian union into more independent countries.

our main way to deal with the indian threat is to break them up. we need to fund and arm separatist groups that seeks independence. we need to take an active role in breaking up india into pieces and not be passive like we are now.
Very good news!

Bhutan must, for its own interest, free from the yoke of imperialistic India and go its own neutral diplomacy.

See a sour grape report from India about this news by using quotes on “ready” :lol: The Hindu : News / International : China, Bhutan 'ready' to establish diplomatic ties

Bhutan had a strong relationship with China. Its national flag reveals this relationship thoroughly: China emperors were represented a dragon with claws of 5 toes; royal families with substantial contribution to the empire were awarded with a dragon with claws of 4 toes; and outside closed kingdoms a dragon with claws of 3 toes.


Bhutan's future is to forge a close relationship with China, not to be a pawn of India; otherwise India would likely in the future to ferment a fake referendum in Bhutan to make Bhutan an Indian state, just like India annexing Sikkim.

Bhutan is the only second nation has land dispute with China, which could have been resolved long time ago if it were not India’s sabotage.

Border Issues

Along with the occupation of Tibet, the Chinese People's Liberation Army occupied eight western Tibetan enclaves under Bhutanese administration. A Chinese map published in 1961 showed China claiming territories in Bhutan, Nepal and the independent kingdom of Sikkim (now a state of India).[4] Incursions by Chinese soldiers and Tibetan herdsmen also provoked tensions in Bhutan. Imposing a cross-border trade embargo and closing the border, Bhutan established extensive military ties with India.[4][5][5] During the 1962 Sino-Indian War, Bhutanese authorities permitted Indian troop movements through Bhutanese territory.[4] However, India's defeat in the war raised concerns about India's ability to defend Bhutan. :lol: Consequently, while building its ties with India, Bhutan officially established a policy of neutrality.[2][4] According to official statements by the King of Bhutan to the National Assembly, there are four disputed areas between Bhutan and China. Starting from Doklam in the west, the border goes along the ridges from Gamochen to Batangla, Sinchela, and down to the Amo Chhu. The disputed area in Doklam covers 89 square kilometres (km2) and the disputed areas in Sinchulumpa and Gieu cover about 180 km2.[2]


Until the 1970s, India represented Bhutan's concerns in talks with China over the broader Sino-Indian border conflicts.[2] Obtaining membership in the United Nations in 1971, Bhutan began to assert a different course in its foreign policy.[8] In the U.N., Bhutan voted in favour of Communist China filling the seat occupied by the ROC and openly supported the "One China" policy.[2][3] In 1974 in a symbolic overture, Bhutan invited the Chinese ambassador to India to attend the coronation of Jigme Singye Wangchuk as the king of Bhutan.[2] In 1983, the Chinese Foreign Minister Wu Xueqian and Bhutanese Foreign Minister Dawa Tsering held talks on establishing bilateral relations in New York. In 1984, China and Bhutan began annual, direct talks over the border dispute.[2][5]

In 1998, China and Bhutan signed a bilateral agreement for maintaining peace on the border. In the agreement, China affirmed its respect for Bhutan's sovereignty and territorial integrity and both sides sought to build ties based on the Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence.[2][3][5][9] However, China's building of roads within Bhutanese-claimed lands in violation of the 1998 agreement has provoked tensions.[5][6][9] In 2002, China presented claims of evidence regarding ownership of disputed tracts of land; after negotiations, an interim agreement was reached.[2]



LOL! Looks like 1962 spank is like one stone kills many birds...

Story goes that by later 1990s China and Bhutan were close to sign land deal, but India undermined the process, hoaxed Bhutan to withdraw from the deal, perhaps telling Bhutan that they deserve more pieces of rocks.

Hope both Bhutan and China will resolve their border dispute.

As I posted above. They've nearly done that but was sabotaged by Indians.
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