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China, Bhutan ready to forge formal diplomatic ties

there is no limit to your wet dreams... :rofl: :rofl: ...seriously even best of hollywood writers can not have better imagination power than you... :rofl:

Grapes may be sour for Bangladesh, but it may yet taste very sweet like honey to China and USA, a convergence of geo-strategic interest, shall we say, to cut an "imperialist" pretender to its proper "size". USA gets a friendly Christian country added to ASEAN and China gets its South Tibet back, while reducing Delhi's meddling under China's soft under-belly, the Mekong Delta region of ASEAN.
chinese can say watever they like....after all they ARE a superpower.....in this BAD BAD world, the one with the stronger gun call the shots, but i fail to see why BDeshis are so gung ho about this. everytime there is some thread which is remotely anti indian, few (not all thoh) jump into trolling as if they own the world.
this thread is about sino bhutanese relations. it is good that they are cultivating their ties with china....consequences are another matter. india got dragged in between . and as if it was not good enuf, these anti india trolls jumped here like vultures over a dead cat in a desert.
Kashmir insurgency has died totally.. moreover it was funded by neighboring country which is tasting fruits of supporting extremists... same is the case with North- east rebels- they are on all time low... actually if you do not know then- bangladesh only helped India get rid of these rebels,... :D ..

On the other hand islamic extremist like you will never understand the beauty of diversity in a country... North east people are as much Indian as any other Indian... :azn:...

If India decides to interfere in bangladesh negatively- you can do jack$hit about it... :D ... India bangladesh relations are improving and they will keep on; even if you wish other wise.. :lol:

All of us in Bangladesh are predicting that Indian stooge Awamy League will loose in next election at end of 2013, so that will hopefully be the end of India's days of controlling, influencing, manipulating and hijacking Bangladesh using its bought and paid for agents, the political party called Awamy League, which was created and funded by India to break Pakistan, in 1950's. Don't be surprised if you see Paresh Baruah of ULFA back in Dhaka again:
United Liberation Front of Asom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If AL loses & BNP comes in to the power; we will buy BNP... :D it is just matter of few more takas... :rofl: ... you will still remain Indian stooges... :D

All of us in Bangladesh are predicting that Indian stooge Awamy League will loose in next election at end of 2013, so that will hopefully be the end of India's days of controlling, influencing, manipulating and hijacking Bangladesh using its bought and paid for agents, the political party called Awamy League, which was created and funded by India to break Pakistan, in 1950's. Don't be surprised if you see Paresh Baruah of ULFA back in Dhaka again:
United Liberation Front of Asom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

chinese can say watever they like....after all they ARE a superpower.....in this BAD BAD world, the one with the stronger gun call the shots, but i fail to see why BDeshis are so gung ho about this. everytime there is some thread which is remotely anti indian, few (not all thoh) jump into trolling as if they own the world.
this thread is about sino bhutanese relations. it is good that they are cultivating their ties with china....consequences are another matter. india got dragged in between . and as if it was not good enuf, these anti india trolls jumped here like vultures over a dead cat in a desert.

Our national interest and future is intimately tied with the geopolitics of this neighborhood. The anti-India part is just something Indian govt. has earned with its "imperialism, interference and meddling" in the past 65 years.

If AL loses & BNP comes in to the power; we will buy BNP... :D it is just matter of few more takas... :rofl: ... you will still remain Indian stooges... :D

You can laugh all you want, but that will remain a "wet dream" using your favorite phrase.
[QUOTE Not only Bhutan foreign policy is influence by her big neighbor so do economic policy. With China's help, perhaps, she can gain de facto independent. That's why this new diplomatic alliance is very crucial for her.[/QUOTE]

For landlocked countries like Nepal and Bhutan which have to rely on India for shipment of all the daily necessities, de facto independence will be not possible without an alternative route of transportation. That's precisely why Nepal wants a rail link through China so as to lessen its dependence on India. I don't know if Bhutan has a similar interest but the late Nepali King Biendra first proposed such a link in the 1970s, a request that China was unable to meet due to both financial and engineering challenges at the time. India naturally detests the idea for the same reason.
[QUOTE Not only Bhutan foreign policy is influence by her big neighbor so do economic policy. With China's help, perhaps, she can gain de facto independent. That's why this new diplomatic alliance is very crucial for her.

For landlocked countries like Nepal and Bhutan which have to rely on India for shipment of all the daily necessities, de facto independence will be possible without an alternative route of transportation. That's precisely why Nepal wants a rail link through China so as to lessen its dependence on India. I don't know if Bhutan has a similar interest, but the late Nepali King Biendra first proposed such a link in the 1970s. India naturally detests the idea for the same reason.[/QUOTE]

whiners at best...

Bhutanese hate Chinese...they think Chinese are scum who destroy every country they go in...

Go and ask any bhutanese..what they think of China..The crown prince and his wife, and most of the Bhutanese are very close to India..

U guys could nt even keep Myanmar close to u...now u r thinking of Bhutan...!! lol!! Chinese and their failed policy!!
For landlocked countries like Nepal and Bhutan which have to rely on India for shipment of all the daily necessities, de facto independence will be possible without an alternative route of transportation. That's precisely why Nepal wants a rail link through China so as to lessen its dependence on India. I don't know if Bhutan has a similar interest, but the late Nepali King Biendra first proposed such a link in the 1970s. India naturally detests the idea for the same reason.

whiners at best...

Bhutanese hate Chinese...they think Chinese are scum who destroy every country they go in...

Go and ask any bhutanese..what they think of China..The crown prince and his wife, and most of the Bhutanese are very close to India..

U guys could nt even keep Myanmar close to u...now u r thinking of Bhutan...!! lol!! Chinese and their failed policy!![/QUOTE]

Rant by a shameless troll
its not about the political party in bangladesh.....its about their system which makes them " a little dependent" on india. usual anti india cries are common in the subcontinental minnows because that makes them believe in their existence......and the vote base for politicians.
jao ghumai jao okhon....beshi raat jaagna thakle BSF e guli r jaegay BAASH dhukaibo

Let me translate what this Indian said in my language, Bengali:

"Please go to sleep now, if you stay up too long, BSF (Indian Border Security Force) will shoot you and push bamboo (I guess through behind?)"

This is what you get from India, threats and intimidation. Well, using their Awamy League stooge party and agent, their intelligence RAW already trained death squad in Bangladesh which has killed many BNP leaders, so I am not surprised.

But hey genius baajey, I am sitting in the US, so I am a little beyond your RAW's reach, if you know what I mean. For issuing this kind of threat I could get you jail time if you were in the US. Also its just evening here in the US.
Grapes may be sour for Bangladesh, but it may yet taste very sweet like honey to China and USA, a convergence of geo-strategic interest, shall we say, to cut an "imperialist" pretender to its proper "size". USA gets a friendly Christian country added to ASEAN and China gets its South Tibet back, while reducing Delhi's meddling under China's soft under-belly, the Mekong Delta region of ASEAN.

Meanwhile we are also construting rail line in Bhutan through 3 entry points from India. Anyway why are you mentioning about 4 lanes road and railway line again and against, are you feeling jealous. :rofl:
Let me translate what this Indian said in my language, Bengali:

"Please go to sleep now, if you stay up too long, BSF (Indian Border Security Force) will shoot you and push bamboo (I guess through behind?)"

This is what you get from India, threats and intimidation. Well, using their Awamy League stooge party and agent, their intelligence RAW already trained death squad in Bangladesh which has killed many BNP leaders, so I am not surprised.

But hey genius baajey, I am sitting in the US, so I am a little beyond your RAW's reach, if you know what I mean. For issuing this kind of threat I could get you jail time if you were in the US. Also its just evening here in the US.

correction.....not your language alone.
i wouldnt say this if u mind ur own business in AAMEReeCAA and be a little less rigid in ur conclusions.
and lastly, RAW, as incompetent it is, doesnt have to go to the US to bug ppl like u.....we know u are terrified enuf...
n btw .... wats "behind" about ???

Our national interest and future is intimately tied with the geopolitics of this neighborhood. The anti-India part is just something Indian govt. has earned with its "imperialism, interference and meddling" in the past 65 years.
cant u stop whining abt it in every other thread and actually do something abt it ????
correction.....not your language alone.
i wouldnt say this if u mind ur own business in AAMEReeCAA and be a little less rigid in ur conclusions.
and lastly, RAW, as incompetent it is, doesnt have to go to the US to bug ppl like u.....we know u are terrified enuf...
n btw .... wats "behind" about ???

cant u stop whining abt it in every other thread and actually do something abt it ????

Your threats have no effect on me, it only shows the kind of person you Indians are. We don't whine, we inform people facts, which you hide from the world with your bs propaganda.

Meanwhile we are also construting rail line in Bhutan through 3 entry points from India. Anyway why are you mentioning about 4 lanes road and railway line again and against, are you feeling jealous. :rofl:

Good, it will be used by all regional countries once North East states get independence.

I mention 4 lane freeway, because your strategists have cow poop as grey matter, you are building canal to bring in crocodile as we say in Bengali. All these investments and connectivity will loosen your hold on Northeast states, which is of course good for all regional countries.
Your threats have no effect on me, it only shows the kind of person you Indians are. We don't whine, we inform people facts, which you hide from the world with your bs propaganda.
ohooo....its A pity that u think every indian is out there to threaten u.....its definitely not so my dear kalu. and wat cud we possibly get doing that????

Good, it will be used by all regional countries once North East states get independence.
as days go by, india and BD, are getting stronger. wat makes u think that india wud let go of the northeast when it is at the strongest point since independence???? even BD has got its problems with CHT, does that anyhow means BD will let go the same so easily ?
my answer is NEVER
ohooo....its A pity that u think every indian is out there to threaten u.....its definitely not so my dear kalu. and wat cud we possibly get doing that????

as days go by, india and BD, are getting stronger. wat makes u think that india wud let go of the northeast when it is at the strongest point since independence???? even BD has got its problems with CHT, does that anyhow means BD will let go the same so easily ?
my answer is NEVER

i guess Bangladesh need to liberated again from these BNP and jamaties stooges...they are creating more troubles to gullible BDs and holding back the growth...:police:

Your threats have no effect on me, it only shows the kind of person you Indians are. We don't whine, we inform people facts, which you hide from the world with your bs propaganda.

Good, it will be used by all regional countries once North East states get independence.

I mention 4 lane freeway, because your strategists have cow poop as grey matter, you are building canal to bring in crocodile as we say in Bengali. All these investments and connectivity will loosen your hold on Northeast states, which is of course good for all regional countries.
lol..we dont need to threaten any stooges out there to get BD along....but if you care so much for NE states why are you rotting in USA and showing ur crocodile tear to innocent BDs....
and about your comment that USA and china will find that grape sweet...the grape can be as sweet as it can be but USA wont do anything to harm India's interest against china...its against its national interest..and moreover you cant loose USA for China so sit back tight where ever you are..stop BSing here in a irrelevant thread about irrelevant you.

There are about 6 million Kashmiri Muslims and to pacify the insurgency there, India had to put 700,000 security force/troops. Imagine how many million personnel you are gonna need in North East states, which has a total population of 38 million.

But please go ahead and hurry up with your 4 lane free way and high speed railway through Siliguri corridor to Hanoi, as it will help the North East states population to economically and culturally integrate with their ethnic kin in Mekong Delta sub-region. That is India's official govt. look east policy after all, after 6 decades of failed effort to integrate North East states with "mainland" India:
Look East policy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Self determination for North East states will mean reduced interference and meddling of Delhi in Bhutan, Bangladesh as well as Burma.
whats with this off-topic rant self confessed thin thank? dont you guys overestimate your self in every thing...get real kalu.
It is Indian crap that ruined Sino-Bhutan deal.

Repeat it again, who know this time it may become true :lol:

But this Franch article provides the hint:

What Franch?

Your source , hardly relates any opinions from India, Indian MEA , making any statement bout it what so ever.

When China Bhutan were about to sign deal, India whined like crazy: No it's too close to my border... WTF India had to meddle when China and Bhutan were talking their border issues.

More like paranoid conspicary -cooked Indophobic retardation.

It is not until February 8, 2007 that brave Bhutanese ditched Indian "friendship" clause (that Bhutan had to seek Indian advice in its foreigh affairs), then could Bhutan proceed with its own independent foreign policy. Sino-Bhutan border problem can then finally be resolved, peacefully and happily

Good for them.

India is a big trouble maker in SA, in terms of border issue. Without India, SA could be a very peaceful region...

Without India, SA is going to be like Africa, when you so many countries of varied culture and ethnic groups. No-brainer actually.

But then, your opinion doesn't surprise us , since many e-Chinese jingoists (confused with their nation's new status) are saturated with Stockholm syndrome from the century of humiliation and from their colonial tormentors, they seek to emulate their methods, in this case the popular "divide and rule". :laugh:

Hopefully India won't be able to make trouble this time again. :tdown:

For paranoid minds here, there is no escaping from Indophobic perversion.
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