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China bans men it sees as 'not masculine enough' from TV

In other words, China is banning the so called "KHUSRA" or "Transvestite" Culture currently engulfing the Western societies, and being actively promoted in Pakistan and many Muslim countries. I say good on China. Thank God, at least one country is trying to uphold morality unlike the so called Muslim Countries aka the bu.tt hole Jokers of the planet who are actually allowing all of this to happen inside their countries and in fact promoting it!
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What is the actual story? And how is it a negative story?
Dawn has never post a single positive news about China. Repeatly post fake news about China uighur and even source from India media about CPEC with misleading Info.

I am sure Dawn is once again trying to put negativity about China again with such news.
I was sharing Apartment with a Japanese girl, American guy. I found all the Music, Japanese TV dramas she watched were childish characters with babyish sounds provoking to extent it became annoying at times. But these are just my experiences.
who cares ,to someone else what you listen might be something tryhard or Bollywood or wierd music that nobody else other than your kind will like.
Many people said Japanese are weird. If you notice their childish mindset, everything can be explained. I'm not saying Japanese are immature in intelligence or anything. I mean in the deep soul they are children.

Besides animes, Japanese produced tons of “humans dress monster costumes” dramas for adults. Like below:

View attachment 775291View attachment 775292

Though I agree that man should be manly,but based on character and conduct;a macho body builder acting like a whiny bitch is the worst. You live surrounded by an anglicized world that labels anything diverting from the anglicized traits in culture/conduct and practice as wierd, you yourself live in an amalgamized version of political system infused with toxic masculinity from an east European Soviet macho ideology,far cry from the sophistication of say Tang empire .The old cpc member who aren't aware of the softpower influence and appeal of the trends in east but still holds fantasy about the old communism with less east asian traits inflicted by soviets ,probably.
Over Macho culture is unattractive,dumb,childish , where insecure man feel the need to constantly prove themselves.
It's better to balance than copying the toxic masculinity. Japanese are so restrained, disciplined,ice in the vein-like mental strength,Japanese are fact far mature in conduct than those pretend to ridicule anime culture in real life.

That is good. They worship the eternal present and perfection, unlike chinese and vietnamese who worship the future and improvement.
But I think we will surpass the japanese which prompts the japs to improve themselves further, as long as the americans don't get in the way.
Competition in this field is good. Vietnamese animation is still very weak, but our video game industry is making baby steps.

This video already talks about it. This is more likely the case on what you just said.

What good did jacky chan or this Wu Jing guy did for soft power of china ? I mean like in real soft power which make people obsessed with china,creates hoards of loyal dedicated fans world wide and undisputable softpower that can smite anyone?

Japanese anime, korean drama,movies korean celebs can do that.

Compare most famous Chinese action star Wu Jing in wolf warrior
Chinese actor Wu Jing crowned Asia's most handsome man - shanghaiist

to korean most famous action movie hero Won bin in man from nowhere



I think the Chinese one is actually the cringe fest,delving in copy of western masculinity concept, a wannabe Rambo,while the Korean one is manly with elegance,very natural to their cultural and genetic makeup.

Chinese people finally found a new version of enlightenment and pride in their culture when they saw the refinement of themselves in Japanese culture be it art,food,architecture and on their own body through korean Hallyu ,all of which China is trying to absorb,and for good.

The Chinese gov is more likely cracking down on fake trans trend,where men act like woman,dress female clothes and act like them rather than less masculine men,but the insinuation may be there.This is Pr disaster,western media makes it like imitation of western butch masculinity and crackdown on less masculine or less macho man ..
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Good that you acknowledge that. Sissy / effeminate males exist in all societies. Personally I wouldn't hate them. :)

Basically they are bullied during school period by bad boys.

Many people said Japanese are weird. If you notice their childish mindset, everything can be explained. I'm not saying Japanese are immature in intelligence or anything. I mean in the deep soul they are children.

Besides animes, Japanese produced tons of “humans dress monster costumes” dramas for adults. Like below:

View attachment 775291View attachment 775292

Man that is Ultraman and it is for Kids ........
What good did jacky chan or this Wu Jing guy did for soft power of china ? I mean like in real soft power which make people obsessed with china,creates hoards of loyal dedicated fans world wide and undisputable softpower that can smite anyone?
To be fair, Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee are huge sources of soft power for China. Everyone have watched one of their movies once in a while, like Stephen Chow.
Wu Jing is just a pretty boy but he turned into a tryhard f*ggot and these Wolf Warriors movies are only good for memes.
Jet Li is a better example of a chinese pretty boy-ish actor who can look fierce as ****.
And in modern films, Chang Chen:

Though China could do less with these "baby-face" f*ckers, 100% made to appeal to women and girls, like the K-pop boys:
The real reason is that the director of SARFT has changed.


To be fair, Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee are huge sources of soft power for China. Everyone have watched one of their movies once in a while, like Stephen Chow.
Wu Jing is just a pretty boy but he turned into a tryhard f*ggot and these Wolf Warriors movies are only good for memes.
Jet Li is a better example of a chinese pretty boy-ish actor who can look fierce as ****.
And in modern films, Chang Chen:

Though China could do less with these "baby-face" f*ckers, 100% made to appeal to women and girls, like the K-pop boys:
Bruce lee is kind of ok I guess,but they all created stereotype not in a much favourable way,the hongkong movies might have been popular & actually "fun"but it's doesn't put the Chinese or cantonese in good light like the korean movies and tv drama projects.

Wujing isn't a pretty boy,he's doesn't even command half the appeal that typical korean actors does.

This is a pretty boy ,and he's easily the chinese actor with biggest international fan following considering he's the only one I see in twitter trend often.


That guy brought real effective softpower that directly translates to good view of china among the wide array of viewers of their work .

China has the blueprint from hallyu ,but it depends they will keep fvkin it up or improve themselves,despite the gain,I don't see them gaining ground to the korean standard anytime soon .

Clearly Chinese themselves are most pissed about Shang chi actor because he looks like the stereotype created by the old Hollywood Chinese actors instead of the new current popular Chinese stars more influenced by hallyu refinement.
who cares ,to someone else what you listen might be something tryhard or Bollywood or wierd music that nobody else other than your kind will like.

Though I agree that man should be manly,but based on character and conduct;a macho body builder acting like a whiny bitch is the worst. You live surrounded by an anglicized world that labels anything diverting from the anglicized traits in culture/conduct and practice as wierd, you yourself live in an amalgamized version of political system infused with toxic masculinity from an east European Soviet macho ideology,far cry from the sophistication of say Tang empire .The old cpc member who aren't aware of the softpower influence and appeal of the trends in east but still holds fantasy about the old communism with less east asian traits inflicted by soviets ,probably.
Over Macho culture is unattractive,dumb,childish , where insecure man feel the need to constantly prove themselves.
It's better to balance than copying the toxic masculinity. Japanese are so restrained, disciplined,ice in the vein-like mental strength,Japanese are fact far mature in conduct than those pretend to ridicule anime culture in real life.


What good did jacky chan or this Wu Jing guy did for soft power of china ? I mean like in real soft power which make people obsessed with china,creates hoards of loyal dedicated fans world wide and undisputable softpower that can smite anyone?

Japanese anime, korean drama,movies korean celebs can do that.

Compare most famous Chinese action star Wu Jing in wolf warrior
Chinese actor Wu Jing crowned Asia's most handsome man - shanghaiist's most handsome man - shanghaiist
View attachment 775419

to korean most famous action movie hero Won bin in man from nowhere

View attachment 775418
View attachment 775416

I think the Chinese one is actually the cringe fest,delving in copy of western masculinity concept, a wannabe rambo,while the korean one is manly with elegance,very natural to their cultural and genetic makeup.

Chinese people found new version of enlightment and pride in their culture when they saw refinement of themselves in japanese culture ,art,food,architecture and on their own body through korean Hallyu ,all of which China is trying to emulate,and for good.

The Chinese gov is more likely cracking down on fake trans trend,where men act like woman,dress female clothes and act like them rather than less masculine man.This is Pr disaster,western media makes it like imitation of western butch masculinity and crackdown on less masculine or less macho man ..
You did not just say that, c'mon

It's blasphemy

Jackie, Bruce Lee, IP man are huge around the globe

Jackie is probably one of the biggest known faces anywhere in the globe

(I get the Korean part I don't want to get into the debate of China soft power, cause I am not that knowledgeable on that front

But the king Fu genre and especially Jackie's comedy action is HUGE around the world- no Korean or any Asian star comes close to the star power of Jackie, Bruce even the Ip man series is very famous)

And whole generations got interested in China after those Kung Fu movies, you are really underrating those stars and movies
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Bruce lee is kind of ok I guess,but they all created stereotype not in a much favourable way,the hongkong movies might have been popular & actually "fun"but it's doesn't put the Chinese or cantonese in good light like the korean movies and tv drama projects.

Wujing isn't a pretty boy,he's doesn't even command half the appeal that typical korean actors does.

This is a pretty boy ,and he's easily the chinese actor with biggest international fan following considering he's the only one I see in twitter trend often.

View attachment 775430

That guy brought real effective softpower that directly translates to good view of china among the wide array of viewers of their work .

China has the blueprint from hallyu ,but it depends they will keep fvkin it up or improve themselves,despite the gain,I don't see them gaining ground to the korean standard anytime soon .
Wu Jing WAS a pretty boy, in his youth he played pretty boy role like Meng Xinghun.

But I guess now the pretty boy standard has degraded to them looking like women, as in your pic. And that's bad for men image in China.
To be fair, Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee are huge sources of soft power for China. Everyone have watched one of their movies once in a while, like Stephen Chow.
Wu Jing is just a pretty boy but he turned into a tryhard f*ggot and these Wolf Warriors movies are only good for memes.
Jet Li is a better example of a chinese pretty boy-ish actor who can look fierce as ****.
And in modern films, Chang Chen:

Though China could do less with these "baby-face" f*ckers, 100% made to appeal to women and girls, like the K-pop boys:
Yeah not a fan, he is on the annoying

Maybe good for domestic fans but not global audiences

I wonder how propoganda films like Rambo succeeded world wide?
This kinda explains the designs of some of their anime and video game characters. Glad the american haven't snuff that flame out.
But I do hope this new chinese laws destroy the gay xianxia novels in China.
Oh, fellow xianxia fan?
Oh, fellow xianxia fan?
Nah, I'm wuxia fan, also a fan of samurai films/anime. Modern xianxia is too fantastical for me.
Yup, I think he can play in a movie if he wants. He has perfect body, really athletic, very manly, good speaker as well. He is an entrepreneur now, quite brave man. He is quit working in MNC company in Singapore ( his first job ), and make his own company in Indonesia even though he is still young. I really salute him, the one that I am worried about him is that he is a smoker and never worried whether he can die because of that
Yeah, he made a good choice. Actor career is very fickle, it's an unstable career.
The more the govt tries to control freedom of expression the more they will destroy artistry and creativity. China’s soft power will remain absolute shit.
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