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China ambassador blames Rohingya insurgents for Myanmar crisis

Chinese are stupid and blind to the crisis but then again they harvest organs so not surprised at their stance.

:lol:That's gonna pissoff some of your Chinese buddies. You must forget you said that.

Bite your tongue.
Who from P5 would support Bangladesh? China & Russia would just need West to stay neutral to declare Bangladesh as a state sponsoring terror.
Do you think, burma is the common boss of China and Russia? Just burma instruct her loyal subject China and Russia to declare Bangladesh as 'state sponsoring terror' and they will do it with no time? Can you show me any instance from 70 years history of UN when they did it before? Seems like cow cola have taken a toll on your brain.
This is what I said in another thread about geo politics and how China will bear bigger burden than its short sighted interest.

As fogs are clearing a bit, more and more it appearing as part of bigger geo political game. US need to use new motivational tool and incidents to recruit terror bands in its upcoming spoiler role against BRI and EURasian union. That means Chinese Uighur region and Central Asian underbelly (along with Afghanistan) are the targets. US and its indian ally is counting on Chinese and Russian veto against any UNSC resolution on Myanmar. US, its indian and Israeli terror partners will use the Rohingya genocide and Chinese (potential) veto as tool for new recruit and direct terror. Can China see through; that is unknown but Chinese adamant stand in the name of "self interest" in Myanmar will be bigger burden at the end.

Dude, China already got the bigger brain and they can see through BD is bound to doom with the incumbent lap dog govt installed.
Do you think, burma is the common boss of China and Russia? Just burma instruct her loyal subject China and Russia to declare Bangladesh as 'state sponsoring terror' and they will do it with no time?

The powers that be would support not because Myanmar or Bangladesh have ordered them to do so but they see an interest in doing so.

Myanmar has offered something that interests China and Russia.

On the other hand Bangladesh could not yet. If Bangladesh could offer something that interests the West then they would support you.

Can you show me any instance from 70 years history of UN when they did it before?


Actually all those miserable pictures and videos of dead Rohigays are from Bangladesh and India.
Well China sees it as Myanmar's internal affairs.

China also support Myanmar "internal affairs" by blocking UN resolution on genocide committed inside Myanmar. China can not sustain its duplicity by saying "internal affairs"; we can see through that.
China also support Myanmar "internal affairs" by blocking UN resolution on genocide committed inside Myanmar. China can not sustain its duplicity by saying "internal affairs"; we can see through that.

China wants to protect Myanmar's sovereign integrity. There are many cases in which countries takes advantage of UN resolutions and ruins others country; like Libya, Syria..etc.

However, there are many ways to send a message to the Myanmar regime run by the Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi. First, the Western countries should ask Aung San Suu Kyi for that piece of metal back. Second, India said it is putting pressure on Myanmar then maybe India can stop trading with Myanmar and sanction it. .. etc.
any won who remains quiet on such brutal act by maynmar will be soon punished by GOD ALMIGHTY.i think maynmar will become battle ground for all major powers like china india and u.s and all will be looser
China wants to protect Myanmar's sovereign integrity. There are many cases in which countries takes advantage of UN resolutions and ruins others country; like Libya, Syria..etc.

However, there are many ways to send a message to the Myanmar regime run by the Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi. First, the Western countries should ask Aung San Suu Kyi for that piece of metal back. Second, India said it is putting pressure on Myanmar then maybe India can stop trading with Myanmar and sanction it. .. etc.

China is being very naive here. The examples you have given are not comparable.

Myanmar has proved that it is not worthy of being counted as a civilised nation by denying Rohingyas citizenship and then killing, raping and driving them out of the country.

China needs to build goodwill and show a moral compass if it wants to become a great power as an alternative to the US-led West and this episode is not showing it in a good light.
China is being very naive here. The examples you have given are not comparable.

Myanmar has proved that it is not worthy of being counted as a civilised nation by denying Rohingyas citizenship and then killing, raping and driving them out of the country.

China needs to build goodwill and show a moral compass if it wants to become a great power as an alternative to the US-led West and this episode is not showing it in a good light.
Bro,what ever China does on the this issue has no impact on China .USA don't become a great power with the good will of others ,others hate them but still want them to be on their side .don't emotional things don't work that way in real world
China is being very naive here. The examples you have given are not comparable.

Myanmar has proved that it is not worthy of being counted as a civilised nation by denying Rohingyas citizenship and then killing, raping and driving them out of the country.

I agreed there is no excuse of violence against civilians. However, the Rohingyas issues run much deeper than just the current event.[to admit, I don't 100% understand the whole Rohingyas history issues] To Myanmar and their government it is also related to sovereignty, nation security and the well being of the country. It is simply naive to believe a mere UN resolution will resolve this issue completely. If it was the case, then Israel & Palestine problem, North Korea problem, Russia & Ukraine problem,..etc would have resolved already. But they are not. For Myanmar's case, if anything, it might have an opposite effect. Myanmar might felt it being push against a corner and retaliate harder against the Rohingyas and nobody wants that. The most important thing is the well being of the refugees. Lets hope other countries will provide shelter, safety and help to these refugees, instead of using the current crisis to blame and attack other third countries.

China needs to build goodwill and show a moral compass if it wants to become a great power as an alternative to the US-led West and this episode is not showing it in a good light.

China doesn't want to be an alternative or opposition of the US-led West in the context within China & Banghladesh or China & Mayanmar relationship. China only wants an equal and fair relationship with these two countries. China is willing to provide peaceful economical, infrastructural, security help if requested. If other countries wants China to pick a side to pit Myanmar against Bangladesh or Bangladesh against Myanmar, then forget about it.
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I agreed there is no excuse of violence against civilians. However, the Rohingyas issues run much deeper than just the current event.[to admit, I don't 100% understand the whole Rohingyas history issues] To Myanmar and their government it is also related to sovereignty, nation security and the well being of the country. It is simply naive to believe a mere UN resolution will resolve this issue completely. If it was the case, then Israel & Palestine problem, North Korea problem, Russia & Ukraine problem,..etc would have resolved already. But they are not. For Myanmar's case, if anything, it might have an opposite effect. Myanmar might felt it being push against a corner and retaliate harder against the Rohingyas and nobody wants that. The most important thing is the well being of the refugees. Lets hope other countries will provide shelter, safety and help to these refugees, instead of using the current crisis to blame and attack other third countries.

Why has China not condemned Myanmar for it's
violence against Rohingya?
People in BD are very disappointed with the Chinese response.
EU and Muslim countries have condemned Myanmar over this.

PS - No one in BD is surprised with India's response as Hindus hate Muslims.
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