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China ambassador blames Rohingya insurgents for Myanmar crisis

Why has China not condemned Myanmar for it's
violence against Rohingya?
People in BD are very disappointed with the Chinese response.

Sometimes persuasion is easier on friend than enemy. China have wished Myanmar will resolve its many ethnic problem through peaceful negotiations. And China have provided safe haven for Myanmar refugees many times in the past.

EU and Muslim countries have condemned Myanmar over this.
It might just harden the hawks within the Myanmar government.
off course i understand what china is doing india is doing and also our gov shw gave support to the burma gov
so lets not take and blame them we ummah alone are weak and divided
Nope.....Pakistanis call a spade a spade. You Indian don't need to dance
Really. Don't go there, you do nothing about it.

Even when US did stuffs in your country you did nothing. That's not calling spade a spade.

Anyway, Indians will keep dancing. It's a funny geopolitical situations, and India is glad not to be on the losing side.
I condemn the Chinese ambassador and Chinese stance of rohingya attrocities how China can put blind eye if it will better leave China as well
China only wants stability and a peaceful solution, what gets Rohingyas if Myanmar turns into another Syria?
China only wants stability and a peaceful solution, what gets Rohingyas if Myanmar turns into another Syria?
No. What you want is to do business with Myanmar and protect your interests in Rakhine. You don't care what happens to Rohingyas.

And, it's time to choose a side...
You don't want them to choose a side. They are likely to chose Burma's side.
There is no peaceful solution!
And, it's time to choose a side...

I support you, BD should arm ARSA to fight against Burmese, furthermore, BD should learn from North Korea, nuclear weapon. With nuclear weapon, I believe India would have its ball cut by you guys if they dare to interfere your internal affairs. North Korea has only 20 million people, they already has H-Bomb, BD has 150 million, there's no reason BD can't develop a H-Bomb, Go!
No. What you want is to do business with Myanmar and protect your interests in Rakhine. You don't care what happens to Rohingyas.
Yes, if a war breaks out and we lose everything there but so do Rohingyas. Who do you think will bleed for them? You? Americans? You 've got to face the ground reality?
North Korea has only 20 million people, they already has H-Bomb, BD has 150 million, there's no reason BD can't develop a H-Bomb, Go!
We can't be like NK. We have to ensure people have enough to eat first.
More Indian Hindutva propaganda trying to put a wedge between pakistan and China... nothing more.

Two countries can agree to disagree... no big deal.

Move along.. Hindutva moo par ram ram baghaal may chooree
Yes, if a war breaks out and we lose everything there but so do Rohingyas. Who do you think will bleed for them? You? Americans? You 've got to face the ground reality?
You are not wrong. But you worded it in a different way than you see it. You want peace and stability in Myanmar because you want to do business with them. Not because of your kind nature. If a war was good for your interests then you wouldn't mind it.
There are no permanent friends or permanent enemies,
Only thing permanent is self interest

Now in this scenario, Rohingyas are .5 % of Myanmar, any conflict in Myanmar be it Rohingya vs Myanmar, Roningya and BD vs Myanmar or OIC vs Myanmar will bring instability in region.

Let look at what Myanmar is offering to China , Gas pipeline, Route to Indian Ocean, a Naval Base closer to India. China want a stable strong Myanmar for her interests, hence supporting separatists (.5% of Population) doest not makes sense.

Plus a move like this might encourage forces supporting Uyghur in Xinjiang
There is no way US would intervene under Trump. To make the whole region unstable and burning in civil war is exactly what the west tries to make happen cause it'll benefit them the most, it hurts China and every country in this region. Rohingyas will bleed dry their last drop of blood this whole region will be war torn for decades , a lose for everyone in this region.

Why Russia also blocks it ? Cause that only benefits the west and everyone else will suffer, isn't it clear to see that?
I support you, BD should arm ARSA to fight against Burmese, furthermore, BD should learn from North Korea, nuclear weapon. With nuclear weapon, I believe India would have its ball cut by you guys if they dare to interfere your internal affairs. North Korea has only 20 million people, they already has H-Bomb, BD has 150 million, there's no reason BD can't develop a H-Bomb, Go!
Let us see what peace preachers can do about rohingyas...

And, nuke is too much...
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