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China ambassador blames Rohingya insurgents for Myanmar crisis

This is what I said in another thread about geo politics and how China will bear bigger burden than its short sighted interest.

As fogs are clearing a bit, more and more it appearing as part of bigger geo political game. US need to use new motivational tool and incidents to recruit terror bands in its upcoming spoiler role against BRI and EURasian union. That means Chinese Uighur region and Central Asian underbelly (along with Afghanistan) are the targets. US and its indian ally is counting on Chinese and Russian veto against any UNSC resolution on Myanmar. US, its indian and Israeli terror partners will use the Rohingya genocide and Chinese (potential) veto as tool for new recruit and direct terror. Can China see through; that is unknown but Chinese adamant stand in the name of "self interest" in Myanmar will be bigger burden at the end.

I don't really mind this outcome. And for the record, I would have preferred a vote of abstention.

First of all, forget about Uighurs. The Rohingya crisis won't galvanize potential terrorists among non-Rohingya/non-Bangladeshi Muslims to choose the path of terrorism anymore than the existing wars in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. already have. You really overestimate global feelings of solidarity among Muslims.

So that leaves the Rohingyas. If they become radicalized and weaponized into terror units, their priority targets will be Myanmar, India, Bangladesh. If I'm not even forgetting any countries, that makes China and Russia distant 4th/5th targets. I have no problem with Myanmar and India being targeted for obvious reasons. I also have no problems with Bangladesh because Rohingyas would take care not to harm the common people, their ethnic cousins. Instead they would target the Hasina's Hindu-centric regime for their collaboration and foot-dragging.
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There is no way US would intervene under Trump. To make the whole region unstable and burning in civil war is exactly what the west tries to make happen cause it'll benefit them the most, it hurts China and every country in this region. Rohingyas will bleed dry their last drop of blood this whole region will be war torn for decades , a lose for everyone in this region.

Why Russia also blocks it ? Cause that only benefits the west and everyone else will suffer, isn't it clear to see that?
Chinese government do whatever suits China's interest, like many other countries. We don't like Burmese and most of us don't care about Rohingyas.

Did India say a word condemning Myanmar? No?

Self interest will make China support Myanmar. And also if the persecuted would not have been Muslims, the reaction from the world including China would been different.
Oh come on! Please send troops to Myanmar to kick Myanmar army's ***. Please don't relate any thing with religion, than make you can't live. Rohingya is just Rohingya in our eyes, we don't care they are Muslim or Christian or Buhhdists.
Chinese government do whatever suits China's interest, like many other countries. We don't like Burmese and most of us don't care about Rohingyas.

Did India say a word condemning Myanmar? No?

Oh come on! Please send troops to Myanmar to kick Myanmar army's ***. Please don't relate any thing with religion, than make you can't live. Rohingya is just Rohingya in our eyes, we don't care they are Muslim or Christian or Buhhdists.

Unfortunately, your thinking doesn't reflect CPC's view. If it were...Muslims in Xinjiang would not have been targeted and persecuted.
Unfortunately, your thinking doesn't reflect CPC's view. If it were...Muslims in Xinjiang would not have been targeted and persecuted.
If Rohingyas can receive 10% kindness we offer to Uyghers, they won't flee. Don't waste your time here.

Myanmar shall very carefully deal with Rohingya issue, or China and Russia can't help further.
If Rohingyas can receive 10% kindness we offer to Uyghers, they won't flee. Don't waste your time here.

Money doesn't buy everything. Sometimes religion forms much more stronger bonds. Anyway, you are right...it is waste of time discussing this.
Self interest will make China support Myanmar. And also if the persecuted would not have been Muslims, the reaction from the world including China would been different.

Muslim or no muslim I dont think it will make any difference in Chinese reaction.
People need to stop arguing over nonsense spew by the like of Ito. This Indian have no interest in the well being of the Rohingyas or the peaceful resolution of the issue. He only wants to manipulate and use this current event to attack China and try to drive a wedge between China and Bangladesh.
It's time for Bangladeshi to learn some lessons from this particular incident, It surely teaches me something for life as I expected a neutral China in this issue.
China seems to help us because they want a powerful presence among nations surrounding India. To be completely honest, there is no ally in international politics but only interest. We should view the China Bangladesh relation the same way.We are better on our own with a strong and mutual respected friendship with India.

And I have no doubt that China will stop supplying ammo to Bangladesh if something happens with Bangladesh Myanmar.And I don't think Bangladesh India relation will ever be a big trouble.So why we need Chinese arms? with whom we will use those things?
Though economic development can go on like we do with Japan.But it's time for Bangladesh to explore a new military partnership with some other countries as we are no longer a tiny poor nation.
Hope this won't influence the relationship between China and BD. And I think the bilateral relationship is not that fragile as you put there.

And Narendra Modi had shown his firm support to Aung San Sukyi as to how she deal with Rohingyas insurgent during his visit to Myanmar.

What Benifits it can bring to BD if there is a war with Myanmar?

The relationship between China and BD begun when you were still East Pakistan, profound and stable.

Where is Hindutva coming here? Some obsession.

First, China persecutes its own Muslim population and ,moreover, China is a Buddhist country so naturally they will support Burma.

And second, there nothing common between China and Pakistan...except that both have enemies in India. China is using Pakistan to tie India up in this region and not challenge it in Asia. And these kind of relationship will not stand the time. So there nothing for India to drive a wedge between Pakistan and China.
Oh come on, Narendra Modi is a butcher killed so many Muslim in Gujrat, how about that?
And then? Do we still arm the Rohingyas and give logistical support to them? We have to consider how much this issue worth. Just because we have this issue we can't act on it to harm our own interests.
So, we should act like pussies? NO, we have to face the problem "ourselve". We have to take risks...
To be honest, China doesn't want to see a war breaks out between Myanmar and BD. A peaceful region fits in China's development interets at the best.

If there is a war between Myanmar and BD, we will keep neural. I don't know why China goverment give veto, an abstention vote is just fine. We don't like Burmese that much.

Rohingyas issue is not China's problem, we shall stay out of it.
Hope this won't influence the relationship between China and BD. And I think the bilateral relationship is not that fragile as you put there.
Actually it will...

We aren't upset because, China supplies arms to burmese! We are upset because, China rejected the proven reality.

Anyway, this rohingya crisis will enrich our wisdom. We're too emotional...
Actually it will...

We aren't upset because, China supplies arms to burmese! We are upset because, China rejected the proven reality.

Anyway, this rohingya crisis will enrich our wisdom. We're too emotional...
Maybe China will give abstention vote next time, who knows....
Personally I have condemned Myanmar army killing Rohingya Muslim many times in this sub forum, but sorry I can't help you guys.

Myanmar is like a spoiled boy, China shall tell him how to behave. They even killed our farmer along the border, so ethnical cleaning against Rohinyas is very much expected.
Wang bhai,

Personally I have condemned Myanmar army killing Rohingya Muslim many times in this sub forum, but sorry I can't help you guys.

You have done your best, sir, kindly avoid doing anything more. The CPC doesnt take criticism very well and you are a very valued member of our forum.

Last time a Burmese member accused that China provided weapons to minorities rebellions in North part of Myanmar.

The situation is very complicated:D

Wang bhai,

Personally I have condemned Myanmar army killing Rohingya Muslim many times in this sub forum, but sorry I can't help you guys.

You have done your best, sir, kindly avoid doing anything more. The CPC doesnt take criticism very well and you are a very valued member of our forum.

It's never too late for CPC to wake up, a spoiled dog will bite it's master someday in the future.

I think you need to first improve on your English writing skills, rather than commenting on complex political issues that you have no idea of. Regards.
The defence forum has turned into English teaching forum as you have attracted a positive rating for this comment!!!

Though I agree with your comment.
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