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China ambassador blames Rohingya insurgents for Myanmar crisis

West were never here yet 1 million already became refugee and counting. How is it west's fault?
Ukraine had ethnic issues for decades but it didn't turn into civil war until the West started to actively intervene.
Chinese interest will be better secured if it side with the humanity. Don't be in any illusion that a 400 years old fight can be dealt with ethnic cleansing. Your project and port will be in risk without Rohingyas participation in Arakan. Rohingyas will never let it go this way.
Myanmar is a nasty country with a nasty government. We don't really like them. But letting the West put their nose in the business is not something China would allow.
Regional actors! Who? Those who support this Rohingya genocide?
The West is not a regional actor. I don't even consider China a regional actor. Definitely Bangladesh and Myanmar. Maybe India. Maybe even Pakistan since you share common religion and some common history. Do what you need to do against Myanmar but you should not give the impression that you are allying yourself with the West because that upsets China and maybe even Russia.

They don't. They care about Bangladesh's interest. Bangladesh is not a country where you govt or Indian govt can call the shots. You accusing BD govt bending to India's will is a pathetic excuse. The real issue is you have interest in Burma. So you don't care about genocide as long as your interests are protected there. Same with US. We have interest in relation with China. So this Rohingya issue won't change anything in BD-China relation. But if you try to dictate BD affairs then it will indeed harm the relation. And it won't be good for you either.

You tell me when did BD act against Chinese interest? Don't give pathetic excuse.
With this one you guys pretty much earned the veto.


It's not too late to change your mind. China understands that electoral democracies can change depending on the political winds. No hard feelings.
Happy to see that Chinese dubious nature is coming out in open. Now you will realize that India is or was much much accommodating to all the sub-continent countries. You will realize the India is much better than all other big countries to whom you guys are blindly running after.
One of these incident in Pakistan hitting Chinese business and they will also realize the true nature of China.
Do not you, the Sudras of India, care what the Chinese are. It is the low caste/low breed Sudras, who are most trouble maker for our country.
With this one you guys pretty much earned the veto.


It's not too late to change your mind. China understands that electoral democracies can change depending on the political winds. No hard feelings.
India is not going to construct a sea port in Bangladesh. And the deal got postponed because of other reason. Not because India wanted it.

Although giving the sea port deal to India and Nuclear power plant deal to Japan would send some signal to China and Russia. Don't expect Bangladesh to bend to your will.
India is not going to construct a sea port in Bangladesh. And the deal got postponed because of other reason. Not because India wanted it.

Although giving the sea port deal to India and Nuclear power plant deal to Japan would send some signal to China and Russia. Don't expect Bangladesh to bend to your will.

If you want to reward India after they came out unequivocally in support for Myanmar, then it's your land, your port and ultimately your prerogative, lol.

With this one you guys pretty much earned the veto.


It's not too late to change your mind. China understands that electoral democracies can change depending on the political winds. No hard feelings.

Not only this, but unofficial diplomatic channels have conveyed that if China seizes the Chicken Neck, Bangladesh would allow Indian troops to transit through their country to reach the northeast. That would be an unbelievably hostile gesture by Bangladesh.
If you want to reward India after they came out unequivocally in support for Myanmar, then it's your land, your port and ultimately your prerogative, lol.
Not about Myanmar issue. It seems some Chinese poster here have the impression that BD is bound to obey Chinese instructions. Giving a sea port deal to India will give a message to them. This Rohingya issue should have no consequences in our foreign policy. We are hosting them for humanitarian reasons. We don't consider it as our problem either.
Not only this, but unofficial diplomatic channels have conveyed that if China seizes the Chicken Neck, Bangladesh would allow Indian troops to transit through the country to reach the northeast. That would be an unbelievably hostile gesture by Bangladesh.
Wow..you bring other's hostility..when you talk about seizing chicken's neck.. aren't you the one hostile here?lol
And no BD won't let Indian troops through it's land. You have the wrong impression. Although if you want a peace of BD as well then that may change. BD never makes a statement about India-China conflict because we want to stay out of it. You can rest assured if China does something then BD will stay out of it.
The West is not a regional actor. I don't even consider China a regional actor. Definitely Bangladesh and Myanmar. Maybe India. Maybe even Pakistan since you share common religion and some common history. Do what you need to do against Myanmar but you should not give the impression that you are allying yourself with the West because that upsets China and maybe even Russia.
Then help fixing this Rohingya issue. Else, please dont complain...
China backs Myanmar security force crackdown in Rakhine state
Agence France-Presse
Published at 06:45 PM September 12, 2017
Last updated at 07:15 PM September 12, 2017

A burnt house is seen in a village near Maungdaw, in the north of Rakhine state, Myanmar, September 12, 2017REUTERS
Beijing has tightened its embrace under Aung San Suu Kyi's civilian government as part of its giant trade, energy and infrastructure strategy for Southeast Asia
International divisions emerged on Tuesday ahead of a UN Security Council meeting on a worsening refugee crisis in Myanmar, with China voicing support for a military crackdown that has been criticised by the US, slammed as “ethnic cleansing” and forced 370,000 Rohingya to flee the violence.

Beijing’s intervention appears aimed at heading off any attempt to censure Myanmar at the council when it convenes on Wednesday.

China was one of the few foreign friends of Myanmar’s former junta.

International pressure on Myanmar heightened this week after United Nations rights chief Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein said the violence seemed to be a “textbook example of ethnic cleansing”.

The US also raised alarm over the violence while the Security Council announced it would meet Wednesday to discuss the crisis. Britain and Sweden requested the urgent Security Council meeting amid growing international concern over the ongoing violence. The council met behind closed doors in late August to discuss the violence, but could not agree a formal statement.

But Beijing offered more encouraging words to Myanmar authorities on Tuesday, with Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang voicing support for the Myanmarese government’s efforts to “uphold peace and stability” in Rakhine.

“We hope order and the normal life there will be recovered as soon as possible,” he told a press briefing.

Beijing has tightened its embrace under Aung San Suu Kyi’s civilian government as part of its giant trade, energy and infrastructure strategy for Southeast Asia.

In a statement late Monday Suu Kyi’s Foreign Ministry defended the military for doing their “legitimate duty to restore stability,” saying troops were under orders “to exercise all due restraint, and to take full measures to avoid collateral damage.”

The exodus from Myanmar’s western Rakine state began after Rohingya militants attacked multiple police outposts and an army base on August 25, prompting a military backlash that has sent a third of the Muslim minority population fleeing for their lives.

Exhausted Rohingya refugees have given accounts of atrocities at the hands of soldiers and Buddhist mobs who burned their villages to the ground. They can not be independently verified as access to Rakhine state is heavily controlled.

Myanmar’s government denies any abuses and instead blames militants for burning down thousands of villages, including many belonging to Rohingya.

The Rohingya minority are denied citizenship and have suffered years of persecution in Buddhist-majority Myanmar.

“An estimated 370,000 Rohingya have entered Bangladesh,” since August 25 Joseph Tripura, a spokesman for the UN refugee agency, said.

The real figure may be higher as many new arrivals are still on the move making it difficult to include them in the count, the UN said, adding 60% of refugees are children.
You guys think that China likes Myanmar? They mass killed ethnic Chinese too and they occasionally bomb villages on the Chinese side of the border. What do you expect China to do? Sending troops to fight a war with them? Politics are never that simple , it's very complicated.
Well you guys surely don't like anyone. But you act upon your interests. That's something we should learn from.
China blames ARSA for current crisis.....therefore China = Neutral. LOL

If India did the same....India = Neutral? (We all know the pavlovian reaction of the banglapithecus ingrates).

Hypocrisy is quite funny to see, it has long passed the give a F mark lol.

@Rajaraja Chola

I mean look at this typical BD forum idiot running away after being exposed:


China will continue to veto any UNSC censure of Myanmar just like they did in March this year....and the same BD clowns will say thats "neutral" too.

Myanmar can launch Chinese-sourced rocket artillery into BD (after Myanmar has conducted tons of airspace violations already) and China can release a statement supporting Myanmar tackling ARSA....and these BD clowns will still be hollering that China is neutral. :rofl: Most shameless people on Earth ever....but what can you expect from the 3 million genohoax crybabies. @Aung Zaya

It shows just how badly BD is losing now. Thanks SHW! Keep at it. Next year is going to be even more fun. Just watch:P

Typical slaves. Maybe its the insecurity of people living in small countries to look as Masters who give them Interest filled money. Somebody gives them interest less money they start checking the teeth of the free horse they are getting. Even I didnt get any response when I exposed Cheena. They busily ignored it.

Simply religious hatred. Nothing more. Thank God Hindus in India arent brainwashed like this to hate people just cos one is from other religion.
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