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China ambassador blames Rohingya insurgents for Myanmar crisis

The defence forum has turned into English teaching forum as you have attracted a positive rating for this comment!!!

Though I agree with your comment.

Yeah, "Logical Boss" made a really interesting defence analysis.
That is utter Chinese BS. China DOES support Myanmar genocide by using veto power in UN; thus supporting Myanmar domestic issue. Who does Chinese are kidding?
Happy to see that Chinese dubious nature is coming out in open. Now you will realize that India is or was much much accommodating to all the sub-continent countries. You will realize the India is much better than all other big countries to whom you guys are blindly running after.
One of these incident in Pakistan hitting Chinese business and they will also realize the true nature of China.
What Myanmar is offering to Russia? Why Russia also blocks it?

In P5, there are 2 Blocks, and Russia is supporting its only ally in P5,

Also, US has this dirty game play where they create unrest, make it a larger issue using false propaganda and then intervene. This time they are trying in China's back yard, next it could be Ukrane or Chechenya and that time Russia expects China on its side
Happy to see that Chinese dubious nature is coming out in open. Now you will realize that India is or was much much accommodating to all the sub-continent countries. You will realize the India is much better than all other big countries to whom you guys are blindly running after.
One of these incident in Pakistan hitting Chinese business and they will also realize the true nature of China.

India literally did the same thing by promoting Myanmar as the good guys. The only difference between India and China is that India is a democracy and we expect more from it. Everyone knows that CCP only cares about its own interests. India wouldn't have supported Myanmar under any previous government like it is doing now on the other hand.
Why has China not condemned Myanmar for it's
violence against Rohingya?
People in BD are very disappointed with the Chinese response.
EU and Muslim countries have condemned Myanmar over this.

PS - No one in BD is surprised with India's response as Hindus hate Muslims.
You guys are totally delusion-ed. I pity on you. Your blind hate towards India will set up your doom. You will end up hurting yourself more than hurting India.
So, we should act like pussies? NO, we have to face the problem "ourselve". We have to take risks...
Even though we stand nothing to gain and only to lose? I don't see this situation is worth it.
India literally did the same thing by promoting Myanmar as the good guys. The only difference between India and China is that India is a democracy and we expect more from it. Everyone knows that CCP only cares about its own interests. India wouldn't have supported Myanmar under any previous government like it is doing now on the other hand.
India is democracy for its own people. It will promote democracy in other countries too but it cannot interfere in other countries internal affairs until it is asked by its own people. Just like in case of Bangladesh, when Mukti Bahini started calling India;s help against the atrocities by the Army, India interfered. It these kind of extreme happens then I am sure India will interfere along with world;s consensus as India also shares border with Myanmar. Till then the official position of India will be the one which benefits India.
Hope this won't influence the relationship between China and BD. And I think the bilateral relationship is not that fragile as you put there.

And Narendra Modi had shown his firm support to Aung San Sukyi as to how she deal with Rohingyas insurgent during his visit to Myanmar.

What Benifits it can bring to BD if there is a war with Myanmar?

The relationship between China and BD begun when you were still East Pakistan, profound and stable.

Oh come on, Narendra Modi is a butcher killed so many Muslim in Gujrat, how about that?
Bangladeshi people don't expect anything better from India, as only a small percentage of people recognize India as a friendly nation. Not to mention their hatred towards Muslims and another ethnic group, you should well aware of these issues from PDF.
And war with Myanmar or with anyone is not on our agenda.In fact, Bangladesh is a very interested on Kunming-Chittagong link road.We also nothing to gain from a war with any nation as our GDP is growing over 7%.
But Myanmar is a rogue state, can start anything.In that scenario, we have to defend ourselves.And now I am starting to believe that China won't supplying ammo to BD and will take side with Myanmar.
No matter what, China Bangladesh relation should remain strong both in economically and politically. But we should find an alternative military hardware supplier who won't stop supplying required equipment during nation's critical situation.
I appreciate your support for those poor Rohingya people. Aside religion and politics, we are all human being and should not harm each other at least if we can't help them.

You guys are totally delusion-ed. I pity on you. Your blind hate towards India will set up your doom. You will end up hurting yourself more than hurting India.
I hope you heard the venom of some Indians towards BD. I never knew that the level of Indian hatred towards Bangladesh and its people before coming to PDF.
Where is Hindutva coming here? Some obsession.

First, China persecutes its own Muslim population and ,moreover, China is a Buddhist country so naturally they will support Burma.

And second, there nothing common between China and Pakistan...except that both have enemies in India. China is using Pakistan to tie India up in this region and not challenge it in Asia. And these kind of relationship will not stand the time. So there nothing for India to drive a wedge between Pakistan and China.

China doesn't persecute Muslims... it addresses a foreign designed insurrection in the Uighur region!... probably Indian sponsored.

Where is Hindutva coming here? Some obsession.

First, China persecutes its own Muslim population and ,moreover, China is a Buddhist country so naturally they will support Burma.

And second, there nothing common between China and Pakistan...except that both have enemies in India. China is using Pakistan to tie India up in this region and not challenge it in Asia. And these kind of relationship will not stand the time. So there nothing for India to drive a wedge between Pakistan and China.

Pak China relation has stood the time of over 70 years approx ... how much longer are you waiting for... for them to fail! Lol
India literally did the same thing by promoting Myanmar as the good guys. The only difference between India and China is that India is a democracy and we expect more from it. Everyone knows that CCP only cares about its own interests. India wouldn't have supported Myanmar under any previous government like it is doing now on the other hand.
To be fair things will be a lot easier if India and China are on the same page on rohingya crisis.Right now both countries are sucpicouus that if one withdraws support the other will use this opportunity to expand relations and fill the gap
No. What you want is to do business with Myanmar and protect your interests in Rakhine. You don't care what happens to Rohingyas.
This is not China's fight. Rather, we understand the West is seeking to support Rohingyas to undermine Chinese investments. Bangladesh should not try to leverage the West's support to advance an adventurous geopolitical agenda. Let regional issues be settled by regional actors.

You don't want them to choose a side. They are likely to chose Burma's side.
Probably. Especially now that Bangladeshi's current government bends to India's will against China's interests.
This is not our fight. Rather, we understand the West is seeking to support Rohingyas to undermine Chinese investments.Probably.

West were never here yet 1 million already became refugee and counting. How is it west's fault?

Especially now that Bangladeshi's current government bends to India's will against China's interests.
Chinese interest will be better secured if it side with the humanity. Don't be in any illusion that a 400 years old fight can be dealt with ethnic cleansing. Your project and port will be in risk without Rohingyas participation in Arakan. Rohingyas will never let it go this way.
China doesn't persecute Muslims
They actually do.
Especially now that Bangladeshi's current government bends to India's will against China's interests.
They don't. They care about Bangladesh's interest. Bangladesh is not a country where you govt or Indian govt can call the shots. You accusing BD govt bending to India's will is a pathetic excuse. The real issue is you have interest in Burma. So you don't care about genocide as long as your interests are protected there. Same with US. We have interest in relation with China. So this Rohingya issue won't change anything in BD-China relation. But if you try to dictate BD affairs then it will indeed harm the relation. And it won't be good for you either.

You tell me when did BD act against Chinese interest? Don't give pathetic excuse.
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