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Chief scientist told China's anti-stealth radar identify F-22 flying 450km away

Serbians used 1960s model Russian anti aircraft missile to defeat steqlth


No that simple---they had an anti stealth device that they activated to lock the missile.

At 1:15

No that simple---they had an anti stealth device that they activated to lock the missile.

At 1:15

He says a small technical innovation... I think he played with existing radar... He is a battery Commander not a scientist and had no factory or product fascility at his disposal
Serbians used 1960s model Russian anti aircraft missile to defeat steqlth
Serbians had insight from the Persian Gulf War (1991):-

"By employing the strategy of withholding military force the Serbs avoided having their air defence and field units being destroyed in the first days of the air campaign. They had absorbed the lessons of Operation Desert Storm, and preserved their assets for the long haul, which was a successful strategy as Serb forces were still firing Surface-to-Air Missiles (SAM) on the last day of Operation Allied Force."

Source: http://www.ausairpower.net/APA-2009-04.html#_edn1

Serbians somehow managed to intercept and decipher NATO communications during the course of war, so they had a good idea of the sorties for strikes in Serbia in advance. Some details in this link: https://www.warhistoryonline.com/hi...-impossible-shot-down-an-f-117-nighthawk.html

Nevertheless, not much to brag about when you concentrate on the big picture:-

"On June 10, 1999 NATO suspended air attacks against Yugoslavia after 78 days of bombing. Between the 8th and the 9th, the F-117As flew more than 850 sorties without one combat fatality. As a whole, NATO aircraft flew more than 34,000 sorties in the 11 week operation."

Source: https://www.f-117a.com/AFMissions.html

F-117A aircraft (12 in total) completed over 850 sorties over Serbia during the course of war [over 850 targets struck in the process], and Serbia lost the war eventually. Stealth has delivered in every high-stakes battlespace since 1991, my friend.

Now keep in mind that F-117A represent the FIRST GENERATION in stealthy designs.
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In this case ...Why china is wasting time and money on making stealth aircrafts !! ☺️

You are even more retarded than I usually expected from an...:rofl:

OK, Let me tell you why: because we have one doesnt necessily mean you have one as well.

I am not one of 'These people'. I do not know what/who you are talking about.

I am not here to change your mind, which is already made up.

Long before you came on this forum, I have already explained the basics of radar detection, cleared up many misconceptions, and explained where 'stealth' came into the picture. And I done it better than any of the Chinese members could.

So far, the only thing YOU know how to do is post pictures. I have seen no evidence that you can do anything else.

Wow, the D-2 (D stand for dotards) in this forum strike again, it seems that the D-2 know more than the chief scientist of China's No.1 military radar supplier on radar tech:rofl:

You know, speak just like the chief Dotard in the US:rofl:
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Serbians had insight from the Persian Gulf War (1991):-

"By employing the strategy of withholding military force the Serbs avoided having their air defence and field units being destroyed in the first days of the air campaign. They had absorbed the lessons of Operation Desert Storm, and preserved their assets for the long haul, which was a successful strategy as Serb forces were still firing Surface-to-Air Missiles (SAM) on the last day of Operation Allied Force."

Source: http://www.ausairpower.net/APA-2009-04.html#_edn1

Serbians somehow managed to intercept and decipher NATO communications during the course of war, so they had a good idea of the sorties for strikes in Serbia in advance. Some details in this link: https://www.warhistoryonline.com/hi...-impossible-shot-down-an-f-117-nighthawk.html

Nevertheless, not much to brag about when you concentrate on the big picture:-

"On June 10, 1999 NATO suspended air attacks against Yugoslavia after 78 days of bombing. Between the 8th and the 9th, the F-117As flew more than 850 sorties without one combat fatality. As a whole, NATO aircraft flew more than 34,000 sorties in the 11 week operation."

Source: https://www.f-117a.com/AFMissions.html

F-117A aircraft (12 in total) completed over 850 sorties over Serbia during the course of war [over 850 targets struck in the process], and Serbia lost the war eventually. Stealth has delivered in every high-stakes battlespace since 1991, my friend.

Now keep in mind that F-117A represent the FIRST GENERATION in stealthy designs.

Off course every future airplane will have stealth we are seeing last of non stealth aircraft but also as stealth eveolves so would techs to counter it as well...

Thats not what we were discussing
The F22's usually fly with external fuel tanks or Luneburg lenses to mask their RCS.

View attachment 528576

View attachment 528577

"This claim is reasonable, as the article claims, if the Raptor is carrying external fuel tanks it is not in a stealth configuration. Moreover, the aircraft is often fitted with a Luneburg lens device on its ventral side during peacetime operations that enhances its cross section on radar.

Therefore, a radar operating at a lower-frequency band such as parts of the S or L band—like civilian air traffic control (ATC) radars—are almost certainly able to detect and track tactical fighter-sized stealth aircraft."

Source: https://www.israeldefense.co.il/en/content/chinas-radars-tracked-us-stealthy-f-22-raptor

Now the Chinese have joined the Indian bandwagon* in claiming that they can detect VLO aircraft so easily.

*Link: http://www.indiandefensenews.in/2018/05/did-plaaf-use-radar-reflectors-to-spoof.html

I was expecting better from a Chinese scientist.



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During a talk holding in a research workshop, the chief scientist of the China's largest radar group, CETC, Dr Wu Jianqi, told the audience that China's anti-stealth radar is the world most advanced anti-stealth radar.

It solved all the tech difficulties that other countries failed to solve and the 4th generation anti-stealth radar CETC developed, their radar, is the world's only anti-stealth radar that can not only spot but also track and guide fire-control radar to attack enemy stealth aircrafts in a range of over 500 km.

During the talk, he give an example that their last generation anti-stealth radar track F-22 fighters in East Asia flying 450 km away.

And he told the audience China airforce now cover the entire China coastline with such highly advanced anti-stealth radar, such that US stealth fighters will be meaningless.

Just like I said it before, China's radar tech is likely leave the US in the dust.


"All China does is copy from other nations" :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
Ah... Flick! They told everyone ...... May be they have a reason to disclose it. I know for a fact china had its first anti stealth radar deployed in 2013. I didn't expect they would disclouse it without war.

Chinese shouldn't disclose anything else... Its better fo surprise the enemy in combat. Than deter them in peace time. My personal opnion.

No wonder americans have been pushing six gen work for past ten years. Also pakistaniz talked about skipping 5th gen and moving to 6th gen like the uk plans to do.

Now the people who gave been following the news would know what those high powered energy rays from Djibouti were meant for. And those huge structures spotted on settales all round china .

Too bad these are static and highly vulnerable radars but for sure they give a capability no other nation has except for russia under project name Surya. These radars must be defended by s400 and chinese indegenous anti missile systems.

Chinese have been monitoring half of afghan airspace above mountain tops. If f22s flew near kabul those were registered. Also we read a few days back that chinese followed F-35A 500 km away with lock on ability. But f35 is an inferior stealth as compared to f22.
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Ah... Flick! They told everyone ...... May be they have a reason to disclose it. I know for a fact china had its first anti stealth radar deployed in 2013. I didn't expect they would disclouse it without war.

Chinese shouldn't disclose anything else... Its better fo surprise the enemy in combat. Than deter them in peace time. My personal opnion.

No wonder americans have been pushing six gen work for past ten years. Also pakistaniz talked about skipping 5th gen and moving to 6th gen like the uk plans to do.

Now the people who gave been following the news would know what those high powered energy rays from Djibouti were meant for. And those huge structures spotted on settales all round china .

Too bad these are static and highly vulnerable radars but for sure they give a capability no other nation has except for russia under project name Surya. These radars must be defended by s400 and chinese indegenous anti missile systems.

Chinese have been monitoring half of afghan airspace above mountain tops. If f22s flew near kabul those were registered. Also we read a few days back that chinese followed F-35A 500 km away with lock on ability. But f35 is an inferior stealth as compared to f22.
Seems like Chinese cannot keep any secrets. It's their DNA. That's why no secret societies in China.
Seems like Chinese cannot keep any secrets. It's their DNA. That's why no secret societies in China.

You would be surprised.... The most secretive and under the wraps Armed forces are the chinese. No one knows their abilities unless they reveal em themselves.
Hence my surprise. But they must have become successful in other plans hence they can afford to reveal it perhaps.

World knows what chinese tell them. Prove me wrong if u can, cuz i know for a fact that i am right.
There must be a reason for revealing it.
In today's capability as existent with all militaries, even 40 Kms to detect a stealth aircraft in clutter in air space (commercial and otherwise) is a joke.

Heck, Mig 21 and F 7s make AWACS job difficult in low level ... What can I say ..

Theoretically - I can use water to run an engine of an aircraft too - by splitting the Hydrogen from Water and thereby giving the required fuel source.

So, are you claiming that you know better than that Chinese Scientist?

Remember, That Scientist talk in a Research Workshop event. It is not a propaganda news for worldwide audience consumption. And he's not a front lines grunt nor pilot. But a respectable Scientist from a CETC. And his audience at that workshop are not your average Joe or forum trolls like us. He talks to his fellow Chinese Scientists, or even with important figures from CCP and PLA. So are you suggest that that Scientist is bullshitting in front of his audience? His claim has been backup with proof from Research and Experiment, that the data are not available for both of us.

And it is not only that, he has multi billion dollars equipments for his research and experiment. If he just bullshitting, his company name, and his own credibility will be in jeopardized. Will he sacrifice his everything for just bullshitting in a Research Workshop?

Or, are you suggesting that the scientist is an idiot who don't know anything about stealth technology? When you, an outsider who don't even study about Stealth principle / technology know what "Luneburg" is.

So, where CETC can get data about F-35 and F-22? Ask them yourself. They have more resource and capability more than you or me, civilians can imagine. They also have everything they need to send their scientists and their protectors to war torn Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan, where F-22 and F-35 are operated without Luneburg.

So, is he right? Maybe. He can also be wrong, but he's not bullshitting when he talk at that podium.
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That CETC JY-27 is not the one that the Scientist Claim. It is CETC JY-27A. Also, the tech that the Scientist talk about is actually their newly invented quantum radar and Shadow Imagine Satellite. "Can" and "Effectively against" are two different things. That's why they still continue their research on "Anti Stealth detection system".
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@gambit can you please explain the graphs in the last two pics in OP? Ignore the Chinese, but they look like they should be standard 'equipotential' graphs, right? I can see they convey information about various angles of reflection, and distances. But what is the y axis and what are the units? Joules of energy reflected?

@gambit you are ignoring me. Why?
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