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more poor in india then africa

a lot to brag about :cheesy:
450 million poor people. Africa's population - 1,032,532,974 (2011)
Number of Indians in middle class and higher class, over 750 million.

How about this number.
We all know what Pakistan is good at ? Though they never brag about it ,they rather hide it :P
If Pakistanis have invented Chess, why are they continuously being used as a pawn, rather than as king?
Good Question, lets wait for some Pakistani to answer it.
The moment some one says that it Originated in INDIA before 1947, some Pakistanis take it for granted that they where the masters and created the universe.
Come on guys grow up. we where once a great civilization and had common roots, when some one refers to INDIA before 1947 be it positive or negative, we share it. .
we have a heart to share it, do you have the same?
India also invented Lota. An invention which completely changed the world. Guess no Indian ever started a thread about it.

it was invented in what is today pakistan/iran border area, India cannot claim this, there is no such thing as greater india
it was invented in what is today pakistan/iran border area, India cannot claim this, there is no such thing as greater india

Civilizations came and went but the roots and culture of indus valley still lies in India , the time you are talking about greater India , it was called Bharat : i guess you know we still say india as Bharat .
Civilizations came and went but the roots and culture of indus valley still lies in India , the time you are talking about greater India , it was called Bharat : i guess you know we still say india as Bharat .

:lol: you guys just cant stay away from declaring akhand bharat do you :lol:

poor indian guy made too much efforts by making a threat about IVC and clear all the so called propaganda from pakistan side little realising that its their own hindutwa brothers who are misguided
Civilizations came and went but the roots and culture of indus valley still lies in India , the time you are talking about greater India , it was called Bharat : i guess you know we still say india as Bharat .

who said this? it is BS to assume that. present day bharat is a land/culture of ganga river not indus valley and especially not the land west of indus valley
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