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Cheney calls for air strike on Iran over captured drone

Where are the chemical weapons? The mustard gas, anthrax and nuclear weapons Iraq was suppose to have? Oh I forgot, those were long gone and you simply used it as an excuse to invade. Hell, even Bush and his cronies admit it.
Simple question enough: What was the IAEA doing in Iraq before US? Keep in mind that UN inspection teams must be led by non-Americans, that was the condition set forth by the UN. UNSCOM (Richard Butler Australia) and UNMOVIC (Hans Blix and Rolf Ekeus Sweden) gave Iraq negative reviews, doubts about Iraq's intentions and nuclear weapons PROGRAMS, of which falls under the definition of 'WMD' all three men operated under.

UNMOVIC - [ Document List ]
Compendium of Iraq’s Proscribed Weapons Programmes in the Chemical, Biological and Missile areas

Because of Iraqi false statements, incorrect declarations and concealment activities, UN inspectors not only were wary of accepting Iraqi testimony without solid evidence but also were forced to re-evaluate their assessments of Iraq’s programmes after each new revelation by Iraq.
The Organizational Structure of Iraq’s Proscribed Weapons Programmes

Iraq’s proscribed weapons programmes were integral parts of its military industries.
Observations and Lessons Learned

1. The Environment of UN inspections in Iraq

Efforts to promote the non-proliferation of WMD and disarmament should contain some over arching elements. Among these are; (i) international policies: in the areas of security to create an environment where there is no perceived need for an individual state to acquire WMD, (ii) treaties: whereby countries commit to not acquire, develop, produce, stock-pile or use WMD, (iii) inspection and monitoring programmes: to create confidence that no acquisition, development, production, stock-pile or use of WMD occur, and (iv) export and import controls: to control or monitor the transfer of dual-use items so as to restrict the potential proliferation of WMD. These elements may be supplemented by other economic, political or military pressures.
The 'acquisition, development, produce' cannot mean anything but 'programmes', not just functional nuclear weapons. In other words, the UN/IAEA violated YOUR conveniently narrowed definition of 'WMD'.

"A Nuremberg chief prosecutor says there is a case for trying Bush for the 'supreme crime against humanity, an illegal war of aggression against a sovereign nation.' "
When China's own leadership is presented with similar charges for what they have done in the name of communism, then we can talk.

Now that's just Iraq alone. I still haven't counted all the countries you invaded, bombed and politically destablized. Your country is the the biggest bully on the block, and you're calling us the bully. The irony is strong with this one.
So speaketh the Chinese-Canadian who is too chickensh!t to live under the regime he defends on the Internet. China was chickensh!t in Desert Storm and later got into under the table oil deals with Saddam Hussein along with the Russians. So the contained China who could not be the bully because of US instead became the vulture thanks to US.
Attacking Iraq was wrong. How incredibly brainwashed to justify the unjustifiable. I mean, as I read the Comments at the NY Times, the most Recommended are overwhelmingly by Americans who are ashamed of what was done in their names.
As to the UN, yeah, the same UN which is 'biased' when it comes to Israel but is quite credible when it suits your agendas? Let me tell you: If the Western powers exert enough pressure then the UN Inspectors will even start looking for WMDs in Vatican as well! Fact is that the IAEA could not find any credible evidence--at least not credible enough to justify the bloodbath lasting 9 years. Fact is that the UNSC never gave its approval to the invasion--and hence even the French were made to suffer in the American media.
Some people will even justify dropping nukes in Maldives in your blind so-called patriotism.

Here... a sampling-- of some people with a conscience. Not blind 'patriotic' flag bearers.

DonnaCornwall, U.K.NYT Pick

Having just returned last night from Berlin, where visitors are surrounded by memorials, monuments and museums dedicated to World War II and the Cold War, including bits of the Berlin Wall, I was astounded anew at how millions of people in our lifetime have been duped into supporting war on all levels, genocide included, based on propaganda and fear.

I say this as a former Marine mother whose son served twice in Iraq and once in Afghanistan. I often asked within these pages, in print and online, what was the point?

And ask it again, perhaps for the final time, following nine years of squandered blood and treasure: WHAT WAS THE POINT?
Cheney + war + Iran.

Only thing missing is.....
George Texas Ranger Bush
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