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Cheney calls for air strike on Iran over captured drone

Big Dick, to you, buddy. And that is folded in half.

And a soft one, for all the time, pale plus.

Quite thin too.

Your woman like black strong one more. Maybe like us black and hairy a plus.:pakistan:
Didnt know Pakistan was under occupation since 2007.. :rofl:

Thats why they say that copy and paste (especially without reading) is a 2 edged sword..

Apparently, you are literacy CHALLENGED, GENIUS ( I am using the term rather loosely).

Read the top part again, I will copy it for someone like you:

Countries the US has Attacked OR Occupied since World War II :

See, the word OR in English language Implies one or the other, Capisch Genius ?

Pakistan has been attacked by Drones since 2007, Genius.
This shows how crazy these americans are?
They want to bomb one nation just to get there drone back? why they send that f**king drone in the first place..?
Given how China want to dominate Asia and the aggressive behaviors the rest of Asia is seeing today, the Chinese government must be filled with dicks.

But he is lot closer to you and something tells me he fills your dirty hole every night.
I expected better from you. Bush, Dick and Rumsfield admitted no WMD was found in their memoirs. Hell, even CIA admitted no WMD. Do you enjoy slapping your own face?

"In his final word, the CIA’s top weapons inspector in Iraq said Monday that the hunt for weapons of mass destruction has “gone as far as feasible” and has found nothing, closing an investigation into the purported programs of Saddam Hussein that were used to justify the 2003 invasion."
:lol: And I expected the usual from you: Complete and total reliance upon the same 'Zionist' media you decried -- when convenient. Be careful about bringing up memoirs. In Rumsfeld's, he consistently used 'WMD stockpiles', which is consistent with the UN/IAEA's attempt to distinguish the difference between 'WMD programs' and actual functional devices. So if anyone's face who is being slapped, it is yours, and the one doing the slapping is the UN/IAEA since they were the instigators of the Iraqi sanction regime in the first place.

Still ducking the question like a little Dick worshipper I see. Do you intend to answer how many wars has China waged in the past 30 years compared to United States?
What is there to duck? The only reason why your China has not succeeded in being an actual warmonger country was because the US and the rest of us 'inferior' Asians resisted you. Repeat: Your lack of conquests does not equal to lack of intent. And right now the smaller Asian countries are regretting the decisions they made years ago to believe that China does not have regional hegemonic intent, even by military means if necessary.
We are not the one who is drawing up new maps and telling the smaller Asian countries where they can and cannot go at sea.

excuse me dick, are you speak up for yourself as an american or for your vietnam? what is the really nationality of yours, dick?

btw congratulations, you just got a lovely support from your long lost brother viet cong under your feet!
excuse me dick, are you speak up for yourself as an american or for your vietnam? what is the real nationality of yours, dick?

btw congratulations, you just got a lovely support from your long lost brother viet cong under your feet!
Do not fret, little man. You are just another one I scroll right over as unworthy of my blood sugar to respond.
The reason why China has not been able to conquer Asia is because us 'inferior' Asians refused to submit. That and the US refused to let you. Your lack of conquest does not equal to lack of intent.

oh jeezus! :eek:

- who is really an "asian" here?

-who is really "inferior" here?

what on earth this kind of shameless self-claimed? :rolleyes:

I have to agree to someone that had said: "trust dick is really a dick!":azn:
Apparently, you are literacy CHALLENGED, GENIUS ( I am using the term rather loosely).

Read the top part again, I will copy it for someone like you:

Countries the US has Attacked OR Occupied since World War II :

See, the word OR in English language Implies one or the other, Capisch Genius ?

Pakistan has been attacked by Drones since 2007, Genius.

It was due to the permission of Pakistan Army and Government in order to destroy some of the terrorists activities. We gave them green lights and allow bases/supplies.

Unfortunately most countries were invaded without permission. Hope you got it.
nope but your country has had world domination on its mind, and for the short term, control of all of asia. your country has not started any wars, because it knows if it did, it would be prematurely destroyed by america before it can become powerful enough to take on the USA. in recent years your country have been very aggressive in speeches, military expansion, and towards other countries regarding the sth china sea be it military or civilian. china plan is not to take bit by bit and set it self up. chinas plan is to blitzkrieg the whole region at one time. for that you wait , build up your arms and technology, wait for a time when your adversary weakens, then attack.

china in a lot of ways in worse then the americans, and should china ever rule over the world, everyone except chinese will be slaves. well.. those left
Yes, you have correctly surmised our strategy, congratulations. Whites are not the only people to try to rule the world, we Chinese and Islamic World will have our place in the sun too. Either we succeed in becoming #1 superpower in East Asia, or we take all our enemies down with us (that includes you folks over on the other side of the Pacific).
Gambit should be officially given the title "Captain America"...
Defender of Dick cheney ;)

Gambit should be officially given the title "Captain America"...
Defender of Dick cheney ;)
No. Am no idolator of anyone. What I dismiss is the charge that somehow the US 'lied' to the world about 'WMD' when it was the UN/IAEA who started the whole thing. Am still waiting for an explanation of why if the initials 'WMD' meant functional nuclear weapons, not merely devices, then what was the UN/IAEA doing in the Iraq in the first place? I have not got around to studying Cheney's and Rice's memoirs yet, but for the rest, am done.
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