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Chasing the Dragon

And your description is wrong. Whereas what I described of that racist military ruled thugocracy called China was quite correct and all for the public to verify.

Nope, it doesn't take much to find out how racist America was. Readers can simply enter into Google search the following: "American racist history against Asian American".

In the Pacific States, racism was primarily directed against the resident Asian immigrants. Several immigration laws discriminated against the Asians, and at different points the ethnic Chinese or other groups were banned from entering the United States. Nonwhites were prohibited from testifying against whites.

The Chinese were often subject to harder labor on the First Transcontinental Railroad and often performed the more dangerous tasks such as using dynamite to make pathways through the mountains.

or "American racist history against African Americans ".

While substantial gains were made in the succeeding decades through middle class advancement and public employment, black poverty and lack of education deepened in the context of de-industrialization. Prejudice, discrimination, and institutional racism continued to affect African Americans.

From 1981 to 1997, the United States Department of Agriculture discriminated against tens of thousands of African American farmers, denying loans provided to white farmers in similar circumstances.

Or find out how thug like the state are by punching the following on Youtube "Wall Street girls maced in the face" or "NYPD Thugs Arresting Children Protesters".

Need I add anymore? I don't think so.
Americans will often point to African Americans as the example of how they're over racism.

It is just a shift over to other groups and will probably come back to African Americans in the future. Right now it's Muslims but it'll soon be someone else.

Stigmatizing groups occurs fairly often in western media.
Americans will often point to African Americans as the example of how they're over racism.

It is just a shift over to other groups and will probably come back to African Americans in the future. Right now it's Muslims but it'll soon be someone else.

Stigmatizing groups occurs fairly often in western media.

Their short 200 years history are full of racial belittling, racial fear mongering and they will always look down on the black population and regard them as criminals:





^^ I understand your deep anguish with American (and I imagine the whole white world's) racism. Millions have suffered due to that misplaced sense of superiority on their part.

Is it the same in England, your chosen home looking at your flags?
^^ I understand your deep anguish with American (and I imagine the whole white world's) racism. Millions have suffered due to that misplaced sense of superiority on their part.

Is it the same in England, your chosen home looking at your flags?

Replace anguish with disgust at the level of blatant racial hypocrisy.
According to my Indian friends, yes England is fairly similar.
Replace anguish with disgust at the level of blatant racial hypocrisy.
According to my Indian friends, yes England is fairly similar.

Now that's just a cheap shot at your own friends (assuming they're real.) Not cool man...
the US is evil at bones, the americans depend.
:lol: And that is supposed to make the Chinese version of institutionalized slavery more palatable than a race based one? News for you, bud, the line between class and race is very very thin and those who would make such a distinction to justify their bigotry have no problems erasing it when it suits them. The Japanese never raided mainland Asia for slaves but the full effects of Japanese culturally ingrained racism came to the fore in WW II and it was evident from Korea to India. You think the victims of Japanese racism cared of this distinction?
The Booi Aha class was created by the Manchus to serve their aristocracy. This is the common pattern of many victors of wars throughout history. Booi Aha were NOT slaves because of racism. Further, when Booi Aha ended, the former Booi Aha slaves were absorbed into mainstream Chinese society without any fanfare because the so-called societal racism that you are trying so hard to fabricate has NEVER EXISTED in China. If it did, the Booi Aha would have faced ongoing discrimination, which did not happen. My suggestion is, when doing your frantic online searches, you should actually read and understand the context of the stories. If you did that, you would know the Booi Aha were a Manchu creation to enslave non-Manchus, mostly Han Chinese. Yet another epic fail to add to your record. LOL Concerning Japanese atrocities, please do not confuse Chinese with Japanese. I know this may be difficult for a closet racist to understand since I'm sure you think they all look the same.

The next time any of the Chinese boys here insult the Indians for their IQ the Indians should be glad that because of China's class based slavery system, it mean the Chinese view the Indians as a lower class of human beings.
Whatever you say Mr. Stormfront. According to you, that also means the Indians should be glad that because of America's race based slavery system, that they are above the blacks, right? You're getting a little too transparent there, no need for sour grapes just because Indians are so successful in America.

I met plenty of people like you, in real life and on line, who are uncomfortable of their racism, know it is wrong, unable to rid themselves of it, and too cowardly to be proud of it. So they resort to this feeble line of distinction between class based bigotry and outright racism to make themselves stand apart from the proud hardcore racists.
The only "proud" hardcore racist here is you Mr. Stormfront. I recognize your sort of language and it is straight out of the mainline Stormfront forums. Your fake persona and race baiting isn't fooling anybody.

So out of your frantic online search, you managed to find only two isolated incidents in spite of the clearly insinuation, as highlighted, that Chinese citizens and Chinese-Americans were targeted.
I quoted the 2 most famous incidents concerning anti-Chinese paranoia by the American government in the 1950s and 1990s and all you could come up with is an accusation that this was a frantic online search. LOL Need I remind you of your latest Epic Fail where you performed a frantic online search for Chinese slavery and posted nonsense about Chinese race-based slavery against the Booi Aha when most of the Booi Aha slaves were ethnic Han Chinese enslaved by ethnic Manchus. You are absolutely ridiculous.

As for Wen Ho Lee, I read his book My Country Versus Me. What happened to him was a wrong and a tragedy but hardly because of some official White House or Pentagon directive to zero in on anyone of Chinese descent or relationship with China. When I say I read a book, you can bet your next paycheck that I have it and read it, so here is what Lee said in the last chapter...

Amazon.com: My Country Versus Me: The First-Hand Account By the Los Alamos Scientist Who Was Falsely Accused of Being a Spy (9780786868032): Wen Ho Lee: Books

Instead of worrying about the FBI, he worries more about foreign agents, read Chinese, who would falsely believe he knows anything worthwhile. Lee pointedly singled out your beloved China as how he would be dead if the same thing were to happened in China. His children, instead of living in fear, continues to live as normal people, and willing to dedicate their lives to the betterment of their country, the US, not China.
Everything you just said actually proves you are wrong! LOL I don't think you understood the ramifications of what he said. I said that the "loyal Chinese-American" Wen Ho Lee was persecuted by the American government in its anti-China/Chinese paranoia. That is beyond dispute. So, how does Mr. Lee react? He does exactly what a LOYAL Chinese-American would say. He plays the part of the LOYAL Chinese-American in spite of the blatant racist paranoia of your overly eager security establishment and mainstream media. The entire Wo Ho Lee saga is a microcosm of the racism that lies just under the surface in mainstream American society. Sir, you need to know when to stop.

But the best you can find is Wen Ho Lee and his own words backfired on you.
When it comes to you, like I often say..Whatever you say...

No need to be sorry and it is YOU who is having this inferior victim mentality with your loony conspiracy theory about the CIA.
You mean the CIA who has been caught red-handed dealing regime change, assassinations and various false flag operations worldwide for over 60 years? You mean the CIA that has such a universally bad reputation that it had to outsource its operations to sister organizations like NED (National Endowment for Democracy) and Freedom House since its direct involvement would cause a PR disaster? LOL
The Booi Aha class was created by the Manchus to serve their aristocracy. This is the common pattern of many victors of wars throughout history. Booi Aha were NOT slaves because of racism. Further, when Booi Aha ended, the former Booi Aha slaves were absorbed into mainstream Chinese society without any fanfare because the so-called societal racism that you are trying so hard to fabricate has NEVER EXISTED in China. If it did, the Booi Aha would have faced ongoing discrimination, which did not happen. My suggestion is, when doing your frantic online searches, you should actually read and understand the context of the stories. If you did that, you would know the Booi Aha were a Manchu creation to enslave non-Manchus, mostly Han Chinese. Yet another epic fail to add to your record. LOL Concerning Japanese atrocities, please do not confuse Chinese with Japanese. I know this may be difficult for a closet racist to understand since I'm sure you think they all look the same.
The issue is not about slavery. It is about racism and we have seen plenty enough of Chinese racism against non-Asians and non-Chinese Asians. If the Chinese can tolerate institutionalized slavery based upon class in the past, the Chinese certainly can tolerate institutionalized slavery based upon race. And this is the uncomfortable truth you cannot face because it is happening today in China. The Lou Jing story exposed it. The Chinese boys' behaviors here exposed it. Foreign businesses working in China experienced it. The Chinese engineers I work with daily admitted it. Some of them have daughters and they would not have the girls date blacks, let alone marry them. The Japanese never had institutionalized race based slavery but did that stopped them from committing race based atrocities in mainland Asia?

Whatever you say Mr. Stormfront. According to you, that also means the Indians should be glad that because of America's race based slavery system, that they are above the blacks, right? You're getting a little too transparent there, no need for sour grapes just because Indians are so successful in America.

The only "proud" hardcore racist here is you Mr. Stormfront. I recognize your sort of language and it is straight out of the mainline Stormfront forums. Your fake persona and race baiting isn't fooling anybody.
:lol: No one here, including the Chinese members, believe that crap about a 'fake persona'. Sounds like a feeble attempt to detract from the truth that an 'inferior' Asian dared to call the Chinese for the racism that exist in their society. For the time I have been participating here, not once have I been suspended for making any sort of racist insults despite the false charges by the Chinese that I have done so while several Chinese members have been suspended or perhaps even permanently banned. We all know who are the racists here and it ain't me, buddy.

I quoted the 2 most famous incidents concerning anti-Chinese paranoia by the American government in the 1950s and 1990s and all you could come up with is an accusation that this was a frantic online search. LOL Need I remind you of your latest Epic Fail where you performed a frantic online search for Chinese slavery and posted nonsense about Chinese race-based slavery against the Booi Aha when most of the Booi Aha slaves were ethnic Han Chinese enslaved by ethnic Manchus. You are absolutely ridiculous.
Absolutely. Here are your words again...

...the indiscriminate surveillance, interrogation and detention of Chinese nationals and Chinese-American citizens for everything from politics to industrial espionage.".
The highlighted is enough for anyone to infer that US prisons are filled with both Chinese nationals and Chinese-Americans for the charges you claimed. And yet, the only thing you can come up with is news from the 1950s and Wen Ho Lee, who was later released and wrote a book about it.

What does 'indiscriminate' mean:

Done at random or without careful judgment: "indiscriminate killing".

The America of today is not the same America as when McCarthy-ism was active while Lee pointed out that the China of today is relatively the same as yesterday when it comes to state power. It is the Chinese government that exercises state power in an 'indiscriminate' manner. The epic fail here is YOURS

Everything you just said actually proves you are wrong! LOL I don't think you understood the ramifications of what he said. I said that the "loyal Chinese-American" Wen Ho Lee was persecuted by the American government in its anti-China/Chinese paranoia. That is beyond dispute. So, how does Mr. Lee react? He does exactly what a LOYAL Chinese-American would say. He plays the part of the LOYAL Chinese-American in spite of the blatant racist paranoia of your overly eager security establishment and mainstream media. The entire Wo Ho Lee saga is a microcosm of the racism that lies just under the surface in mainstream American society. Sir, you need to know when to stop.
No, it is YOU who needs to stop. There are plenty of Chinese-Americans throughout the American societal strata making decisions that affects all Americans every day, from business to politics to military. We have a US state -- Hawaii -- that is filled with Chinese, immigrants or other wise, who does not experience the level of racism that you are trying to foist upon the readers here. What happened to Wen Ho Lee was not the hyperbolic 'saga' that you wanted everyone to believe. It was a wrong that was corrected by ordinary citizens exercising freedoms and rights that your beloved China does not respect.

When it comes to you, like I often say..Whatever you say...
Yeah, the kids in my neighborhood says that as well when they argue among each other the way kids do not know how to debate.

You mean the CIA who has been caught red-handed dealing regime change, assassinations and various false flag operations worldwide for over 60 years? You mean the CIA that has such a universally bad reputation that it had to outsource its operations to sister organizations like NED (National Endowment for Democracy) and Freedom House since its direct involvement would cause a PR disaster? LOL
Dang...If the CIA is that powerful, we would be ruling the world right now. Another loony conspiracy believer.
The issue is not about slavery. It is about racism and we have seen plenty enough of Chinese racism against non-Asians and non-Chinese Asians. If the Chinese can tolerate institutionalized slavery based upon class in the past, the Chinese certainly can tolerate institutionalized slavery based upon race.
As expected, your "reply" is simply another demonization attempt without addressing the straight forward implications of my response. For my amusement, here was my previous reply to this very same issue that you are having difficulty processing...
Need I remind you of your latest Epic Fail where you performed a frantic online search for Chinese slavery and posted nonsense about Chinese race-based slavery against the Booi Aha when most of the Booi Aha slaves were ethnic Han Chinese enslaved by ethnic Manchus. You are absolutely ridiculous.

And this is the uncomfortable truth you cannot face because it is happening today in China. The Lou Jing story exposed it.
You're still on this even though I pointed out the obvious implications of what it meant for a 20 year old girl saying she never experienced racism in her entire life until she went on a TV show viewed by millions of people? You're obviously bad at math, so let me once again explain this to you in a way you may understand. China has over 1350 million people. Let that sink in....<10 minutes later>....Bi-racial visible minority girl living in Shanghai, China's biggest city, says she never experienced racism in her life until she was 20 years old....<10 minutes later>....Bi-racial visible minority girl stars in TV talent show and viewed on TV and Internet by hundreds of millions of people....<10 minutes later>....Bi-Racial girl receives lots of hate mail from a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of the hundreds of millions....<10 minutes later>...EUREKA...time to demonize racist bastards! Can you spell EPIC FAIL! LOL

The Chinese boys' behaviors here exposed it. Foreign businesses working in China experienced it. The Chinese engineers I work with daily admitted it. Some of them have daughters and they would not have the girls date blacks, let alone marry them. The Japanese never had institutionalized race based slavery but did that stopped them from committing race based atrocities in mainland Asia?
Yup, the minority of morons on a nationalistic military forum represent the 1350+ million Chinese population. Yup, gotcha! Hey, I have my own discriminatory observation too. My observation is that closet racist Americans are STORMFRONT race baiting soldiers. Yeehaw!

We all know who are the racists here and it ain't me, buddy.
Oh really? You mean the fact that you consistently demonize the Chinese by using isolated examples and your "supposed" personal and subjective observations as proof? As I've said, your disingenuous intentions are plainly in sight. No true defender of high ideals would attribute ethnic characteristics upon the largest ethnic group on Earth using the sort of isolated and flimsy "evidence" you repeatedly bring in spite of the epic fails that your butt regularly endures. lol Your agenda is simply a reflection of your racism. Whether you are consciously doing this as a closet racist or oblivious to your own psychology is up for question.

Absolutely. Here are your words again...

The highlighted is enough for anyone to infer that US prisons are filled with both Chinese nationals and Chinese-Americans for the charges you claimed. And yet, the only thing you can come up with is news from the 1950s and Wen Ho Lee, who was later released and wrote a book about it.
In order to be arrested and imprisoned, usually a convict needs to be guilty no? Wen Ho Lee was the only scientist imprisoned from Los Alamos for the reasons given because he was racially profiled and singled out for his Chinese ethnicity, even though he was an American. What does that tell you? He was put in solitary confinement with dozens of charges laid against him, threats of life imprisonment which escalated to threats of execution. No proof whatsoever but government leaks to the media caused a veritable stampede of anti-Chinese fever. At this time, the COX REPORT and other such propaganda scared away foreign scientists from government defense labs because they were being monitored like they were enemy combatants. It's all fact and history, look it up! The clincher is, even today you have members of your Congress referring to the bogus "Cox Report" and other such drivel as a reason for greater military spending.

What does 'indiscriminate' mean:

Done at random or without careful judgment: "indiscriminate killing".
Wen Ho Lee was indiscriminately singled out as a traitor for no other reason then his Chinese ethnicity. The "careful" judgment against him was that he was Chinese. He was completely exonerated AFTER his life was destroyed in the process. The fact that he wrote a book and remains a LOYAL American is quite interesting wouldn't you say?

The America of today is not the same America as when McCarthy-ism was active while Lee pointed out that the China of today is relatively the same as yesterday when it comes to state power. It is the Chinese government that exercises state power in an 'indiscriminate' manner. The epic fail here is YOURS
Anybody claiming China is the same as during Mao and actually believing it is clueless and their opinion useless. If serious debate is what is sought than Americans can start by disposing of their ideological demonization of other societies they so easily discriminate against. I wonder why that is? lol

What happened to Wen Ho Lee was not the hyperbolic 'saga' that you wanted everyone to believe. It was a wrong that was corrected by ordinary citizens exercising freedoms and rights that your beloved China does not respect.
The ordinary citizens are not the ones who freed him. In fact, your media drummed up a Red China scare that had America calling for his head even before it hit trial. Mr. Lee was denied bail put into solitary confinement nearly a year. It was an obvious punitive measure. What happened during this time in your society? Americans were questioning all Chinese nationals as potential spies and traitors. What are Americans talking about TODAY? They are talking about some sort of interconnected loosely guided hierarchy of spies made up of thousands and thousands of Chinese "spies". So, it's even worse today than in the 1990s. You are ignorant of what is happening in America and you have the gall to claim this garbage about its egalitarianism when your country is clearly segregated just from looking at the ethnic composition of your urban areas.

Yeah, the kids in my neighborhood says that as well when they argue among each other the way kids do not know how to debate.
If I say 1+1=2 and you say Wrong...it's 14, then my response can only be "Whatever you say".

Dang...If the CIA is that powerful, we would be ruling the world right now. Another loony conspiracy believer.
American diplomacy is the kindred spirit of the former British Empire. You can either be a force for good in your country or a willing pawn in the machinations of your government. The choice is your own.
As expected, your "reply" is simply another demonization attempt without addressing the straight forward implications of my response. For my amusement, here was my previous reply to this very same issue that you are having difficulty processing...
The original issue, which you seems to have a problem processing, is racism in China. Institutionalized slavery based upon class is an open door to slavery based upon race. So it is for the amusement of the readers that you are tap-dancing around both of them.

You're still on this even though I pointed out the obvious implications of what it meant for a 20 year old girl saying she never experienced racism in her entire life until she went on a TV show viewed by millions of people? You're obviously bad at math, so let me once again explain this to you in a way you may understand. China has over 1350 million people. Let that sink in....<10 minutes later>....Bi-racial visible minority girl living in Shanghai, China's biggest city, says she never experienced racism in her life until she was 20 years old....<10 minutes later>....Bi-racial visible minority girl stars in TV talent show and viewed on TV and Internet by hundreds of millions of people....<10 minutes later>....Bi-Racial girl receives lots of hate mail from a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of the hundreds of millions....<10 minutes later>...EUREKA...time to demonize racist bastards! Can you spell EPIC FAIL! LOL
And you obviously do not have much experience in both racial/ethnic education and real world experience in the same, and am not talking about just working along people of different groups, am talking about dealing directly with racial issues. The FIRST thing a person will learn in racial/ethnic issues is that infrequent exposure and irregular contacts with people of different racial/ethnic backgrounds actually FOSTER xenophobia and race based hatred. The Lou Jing story is typical of that fact. Her immediate social circle knows who/what she is, they know all of them are really no different from each other, and from that sympathetic social circle Lou Jing consider herself a true Chinese. I live in a big city but does everyone know who I am? Does anyone even care? If anything, there are more people of color in any SINGLE major American state capital city than ALL of China's major cities combined. Your 'big city' argument is a wash.

This Chinese black girl not only became famous but beat out other non-black Chinese girls in a talent contest, what happened with the vicious racial hatred directed at Lou Jing is a microcosm (your word) of the larger Chinese society where most have -- at best -- infrequent exposure and irregular contacts with people of color and DOES NOT surprise those professionals who studied racial/ethnic issues, teaches them, and/or advises governments and international businesses about them. So YOU take those 10 minutes packets, combine them, then spend them with someone who teaches racial/ethnic studies wherever you are at. Just as there are Chinese who uses skin whitening cream to make themselves 'white', looks like you are doing the same here.

Yup, the minority of morons on a nationalistic military forum represent the 1350+ million Chinese population. Yup, gotcha! Hey, I have my own discriminatory observation too. My observation is that closet racist Americans are STORMFRONT race baiting soldiers. Yeehaw!
At least it is good that you acknowledge their active presence and participation here and that they are willing to be in the forefront of China's racial warriors front.

Oh really? You mean the fact that you consistently demonize the Chinese by using isolated examples and your "supposed" personal and subjective observations as proof? As I've said, your disingenuous intentions are plainly in sight. No true defender of high ideals would attribute ethnic characteristics upon the largest ethnic group on Earth using the sort of isolated and flimsy "evidence" you repeatedly bring in spite of the epic fails that your butt regularly endures. lol Your agenda is simply a reflection of your racism. Whether you are consciously doing this as a closet racist or oblivious to your own psychology is up for question.
:lol: When the Chinese members here began to make claims about the Chinese military that borders on defying the laws of physics, I politely challenged their claims with logical arguments and credible third party sources. I also encouraged them to take my arguments to whatever higher educational institution of their choices to verify my arguments and to prove me wrong. Unable to do so despite the multitudes of university degrees they claimed to possess, they resort to making personal attacks on my supposedly being a racist white whose criticisms, although technically valid, was SOLELY racially motivated.

Then once they found out I am a Viet, and proved it to boot, their racist kitty claws (meow) really came out with even more vicious racially based attacks. They charged me with making racist attacks on the Chinese people, and yet they could not find a single post where I used any commonly known racial epithets for Asians. All because I, an 'inferior' Asian, dared to challenge the superior Chinese. They trotted out sources of dubious intellectual credibility showing how the Chinese have superior IQs and how the rest of Asia owes to China.

So yes, we all know who are the true racists here and it ain't me.

In order to be arrested and imprisoned, usually a convict needs to be guilty no? Wen Ho Lee was the only scientist imprisoned from Los Alamos for the reasons given because he was racially profiled and singled out for his Chinese ethnicity, even though he was an American. What does that tell you? He was put in solitary confinement with dozens of charges laid against him, threats of life imprisonment which escalated to threats of execution. No proof whatsoever but government leaks to the media caused a veritable stampede of anti-Chinese fever. At this time, the COX REPORT and other such propaganda scared away foreign scientists from government defense labs because they were being monitored like they were enemy combatants. It's all fact and history, look it up! The clincher is, even today you have members of your Congress referring to the bogus "Cox Report" and other such drivel as a reason for greater military spending.

Wen Ho Lee was indiscriminately singled out as a traitor for no other reason then his Chinese ethnicity. The "careful" judgment against him was that he was Chinese. He was completely exonerated AFTER his life was destroyed in the process. The fact that he wrote a book and remains a LOYAL American is quite interesting wouldn't you say?

Anybody claiming China is the same as during Mao and actually believing it is clueless and their opinion useless. If serious debate is what is sought than Americans can start by disposing of their ideological demonization of other societies they so easily discriminate against. I wonder why that is? lol

The ordinary citizens are not the ones who freed him. In fact, your media drummed up a Red China scare that had America calling for his head even before it hit trial. Mr. Lee was denied bail put into solitary confinement nearly a year. It was an obvious punitive measure. What happened during this time in your society? Americans were questioning all Chinese nationals as potential spies and traitors. What are Americans talking about TODAY? They are talking about some sort of interconnected loosely guided hierarchy of spies made up of thousands and thousands of Chinese "spies". So, it's even worse today than in the 1990s. You are ignorant of what is happening in America and you have the gall to claim this garbage about its egalitarianism when your country is clearly segregated just from looking at the ethnic composition of your urban areas.
First...It would be of either gross intellectual dishonesty or gross naivete to believe that the PRC does not conduct covert espionage on US soil. The Soviets did it and considering how the US is an immigrant country with large Chinese communities in all the major American state cities, that Chinese-Americans are at every societal strata in every profession, and in every governmental organs, it would be foolish for the PRC to ignore all the intelligence treasure troves. So which are you, intellectually dishonest or naive?

Second...Cynicism about the human nature is a necessary character trait in every investigator. What happened with Wen Ho Lee was a case of that cynicism gone unchecked.

Third...The Wen Ho Lee case was CONCURRENT to another investigation of the PRC's attempt at scientific and technical espionage by tugging at the heart strings of Chinese-Americans, especially the immigrant type: Peter Lee (no relations)...

Business | China's Subtle Spy System: A Case Study -- Probe Of Physicist Took Years | Seattle Times Newspaper
Monday, May 10, 1999 - Page updated at 12:00 AM

WASHINGTON - Fourteen years ago, Peter Lee, 45, a Taiwan-born American physicist at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, sat in a Beijing hotel room and betrayed his country.

At first it was silently, nodding yes or no as a Chinese nuclear-weapons scientist sketched a highly classified laser device used to simulate thermonuclear reactions and peppered him with questions.

China was a poor country and needed help, the Chinese scientist told Lee, who was in China on a lecture tour to discuss his specialty, laser plasma physics. Soon, Lee began describing tests he and his colleagues were conducting in New Mexico on the laser device, which created thermonuclear fusion and thus could be used through simulations to help design nuclear weapons.

The next day, Lee briefed seven or more top Chinese nuclear scientists for two hours in a conference room at another Beijing hotel. He talked about laser fusion and discussed problems the U.S. was having in its nuclear-weapons simulation program. He drew diagrams, gave specifications and explained test data. He described part of a classified paper he had written, knowing his disclosures violated the law.

In December 1997 - more than 12 years later, and after a six-year FBI investigation that included agents tapping his phones for months, reading his e-mail and his diaries, trailing him to China and conducting a polygraph test - Lee finally confessed and pleaded guilty. He had not been paid by the Chinese for information, receiving only some travel expenses in 1997, and there was no evidence he disclosed classified information other than what he himself had described.

His story, assembled through a review of court records and interviews with participants, shows how Chinese spying usually involves Chinese scientists who gather pieces of technical information from U.S. colleagues, rather than relying on intelligence agents. This subtle system emphasizes collegiality and makes it time-consuming and difficult for U.S. counterintelligence investigators to catch American scientists who may have acted illegally.
P. Lee's defense was that the information he disclosed were eventually declassified so he was not doing anything that was actually damaging to national security. It was a patently weak argument for those of us who held security clearances. I had 'Top Secret' clearance in the USAF and after the USAF, I had the same clearance in the aviation and semiconductor industries, the latter was when I worked on 'hardened' memory products. For civilians who works for defense contractors or the US Dept of Energy or anything related to national security for that matter, the initials NOFORN (no foreign nationals) are intimate to their work, from printed papers to computer files.

So what if the person know the exact date that the information related to his work will be declassified? It is still criminal to talk about it, especially to foreign nationals, even just one day before said declassification date. If a person never held a government related security clearance, he would instinctively know that businesses such as Apple or Intel know the value of information security and that Lenovo or Mikoyan or IBM or AVIC would have their own versions of NOFORN. No one bought P. Lee's defense argument. The only thing that saved P. Lee's from the longer sentence he received was that the US Navy chose security over public disclosure of some information in a public trial.

Look at the news article's date: May 1999. P. Lee's FBI investigation was six-yrs long prior to and crossed continents. The still classified version of the Cox Report was in Jan 1999. W.H. Lee's FBI investigation was in very late 1998 when he was polygraphed in Dec 1998. So given the FBI's six-yrs long investigation of P. Lee's relationships and repeated contacts with PRC agents, W.H. Lee's investigation was hardly 'indiscriminate' as you originally charged...

...the indiscriminate surveillance, interrogation and detention of Chinese nationals and Chinese-American citizens for everything from politics to industrial espionage.
So let us review the definition of 'indiscriminate' again...

Indiscriminate - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
... not marked by careful distinction : deficient in discrimination and discernment...
A six-yr long investigation of someone who shares a similar profile of a current suspect does not make the latter's investigation 'indiscriminate'. W.H. Lee's case may be from overly zealous investigators who received background information about P. Lee's activities but that still does not make it 'indiscriminate', especially when national security information is at stake. If this was in your beloved China, both Lees would have been executed and their families sent to internal exile with hard labor. Instead, the exonerated W.H. Lee received PUBLIC apologies from US Federal Judge James Parker and US President Bill Clinton. Then he wrote a book about his ordeal, continues to live in freedom, and called the US the better choice than your China. I doubt we will hear anything from P. Lee about his betrayal of the country that gave him a better life than what he could have had.

So speaking of epic fail in the Wen Ho Lee issue, the fail is entirely yours.

If I say 1+1=2 and you say Wrong...it's 14, then my response can only be "Whatever you say".
Assuming you said 1+1=2 in the first place. Considering how wrong you are about Wen Ho Lee and about the basics of racial/ethnic education, the juvenile 'whatever' will be the best thing you can come up with.

American diplomacy is the kindred spirit of the former British Empire. You can either be a force for good in your country or a willing pawn in the machinations of your government. The choice is your own.
Talk about a lame response when you cannot support your loony conspiratorial mind about the CIA. I bet you are one of those '9/11 Troofers'.
Well, at least the East Asian rivalry is no less than the Indo Pak one.

In a perverse way, it is a bit satisfying.
The original issue, which you seems to have a problem processing, is racism in China. Institutionalized slavery based upon class is an open door to slavery based upon race. So it is for the amusement of the readers that you are tap-dancing around both of them.
You're the one who incorrectly used the "Booi Aha" slavery example as proof of Chinese racism and I debunked it thoroughly. I can't believe you're still harping on this one. Here is what I said earlier yet again...
Need I remind you of your latest Epic Fail where you performed a frantic online search for Chinese slavery and posted nonsense about Chinese race-based slavery against the Booi Aha when most of the Booi Aha slaves were ethnic Han Chinese enslaved by ethnic Manchus. You are absolutely ridiculous.

The FIRST thing a person will learn in racial/ethnic issues is that infrequent exposure and irregular contacts with people of different racial/ethnic backgrounds actually FOSTER xenophobia and race based hatred. The Lou Jing story is typical of that fact.
Apparently this is true in America and many other countries. Funny how it took 20 years for this theory to apply to Lou Jing. lol

Her immediate social circle knows who/what she is, they know all of them are really no different from each other, and from that sympathetic social circle Lou Jing consider herself a true Chinese. I live in a big city but does everyone know who I am? Does anyone even care? If anything, there are more people of color in any SINGLE major American state capital city than ALL of China's major cities combined. Your 'big city' argument is a wash.
What you just said supports my argument. Every Human Being knows that they have to deal with people outside of their immediate social circle to function in society and everyday life. If you include Shanghai's floating population, it is over 23 million people. Now, let's analyze what she said. She said she never experienced racism or felt non-Chinese until she appeared on that TV talent show. Which means her entire life living in a city of 23+ million people, with a floating population composed of around 9 million people from other parts of China, she NEVER experienced racism! She received many thousands of hate mail, MOST of which was directed against her illegitimate birth from her cheating mother...so MOST of the hate mail wasn't even racist and directed at her mother! This left a couple thousand messages that were racist hate mail, out of HUNDREDS of millions of TV & Internet viewers. That is astounding because in countries like America, visible minorities experience racism every other week, IF THEY ARE LUCKY! Lou Jing's story doesn't hold water when scrutinized closely. Like I said, bad at math.

This Chinese black girl not only became famous but beat out other non-black Chinese girls in a talent contest, what happened with the vicious racial hatred directed at Lou Jing is a microcosm (your word) of the larger Chinese society where most have -- at best -- infrequent exposure and irregular contacts with people of color and DOES NOT surprise those professionals who studied racial/ethnic issues, teaches them, and/or advises governments and international businesses about them. So YOU take those 10 minutes packets, combine them, then spend them with someone who teaches racial/ethnic studies wherever you are at. Just as there are Chinese who uses skin whitening cream to make themselves 'white', looks like you are doing the same here.
I don't know what "experts" you're referring to but either you're exaggerating their credentials or they are among the cavalcade of "China Experts" who seem to get it wrong all the time. Funny how those "China Experts" are always the China bears, anti-China lobby, etc...hmmm...I don't know what it is about them, they seem to always be negative on China/Chinese for someeeeeee....reason. Gee, I wonder what that reason could be....LOL Btw, I do think "microcosm" is an apt description of racism in China, with an emphasis on the micro part. When it comes to America though, it's not a microcosm because we all know its a large part of your society.

At least it is good that you acknowledge their active presence and participation here and that they are willing to be in the forefront of China's racial warriors front.
Of course I do, it's quite obvious. I recognize that some of the fake so-called "Chinese" nationalists here are race baiters and there are an even larger number of fake so-called "Indians" who are either actually STORMFRONT style racists or simply trolls. You know who you are losers! LOL The fact that some actual Chinese & Indians fall for this crap though turns my stomach.

:lol: When the Chinese members here began to make claims about the Chinese military that borders on defying the laws of physics, I politely challenged their claims with logical arguments and credible third party sources. I also encouraged them to take my arguments to whatever higher educational institution of their choices to verify my arguments and to prove me wrong. Unable to do so despite the multitudes of university degrees they claimed to possess, they resort to making personal attacks on my supposedly being a racist white whose criticisms, although technically valid, was SOLELY racially motivated.
There are so many racist white Americans that it is hard to tell. You have to understand that Chinese have been exposed to a constant stream of anti-China/Chinese propaganda for decades now, well out of proportion to reality. There is constructive criticism and then there is racially motivated criticism. Don't get me wrong, I actually support blatant bias and discrimination against the Chinese, as long as it is obviously blatant, but that is another story.

First...It would be of either gross intellectual dishonesty or gross naivete to believe that the PRC does not conduct covert espionage on US soil. The Soviets did it and considering how the US is an immigrant country with large Chinese communities in all the major American state cities, that Chinese-Americans are at every societal strata in every profession, and in every governmental organs, it would be foolish for the PRC to ignore all the intelligence treasure troves. So which are you, intellectually dishonest or naive?
How many ethnic groups do the American government openly describe as part of an all encompassing spy collection network? ONLY ONE...the ethnic Chinese, that is blatant racial profiling. How many religious groups do the American government openly debate as potential threats? Muslims...who are blatantly discriminated against in your larger society.

Third...The Wen Ho Lee case was CONCURRENT to another investigation of the PRC's attempt at scientific and technical espionage by tugging at the heart strings of Chinese-Americans, especially the immigrant type: Peter Lee (no relations)...

Business | China's Subtle Spy System: A Case Study -- Probe Of Physicist Took Years | Seattle Times Newspaper
So given the FBI's six-yrs long investigation of P. Lee's relationships and repeated contacts with PRC agents, W.H. Lee's investigation was hardly 'indiscriminate' as you originally charged...

So let us review the definition of 'indiscriminate' again...

Indiscriminate - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Racism is the indiscriminate discrimination of an entire ethnic group. Here is my last reply to this specific sub-topic...
Wen Ho Lee was indiscriminately singled out as a traitor for no other reason then his Chinese ethnicity. The "careful" judgment against him was that he was Chinese. He was completely exonerated AFTER his life was destroyed in the process. The fact that he wrote a book and remains a LOYAL American is quite interesting wouldn't you say?
In Wen Ho Lee's case, he was indiscriminately discriminated against because he was ethnically Chinese. They racially profiled him and indiscriminately decided he was a traitor without any proof. There were over 10 others who did this at Los Alamos where nothing happened to them, but in his case he made national news and was unjustly paraded around as a traitor by your free and fair media. What a joke! You should be embarrassed to be defending this.

A six-yr long investigation of someone who shares a similar profile of a current suspect does not make the latter's investigation 'indiscriminate'. W.H. Lee's case may be from overly zealous investigators who received background information about P. Lee's activities but that still does not make it 'indiscriminate', especially when national security information is at stake. If this was in your beloved China, both Lees would have been executed and their families sent to internal exile with hard labor. Instead, the exonerated W.H. Lee received PUBLIC apologies from US Federal Judge James Parker and US President Bill Clinton. Then he wrote a book about his ordeal, continues to live in freedom, and called the US the better choice than your China. I doubt we will hear anything from P. Lee about his betrayal of the country that gave him a better life than what he could have had.
The only similarity between Peter Lee and Wen Ho Lee is that they are both ethnic Chinese. Peter Lee inadvertently gave unimportant classified information and only realized what he did after the fact. That is the main reason why Peter Lee only received a 1 year sentence, not even in jail, in a half-way house nonetheless. Yet, his is the most famous contemporary Chinese spy saga. LOL Wen Ho Lee used a laptop computer at home for work, vastly different scenarios, especially given that Wen Ho Lee's colleagues did the same thing and NOTHING happened to any of them because they were all NOT ethnic Chinese. Wen Ho Lee is a perfect example of American racism bubbling to the surface when they racially profiled him and selectively singled him out. If this were in China, Wen Ho Lee would have been investigated and freed after finding no evidence. Your insinuation that innocent family members and relatives are jailed along with sentenced criminals is an outright lie. Such demonization is expected though from the likes of your xenophobic ideologically driven society.

Talk about a lame response when you cannot support your loony conspiratorial mind about the CIA. I bet you are one of those '9/11 Troofers'.
There are alot of unanswered questions about 9/11, building 7, Thermite, etc. but that is another topic of discussion.
Now that's just a cheap shot at your own friends (assuming they're real.) Not cool man...

Don't be mistake TheDeletedUser ji, I was merely responding to a post about what some of my Indian fellows think of England's shameful past which is still evident today albeit a little diluted now.
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