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Chasing the Dragon

You must be describing China's Ministry of Public Security who is responsible for internal security.

The MPS has near unlimited power of arrests and detentions thanks to the purposely designed plasticity of what is 'illegal' and a 'crime', particularly when criticisms of the State are concerned. The delegation and execution of this power falls upon the Domestic Security Dept. (DSD) who branches its authority out to the various local Public Security Bureaus (PSBs) who are responsible for intelligence gathering and infiltration of domestic groups that the higher MPS deemed sufficiently threatening to the state.

The DSD and the various PSBs operate a nationwide network of informal and part time paid informants in every villages, townships, cities, schools of every level, and corporations. Long duration intelligence gathering, read infiltration, are usually reserved for known and suspected dissident groups, including the Falun Gong religious sect, and whose 'spying' are performed by bona fide, albeit secret, agents of these public security agencies. Together, the Chinese internal state security apparatus maintains the world's largest internal security force with the most wide ranging power to arrests, detain, torture, and exile anyone the MPS ordered.

Any Chinese can also be detained -- not arrest -- by the PSB agents and questioned about their family members, colleagues, and friends. Failure to comply does not necessary mean any 'criminal' charges levied but their careers, whatever they might be, will be in jeopardy, worse if the citizen is employed by the State. Janitorial services are often fronts for DSD and PSB offices. Professors and students can also be recruited, compliant or not, into spying for the MPS. This quite decentralized internal security and intelligence structure is called the 'mosaic' method of intelligence gathering and is best for a population that is under one's control. The downside to this structure is an inherent delay in collating and analysis of diverse bits of information that can indicate a larger issue.

Nope, I was describing America.
Because China is closer to communism than NKR is to being democratic. The greater the difference between the label and the traits, the greater the need to call it by those traits. China may have abandoned a great deal of the principles of communism but China is still a political dictatorship whose origins came from communism. So as long as the ruling party of China remain committed to its 'Communist' label while being dictatorial, why bother with anything else?
And in which trait is China closer to communism than DPRK to democracy?
Your only argument so far is : because the CCP call themself "cummunist".

Look, the problem here is that you just don't know what communism is as a political/social/economic system.

If communism is like the "most beautifull perfect woman" (*) then all the "communist" states you have mentioned are transsexuals with inadequate hormone cures, botched boobjobs and no sex change done. You don't call them the "most beautifull perfect woman", they're not even a woman at this stage!

* Disclaimer: I'm not saying communism is the most beautifull perfect system.
Perhaps it is YOU who should slow down and read behind the stories. Chinese racism against blacks are well known, especially reported by American blacks who traveled to China for business. Lou Jing may not have experienced the kind of personal racism we expect from the general idea of racism, but here is what she reported...
I wrote some pretty damning facts for you to contemplate and as usual you completely ignored the obvious in the pursuit of your agenda. To repeat again...she was already 20 years old....and she said she never felt or experienced discrimination until she went on that TV show. For those who don't understand the ramifications of what this means...it is this.... For somebody who is clearly not racially East Asian like her, for her to say she NEVER experienced discrimination until she was 20 years old and only when she was put on a TV show with millions of viewers SAYS IT ALL! It is absolutely astonishing for any visible minority to go through 20 years of life without experiencing any discrimination in a largely homogeneous society like China. This is especially true when you are young and going through school, a time when children are bullied the most. Any Human Being with any life experience would see this. It is disingenuous of you to nitpick isolated examples like this which actually makes China's society look good if it is seriously analyzed like I just did instead of resorting to emotional knee jerk reactions like you frequently do. It's actually quite amazing for a 20 year old visible minority like her to go through 20 years of her life without ever experiencing racism in a country with over a billion people! Can that be said of ANY other country in the entire world? Let me repeat again....20 years! Please do not falsely put China in the same category as the USA, Australia, Japan.

The Chinese public does not know her the way her friends may know her and when they found out she beat out lighter skin Chinese in a nationwide talent show, their racist claws came out, the same way the Chinese boys here show theirs when they found out their absurd claims about the Chinese military were challenged by an 'inferior' Asian -- a Viet. Same for the basketball story. Foreign players were hired and when it became obvious that Chinese players were no match, the Chinese media showed their racist claws and call the foreign players 'malignant tumors' while the American cheered on Yao Ming in the NBA.
Interesting you claim she said that about her friends since the article said nothing about her saying that about her friends. I do think I know what you mean about certain Chinese members who claim various tall tales of speculative military equipment. They are called nationalists....just like you. It is also interesting how you try so hard to foist various negative attributes to the Chinese using out of context stories that are easily disproved. If the Chinese were so racist, they would have special words for so called "malignant tumors" and import refined American lingo such as "Nig**r", "Kik*", "G**k", "Spi**", "Raghe*d", "Sand Nig**r", "Slop*"....I'm sure you could think of some more since it is part of your proud heritage.

Here is Eric Shinseki's resume => Eric Shinseki - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Show everyone some popular American media op-ed that called Shinseki anything the equivalent of 'malignant tumor' as how some Chinese media have called these foreign players.
Anybody can play your game and do the opposite by bringing up hundreds of examples of Americans who have been called derogatory things. You just have to pick the people it has happened to and use those individual examples as proof. Like I said to you once, I don't like the manner in which you make sweeping claims. It reeks of ignorance and some sort of agenda.

Talk about whitewashing the Chinese version of racial/ethnic based slavery...

History of slavery - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Slavery in Chinese history was never racial. That is the difference and it is an important difference.

The only thing that made the European and American history of race-based slavery standout is because of the willingness to face this sorry aspect of their history while what we see here is the Chinese persistent in trying to hide and whitewash their own version.
Actually, West European slavery is unique in Human history because it was almost solely race based. All other examples of slavery in all of Human history in all parts of the world, including Europe, at all other times were all tribe, clan and class based. You know nothing about slavery and are confusing various concepts of discrimination in a clumsy attempt to foist an imaginary attribute to China that is simply not true. I can understand how you could believe this though because I have seen so-called China experts claim all sorts of things they know nothing about when they try to explain China/Chinese through the lens of their ethnocentric experience.

Your words were '...detention of Chinese nationals and Chinese-American citizens for everything from politics to industrial espionage...'. Can you show everyone how many, who, and over how long were detained? Keep in mind that the State of Hawaii is chock full of Chinese, from Chinese-Americans to Chinese tourists to Chinese businessmen to Chinese governmental officials.
I'm not going to waste my time listing the thousands of examples of anti-Chinese discrimination in the USA that is plain to see. I will however list the most obvious one because it is still referenced even today by your war-mongering Congress as an example of "Red Chinese" aggression.

Wen Ho Lee is a Chinese-American nuclear scientist who was falsely accused of spying for China and passing nuclear secrets such as the W-87 nuke warhead. This fantasy is still accepted as fact "today" even though he was exonerated after being fired, interrogated, jailed in solitary confinement, threatened with the death penalty, forced into retirement and now under government surveillance for the rest of his life. Mr. Lee was the only scientist at Los Alamos given this special treatment simply because he was an ethnic Chinese and the American political establishment needed an ethnic Chinese "traitor" to help drum up some anti-China/Chinese hysteria. Long story short, he was exonerated and the federal judge hearing the case stated..."Top decision makers in the executive branch have embarrassed our entire nation and each of us who is a citizen". Federal judge James A. Parker apologized to Mr. Lee for denying bail and putting him in solitary confinement and criticized the government for misconduct and misrepresentations to the court. Remember the Cox Report? That propaganda used to discriminate against foreign nationals working in American scientific institutions?
Nope, I was describing America.
And your description is wrong. Whereas what I described of that racist military ruled thugocracy called China was quite correct and all for the public to verify.

---------- Post added at 07:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:45 AM ----------

guys, stop picking on gambit LOL

he is like a wounded dog and everyone one is kicking and spitting on him. that's very mean!
More like a single Viet giving the Chinese crowd grief. First, by exposing their ignorance and outrageous claims about their military, then by exposing China's warts for all to see.

---------- Post added at 07:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:47 AM ----------

And in which trait is China closer to communism than DPRK to democracy?
China does not allow political competition.

Your only argument so far is : because the CCP call themself "cummunist".
No, see above.

Look, the problem here is that you just don't know what communism is as a political/social/economic system.

If communism is like the "most beautifull perfect woman" (*) then all the "communist" states you have mentioned are transsexuals with inadequate hormone cures, botched boobjobs and no sex change done. You don't call them the "most beautifull perfect woman", they're not even a woman at this stage!

* Disclaimer: I'm not saying communism is the most beautifull perfect system.
That is funny considering am old enough to have been in East Berlin when it existed and came from a country that was taken over by communists.
I wrote some pretty damning facts for you to contemplate and as usual you completely ignored the obvious in the pursuit of your agenda. To repeat again...she was already 20 years old....and she said she never felt or experienced discrimination until she went on that TV show. For those who don't understand the ramifications of what this means...it is this.... For somebody who is clearly not racially East Asian like her, for her to say she NEVER experienced discrimination until she was 20 years old and only when she was put on a TV show with millions of viewers SAYS IT ALL! It is absolutely astonishing for any visible minority to go through 20 years of life without experiencing any discrimination in a largely homogeneous society like China. This is especially true when you are young and going through school, a time when children are bullied the most. Any Human Being with any life experience would see this. It is disingenuous of you to nitpick isolated examples like this which actually makes China's society look good if it is seriously analyzed like I just did instead of resorting to emotional knee jerk reactions like you frequently do. It's actually quite amazing for a 20 year old visible minority like her to go through 20 years of her life without ever experiencing racism in a country with over a billion people! Can that be said of ANY other country in the entire world? Let me repeat again....20 years! Please do not falsely put China in the same category as the USA, Australia, Japan.

Interesting you claim she said that about her friends since the article said nothing about her saying that about her friends. I do think I know what you mean about certain Chinese members who claim various tall tales of speculative military equipment. They are called nationalists....just like you. It is also interesting how you try so hard to foist various negative attributes to the Chinese using out of context stories that are easily disproved. If the Chinese were so racist, they would have special words for so called "malignant tumors" and import refined American lingo such as "Nig**r", "Kik*", "G**k", "Spi**", "Raghe*d", "Sand Nig**r", "Slop*"....I'm sure you could think of some more since it is part of your proud heritage.
The jig is up, buddy. We now know that the Chinese here in this forum can be just as viciously racist as the worst of the KKK. We know that China today have at least a racial contempt for blacks. We know that China's history does contain taints of institutionalized racism. No amount of 'white'-washing can cover it up.

Anybody can play your game and do the opposite by bringing up hundreds of examples of Americans who have been called derogatory things. You just have to pick the people it has happened to and use those individual examples as proof. Like I said to you once, I don't like the manner in which you make sweeping claims. It reeks of ignorance and some sort of agenda.
That is true. But we are talking about institutions like the popular media that every country has. For the foreign athletes hired by the Chinese teams, the Chinese media of today is behaving like the racist American media of yesterday. For the young half-black Chinese girl Lou Jing, the Chinese public at large today is behaving like the racist American public of yesterday. Like I said, the jig is up.

Slavery in Chinese history was never racial. That is the difference and it is an important difference.
Hard to cover it up when the Chinese has a HEREDITARY servile group.

Actually, West European slavery is unique in Human history because it was almost solely race based. All other examples of slavery in all of Human history in all parts of the world, including Europe, at all other times were all tribe, clan and class based. You know nothing about slavery and are confusing various concepts of discrimination in a clumsy attempt to foist an imaginary attribute to China that is simply not true. I can understand how you could believe this though because I have seen so-called China experts claim all sorts of things they know nothing about when they try to explain China/Chinese through the lens of their ethnocentric experience.
Let us grant you that latitude that slavery in medieval and older China was never race but class based. The Japanese never had such an institution either but look at what they did in WW II against the 'inferior' Asians that included the Chinese. Institutionalized slavery of Europe that spread to America also was not started from being race based but quite from opportunism when black slavers sold other blacks to the whites. So what make you think that the Chinese is somehow immune from it? Racism is just a opened door to worse things that can be done in the belief that one group is inherently 'superior' to the other and we non-Chinese Asians know quite well that attitude from China.

I'm not going to waste my time listing the thousands of examples of anti-Chinese discrimination in the USA that is plain to see. I will however list the most obvious one because it is still referenced even today by your war-mongering Congress as an example of "Red Chinese" aggression.

Wen Ho Lee is a Chinese-American nuclear scientist who was falsely accused of spying for China and passing nuclear secrets such as the W-87 nuke warhead. This fantasy is still accepted as fact "today" even though he was exonerated after being fired, interrogated, jailed in solitary confinement, threatened with the death penalty, forced into retirement and now under government surveillance for the rest of his life. Mr. Lee was the only scientist at Los Alamos given this special treatment simply because he was an ethnic Chinese and the American political establishment needed an ethnic Chinese "traitor" to help drum up some anti-China/Chinese hysteria. Long story short, he was exonerated and the federal judge hearing the case stated..."Top decision makers in the executive branch have embarrassed our entire nation and each of us who is a citizen". Federal judge James A. Parker apologized to Mr. Lee for denying bail and putting him in solitary confinement and criticized the government for misconduct and misrepresentations to the court. Remember the Cox Report? That propaganda used to discriminate against foreign nationals working in American scientific institutions?
OK...So we can conclude that other than Wen Ho Lee, and am sorry that he was wrongfully prosecuted, you cannot find a shred of evidence that the US is systematically targeting Chinese.

I met plenty of people like you, in real life and on the Internet, who has this instant contempt for any American he encounter. You -- generally speaking -- automatically think that Americans are ignorant or even stupid and that general attitude is often expressed here by many. American businesses and businessmen have global presence. US based NGOs are quite instantly active whenever humanitarian aid are needed anywhere in the world. Americans themselves are seen so often in tourism that we became caricatures of ourselves. American military personnel like myself are quite often mandatory overseas travelers of varying duration from days to years. But we are considered ignorant and stupid and the American invention called 'the Internet' is used to spread that belief.

This is why people like myself laughs at people like you. Am probably old enough to be your father. I have been in communist countries. I have been propositioned by women living under those communist countries wanting to escape the hell they were living in. I have experienced more racism OUTSIDE the US, from Europe to Santiago, Chile, to the ME and even in Vancouver, than whenever am home, wherever I was at that time. I have been on the receiving end of Chinese racial contempt when I was in HK, Beijing, and Taiwan. The US is not perfect in terms of race relations but it certainly is much better than most of the world. When -- not if -- China go to war with any Asian neighbor, we 'inferior' Asians of today will see the Chinese racialist face our ancestors once saw.
China does not allow political competition.

Not allowing political competition is a trait of communism????????

Like I stated before, you just don't know what communism is.
What you do know and don't like is something you mistake for communism, not saying you will like communism but you wouldn't know it anyways. It's not that hard to look it up, I've posted the link and summed it up for you and still you can't grasp it.
I'm sorry for being personal, but when I point out to same thing to someone over and over, even hand it on a silver plate to him I sometimes just can't stay polite.

Before you get the impression I'm a communist, I am not! Not even close to my political/social or economic preference.
Not allowing political competition is a trait of communism????????

Like I stated before, you just don't know what communism is.
What you do know and don't like is something you mistake for communism, not saying you will like communism but you wouldn't know it anyways. It's not that hard to look it up, I've posted the link and summed it up for you and still you can't grasp it.
I'm sorry for being personal, but when I point out to same thing to someone over and over, even hand it on a silver plate to him I sometimes just can't stay polite.

Before you get the impression I'm a communist, I am not! Not even close to my political/social or economic preference.
Yes. Take the two major communist powers during the Cold War: The Soviet Union and China. Any competing political powers in those countries? Stop trying to rehabilitate the image of communism by telling us to judge any country purely by whatever ideological theory it based itself upon. Deal with the reality of how people cope with the often times contradictions between human nature and theory. With the functional democracy-capitalist system, at least we acknowledged those contradictions and create compromises for them. With the communists, the answer is what one does when all one has is a hammer: Everything look like a skull and communists would rather bash people's heads in than deal with dissent.
Yes. Take the two major communist powers during the Cold War: The Soviet Union and China. Any competing political powers in those countries? Stop trying to rehabilitate the image of communism by telling us to judge any country purely by whatever ideological theory it based itself upon. Deal with the reality of how people cope with the often times contradictions between human nature and theory. With the functional democracy-capitalist system, at least we acknowledged those contradictions and create compromises for them. With the communists, the answer is what one does when all one has is a hammer: Everything look like a skull and communists would rather bash people's heads in than deal with dissent.
Bro, USSR collapse bcz she keep Arm racing with USA when she could not run bussiness as well as Wall Street. CHina is Traitor of Communist , she beged for USA's help to stop VN changing Thailand to Communist country, and drag VN's economy to lowest level.

Pls look at VN now, we have new version of democracy, Vn is not on US's black list of human rights ,US trying to help Socialist Republic of VN to get stronger now such as allow VN to enrich uranium , lift weapon embargo. VN communist military is stronger than any capitalist countries in ASEAN etc. see, Communist is not bad to White American as long as we don't try to take away his No 1 position in the world.

If you feel angry with some one, let get angry with White American in Wall Street, they sold you down the river , they stuffed some BS propaganda about ' Evil Communist' into your head , but they shake Communist's hand behind your back :D

Let join 'Occupy Wall Street ' revolution to put those 'bastar' in jail , bro :D
The jig is up, buddy. We now know that the Chinese here in this forum can be just as viciously racist as the worst of the KKK.
Now you're comparing the Chinese to the KKK??? Here's some advice, first rule of demonization is to "gradually" build up the fear using small lies that you hope nobody will verify. Then if you get away with it...or "think" you have....move on to bigger and bolder lies...like....THE CHINESE are like the KKK! This is getting ridiculous...

That is true. But we are talking about institutions like the popular media that every country has. For the foreign athletes hired by the Chinese teams, the Chinese media of today is behaving like the racist American media of yesterday. For the young half-black Chinese girl Lou Jing, the Chinese public at large today is behaving like the racist American public of yesterday. Like I said, the jig is up.
The only thing that has gone up is the BS level of your anti-China/Chinese narrative. It's clear you are obviously doing this on purpose. Your entire rant about racism is straight out of the Stormfront handbook on how to start a race war through trolling.

Hard to cover it up when the Chinese has a HEREDITARY servile group.
The Booi Aha were under hereditary class-based slavery similar to Tibetan slaves before the Dalai Lama's ousting. It was NOT race based. Yet another out of context, irrelevant rant.

Let us grant you that latitude that slavery in medieval and older China was never race but class based. The Japanese never had such an institution either but look at what they did in WW II against the 'inferior' Asians that included the Chinese. Institutionalized slavery of Europe that spread to America also was not started from being race based but quite from opportunism when black slavers sold other blacks to the whites. So what make you think that the Chinese is somehow immune from it? Racism is just a opened door to worse things that can be done in the belief that one group is inherently 'superior' to the other and we non-Chinese Asians know quite well that attitude from China.
The fact that you even moved the discussion along these lines is proof of your ignorance of Chinese culture and history. Like I said earlier, you and others have used the prism of their own ethnocentric views in a futile attempt to understand China/Chinese. Chinese psychology does not revolve around the idea of "race" like it clearly does in American society. The very concept of "Chinese" is mostly cultural in context and is a central theme to how and why the powerful Chinese culture has endured millenia. You cannot understand this because you come from the dysfunctional American culture that breeds ethnic conflicts.

OK...So we can conclude that other than Wen Ho Lee, and am sorry that he was wrongfully prosecuted, you cannot find a shred of evidence that the US is systematically targeting Chinese.
Are you serious? Chinese nationals, are under heavy government scrutiny and often under surveillance. It is a well known fact that the US government has actively pursued and prosecuted IN A DISCRIMINATORY MANNER those doing business with China for minor infractions that would be escalated to trumped up charges of espionage and treason. The Wen Ho Lee case was one of the most famous contemporary witch hunts but his was followed by many others, most of whom plead no contest so they could avoid a potential for life in prison or death penalty for relatively minor infractions. Qian Xuesen is the most famous example of American racism against Chinese where a loyal Chinese-American was arbitrarily accused of treasonous Communist sympathies during the McCarthy Era, simply because he was Chinese. He was driven out of America and ironically became the founding father of Chinese rocket science. From the 1990s onward, there was a noticeable decrease in the percentage of foreign R&D personnel working at American defense labs because they were under such heavy suspicion. This was especially true for Chinese nationals and residents of the former Soviet Union.

I met plenty of people like you, in real life and on the Internet, who has this instant contempt for any American he encounter. You -- generally speaking -- automatically think that Americans are ignorant or even stupid and that general attitude is often expressed here by many. American businesses and businessmen have global presence. US based NGOs are quite instantly active whenever humanitarian aid are needed anywhere in the world.
I have no contempt for everyday Americans. However, I do have contempt for many US based NGOs which are nothing more than fronts for CIA, NED, Freedom House, etc, used to instigate, foment or otherwise stir sh*t in the target countries they are supposedly there to help. This is not to say that the individuals in such NGOs are guilty since many are simply useful idiots unaware of what their true usefulness is.

I have experienced more racism OUTSIDE the US, from Europe to Santiago, Chile, to the ME and even in Vancouver, than whenever am home, wherever I was at that time. I have been on the receiving end of Chinese racial contempt when I was in HK, Beijing, and Taiwan. The US is not perfect in terms of race relations but it certainly is much better than most of the world. When -- not if -- China go to war with any Asian neighbor, we 'inferior' Asians of today will see the Chinese racialist face our ancestors once saw.
I am sorry that you were picked on, but you should get rid of that inferiority complex and move on with your life. Better yet, stop hanging out at Stormfront and you will eventually get rid of this victim mentality.
Now you're comparing the Chinese to the KKK???
No, just the Chinese boys here.

The Booi Aha were under hereditary class-based slavery similar to Tibetan slaves before the Dalai Lama's ousting. It was NOT race based. Yet another out of context, irrelevant rant.
:lol: And that is supposed to make the Chinese version of institutionalized slavery more palatable than a race based one? News for you, bud, the line between class and race is very very thin and those who would make such a distinction to justify their bigotry have no problems erasing it when it suits them. The Japanese never raided mainland Asia for slaves but the full effects of Japanese culturally ingrained racism came to the fore in WW II and it was evident from Korea to India. You think the victims of Japanese racism cared of this distinction?

The next time any of the Chinese boys here insult the Indians for their IQ the Indians should be glad that because of China's class based slavery system, it mean the Chinese view the Indians as a lower class of human beings. As a Viet, I feel so much better now knowing that the Viets, the Laos, and the Cambodes are just a lower class of Asians instead of an 'inferior' race. :lol:

I met plenty of people like you, in real life and on line, who are uncomfortable of their racism, know it is wrong, unable to rid themselves of it, and too cowardly to be proud of it. So they resort to this feeble line of distinction between class based bigotry and outright racism to make themselves stand apart from the proud hardcore racists.

Are you serious? Chinese nationals, are under heavy government scrutiny and often under surveillance. It is a well known fact that the US government has actively pursued and prosecuted IN A DISCRIMINATORY MANNER those doing business with China for minor infractions that would be escalated to trumped up charges of espionage and treason. The Wen Ho Lee case was one of the most famous contemporary witch hunts but his was followed by many others, most of whom plead no contest so they could avoid a potential for life in prison or death penalty for relatively minor infractions. Qian Xuesen is the most famous example of American racism against Chinese where a loyal Chinese-American was arbitrarily accused of treasonous Communist sympathies during the McCarthy Era, simply because he was Chinese. He was driven out of America and ironically became the founding father of Chinese rocket science. From the 1990s onward, there was a noticeable decrease in the percentage of foreign R&D personnel working at American defense labs because they were under such heavy suspicion. This was especially true for Chinese nationals and residents of the former Soviet Union.
The question is: Are YOU serious?

Here is your charge and insinuation again...

...indiscriminate surveillance, interrogation and detention of Chinese nationals and Chinese-American citizens for everything from politics to industrial espionage.
So out of your frantic online search, you managed to find only two isolated incidents in spite of the clearly insinuation, as highlighted, that Chinese citizens and Chinese-Americans were targeted.

As for Wen Ho Lee, I read his book My Country Versus Me. What happened to him was a wrong and a tragedy but hardly because of some official White House or Pentagon directive to zero in on anyone of Chinese descent or relationship with China. When I say I read a book, you can bet your next paycheck that I have it and read it, so here is what Lee said in the last chapter...

Amazon.com: My Country Versus Me: The First-Hand Account By the Los Alamos Scientist Who Was Falsely Accused of Being a Spy (9780786868032): Wen Ho Lee: Books

My ordeal is a wound that will be hard to heal. I'm not sure hwo to recover from it. At my age, I don't want to spend feeling hate or bitterness. It will be hard for me to trust people again the way I used to accept people's friendliness and kindness at face value. At the same time, so many Asian, white, black, Hispanic, and Native American people were willing to help me. I wish I could thank every person individually. I also know that if had been accused of such a thing in China or Russia, I would probably be dead. I would have been shot if this happened in Taiwan under the Kuomintang. The fact that I could be released after being so wrongly accused is evidence of the good in America. I can still say that I am truly glad that I am an American.

My family is doing the best we can, coming out of this nightmare. Chung is well on his way to fulfilling his dream of being a medical doctor. He had a close circle of good friends and classmates who knew that Wen Ho Lee was his father and kept him from being treated differently at school in any way. I'm glad this weight isn't hanging over my children anymore.

Alberta has gone through a metamorphosis, after spending a year of her life going everywhere and anywhere to speak about my case. She wants to be devote her life to make society a better place, so that this doesn't happen to someone else's father. She is thinking of changing careers and going back to school to pursue a law degree. I fully support her wish.

Sylvia and I are working hard to stay focused on the positive things in life. For the forseeable future, we are planning to stay in Los Alamos. For one thing, we think it is the safest place for us. We still worry about being followed, or kidnapped by foreign agents who believe what the FBI, the lab, and the government said about me and the "crown jewels" that I supposedly possess. Even if some Los Alamos people don't like what I did, they won't try to harm us.

The main reason for us to stay here is the warmth of our neighbors, our friends, and the real community we are part of. Sylvia has her places to shop, to hike, to do yoga. I have my work, my garden, my secret fishing holes where I can catch a 27-in trout, where I can find some peace of mind in the natural beauty that surrounds us. These are the important things that make a place a home.

This is my home, this is my place in America. This is why America is, after all, my country.
Instead of worrying about the FBI, he worries more about foreign agents, read Chinese, who would falsely believe he knows anything worthwhile. Lee pointedly singled out your beloved China as how he would be dead if the same thing were to happened in China. His children, instead of living in fear, continues to live as normal people, and willing to dedicate their lives to the betterment of their country, the US, not China. His case is for public consumption as an example of how a government should be controlled, not the other way like your beloved China.

And the coup de grace is the State of Hawaii. When I grew up there, George Ariyoshi was governor and a white guy named Frank Fasi was Honolulu's mayor. Chinese-Americans were everywhere, from state to federal governments. Hawaii has Pearl Harbor for the US Navy, Hickam AFB for the USAF, and my family used to go shooting with the Marines at Camp Smith. Plenty of employment for Chinese-Americans and plenty of opportunities for the US federal government to cast its net. But the best you can find is Wen Ho Lee and his own words backfired on you.

I have no contempt for everyday Americans. However, I do have contempt for many US based NGOs which are nothing more than fronts for CIA, NED, Freedom House, etc, used to instigate, foment or otherwise stir sh*t in the target countries they are supposedly there to help. This is not to say that the individuals in such NGOs are guilty since many are simply useful idiots unaware of what their true usefulness is.
Then why are you whining about the (alleged) prosecutions of Chinese in America? :lol: Why can we not say the same about this group as front and cover for the Chinese military?

I am sorry that you were picked on, but you should get rid of that inferiority complex and move on with your life. Better yet, stop hanging out at Stormfront and you will eventually get rid of this victim mentality.
No need to be sorry and it is YOU who is having this inferior victim mentality with your loony conspiracy theory about the CIA.
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