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Chasing the Dragon

China is not the same because we don't have this common racialist history of yours. We did not enslave the Afro Caribbeans and forcefully integrate them into our society. Let me know when America can proudly tell the world that blacks arrived in America on first class by planes and that KKK never existed.
The America of today is a far different America of yesterday than what China can say. Let US know when China's legislature is as diverse as ours. Yours is a racist military ruled thugocracy and you know it.
The America of today is a far different America of yesterday than what China can say. Let US know when China's legislature is as diverse as ours. Yours is a racist military ruled thugocracy and you know it.

I am glad you said todays America is far different than one of yesterday. Can't say about what will happen in the future though.
Let us know when the police stops macing people in the face, forcefully throwing people and cameramen to the ground or breaking in houses without warrant etc. Thugocracy at its finest right in front of the worlds watchful eyes. No chance of you wiping away the racialist history of your beloved country either. That's something you will have to learn to accept regardless and I trust you to know it.
The Chinese believe that they are the master Asian 'race' and who received a 'commission from Heaven to rule the universe', as how it was put to the American and British diplomats back in the 19th cent. That contempt for the 'lesser' Asiatics is evident today and here. Just like Imperial Japan, China will plunge Asia into another race based war in the future.
What exactly is the Chinese 'race'? Are they not just a collection of various people, like the Americans (as in residents of the US of A) but only for 2000 years instead of 200 years?
Isn't the 'commission of Heaven to rule the universe' something like the popes 'replacement of Jesus on earth' thing just to justify their rule of China?
How much value should we put on the opinion of 19th century British an American diplomats on racial of social matters?
I am glad you said todays America is far different than one of yesterday. Can't say about what will happen in the future though.
Let us know when the police stops macing people in the face, forcefully throwing people and cameramen to the ground or breaking in houses without warrant etc. Thugocracy at its finest right in front of the worlds watchful eyes. No chance of you wiping away the racialist history of your beloved country either. That's something you will have to learn to accept regardless and I trust you to know it.
You must be describing China's Ministry of Public Security who is responsible for internal security.

The MPS has near unlimited power of arrests and detentions thanks to the purposely designed plasticity of what is 'illegal' and a 'crime', particularly when criticisms of the State are concerned. The delegation and execution of this power falls upon the Domestic Security Dept. (DSD) who branches its authority out to the various local Public Security Bureaus (PSBs) who are responsible for intelligence gathering and infiltration of domestic groups that the higher MPS deemed sufficiently threatening to the state.

The DSD and the various PSBs operate a nationwide network of informal and part time paid informants in every villages, townships, cities, schools of every level, and corporations. Long duration intelligence gathering, read infiltration, are usually reserved for known and suspected dissident groups, including the Falun Gong religious sect, and whose 'spying' are performed by bona fide, albeit secret, agents of these public security agencies. Together, the Chinese internal state security apparatus maintains the world's largest internal security force with the most wide ranging power to arrests, detain, torture, and exile anyone the MPS ordered.

Any Chinese can also be detained -- not arrest -- by the PSB agents and questioned about their family members, colleagues, and friends. Failure to comply does not necessary mean any 'criminal' charges levied but their careers, whatever they might be, will be in jeopardy, worse if the citizen is employed by the State. Janitorial services are often fronts for DSD and PSB offices. Professors and students can also be recruited, compliant or not, into spying for the MPS. This quite decentralized internal security and intelligence structure is called the 'mosaic' method of intelligence gathering and is best for a population that is under one's control. The downside to this structure is an inherent delay in collating and analysis of diverse bits of information that can indicate a larger issue.
I didn't actually. :no:

Read my post again. I was explaining to another member why gambit has such a grudge against Communism.
My mistake, I mixed you up with somebody else who I've seen repeatedly refer to him as Vietnamese boy in a racist manner.
Why do you keep calling "gambit" Vietnamese as if it's a derogatory thing? I have never seen him behave like a Vietnamese in any way whatsoever. He has always struck me as either a middle-aged American nationalist or possibly an ethnic Indian nationalist living in America. Besides, does it matter at all? This is beginning to make you look bad. I'm just saying...
Because to a Chinese, any other Asiatic group is racially 'inferior'.
The Chinese believe that they are the master Asian 'race' and who received a 'commission from Heaven to rule the universe', as how it was put to the American and British diplomats back in the 19th cent. That contempt for the 'lesser' Asiatics is evident today and here. Just like Imperial Japan, China will plunge Asia into another race based war in the future.
The only thoughts of race war are in your own mind and Stormfront. lol Racial wars have historically been a uniquely West European phenomenon. Racism around the rest of the world including most OTHER white European countries has NEVER been about race wars. This idea of race wars was born during the Nazi era and spread to a minor subculture of many white populations worldwide in the last 70 years. Every Stormfront member knows that, you should know. lol
The only thoughts of race war are in your own mind and Stormfront. lol Racial wars have historically been a uniquely West European phenomenon. Racism around the rest of the world including most OTHER white European countries has NEVER been about race wars. This idea of race wars was born during the Nazi era and spread to a minor subculture of many white populations worldwide in the last 70 years.
WW II may have been called so and race may not have been the impetus for it, but there were no doubt in the minds of us 'inferior' Asians as to how the Yamatos feels about us. So please take your nonsense elsewhere. A war may not need be explicit race-based for everyone to know how the participants feels about each other.

Every Stormfront member knows that, you should know. lol
Probably better than most here. I used to have a membership in Stormfront when I was helping the Southern Poverty Law Center keep track of their kind.

---------- Post added at 07:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:57 AM ----------

you mean like american whites treat blacks and hispanics?
Yeah...May be you can explain why we have a black President or name a ship after a Chinese...

USS Chung-Hoon (DDG-93) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
USS Chung-Hoon (DDG-93) is an Arleigh Burke-class Aegis destroyer serving in the United States Navy. Chung-Hoon was named in honor of Rear Admiral Gordon Pai'ea Chung-Hoon (1910–1979), recipient of the Navy Cross and the Silver Star.
That is funny considering how often people freely categorize the US and Europe as 'Christian' or of 'Christendom'.
I said "YOUR" use of categorizations, not ALL categorizations. Here is what I said again, please read slowly this time...
Categorizations are only useful if they are accurate and your use of certain categorizations is categorically wrong.

Try to tell that to the 'COMMUNIST Party of China'. Perhaps you can convince them to change the label to 'DICTATORSHIP Party of China'.

Labels are not always accurate and that's the point. Unless you add qualifiers to inaccurate categorizations, such categorizations become nonsense. China was called Communist in 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980.... China is still called "Communist" today in 2011 by the likes of you and your ideological allies when the truth is, it has a unique political system of so-called "Chinese Characteristics". Try being intellectually honest instead of constantly being so defensive.
You must be describing China's Ministry of Public Security who is responsible for internal security.
Professors and students can also be recruited, compliant or not, into spying for the MPS. This quite decentralized internal security and intelligence structure is called the 'mosaic' method of intelligence gathering and is best for a population that is under one's control. The downside to this structure is an inherent delay in collating and analysis of diverse bits of information that can indicate a larger issue.
This is the excuse that American security officials are using to justify the indiscriminate surveillance, interrogation and detention of Chinese nationals and Chinese-American citizens for everything from politics to industrial espionage. The witch hunt is ongoing. I feel for the Chinese in America who face such government discrimination. Let's hope this paranoia does not spread further to the mainstream American population. As it appears today, it is on the surface but not "completely" out in the open yet.
WW II may have been called so and race may not have been the impetus for it, but there were no doubt in the minds of us 'inferior' Asians as to how the Yamatos feels about us. So please take your nonsense elsewhere. A war may not need be explicit race-based for everyone to know how the participants feels about each other.
You are confusing general racism, with what constitutes a "Race War" as you put it. Japan emulated the foreign policies of the West European colonial/imperialist nations of that time, everybody knows that. An ACTUAL race war on the other hand is a unique feature of the West European psyche that caused them to annihilate entire racial populations on a truly genocidal scale. Think 90-100% of the population. This is as if Mexico invaded the USA and proceeded to kill 220 million of the 225 million white Americans. Do you even comprehend what happened? This inhumanity is unparalleled in Human memory.

Probably better than most here. I used to have a membership in Stormfront when I was helping the Southern Poverty Law Center keep track of their kind.
My advice is, keep on watching the hillbillies and trailer trash and your race war will never spread beyond Mississippi.

Yeah...May be you can explain why we have a black President or name a ship after a Chinese...

USS Chung-Hoon (DDG-93) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
History is history, it can never be washed away with token displays of minority representation. It can only be a hard lesson to teach ones such as you how things worked in the past, how they work today and how to move forward. Unfortunately, history is not always a teacher to everybody.
I said "YOUR" use of categorizations, not ALL categorizations. Here is what I said again, please read slowly this time...
My categorization? How convenient.

Labels are not always accurate and that's the point. Unless you add qualifiers to inaccurate categorizations, such categorizations become nonsense. China was called Communist in 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980.... China is still called "Communist" today in 2011 by the likes of you and your ideological allies when the truth is, it has a unique political system of so-called "Chinese Characteristics". Try being intellectually honest instead of constantly being so defensive.
Ah...No. It is the Chinese Communist Party that called itself 'communist'. May be it should be YOU who should read things more slowly. What is it? Communism with Chinese characteristics? Or is it Chinese socialism with communist characteristics? Or is it Chinese dictatorship with communist characteristics? Hard to keep track of your tap-dancing feet around the issue that the ruling party in China is the one that retain the label 'communist'.
You are confusing general racism, with what constitutes a "Race War" as you put it. Japan emulated the foreign policies of the West European colonial/imperialist nations of that time, everybody knows that. An ACTUAL race war on the other hand is a unique feature of the West European psyche that caused them to annihilate entire racial populations on a truly genocidal scale. Think 90-100% of the population. This inhumanity is unparalleled in Human memory.
Even if the Europeans are guilty of such an atrocity, how does that excuse the Chinese racism that we see today?

My advice is, keep on watching the hillbillies and trailer trash and your race war will never spread beyond Mississippi.
Considering the homogeneity of the Chinese society and how like the Japanese they are terrified of being contaminated by 'barbarians', may be it is time the other Asian nations around China start keeping watch on the Chinese.

History is history, it can never be washed away with token displays of minority representation. It can only be a hard lesson to teach ones such as you how things worked in the past, how they work today and how to move forward. Unfortunately, history is not always a teacher to everybody.
Token? The US military Joint Chiefs of Staff are more colorful than your beloved China will ever be.

---------- Post added at 09:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:14 AM ----------

This is the excuse that American security officials are using to justify the indiscriminate surveillance, interrogation and detention of Chinese nationals and Chinese-American citizens for everything from politics to industrial espionage. The witch hunt is ongoing. I feel for the Chinese in America who face such government discrimination. Let's hope this paranoia does not spread further to the mainstream American population. As it appears today, it is on the surface but not "completely" out in the open yet.
Really? The last time I was out in LA, Chinatown is doing just fine. The State of Hawaii is filled with Asians of all sorts, including Chinese, perhaps you could show how Hawaii is persecuting Chinese out of racism? And how many Chinese nationals are in US prison?
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