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Chasing the Dragon

Categorizations are only useful if they are accurate and your use of certain categorizations is categorically wrong. Your descriptions of certain governments is stuck in a time warp and straight out of the Washington Post, Heritage Foundation, Fox News and other such neocon publications. This sort of ideological thinking is the main reason why America has almost completely wasted the positive world sentiment that it once possessed even among its nominal allies. Try to learn from history and not act so blindly in the name of that ideology because you are actually hurting your own cause.

How someone can shamelessly comment on racism and thugocracy in China whilst failing to see thugocracy and racism in its own country is beyond me. Can't take this guy too seriously when it comes to anything non military related.
India and China can't be compared. China is ruled by communist dictatorship whereas we are democratic. It's huge difference. CPC don't need to worry for election and public support. Our government has to work for public support, otherwise they won't last. There are many decision which is not good for economy, But still we do because people want. Also, our economical reform was decade late from China.

In Defence, we will be par with China by 2020. Quality wise, Better !!

Economy wise, May be 2030 or 2050, We will be close and able to fill most of the gaps.
India and China can't be compared. China is ruled by communist dictatorship whereas we are democratic. It's huge difference. CPC don't have to worry for election and public support. Our government has to work for public support, otherwise they won't last.

Wrong. CPC also needs the support from its people. Only major difference is CPC does not procrastinate on issues. They will go and tackle and address issues head on. Hence China is growing so quick and becoming so powerful in such little time under the CPC.
Wrong. CPC also needs the support from its people. Only major difference is CPC does not procrastinate on issues. They will go and tackle and address issues head on. Hence China is growing so quick and becoming so powerful in such little time under the CPC.

Easier said than done. Bahrain per capita income is many times more than China. But It doesn't mean the government is very good. You see lot of criticism about all democratic government in many countries and government do take certain steps to solve the issue whereas not possible in country like China. It's all CCP propaganda and fake and hidden stories. There is no free media in China. why ?? Why not allow Media to cover all stories. No negative news. No major problem, No Insurgency, No poverty. Everything is picture perfect. This is what CCP is doing "harmonious" society propaganda.

1. China lack transparency in government work, social justice. Lack of political will. All you hear is "harmonious" society on paper.
2. You call yourself close to super-power. Still, You buy weapons from Russia/Israel. After 2 decade of economy rise, failed to make anything world class. Most of the defence equipment is based on reversed engineering and copy. Still, No innovation and nothing good. Why happened ??

Economist Intelligence Unit Democracy Index 2010) (From Economist only)


Democracy Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2. You call yourself close to super-power.

When did this happen? Give me a source. :lol:

Also, did you read the Economist article in the first post?

The lag in social progress is much longer. A child’s odds of surviving past their fifth birthday are as bad in India today as they were in China in the 1970s.
When did this happen? Give me a source. :lol:

Also, did you read the Economist article in the first post?

Have you read what I said ??

No one knows about China in details. All are based on CCP propganda to call China as "harmonious society".

We will compare once your media will highlight all issues or when Public will elect the government. Even many people support Assad and saying he is doing well.

Most of the CCP leaders children had been studied or currently living overseas. why ??

CCP government enjoys “indisputable power and authority” with no regard to Chinese people’s will. That is the reason, Taiwanese people don't prefer China mainland CCP.
Easier said than done. Bahrain per capita income is many times more than China. But It doesn't mean he government is very good. You see lot of criticism about all democratic government in many countries and government do take certain steps to solve the issue whereas not possible in country like China. It's all CCP propaganda and fake and hidden stories. There is no free media in China. why ?? Why not allow Media to cover all stories. No negative news. No major problem, No Insurgency, No poverty. Everything is picture perfect. This is what CCP is doing "harmonious" society propaganda.

1. China lack transparency in government work, social justice. Lack of political will. All you hear is "harmonious" society on paper.
2. You call yourself close to super-power. Still, You buy weapons from Russia/Israel. After 2 decade of economy rise, failed to make anything world class. Most of the defence equipment is based on reversed engineering and copy. Still, No innovation and nothing good. Why happened ??

Economist Intelligence Unit Democracy Index 2010) (From Economist only)


Democracy Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The fact that you are talking about Bahrain already makes your argument biased and lopsided. Why not pick Somalia? they don't have a government therefore is free and it must be like heaven?

Now look who is the second richest country in the world and how long did it take China to achieve that? Already we have lifted millions out of poverty and the way of life is already rapidly improving. Instead, you should be worrying about India, the biggest democracy and also one that is behind and takes decades to solving problems due to numerous arguing back and forth and letting change of government prolong the process of solving issues. Now that for you is democracy made easy.

Last but not least, we never called ourselves superpower. It is you Indians who love to wear that phrase on your lips like bright coloured lipsticks. We know where we stand and we are not that obsessed with the military status like you do. Mind you, who doesn't buy technologies these days? even Americans do it themselves and does that mean they are behind? Now get your mind straight before you regurgitate the everyday nonsense from your bharti media. :lol:
The fact that you are talking about Bahrain already makes your argument biased and lopsided. Why not pick Somalia? they don't have a government therefore is free and it must be like heaven?

Now look who is the second richest country in the world and how long did it take China to achive that? Already we have lifted millions out of poverty and the way of life is already rapidly improving. Instead, you should be worrying about India, the biggest democracy and also one that is behind and takes decades to solving problems due to numerous arguing back and forth and letting change of government prolong the process of solving issues. Now that for you is democracy made easy.

I pick, Vietnam. I know most of the things about Vietnam. Their government don't do false propaganda and makes tall claim by controlled media. We see what they are.

We might be behind China but atleast our government don't oppress us against the will of people.GoI follow as per people wish in most of the cases. Yes, we do have much more expectation but we know what government is doing. There are 10,000 protest in China, Why your government don't highlight it by their media ?? Please show me China media which says these all ?

See, Chinese government don't have any transparency. If China is 2nd richest country then why Most of the CCP leaders children had been studied or currently living overseas. why ?? Harmonious society, Control of everything but sending all their Children to foreign countries. lol

1 Child policy - The young generation is very less, Most of the kids are spoiled. Will parents sent their 1 kid to face war if needed ? May be not !!

Chinese leaders lack will with no experience. All are based on prosperous society on paper and merely words.
I pick, Vietnam. I know most of the things about Vietnam. Their government don't do false propaganda and makes tall claim by controlled media. We see what they are.

Sure, not quite what the world were saying when they were at war with America and its neighbours. I wonder where India was at the time in terms of providing support? Yes you would know of course. :lol:

We might be behind China but atleast our government don't oppress us against the will of people.GoI follow as per people wish in most of the cases. Yes, we do have much more expectation but we know what government is doing. There are 10,000 protest in China, Why your government don't highlight it by their media ?? Please show me China media which says these all ?

10,000 protests? and if China is so secretive, then what makes you think western sources are accurate? Ah...sure someone being exposed for their lack of critical thinking. More specifically, what were those "allegedly" 10,000 protests about? Are you sure they are ALL government related? I wonder how the Kashmiris may think about the "we do not suppress and our people have freedom" slogan of yours. :lol:

See, Chinese government don't have any transparency. If China is 2nd richest country then why Most of the CCP leaders children had been studied or currently living overseas. why ?? Harmonious society, Control of everything but sending all their Children to foreign countries. lol

Are you saying all who paid for their children to study overseas are cpc? then same must be said about one and every Indian abroad? are they are corrupt party members since most of India is still poor? common now, get real and accept the fact that the living conditions have changed and people are fast becoming wealthier :lol:

1 Child policy - The young generation is very less, Most of the kids are spoiled. Will parents sent their 1 kid to face war if needed ? May be not !!

One child policy? families won't send child to war if the country needs defending? Not so sure about India but you are clearly underestimating our nationalism. Heck we even fought for Vietnam and Korea when the country called. More over those 1 child policy days are no more. You can wake up to your dream already friend.

Chinese leaders lack will with no experience. All are based on prosperous society on paper and merely words.

Says an average Indian whose country is using China as its role model in everything minus politics? Yes I can already see China is already ahead meanwhile India is behind despite its wealth of experience and will power. :rolleyes:
Categorizations are only useful if they are accurate and your use of certain categorizations is categorically wrong.
That is funny considering how often people freely categorize the US and Europe as 'Christian' or of 'Christendom'.

Your descriptions of certain governments is stuck in a time warp and straight out of the Washington Post, Heritage Foundation, Fox News and other such neocon publications. This sort of ideological thinking is the main reason why America has almost completely wasted the positive world sentiment that it once possessed even among its nominal allies. Try to learn from history and not act so blindly in the name of that ideology because you are actually hurting your own cause.
Try to tell that to the 'COMMUNIST Party of China'. Perhaps you can convince them to change the label to 'DICTATORSHIP Party of China'.

---------- Post added at 01:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:50 AM ----------

How someone can shamelessly comment on racism and thugocracy in China whilst failing to see thugocracy and racism in its own country is beyond me. Can't take this guy too seriously when it comes to anything non military related.
We have a black President and several major military leaders of different skin tone. Same throughout our legislature. Let me know when China have the same.
We might be behind China but atleast our government don't oppress us against the will of people.GoI follow as per people wish in most of the cases. Yes, we do have much more expectation but we know what government is doing. There are 10,000 protest in China, Why your government don't highlight it by their media ?? Please show me China media which says these all ?

See, Chinese government don't have any transparency. If China is 2nd richest country then why Most of the CCP leaders children had been studied or currently living overseas. why ?? Harmonious society, Control of everything but sending all their Children to foreign countries. lol

India is not behind China. To say that you have to compare all facets of country, and put a value on those facets. But you can't. For example, how many $$ is Indian democracy worth to Chinese dictatorship? What is a extra child worth compared to an extra % of litteracy? These are silly comparissons and therefor one can not say this country is behind that country, only this country is behind that country on that aspect.

What actually is "the will of the people"?
Who is "us"?
What extra transparency does GOI compared to CCP? Please don't tell me you can elect GOI, because you can't. You can only vote on a party. You have no say in how the party leadership is elected. You have no say in how the members of GOI are elected once the party, you might of might not voted on, won the elections. You can't do anything if GOI decides to do things you don't want and even if it contradicts their promises before the elections. There is absolutely no transparency in the way GOI decided on matters.
There are, as you claim, 10000 protests in China which means:
a) a lot of people are very courageous to protest against the evil harsh dictatorship
b) not all is as black and white as some believe.
I am waiting for a Tibetan chairman of the CPC.
Rumour has it there is an Tibetan vice-chairman :laugh:

If you have to state the etnicity of an president/chairman/prime minister/whatever that just shows there is something wrong with that society. Like we say in dutch "hokjesgeest" => cubicle minded.
Rumour has it there is an Tibetan vice-chairman :laugh:

If you have to state the etnicity of an president/chairman/prime minister/whatever that just shows there is something wrong with that society. Like we say in dutch "hokjesgeest" => cubicle minded.
The Chinese believe that they are the master Asian 'race' and who received a 'commission from Heaven to rule the universe', as how it was put to the American and British diplomats back in the 19th cent. That contempt for the 'lesser' Asiatics is evident today and here. Just like Imperial Japan, China will plunge Asia into another race based war in the future.
We have a black President and several major military leaders of different skin tone. Same throughout our legislature. Let me know when China have the same.

China is not the same because we don't have this common racialist history of yours. We did not enslave the Afro Caribbeans and forcefully integrate them into our society. Let me know when America can proudly tell the world that blacks arrived in America on first class by planes and that KKK never existed.
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