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Çay Bahçesi

he mentioned the qoute n dekho what happened
You didnt mention the creature...It crept along on its own! He spies...I know coz he realized what his enemy the Arab @al-Hasani had written about us and thanked him the other day
Was it yesterday or the day before when the Turk, Arab and Irani were united on our expense? :unsure:
sigh those guys r friends i can get them saying stuff... they are light hearted nice people... this is plain weird... hey stalker person are u there??
For what? It was obviously not directed at you. :D
i have tried being decent with you in every way... what kind of weird person are you... I guess it is time to talk to the admin about this... they can decide who that was meant for

Huh? What are you two talking about? Which creature? Which enemy? Where do I fit into all of this?
9556 post number...
i have tried being decent with you in every way... what kind of weird person are you... I guess it is time to talk to the admin about this... they can decide who that was meant for

9556 post number...

Of course. Admin(s) run this website as they see fit. That is why it is the way it is, right? :D
9556 post number...

Aha. Me and @Syed.Ali.Haider have normal ties. Maybe he regards me as a enemy (lol) but I have no idea why if true.

Anyway you should not take the internet too seriously but I don't know what has been going on between you. In any case you are compatriots. No need to fight.
Anyway you should not take the internet too seriously but I don't know what has been going on between you. In any case you are compatriots. No need to fight.
people should be decent... there are reasons people talk on moderated forums... u think there are no answers to give someone who says stuff like that... very simple very appropriate answers but have to respect the forum... I will ask for a PM to be made n give some of you guys my email.. we can stay in contact like that...

ya akhi what fight i was talking on a thread n someone comes n says that... do not know why people come to the internet and forget their self respect if someone said puppy love when u were talking to someone would u allow it to happen real life?
u dnt want to ask right now... i still wish this was an open forum... the arabic language does justice to the word dog... i would have loved to practice my arabic on him... is there any mod who speaks arabic here? or can one get away with it

@Akheilos u around or what? m sorry i talked to horus and he said he has warned him... now u knw what has to happen i warned u :P :P
true ur nice when ur relaxed... warna u think too much i guess..
oh dont worry I aint upset! :D
well now i have to see how much taller i am then u :P if i am taller than u
yea..not to forget my laptop screen is still dead! And I am still exploring my Chinese friend's Chinese laptop (her 2nd spare one...she bought a new one so didnt need this she was worried I would die of boredom without laptop...ALLAH loves me...HE always sends an angel for assistance ;)
as long as u dnt disappear like last week i kinda am used to talking here now
Oh dont worry its not 2nd degree burn...I dont even think its 1st degree...I didnt get blisters (so its fine just got the skin peeled off when it dried coz I scratched it off :ashamed: ) coz I washed my hand in hot and cold water coz I wasnt sure if I was to heat it or cool it....
u need to stop scratching urself.... u need to be tickled :Pand cotton balls are still the answer :P
Actually since i bite my nails I dont even know how to cut my nails properly 90% of the time I cut too deep then I dont use nail clippers for a few months or even years coz they hurt :(
haw u need to be gentle with urself.. there are no replacement parts for humans
My dad used to cut my toe nails and my uncle did it when I went to USA.....hehehehe I am spoilt no idea how they let me live here alone :ashamed:
aww that is cute...n yes i wonder how spoiled u r :P i thought i was spoilt... but this is next level...
oh n how did they let you go alone... what did you say to them that they said ok beta off u go to study plants u have very understanding parents
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