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Çay Bahçesi

yes it because of coke... n yes you are growing old :P i think growing old is good for a person mentally also...
do not debate religion.. read on the incident of hazrat umar (ra) reading the bible, you will get a lesson or two.
when r u making me a glow in the dark tree :(
n how come you fell asleep so early yesterday..
I wanted to reset my clock!

I have a preacher on my fb preaching me about Christianity...I get enough bible dozes from my American friends on fb too :unsure:

I speak my mind....I dont think it is wrong...When the west speaks their mind it is freedom of something the min a Muslim does it is insulting and we need to be careful and the whole smuck (always wanted to use that word no idea what it means) :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:!
I speak my mind....I dont think it is wrong...When the west speaks their mind it is freedom of something the min a Muslim does it is insulting and we need to be careful and the whole smuck (always wanted to use that word no idea what it means) :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:!
speaking your mind within limits.. you do not attack or ask insulting questions you made me laugh with some of the questions you asked on taht thread. always be gentle and do not argue if someone says good night n you did not let them sleep even :P that was harsh do you not think so :P
n u do not want to know what that word means
I have a preacher on my fb preaching me about Christianity...I get enough bible dozes from my American friends on fb too :unsure:
haaan haan rub it in i know i am the creepy dexter... beshak preacher ho fb pay that is ok bus i m the evil one. do not discuss religion because the whole issue is you may call something right wrong or something wrong right without knowing it. and that is not my explanation it part of a hadith
I wanted to reset my clock!
did it work and if it did i need to try i have to be at my training tomorrow and i have to prepare for my exam also... sigh liifffeeee

.When the west speaks their mind it is freedom of something the min a Muslim does it is insulting
have higher standards do not say that they do it so can i it sounds like u r 2 years old :P
you do not attack or ask insulting questions you made me laugh with some of the questions you asked on taht thread
Well thats me less serious more funny even in such threads :unsure:

do not argue if someone says good night n you did not let them sleep even :P that was harsh do you not think so :P
oh her? hehhee...believe me if she wanted to sleep she wouldnt answer me :ashamed:

n u do not want to know what that word means
What word? :unsure:

haaan haan rub it in i know i am the creepy dexter... beshak preacher ho fb pay that is ok bus i m the evil one. do not discuss religion because the whole issue is you may call something right wrong or something wrong right without knowing it. and that is not my explanation it part of a hadith
Nah with Mr. preacher it is all about similarities...He tried to preach me about trinity and I DIDNT get it sometimes I wonder if I am dumb or what...How easily people on that thread grasped the muti god concept but I was dumb :(

did it work and if it did i need to try i have to be at my training tomorrow and i have to prepare for my exam also... sigh liifffeeee
Yea sort of I woke up after 5 hrs and lay in bed waiting for Fajr ...oh the agony of waiting while Satan kept whispering sou ja bachay sou ja :undecided:

have higher standards do not say that they do it so can i it sounds like u r 2 years old :P
I realized after I posted it :ashamed:

@waz :wave: everything ok? you staring here for the longest time I have seen you staring! :what: Is this keeping "an eye"?
What word? :unsure:
smuck :P u used the slang
oh her? hehhee...believe me if she wanted to sleep she wouldnt answer me :ashamed:
well u did become really insulting :P ofcourse she would answer
Well thats me less serious more funny even in such threads :unsure:
madam ji religion may serious life may funny :bounce:
Nah with Mr. preacher it is all about similarities...He tried to preach me about trinity and I DIDNT get it sometimes I wonder if I am dumb or what...How easily people on that thread grasped the muti god concept but I was dumb :(
why would u be listening to that kind of stuff in the first place.. are you unhappy with your religion? that concept can not be understood by us cuz we have a proper concept in our heads and if you put something weird it will confuse us.. if i tried telling you about gravity and i was wrong .. and you already knew what gravity was... then what i said would never make sense to u
Yea sort of I woke up after 5 hrs and lay in bed waiting for Fajr ...oh the agony of waiting while Satan kept whispering sou ja bachay sou ja :undecided:
see ur a bacha i knew it you acted like one today from today i shall call u little one :girl_cray3: ps u talk to yourself not a healthy sign...
I realized after I posted it :ashamed:
as long as u realized it
You know whats funny if I delete posts that I have been told to delete people will act like I am a dictator or something and if I give a warning like I am supposed to people will act like I am the bad guy. I don't have to deal with that kind of stuff, people don't appreciate someone giving their time to try and make this forum which has multiple experts and loads of information a better place. I have several family members in the hospital so I don't need extra headaches from people who break rules and make problems for me then act like they did nothing wrong and throw crap in my face.

You see I have been following this forum for years but I never made an account untill about 1 year ago and the original reason for making that account was because I saw alot of people talking crap about Turks so I though that I needed to respond. Also I had access to some defence expos where I could get some brochures. For years I was getting brochures but I never uploaded them untill I felt really guilty and decided to do so, not that they are important or have any new information. I never came here expecting to become a mod or even talk to people in these cay bahcesi type threads, I thought that I would just enhance my knowledge by being able to ask questions about certain projects but things got out of control and now I am at this point.

I want to apologize to all because I would like to resign as moderator. As mentioned earlier I have alot of stress in my life right now and I don't need any extra. Maybe sometime in the future I can contribute to the forum as a moderator but right now is not the time. I will still be active in the forum inshallah as it is the best one out there. I didn't want to make a big show so I think this post is enough.


Hakkını helal et

@Adios Amigo @Chak Bamu @Emmie @Horus @Jango @Jungibaaz @Manticore @Oscar @T-Faz @waz @WebMaster

If one of you could keep a close eye on our section that would be great because right now we don't really have a troll problem but as soon as people figure out that this section will not have an active mod the trolls will be back. I recommend that you guys find a replacement. There are some good Turkish members you can choose from.

Bro, I am so sorry that you have to leave your post. I hope inshallah your family gain their health and I will pray for them.
As for the comments and complaints you receive, no one is above criticism but you are above many when it comes to your impeccable manners, kindness and trust. You have done the site and all of us proud.

I promise to look after the section, as you guys are like our very own.

@waz :wave: everything ok? you staring here for the longest time I have seen you staring! :what: Is this keeping "an eye"?

Yes sis. My eye is everywhere.


smuck :P u used the slang
well u did become really insulting :P ofcourse she would answer
Oh no when she was around I wasnt!
madam ji religion may serious life may funny :bounce:
Nahh I am average in both!
why would u be listening to that kind of stuff in the first place.. are you unhappy with your religion?
He was preaching so I listened it is rude to shut someone off ...plus he is like 60++ or something...so I was being decent...Plus I say always read their scripture with them...i like quick answers to my questions like on that thread :unsure:
that concept can not be understood by us cuz we have a proper concept in our heads and if you put something weird it will confuse us.. if i tried telling you about gravity and i was wrong .. and you already knew what gravity was... then what i said would never make sense to u
True...but soo many people were supporting it on that thread and I was a little angry at myself for not seeing it as clear as them...Prob thats where you saw some "rudeness" with the questioning
see ur a bacha i knew it you acted like one today from today i shall call u little one :girl_cray3: ps u talk to yourself not a healthy sign...
as long as u realized it
:ashamed: dont rub it in :angry:

Bro, I am so sorry that you have to leave your post. I hope inshallah your family gain their health and I will pray for them.
As for the comments and complaints you receive, no one is above criticism but you are above many when it comes to your impeccable manners, kindness and trust. You have done the site and all of us proud.

I promise to look after the section, as you guys are like our very own.
But but he is soo sweet...I always remember @Hakan as that chick (real chick dude not female chick but he had a baby chicken) with the bow and arrow as his dp:ashamed:

Yes sis. My eye is everywhere.


You know whats funny if I delete posts that I have been told to delete people will act like I am a dictator or something and if I give a warning like I am supposed to people will act like I am the bad guy. I don't have to deal with that kind of stuff, people don't appreciate someone giving their time to try and make this forum which has multiple experts and loads of information a better place. I have several family members in the hospital so I don't need extra headaches from people who break rules and make problems for me then act like they did nothing wrong and throw crap in my face.

You see I have been following this forum for years but I never made an account untill about 1 year ago and the original reason for making that account was because I saw alot of people talking crap about Turks so I though that I needed to respond. Also I had access to some defence expos where I could get some brochures. For years I was getting brochures but I never uploaded them untill I felt really guilty and decided to do so, not that they are important or have any new information. I never came here expecting to become a mod or even talk to people in these cay bahcesi type threads, I thought that I would just enhance my knowledge by being able to ask questions about certain projects but things got out of control and now I am at this point.

I want to apologize to all because I would like to resign as moderator. As mentioned earlier I have alot of stress in my life right now and I don't need any extra. Maybe sometime in the future I can contribute to the forum as a moderator but right now is not the time. I will still be active in the forum inshallah as it is the best one out there. I didn't want to make a big show so I think this post is enough.

If one of you could keep a close eye on our section that would be great because right now we don't really have a troll problem but as soon as people figure out that this section will not have an active mod the trolls will be back. I recommend that you guys find a replacement. There are some good Turkish members you can choose from.

İlk önce Allah ailene, akrabalarına şifa versin kardeşim.

Bu forumda kimse sana diktatör muamelesi yapamaz... Problem üst seviye moderatörlerden çıkıyor, sen sadece kuralları uyguluyorsun. Kimsenin senin moderetörlüğünle ilgili bir problemi olduğunu sanmıyorum.
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them

:ashamed: dont rub it in :angry:
rub rub rubbb :P come on i thought u could take being teased
i am serious lil one :P
good otherwise that sounded very scary :P
True...but soo many people were supporting it on that thread and I was a little angry at myself for not seeing it as clear as them...Prob thats where you saw some "rudeness" with the questioning
well do not debate religion i have seen again and again on so many threads and you have been here longer these people do not want to learn just come to insult and we should not get to their level ever.
He was preaching so I listened it is rude to shut someone off ...plus he is like 60++ or something...so I was being decent...Plus I say always read their scripture with them...i like quick answers to my questions like on that thread :unsure:
why do u always read your scripture with them ur scaring me what new tradition is this :o:
Nahh I am average in both!
try your best to be serious in religion life is fun enjoy it,,, i used my holidays on my back i had to go hiking :(

i want ice cream at this time of night now it is too late i will have to wait for mornin sigh i hate when this happens
Good thing we have waz to look out for the section untill they get a permanent replacement.

That put a smile on my face.... i think among the Turkish section, there is no one fit to be mod except you...we all lost our cool time to time, yet you never lost your composure. No bad words come out your mouth. :)


Also everyone...... we got the girl tonight. So drinks on me. :dance3::dance3::dance3:

rub rub rubbb :P come on i thought u could take being teased
i am serious lil one :P

good otherwise that sounded very scary :P
it was?

well do not debate religion i have seen again and again on so many threads and you have been here longer these people do not want to learn just come to insult and we should not get to their level ever.
Well I dont insult I dont the monkey ticks me off... :(

why do u always read your scripture with them ur scaring me what new tradition is this :o:
NOT mine theirs with them! Well mine too when he gets curious whats in the Quran

try your best to be serious in religion life is fun enjoy it,,, i used my holidays on my back i had to go hiking :(
Had to? :o:

i want ice cream at this time of night now it is too late i will have to wait for mornin sigh i hate when this happens
ate night cravings? :pop:


That put a smile on my face.... i think among the Turkish section, there is no one fit to be mod except you...we all lost our cool time to time, yet you never lost your composure. No bad words come out your mouth. :)


Also everyone...... we got the girl tonight. So drinks on me. :dance3::dance3::dance3:
congratulations!!! after how many tries? I will have half a glass of coke on you ;)
congratulations!!! after how many tries? I will have half a glass of coke on you ;)
which girl :cheers:
do you know what the word realy means?:p:
ate night cravings? :pop:
lol not cravings i think i forgot to eat today.. my food is cold now n i do not want haleem :( i want ice cream :P
yes i had promised a friend to go hiking we go camping and hiking like crazy people inspired by discovery tv crazy videos we go with as little as we can :crazy:
NOT mine theirs with them! Well mine too when he gets curious whats in the Quran
we shall have a talk about this later i have to find the hadith for you, lil one

That put a smile on my face.... i think among the Turkish section, there is no one fit to be mod except you...we all lost our cool time to time, yet you never lost your composure. No bad words come out your mouth. :)


Also everyone...... we got the girl tonight. So drinks on me. :dance3::dance3::dance3:
Congratulations and good luck mate:tup:
Congratulations once again brother!!!! When's the big day?





Oh and these @Sinan


Thx a lot sis.... :)

Actually this one was not engagement. Me and my family gone to girls house. My father asked her father for our marriage. He agreed. Engagement will be later...exact date not decided yet.... i guess 1-2 months later. :)

Congratulations and good luck mate:tup:

Thx a lot mate. :)
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