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You know whats funny if I delete posts that I have been told to delete people will act like I am a dictator or something and if I give a warning like I am supposed to people will act like I am the bad guy. I don't have to deal with that kind of stuff, people don't appreciate someone giving their time to try and make this forum which has multiple experts and loads of information a better place. I have several family members in the hospital so I don't need extra headaches from people who break rules and make problems for me then act like they did nothing wrong and throw crap in my face.

You see I have been following this forum for years but I never made an account untill about 1 year ago and the original reason for making that account was because I saw alot of people talking crap about Turks so I though that I needed to respond. Also I had access to some defence expos where I could get some brochures. For years I was getting brochures but I never uploaded them untill I felt really guilty and decided to do so, not that they are important or have any new information. I never came here expecting to become a mod or even talk to people in these cay bahcesi type threads, I thought that I would just enhance my knowledge by being able to ask questions about certain projects but things got out of control and now I am at this point.

I want to apologize to all because I would like to resign as moderator. As mentioned earlier I have alot of stress in my life right now and I don't need any extra. Maybe sometime in the future I can contribute to the forum as a moderator but right now is not the time. I will still be active in the forum inshallah as it is the best one out there. I didn't want to make a big show so I think this post is enough.


Hakkını helal et

@Adios Amigo @Chak Bamu @Emmie @Horus @Jango @Jungibaaz @Manticore @Oscar @T-Faz @waz @WebMaster

If one of you could keep a close eye on our section that would be great because right now we don't really have a troll problem but as soon as people figure out that this section will not have an active mod the trolls will be back. I recommend that you guys find a replacement. There are some good Turkish members you can choose from.
First of all, speedy recovery to your family members and hope everything will be alright for them. I can understand your situation well about this forum. I am not sure whether you are talking about Turkish members or other nationalities too, but everyone should have respected your function as a mod. You, in turn, did what you have to (unless i missed you abusing your mod powers), so no need to feel sorry to others. It would have been bad if you gave in to certain people and became their shield against others.
Hope you won't leave. You are a nice knowledgeable person to have around. On top of it, I had promised myself to stop using PDF and delete the forum from my bookmarks, but i kept coming back after some time due the forum's addictive nature :D
Well thats very much screwed!

1stly, God doesnt get born...so there is no such thing as so and so is older than your god...
2ndly, how did you conclude 2300 yrs? There is no proper records of such things...
3rdly, Well if Odin is older and so are Greek and Egyptian gods and so on....then what were these gods used for if not to "pray to"?

The plural in Hebrew if you learned linguistics is like the plural in Arabic even Allah is referred to with plural why? its called the ROYAL WE...in Pakistan we also have it and so do people in Malaysia...when someone of royalty says we it usually means I but coz I am someone great I use me, myself and my power as WE

Any linguist can prove it to you!

Myths? :rofl: Apparently archaeological proof are also myths for you...
Good for you!

prostitution is a business ...if it is so ok, would you marry one?
Would you allow your sister or daughter to indulge is such a business? If not then why is it ok that someone else's sister or daughter needs to sell her body to you but yours wont? No offence but sometimes you have to throw yourself in someone's shoes to understand what is wrong with somethings...

It is not just religiously wrong it is morally disgusting that women need to sell themselves to satisfy some hungry men who dont have the balls to face responsibility and go get themselves a wife! Or worse that they need to act like an animal by paying someone to bear with them! Sounds better? No well that is what prostitution is!

First see the moral degradation here where prostitution visits are acceptable norm!
2nd see the health wrong there...multiple partners is never healthy
3rd as for religion it says guard your modesty repeatedly all over the Quran...before making a fool of yourself please do read the Quran...
Another's business? When you announcing it in a public forum means you asking for answers otherwise if you visited a prostitute few seconds ago no one on a public forum would know and it is your business! But when you announce it, it is open for discussion!
My say to such people is....if you cant find yourselves in that situation and think it is ok for others to be in such situations then you def are wrong. If you cant imagine your sisters and daughters as prostitutes then I say you saying other's sisters and daughters as prostitutes is wrong!
When people stop saying a wrong is wrong you get extremists...
The ability to distinguish right from wrong is what makes us humans as chosen species above animals with a brain to utilize! If we fail to be able to distinguish we are no different than that of an animal whose brain doesnt have the capacity to see right from wrong!

i was thinking of discussing with you, but then i came across that charlie hebdo thread, so i decided not to waste my time with you. so, have a nice one.

First there was urmonotheismus, then it was later corrupted and forgotten but not completely erased, then came neomonotheism (Abrahamic) which largely became invasive.

the most prominent advocate of urmonotheismus was schmidt, who himself was a catholic priest and editor of the catholic missionaries' magazine antropos/anthropos (i don't remember exactly) issued by verbites. he was just trying to base his religion on more sound grounds by claiming that first humans were monotheists. urmonotheismus was rejected a long time ago, as was its sucessor urtheismus. they're both in the junkyard of dead ideas for more than 5 decades. i even read that he falsified some data on his grand work "the origin of the idea of god".

Yup, I did it with Tengri from what I understood of the religion. There are even monotheistic religions that aren't Abrahamic such as Adyghe Habze which was influenced by Hellenic religion, Greek philosophy and Islam. Most religions have a God father, Sky God, or another type of leader God that is at the top and the rest are lower than it.

habze (actually it's written as shabze, as circassian H is voiced as SH) is not a religion, i's a code of conduct, i.e. how to say things, where to say, how to speak to elder, to younger, to women, how to behave in front of elders and foreigners etc.

It's not but it hints to a urmonotheismus religion that they may have once worshiped.

as durkheim once put it, "religion is society worshipping itself, it's reflection". so, it can be said there's some element of autoerotism in religion LOL nowadays sciencey people think first form of belief was preanimism, for humans can't possibly believe in a monotheistic religion when they don't know how the world around them works. the only thing they could tie themselves would be the closest thing to them, i.e. nature itself. monotheism is a product of a highly sophisticated society IMO

@Hakan speedy recovery for your family. geçmiş olsun.
whats that? cant see :(

was thinking of discussing with you, but then i came across that charlie hebdo thread, so i decided not to waste my time with you. so, have a nice one.
lovely ....I didnt get what you meant but whatever! :tup:
You know whats funny if I delete posts that I have been told to delete people will act like I am a dictator or something and if I give a warning like I am supposed to people will act like I am the bad guy. I don't have to deal with that kind of stuff, people don't appreciate someone giving their time to try and make this forum which has multiple experts and loads of information a better place. I have several family members in the hospital so I don't need extra headaches from people who break rules and make problems for me then act like they did nothing wrong and throw crap in my face.

You see I have been following this forum for years but I never made an account untill about 1 year ago and the original reason for making that account was because I saw alot of people talking crap about Turks so I though that I needed to respond. Also I had access to some defence expos where I could get some brochures. For years I was getting brochures but I never uploaded them untill I felt really guilty and decided to do so, not that they are important or have any new information. I never came here expecting to become a mod or even talk to people in these cay bahcesi type threads, I thought that I would just enhance my knowledge by being able to ask questions about certain projects but things got out of control and now I am at this point.

I want to apologize to all because I would like to resign as moderator. As mentioned earlier I have alot of stress in my life right now and I don't need any extra. Maybe sometime in the future I can contribute to the forum as a moderator but right now is not the time. I will still be active in the forum inshallah as it is the best one out there. I didn't want to make a big show so I think this post is enough.


Hakkını helal et

@Adios Amigo @Chak Bamu @Emmie @Horus @Jango @Jungibaaz @Manticore @Oscar @T-Faz @waz @WebMaster

If one of you could keep a close eye on our section that would be great because right now we don't really have a troll problem but as soon as people figure out that this section will not have an active mod the trolls will be back. I recommend that you guys find a replacement. There are some good Turkish members you can choose from.
Sorry about your family,i hope they get well soon.
Dont worry,nobody can say a bad word about you,go take care of your family,they are more important.

vole çaktı resmen :D

türkiye dışında yaşayanlara sorum olacak. ben bugün markete gittim, reçel alacaktım. normalde şekerli gıdaları pek sevmem ama canım çekti, alayım dedim. içindekiler kısmına baktım, 100 gram reçelde 68-70 gram şeker varmış. bana acaip abartı geldi. annem reçel yaparken 5 kilo meyveye yarım kilodan biraz fazla şeker atıyordu. acaba diyorum türkiye haricindeki ülkelerde bu oran nedir? @xenon54 @T-123456 @atatwolf diğer gurbetçi arkadaşlar. @XenoEnsi-14 same question to you. what's the ratio of sugar in jam/preserves in the US?
You know whats funny if I delete posts that I have been told to delete people will act like I am a dictator or something and if I give a warning like I am supposed to people will act like I am the bad guy. I don't have to deal with that kind of stuff, people don't appreciate someone giving their time to try and make this forum which has multiple experts and loads of information a better place. I have several family members in the hospital so I don't need extra headaches from people who break rules and make problems for me then act like they did nothing wrong and throw crap in my face.

You see I have been following this forum for years but I never made an account untill about 1 year ago and the original reason for making that account was because I saw alot of people talking crap about Turks so I though that I needed to respond. Also I had access to some defence expos where I could get some brochures. For years I was getting brochures but I never uploaded them untill I felt really guilty and decided to do so, not that they are important or have any new information. I never came here expecting to become a mod or even talk to people in these cay bahcesi type threads, I thought that I would just enhance my knowledge by being able to ask questions about certain projects but things got out of control and now I am at this point.

I want to apologize to all because I would like to resign as moderator. As mentioned earlier I have alot of stress in my life right now and I don't need any extra. Maybe sometime in the future I can contribute to the forum as a moderator but right now is not the time. I will still be active in the forum inshallah as it is the best one out there. I didn't want to make a big show so I think this post is enough.


Hakkını helal et

@Adios Amigo @Chak Bamu @Emmie @Horus @Jango @Jungibaaz @Manticore @Oscar @T-Faz @waz @WebMaster

If one of you could keep a close eye on our section that would be great because right now we don't really have a troll problem but as soon as people figure out that this section will not have an active mod the trolls will be back. I recommend that you guys find a replacement. There are some good Turkish members you can choose from.
:blink: hope all is well bro! I am sorry to hear all this! :(

ir was a glass of water i wanted to remind you to drink water :P now i am used to talking to you are you happy now

been killing time cuz i didnt wanna disturb u
lolz...been attacked by too many quotes :(

Been 1 hr and my dinner still stares at me

Geçmiş olsun. I wish them speedy recovery. Just take it easy bro, you are one of the nicest person in this forum. Take your time, sort your things out and be with your family.
You know whats funny if I delete posts that I have been told to delete people will act like I am a dictator or something and if I give a warning like I am supposed to people will act like I am the bad guy. I don't have to deal with that kind of stuff, people don't appreciate someone giving their time to try and make this forum which has multiple experts and loads of information a better place. I have several family members in the hospital so I don't need extra headaches from people who break rules and make problems for me then act like they did nothing wrong and throw crap in my face.

You see I have been following this forum for years but I never made an account untill about 1 year ago and the original reason for making that account was because I saw alot of people talking crap about Turks so I though that I needed to respond. Also I had access to some defence expos where I could get some brochures. For years I was getting brochures but I never uploaded them untill I felt really guilty and decided to do so, not that they are important or have any new information. I never came here expecting to become a mod or even talk to people in these cay bahcesi type threads, I thought that I would just enhance my knowledge by being able to ask questions about certain projects but things got out of control and now I am at this point.

I want to apologize to all because I would like to resign as moderator. As mentioned earlier I have alot of stress in my life right now and I don't need any extra. Maybe sometime in the future I can contribute to the forum as a moderator but right now is not the time. I will still be active in the forum inshallah as it is the best one out there. I didn't want to make a big show so I think this post is enough.
I can safely say all our prayers are with you and your family. I hope that we will see you soon... and we understand being a mod is a thankless job with little appreciation but a handful of people manage to keep such a huge forum such a wonderful place... salam brother and may everything work out for the best

Nahh its almost coming to an end...Plus I am tired...its on this thread: I am a proud Hindu and I am not ashamed | Page 20
well good i am talking to my lil brother online so i was not really looking at the active posts... i trust u will manage to control idiots for some time
Yea I am munching :D
good girl
i went to that thread and it is crazy over there i came back n now i am drinking coke also how much do u drink in a day :P
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