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Çay Bahçesi

Wonderful God is equated to Santa :p:

actually, santa is christianized version of germanic god odin and he's older than your god LOL i don't like to discuss these issues, but the idea of monotheistic god is only 2300 or so years old (i.e. abrahamic god). before that, there wasn't a god that you pray to. that's why i'm saying it's humankind's invention. before jews re-modeled their monotheist god (i.e. yahweh), they used to worship him as one of the gods among many of semitic gods (baal being head god of canaanites, chomesh being of that moabites) which is attested in the word elohim used many times in hebrew bible, which signifies plurality (suffix -im being plural suffix). i won't even mention all that flood and noah stuff, which are clearly adopted from sumerian myths.
all in all, you can pray and believe whatever you want, just don't come with that muslim (or whatever religion it may be, coz it sets me off) pride stuff. i'm believing in god/s that i clearly know is a result of my people's desire to link their existence to some higher being and things they couldn't explain, and i'm ok with that coz i just want to believe. all hail tengri LOL
no need if you ever go do let me know i have lots of friends there i spent my childhood in saudi and have lots of friends in the region
languages you know madam :P
Well, Urdu, English and Malay (Malaysian can understand a bit of Indonesian but not much...they have the sentence in a different aarrangementso takes me a while to understand it and some words really are different its like asking an Urdu speaker to catch Punjabi or something)... I knew a bit of Chinese coz I was crazy about TVB Chinese Movies, self learned German from a CD hence my pronunciation was horrible but due to lack of practice had to forget it. Picked up some Italian from colleagues but not much might be taking it up if I have time as I do need some extra credits so its between German and Italian :D....was trying to pick Russian from another colleague but man the words are too difficult to pronounce....O haan I took Arabic for 1 yr as an elective during my BSc...but now for the life of me I cant make a proper sentence at all...
i trust ur knowledge :P you must be smart mashaAllah phds are not a joke
Thank you :)
true see now i am not right anymore cuz now u are right :cray:but thank you it is a nice way to look at it
n now u know why i am secretive :coffee: :P
Well, yea and no...
oh total desi land....
lolz I had an idea it was...
Well, Urdu, English and Malay (Malaysian can understand a bit of Indonesian but not much...they have the sentence in a different aarrangementso takes me a while to understand it and some words really are different its like asking an Urdu speaker to catch Punjabi or something)... I knew a bit of Chinese coz I was crazy about TVB Chinese Movies, self learned German from a CD hence my pronunciation was horrible but due to lack of practice had to forget it. Picked up some Italian from colleagues but not much might be taking it up if I have time as I do need some extra credits so its between German and Italian :D....was trying to pick Russian from another colleague but man the words are too difficult to pronounce....O haan I took Arabic for 1 yr as an elective during my BSc...but now for the life of me I cant make a proper sentence at all...
why didn't you do your masters in languages i have a friend in Belarus who did that and she speaks less languages then you do. And you live in Europe yet speak no European language :P intriguing .... Oh n Malay how long were you there to learn the language... n self learning languages you must have had a lot of time are you sure you do not plant a seed n watch it grow :P part of your thesis :p effect of music on the growth of an acorn tree maybe
what are TVB chinese movies is it a genre of movies or something...
lolz I had an idea it was...
surprisingly i broke my first glass window playing cricket in Birmingham...
wait just got on a while back and still reading the alerts :)
now i feel like some weird stalker :cray::jester::suicide:
why didn't you do your masters in languages i have a friend in Belarus who did that and she speaks less languages then you do. And you live in Europe yet speak no European language :P intriguing .... Oh n Malay how long were you there to learn the language... n self learning languages you must have had a lot of time are you sure you do not plant a seed n watch it grow :P part of your thesis :p effect of music on the growth of an acorn tree maybe
what are TVB chinese movies is it a genre of movies or something...
I was there for 24 yrs of my life...was brought up there...Lolz yea I dont speak the languages here...its pass my age to learn fresh languages I can usually understand but i am terrible at remembering rules of forming sentences ....
Well, my mami did her PhD in Germany and had taken her whole family there so when they spoke German...I felt left out esp with mr. show off (my cousin) so I was motivated to learn German :p:
heck Italian is like Arabic with sooo many masculine and feminine headaches!

TVB is Chinese TV from Hong Kong I think...they played good Chinese movies and these were played on Malaysian channels! :D

surprisingly i broke my first glass window playing cricket in Birmingham...
now i feel like some weird stalker :cray::jester::suicide:

Well thats cool bt wont suit me :D
here that makes it worse :p now i am a stalker :yahoo:
I was there for 24 yrs of my life...was brought up there...
then what did u do ending up in Europe why not stay in Malaysia i loved the casual lifestyle there and all the awesome speakers come there
its pass my age to learn fresh languages I can usually understand but i am terrible at remembering rules of forming sentences ....
haha how old are u :rofl: PHD is manageable but new learning new languages are hard
I felt left out esp with mr. show off (my cousin) so I was motivated to learn German :p:
so u need to be challanged :coffee:
my mami did her PhD i
what is with your family and PHDs i mean now i feel my MBBS is tissue paper :cray:
i rather learn french it sounds better
TVB is Chinese TV from Hong Kong I think...they played good Chinese movies and these were played on Malaysian channels! :D
oh i watched Chinese movies but well i am very selective in movie watching normally do not have the time right now i am on sick leave so i have time to kill so any good movies
actually, santa is christianized version of germanic god odin and he's older than your god LOL i don't like to discuss these issues, but the idea of monotheistic god is only 2300 or so years old (i.e. abrahamic god). before that, there wasn't a god that you pray to. that's why i'm saying it's humankind's invention.
Well thats very much screwed!

1stly, God doesnt get born...so there is no such thing as so and so is older than your god...
2ndly, how did you conclude 2300 yrs? There is no proper records of such things...
3rdly, Well if Odin is older and so are Greek and Egyptian gods and so on....then what were these gods used for if not to "pray to"?

before jews re-modeled their monotheist god (i.e. yahweh), they used to worship him as one of the gods among many of semitic gods (baal being head god of canaanites, chomesh being of that moabites) which is attested in the word elohim used many times in hebrew bible, which signifies plurality (suffix -im being plural suffix).
The plural in Hebrew if you learned linguistics is like the plural in Arabic even Allah is referred to with plural why? its called the ROYAL WE...in Pakistan we also have it and so do people in Malaysia...when someone of royalty says we it usually means I but coz I am someone great I use me, myself and my power as WE

Any linguist can prove it to you!

i won't even mention all that flood and noah stuff, which are clearly adopted from sumerian myths.
Myths? :rofl: Apparently archaeological proof are also myths for you...
all in all, you can pray and believe whatever you want, just don't come with that muslim (or whatever religion it may be, coz it sets me off) pride stuff. i'm believing in god/s that i clearly know is a result of my people's desire to link their existence to some higher being and things they couldn't explain, and i'm ok with that coz i just want to believe. all hail tengri LOL
Good for you!

First of all, what is "prostitution"? It is having sex with someone for a return. Even ordinary sex is like that, that does not work any other way around. :-)
prostitution is a business ...if it is so ok, would you marry one?
Would you allow your sister or daughter to indulge is such a business? If not then why is it ok that someone else's sister or daughter needs to sell her body to you but yours wont? No offence but sometimes you have to throw yourself in someone's shoes to understand what is wrong with somethings...
Secondly, please show me a source where Quran says having sex is illegal. I even highly doubt that it would have a word in it to qualify "prostitution" in the first place lawl. And I highly doubt that the Quran actually refers much regarding sexuality at all.
It is not just religiously wrong it is morally disgusting that women need to sell themselves to satisfy some hungry men who dont have the balls to face responsibility and go get themselves a wife! Or worse that they need to act like an animal by paying someone to bear with them! Sounds better? No well that is what prostitution is!

First see the moral degradation here where prostitution visits are acceptable norm!
2nd see the health wrong there...multiple partners is never healthy
3rd as for religion it says guard your modesty repeatedly all over the Quran...before making a fool of yourself please do read the Quran...
Thirdly and most importantly, that is still "intervening in another person's business".
Another's business? When you announcing it in a public forum means you asking for answers otherwise if you visited a prostitute few seconds ago no one on a public forum would know and it is your business! But when you announce it, it is open for discussion!
Do you think that as a human-being, judging and calling others "wrong", "bad" etc is actually a good thing? If so, then I pity you, for believing that you are somewhat qualified to judge other people.
My say to such people is....if you cant find yourselves in that situation and think it is ok for others to be in such situations then you def are wrong. If you cant imagine your sisters and daughters as prostitutes then I say you saying other's sisters and daughters as prostitutes is wrong!
When people stop saying a wrong is wrong you get extremists...
No. Only "God" has the specific requirements to be able to judge other human-beings for "bad sins". Other than that, the social laws we today have, which are based on "human-rights", are enough to keep the stability and order on the planet, which is all we need in this life.
The ability to distinguish right from wrong is what makes us humans as chosen species above animals with a brain to utilize! If we fail to be able to distinguish we are no different than that of an animal whose brain doesnt have the capacity to see right from wrong!
guy ty for not awnsering my questions :( !


i know what N stand for in math but when it come with with + there comes the problem can u guys tell what does the meaing of N+ in math ?

@Sinan @Targon @sukur @usernamless and others

plz awnser me it's matter of death and life for me ! :lol:
Maybe N+ means positive natural integers.on the other hand ntural integers are always positive , there is no reason for adding + next to it.BTW, answer is D which is 13.lol

Damn... I used to love mathematic till I heard about integrals.
here that makes it worse :p now i am a stalker :yahoo:
is that something to joy about?
then what did u do ending up in Europe why not stay in Malaysia i loved the casual lifestyle there and all the awesome speakers come there
Yea I miss it alot....But Europe had more opportunities and more funding in research as compared to any South East Asian country!
haha how old are u :rofl: PHD is manageable but new learning new languages are hard
I am old :)
so u need to be challanged :coffee:
Depends if the challenge is interesting otherwise :fie:
what is with your family and PHDs i mean now i feel my MBBS is tissue paper :cray:
:rofl: I will be 2nd PhD graduate ...1st being my mami....But in my extended family: we have 2 bhabhi (cousin's wife), 1 cousin in law bro and 1 bro who is also a PhD graduate...not many most of the other members are just MBA then we have those who do simple BA...
i rather learn french it sounds better
That too has 1 too many rules and many weird words which have no reason to be in a sentence :unsure: or so I have heard
oh i watched Chinese movies but well i am very selective in movie watching normally do not have the time right now i am on sick leave so i have time to kill so any good movies
Well depends on genera!
I will be 2nd PhD graduate ...1st being my mami....But in my extended family: we have 2 bhabhi (cousin's wife), 1 cousin in law bro and 1 bro who is also a PhD graduate...not many most of the other members are just MBA then we have those who do simple BA...

They must be the most successful ones; too much education addles the brain ! :whistle:
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