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Çay Bahçesi


I just saw a topic by chance while surfing on internet and decided to have a membership, I prefer not to give personal details : )

I understand ma'am. It's best to maintain anonymity on a public forum; this is a place for all the Turks on the forum to hang out so I thought you might like to meet up with your countrymen here ! :)
@Sinan @xenon54 @T-123456 @Hakan : This may come as a surprise to you guys but there is an actual world outside of Turks, Turkiye and Turkic topics ! :o:
Bro im mostly in Turkish, ME, Europe, Iranian and Arabic sections, as Sinan said Pakistani threads are complicated, mostly i look in out of curiosity and see 20 pages of Pakistani-Indian flame war and just think, nope, im out of here. :)

@Turkish_FR welcome.:cheers:
Bro im mostly in Turkish, ME, Europe, Iranian and Arabic sections, as Sinan said Pakistani threads are complicated, mostly i look in out of curiosity and see 20 pages of Pakistani-Indian flame war and just think, nope, im out of here. :)

Yeap and on top of it. They mix Pakistani/Indian politics and history in those threads... which renders it impossible for me to follow.
Brock Of The Baluch:


@Armstrong .. The Butt Of The Kashmiri

Lol @ Ottoman Batman! :D
@Armstrong ,when did you participate in a serious topic on this forum lately?
You know who caused what when where with the childish behaviour,so most of the guys just visit for a tea or two and some trolling of the fat Kashmiri.:sarcastic:
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