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Çay Bahçesi

yes :)

I was wondering why gurbetçis were keep ending up like this, But I realized its psylogical, since Turks in Europe instead of incorporating in to the society, prefers to stick together, they feel different and isolate and looking for something to hang on and boost their self confidence, therefore they keep sticking to neo-ottoman bullshit, tughras on cars, dünya lideri etc.

man you dont say in wich actual point I am wrong.. so give me somthing to argue.. I waited after my simple text "no" that you say something about what I am wrong maybe with a quote and bold highlighting a Text..
I dont have a problem if they buy from other countries I was just pointing out that the turkish products sold to azerbaijan are using american motor and so are the Israeli ones. Same goes for suoth african marauder and matador. Also I said that Israel will have a difficult time delivering weapons to Azerbaijan in event of a war due to geographic restrictions. I support them buying things from israel if turkey cant provide the same stuff which is what azerbaijan is doing anyway. They reason why I brought up the israel hostile thing is because he said that turkey is betraying azerbaijan by signing a pipeline deal with russia so then I asked what about buying stuff from israel which is considered a hostile country by turkish government. (not my personal opinion)


But I want you to answer this question.

Why can the czech republic send weapons to krg and serbia send weapons to pkk but azerbaijan cant to turkmens?

i don't know about turkey betraying azerbaijan. (don't have enough data to assess that assertion). and i think israel is not considered a hostile country by turkey. erdo&co.just use it for their internal politics rants. for, hostile countries don't trade in billions of $. as i wrote in my reply to xenon54, akp's only god is money, and i'm sure you know that turkey and israel held some talks about israeli gas transfers to europe. tho, i don't know what happened to that, to be honest.

on your question, krg is a legal constitutional formation within iraq. it has its own army for ****'s sake. turkmens are not regarded as such. when did serbia sent weapons to pkk? that wouldn't look good for a country who's in membership negotiations with EU. i don't recall reading anything on this matter.

on your question, this is the same wording ITC leader erşad salihi used when he said "turkic countries won't help us" (to which i already gave my answer when some turkish member posted that) while turkey, which is located just across the border waited 4 months to open some fucked up camp which no one needed anymore. that's just lame what turkey (actually akp) did and what you are doing here.

All these was discussed and i made my point but it doesnt matter anymore since they are just products of diverting from original topic which began with my question to rmi5 in which i asked him if he really believes that Israel will be a bigger support for Azerbaijan than Turkey in case of a war with Armenia, so let me as you the same question.

Also interesting that you only try refute my points while not mentioning his behavior as if Turkey did nothing except talking which is obviously wrong, not to mention his insultings and spreading lies about my postings which made you believe i was trolling.

you made your point and i just stated that your point was wrong. @rmi5 explicitly stated that he's against akp, not turkey. and IIRC he said "all akp does is talking", which is correct. syria downed turkish plane, answer was "our patience is running out". pkk martyred soldiers, answer was "don't try our patience". isis abducted turkish diplomats, answer was "don't try your luck, our patience is blablabla". and he then said look what akp did to help turkmens in iraq, which was only supporting his POV. akp's only god is money. so they didn't do anything to help turkmens in iraq because there wasn't any profit from that. instead, they chose to buy oil from iraqi kurds. in light of this, akp might support azerbaijan, for it gets good profits from that but say if income becomes less than expense, akp will ditch azerbaijan in a blink of an eye. erdogan doesn't have any sense of turkishness (which is normal, for he's a laz). if çiller or ecevit were prime ministers, i'm sure turkey would rape isis several times when they attacked turkmens in iraq. but instead, turkey is a safe heaven for all kind of terrorist scum. akp's turkey is treating thousands of pkk, al-nusra and isis pigs in its hospitals. i don't know if you remember (most probably not, coz you were 10-12 years old when that happened) but once ecevit praised fethullah gülen himself for his schools in CA. back then, people were "dafuck he's babbling" (he was old :D). but i think ecevit praised gülen because as a result of his schools, C. asians learned that people of turkey are more close to them than they thought. these schools drew all of us closer, for thousands and thousands of students from CA studied in turkey, learned that turks of anatolia are not some bloodthirsty, arab-looking, whaddafuck language speaking foreigners but our brothers who speak language and have culture close to us. now, exact opposite is happening. akp does everything to cut the flow of CA students to turkey.

P.S. i didn't say you trolled rmi5. but that crimea link posted by hakan was trolling and you supported that post.
P.S.S. i think israel will support azerbaijan in case of war. it has good relations with azerbaijan, azerbaijan is next door to iran, israelis make long-term plans&strategies and israelis are generally regarded as trustworthy partners, which can't be said about akp.
i don't know about turkey betraying azerbaijan. (don't have enough data to assess that assertion). and i think israel is not considered a hostile country by turkey. erdo&co.just use it for their internal politics rants. for, hostile countries don't trade in billions of $. as i wrote in my reply to xenon54, and i'm sure you know that turkey and israel held some talks about israeli gas transfers to europe. tho, i don't know what happened to that, to be honest.
on your question, krg is a legal constitutional formation within iraq. it has its own army for ****'s sake. turkmens are not regarded as such. when did serbia sent weapons to pkk? that wouldn't look good for a country who's in membership negotiations with EU. i don't recall reading anything on this matter.
on your question, this is the same wording ITC leader erşad salihi used when he said "turkic countries won't help us" (to which i already gave my answer when some turkish member posted that) while turkey, which is located just across the border waited 4 months to open some fucked up camp which no one needed anymore. that's just lame what turkey (actually akp) did and what you are doing here..
This is where I got the serbia thing:

Sırbistan'ın daha önce de PKK'ya füze sattığı açıklanmıştı. Abdullah Öcalan'ı sorgulayan isimlerden Albay Hasan Atilla Uğur kitabında, terör örgütü lideri Öcalan'ın Sırbistan'dan nasıl mühimmat aldıklarını şöyle aktarmıştı: "Ellerinde Strella Füzesi vardı. 20 adet satın aldık. Sırplar sonra çok daha fazlasını bize destek amacıyla parasız verdi. Füze eğitimlerini de onlardan aldık. TNT, C-4 gibi patlayıcıları Sırbistan'dan sağlıyorduk."
IŞİD'in elindeki son silahlar Sırbistan üretimi - Milliyet Haber

Regarding Turkmen issue I said back in the day that more support should have been given. When I mean more support should have been given I mean years ago. What xenon was pointing out is that atleast something was done.

In relation to akp, chp etc statements.
I dont get involved in these kinds of topic because with politics you can never really know the truth. Kimin ne oldugu beli degil. Thats why I try to stay out of politics in general but unfortunately when we discuss these types of topics it gets mixed in.

Im gonna run CCleaner in my head and act like all of this never happened. :-)

@xenon54 @rmi5 @usernameless
I suggest the same for you guys too. No need to have unnecessary stress and hostilities.
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