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he is loved by all normal people mullah supporters propagandaed that the mullah kashani done all the job they go that far to make him almost nobody /not existed ! lol

the pahlavi worshipers call him communist - traitor agent of foreign countries

dude do not expect anything from pahlavi-mullah supporters

dude pahlavis are famous to use intelligent people than kill/jailed them like Teymūr tāsh he was considered threat by reza khan to his son's rule so he kill'em before his son come to power

Abdolhossein Teymourtash - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

except this i need to give u a long answer

the reza khan was rootless guy he was a stable boy whom work in british embassy british raise him to power and make him
military commander when azeri/turkmen fought russians in Caucasia and central aisa we get weaken (for example my tribe was at war with russian almost 30 years with out peace ) than time become right for British and their persian mercenaries to take over the country british make a stable boy to take the capital

1921 Persian coup d'etat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

this is the soviet reward for reza khan to help them to end the turkmen resistance in basmachi movement i must add the central asian gold mines and oil/gas were much more importent for russians than their right over iran in that time russians was at that much weakness and poorness that they begin to eat their own russian childerns or strong russian kill and eat a weak russians they needed to put an end to basmachi as fast as possiable

Russo-Persian Treaty of Friendship (1921) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Basmachi movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

than british merried that reza khan to qajar princess while the male qajars killed/exiled/jailed there they connect them self to royal family but their child born as boy ! somthing they didn't want ! ( i must add that the reza khan had 3 wife )

in this time iran pop fall from 12 to 8 million mostly azeri/turkmens dies

the son of reza khan and the qajar princess dies in airplain crush it's clear like crystal who killed him reza khan removed from power in ww2 by allied and his total rootless son replace him in that time british was at Crossroads replace the reza khan's son as king or bring some one from qajar family but in the end they choose the pahlavis

mohamad reza pahlavi was total rootless he had no legitimacy to rule he was only a son of stable boy who rule iran in that time some qajar male lived in the country and some had qajar princess as mother or grandmother even these people had more right to sit on throne

this become shah's lack the word pahlavi even is not their surname they took this name from old persia he connect him self to cyrus in his speech he rapidly use the word cyrus

Cyrus the Great - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

he act like a bible king and it was all cuz of his weak of Character his father also didn't have right to rule (although he merry a qajar ) but he wasn't this much weak , this leave shah with a lot of people with better clam to throne , also shah's rootlessness lead the idea of makeing republic in that time Elite educated people thought when they make republic it become similar to ataturk's republic

ok now come back to your question

mossadegh become popular in iran , military man normal people educated people loved him and considered him as national hero he was educated person experince of Governance he had people, wealth, army, Elite educated, at his side and he was alos from qajar royal family don't u thing he is threat to rootless shah ??

this is my view about past u may ask this question from @rmi5 maybe he had different view
thanks a lot for this essay. 9/10 score :D i will bookmark it and fully read the links later on when i have time. sagol.

edit; i cant bookmark?? is it only available in other threads? anyway @asena_great i will remember your glorious post, trust me, your effort is not in vain ;)

@Targon you ok, bro? i just received an alert that said you thanked my post :cry:
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How dare you not welcome me back!
we didn't end in well terms last time remember ? :)

u insulted my people and called them rafida who should be beheaded and shyte like that .

sth that i never expected from u .

i've known you for years but you have never gone crazy like that
we didn't end in well terms last time remember ? :)

u insulted my people and called them rafida who should be beheaded and shyte like that .

sth that i never expected from u .

i've known you for years but you have never gone crazy like that

I was just upset at that guy and I wanted to get banned so I can have a break from internet. :D
Biden says he never apologized to Turkey’s Erdoğan

Biden indicated in a speech at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government on Oct. 2 that US allies in the region, including Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, contributed to the rise of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and that Erdoğan, whom he called an old friend, had told him that Turkey had “let too many people through,” even though Turkey is now trying to secure its border.


terrorists every where :lol:

who knew a bunch of maniacs will take power in our neighboring regimes ? :lol:

isis supporters :lol: please keep the bombings to yourselves turkish politicians .....

@Serpentine :O
this apparently happened in oct 9 , and i didn't know about it :(

Unrest continues in Turkey between Kurds, Islamists over Kobani | Business Standard News

Ankara, Oct 9 (IANS/EFE) Kurdish demonstrations against Turkey's failure to stem the advancement of the Islamic State (IS) terrorist group in northern Syria continued overnight and at least 23 people died in the unrest, Turkish media reported Thursday.

Turkish authorities extended the curfew o_Oo_Oo_O o_O in the heavily Kurdish southeastern province of Diyarbakir until Friday and the local university was closed until Monday.

Despite the curfews, protests continued in several districts of Diyarbakir and in many other cities across the country.:coffee:

In Istanbul, unidentified gunmen opened fire on a group of Kurdish demonstrators and many people were wounded, the Milliyet newspaper said in its online edition.

One of those wounded later died.

In the southern city of Adana, a man was stabbed to death during a fight after protesters asked him whether he was a member of the IS.

In Tarsus, a city in the province of Adana, a police vehicle was attacked by unknown assailants and four officers were injured.

In the same city, Islamist anti-Kurdish demonstrators burned the local headquarters of the pro-Kurdish People's Democratic Party.

During the three days of demonstrations, some 170 police officers have been injured in clashes :undecided: with demonstrators.

In many cities, the Turkish army has deployed troops and armoured vehicles in a bid to control the protests.

Turkey's Kurds are demanding that the government go to the aid of the Syrian Kurdish city of Kobani, located on the border with Turkey, which has been besieged by IS for more than three weeks.

Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu warned protesters Wednesday that any vandalism would not be tolerated.

whats happening there ? omg ! :(


You are flame bating.Look at the list of your violations and its clear who is in the wrong. Just because you are accusing me of mistreating you doesn't mean that you aren't going to be held accountable by me for your actions.

I know your game man, and I dont play that game.

Flame trolling is the posting of a provocative or offensive message, known as "flamebait",[14] to a public Internet discussion group, such as a forum, newsgroup or mailing list, with the intent of provoking an angry response (a "flame") or argument over a topic the poster often has no real interest in.[15] While flaming can occur as a result of legitimate debates or grievances, flame trolling implies the intentional posting of inflammatory, grossly offensive or menacing rhetoric or images for the fun of it in order to cause others harm.[16]

As stated, flame trolling can stem from a variety of issues, including misunderstandings, frustration, and perceptions of unfairness. One motive (from trolls especially) is the desire for attention and for entertainment derived at the expense of others.[17] Posted flamebait can provide the poster with a controlled trigger-and-response setting in which to anonymously engage in conflicts and indulge in aggressive behavior without facing the consequences that such behavior might bring in a face-to-face encounter, a fact parodied in a YouTube video by Isabel Fay.[18] In other instances, flamebait may be used to reduce a forum's use by angering the forum users. In 2012, it was announced that the US State Department would start flame trolling Jihadists as part of Operation Viral Peace

Flaming (Internet) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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intentional posting of inflammatory, grossly offensive or menacing rhetoric or images for the fun of it in order to cause others harm
did i do that here ?

looks like u need another thread opened for u in GHQ .
did i do that here ?

looks like u need another thread opened for u in GHQ .
I moved your posts to the geopolitics thread. We like to keep this thread clean for normal non political chit chat.

looks like u need another thread opened for u in GHQ .

You can open all you want no one will care.
what do you think ? is it possible

Türkiye Güney Afrika'da Gizli Füze Atışı Yaptı

Başbakan Ahmet Davutoğlu'nun dün gerçekleştirdiği Genelkurmay Başkanlığı Bilgilendirme Toplantısı'na sarfettiği sözler dikkat çekti.

Afrika ülkeleriyle ilişkileri geliştirmek ve Türk Deniz Kuvvetleri'nin 148 yıl önce geçtiği Ümit Burnu'nu geçerek Türkiye'nin küresel vizyonunu pekiştirmek amacıyla 17 Mart 2014 tarihinde yola çıkan Barbaros Türk Deniz Görev Grubu 27 ülkeye ait yaklaşık 30 limanı ziyaret etmiş ve bazı füze atışları gerçekleştirmişti. Eğitim amaçlı gerçekleştirilen bu füze atışları basına da servis edilmişti. Servis edilen atışlardaki tüm füzeler yabancı menşeli ve Deniz Kuvvetleri'nde yıllardır kullanılan füzeler idi.

Ancak Ahmet Davutoğlu'nun Genelkurmay Başkanlığı Bilgilendirme Toplantısı'nda sarfettiği sözler Afrika'da yalnızca bu füzelerle atış yapılmadığının anlaşılmasını sağladı. Milli füzelerin atışlarının yapıldığını belirten Davutoğlu, füzeler hakkında detaylı bilgi vermedi. Davutoğlu tam olarak şunları söyledi.

"Dışişleri Bakanlığım dönemimde Afrika açılımını planladık, bir çok büyükelçilik açtık. O Afrika açılımına eş zamanlı olarak Deniz Kuvvetleri'mizin tarihinde ilk defa bütün Afrika Kıtası'nı dolaşan Barbaros Hayrettin Görev Gücü ve orada milli yapım Heybeliada gemisi ile birlikte 30'u aşkın limanda yaptığı ziyarette bizim Afrikadaki görünürlüğümüze büyük bir katkı yapmıştır. Yine Güney Afrika açıklarında bazı milli kapasitelerle geliştirdiğimiz füzelerin denenmiş olması Türkiye'nin artık yakın denizlerde değil uzak denizlerde de ne kadar etkin bir güce kavuştuğunun göstergeleridir."

Hangi Füzeler Denendi?

Başbakan Ahmet Davutoğlu açıklamasında herhangi bir detay vermezken, denenen füzeler hakkında bazı iddialar dile getirilmeye başlandı.
Geliştirilmekte olan milli gemisavar füze Atmaca'nın denenmiş olabileceği dillendiriliyor. Aynı zamanda havadan atılabilen ve 800 üzeri kilometre menzile sahip milli seyir füzesi SOM'un 1500 km menzillisi ve ya denizden atılabilen türevi olması planlanan Gezgin füzesi'nin test atışının yapılmış olabileceği belirtiliyor.

İki füzede de hedef aynı : Vurulmayan Füze

Düşman su üstü hedeflerine karşı kullanılmak üzere geliştirilen Atmaca gemisavar füzesinde de milli seyir füzesinde de en çok dikkat çeken ortak nokta düşman radarları tarafından tespit edilememe özelliiği... Milli seyir füzesi SOM'un hedefe ilerlerken yere yaklaşık 10 metre irtifadan adeta yeri yalayarak seyretmesi düşman radarları tarafından farkedilmemesini sağlıyor. Aynı zamanda gemisavar füze Atmaca'da stealth yani görünmezlik teknolojisinin ön planda tutulduğu belirtiliyor.
Türkiye Güney Afrika'da Gizli Füze Atışı Yaptı - Tarafsız Haber
0_o, since we have all this gta talk, just now First person mode is introduced for gta 5, for PC, XBOX One and PS4, in the old generation version there is a mod which brings you a artifical first person mode, but the one which rockstar did, is amazing. Even though I don't play the series myself.

Grand Theft Auto V Video - First Person Experience Trailer | GameTrailers
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