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@rmi5 Thank you my friend, I'm fine as well, I hope you're doing good too. Did you look into the staffing companies like I told you to?
Nope, I am too busy with research and I did not look into staffing companies. I will surely do that after January. But, before January, I doubt that I could do so. I will need to finish writing 3 journal papers, 2 of them first author, by the end of december, and I still have not written more than a paragraph. Hopefully, I have the results almost ready, but it is still a pain in the *** to write them in this timeline. Also, we annually submit a paper for an important conference at the January, which I don't wanna miss it, and by adding 3 graduate courses that I have taken for this semester, It's a killing workload. I hope I can survive this year!!!
the Qajar house tried to re-establish the absolute monarchy again.
actuallyi have very great respec for mohamad ali shah qajar he was pan turk king and he it was he who tried to unifiy turkic people of iran and drive back the Russian-Biritine soft power in the country's politic to seqcur iran's independence he actually was one of the kings who advanced the process of Consituitional Revolution qajar NEVER opposed the Constitutional Revolution it was until he assasinated by none turks whom hate and fear to qajars would return to era of agha mohamad khan and turks will remove them from power btw attacking to Parliament was fight between Russian and Biritine it have nothing to do with the king

Naser al din Shah the predecessor of Mozaffar ruled over Iran as an absolutistic and corrupt monarch. Naser Al Din was despised by the Iranians.

Qajar art - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

he was open mind person he love Architecture he love music he love dance he pay attention to arts look at the building he created he save the artist but all of these seen as heretical by islamic fanatics even today most of Islamic khalifa like omar harun al rashid al mutasim ..... all of them despised by iranian no matter what great job they have done or what a great person the were no matter if the turn islamic khalifat to a great empire no matter of the advanced the arts science the all hated and despised in 18/19 century and even TODAY

That's the reason why the whole revolution begann because the folks couldn't handle the bankrupt Qajars and their absolutism anymore.

do u know why the qajars bring the Parliament ?? cuz in absolutism only the king can decided so it is easier for Russian and Biritine to force their will in the king but will Parliament the game would change people have nothing to do with Parliament they learned by their mullah that the king is shadow of god so it's power should not be opposed the group btw when qajar fall be reza khan all of iran ethnic fight for qajars which show unity and love of the people to stop the biritine to install their king :disagree:

about bankrupt

iran russian war long 9 years drink all the money and about one Decades later another war start and agian after that do u know how many war the qajar fight ??

1804-1813 qajar defeated in azerbijan
1821-1823 qajar defeat the ottoman
1826-1828 qajar defeated by russian in azerbijan
1856-1857 qajar lose afghanistan and some other part to britania
1867-1886 russians first invation of turkmenistan defeated by turkmens qajar victory
1879 russian defeated in first siege of goek tepe in long war by turkmen qajar victory
1880-1881 russians defeat the turkmens in second siege of goek tepe
1884 russian take defeat ersari turkmen in merv qajar lose the war
1914-1918 ww1 qajar lose it's land it's loyalist keep fighting the British and Russians in north azeris in south qashqies
1916-1942 ww1 in turkistan but turkmen qajar loyalist defeated in 1935
1921 Persian coup d'etat betrayal from within qajar as regime fall Britannia exiled royal family and install their stable boy of their embassy as new king
1921 qajar loyalist fight back the russians Britannians invaders and non turk honorless traitors
Colonel Mohammad Taqi-Khan Pessian is well know leader of qajar loyalist
qashai tribe defeat in the south
kurd&lur defeated in the west
azerbijan was already lost it's man power to fight of the ww1 defeated y russian armenian and biritanians
khorasani turk and kurd make Resistance in khorasan
turkmen in ashgabat defeated by russian
ersary turkmen of merv surrender with out fight
honorless kurd change their side and betrayed pessian and khorasani turks they kill him i and send his head to reza khan as their fealty to his cuz
astarbabad turkmens fight in both front north east by russians and west by traitors
they have defeated in 1930 and start guerrilla war continued next 5 years but it's fade away since they have in war since 1905 they lost most of their pop , as last qajar loyolist defeated this end the qajar empire

Russo-Persian War (1804–13) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ottoman–Persian War (1821–23) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
qajar won this war

Russo-Persian War (1826–28) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Konstantin von Kaufman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
first The Siege of Geok Tepe 1879 they defeated
second siege of geok tepe

Battle of Geok Tepe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

if we add the war with biritish than the list will become longer
Anglo-Persian War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Caucasus Campaign - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Persian Campaign - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Basmachi movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1921 Persian coup d'etat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rezā Shāh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Autonomous Government of Khorasan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Colonel Pessian - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Beides that the Qajars were also hated by the other Turkmen tribes
this is nonsense do u recall the grandfather of agha mohamad khan was begench khan the leader of yomud turkmen ??
both qajars and turkmens attained each other's wedding and fenural , this is nonsense where did u read it in wikipedia ?? my advise go and check whose edit those pages u will find answer ! some washbrain pahlavi worshiper
turkmens was the last qajar loyalist to be defeated , qajar them self raised to power from astarabad u better remember that !

btw i see it as wasting of time to answer to your pahlavi propaganda i rather to watch falling skies tv series :omghaha:
In 1779 following the death of Karim Khan of the Zand dynasty, Mohammad Khan Qajar, the leader of the Qajars, set out to reunify Iran. Mohammad Khan was known as one of the cruelest kings, even by the 18th century Iranian standards.[7] In his quest for power, he razed cities, massacred entire populations, and blinded some 20,000 men in the city of Kerman because the local populace had chosen to defend the city against his siege.[7]
you looking to one side of coin look the other side they have cut our prince so he never have child in shiraz they humiliated agha mohamad khand and his mother cuz of their turkic background with hostage they have they forced turkmen to attack other turkmens and shed the each others blood for 44 years when qajars siege the kerman people of kerman goes to the wall and mock and humiliated the agha mohamad khand and his solider for their for their turkness and insult agha mohamad khand for not being a men and mock his soldier to follow him and this continued until the day where turks take the city

people of kerman reap what you sow

btw comper to the nice job British done in Ireland or Russian done in Turkmenistan it is nothing
@asena_great Don't waste your time with this @Charon 2 moron. I already explained to him, but, instead, he wrote a 1 paragraph of insults in return. He knows nothing about Qajars. He has just read a couple of wikipedia pages and he feels smart ***.
For example, this moron said that turkics hated Qajars, while in fact it was turkmens who helped qajar princes when they went to exile in Russia and provided support and even gave them housing. The link between qajars and Turkmens has always been really strong, and as you know, qajars still have many houses, fields, investments, ... in turkmen regions. When I was living in Iran, we were literally spending more time in summers in hanging out with turkmens in north Iran region than even spending time in Azerbaijani regions, and not me, nor my parents, nor my grand-parents, ... have never seen or heard anything but respect from our turkmen brethren.
@asena_great Don't waste your time with this @Charon 2 moron. I already explained to him, but, instead, he wrote a 1 paragraph of insults in return. He knows nothing about Qajars. He has just read a couple of wikipedia pages and he feels smart ***.
For example, this moron said that turkics hated Qajars, while in fact it was turkmens who helped qajar princes when they went to exile in Russia and provided support and even gave them housing. The link between qajars and Turkmens has always been really strong, and as you know, qajars still have many houses, fields, investments, ... in turkmen regions. When I was living in Iran, we were literally spending more time in summers in hanging out with turkmens in north Iran region than even spending time in Azerbaijani regions, and not me, nor my parents, nor my grand-parents, ... have never seen or heard anything but respect from our turkmen brethren.
thats the truth bro :D

btw i dont have energy to replay this troll as u said the best thing is to not to answer him :lol:

None of us :lol: But, I may announce @asena_great as my godson :lol: @asena_great Do you agree son? :lol:
ofc and what should i call u ?? father ? :D
I think my region might have the highest percentage of people with visible Mongoloid features :D

Roughly this, and some surrounding places

yörük rulez :D but i think people with visible mongolid features are more frequent in antep and kırşehir, çankırı. every male/female i met from these regions had slant eyes, protruded cheek bones LOL
@asena_great Don't waste your time with this @Charon 2 moron. I already explained to him, but, instead, he wrote a 1 paragraph of insults in return. He knows nothing about Qajars. He has just read a couple of wikipedia pages and he feels smart ***.
For example, this moron said that turkics hated Qajars, while in fact it was turkmens who helped qajar princes when they went to exile in Russia and provided support and even gave them housing. The link between qajars and Turkmens has always been really strong, and as you know, qajars still have many houses, fields, investments, ... in turkmen regions. When I was living in Iran, we were literally spending more time in summers in hanging out with turkmens in north Iran region than even spending time in Azerbaijani regions, and not me, nor my parents, nor my grand-parents, ... have never seen or heard anything but respect from our turkmen brethren.

Claims over claims but no sources, with lots of insults, provocative trolling and drama queen behavoir : A typical Rmi5 post
Qajars were a failure and extreme Pan (Iranist,Turanist, Slavist) beings like you are stupid morons who can't handle other opinions because it hurts their Pan- dogma. Get over it!

you looking to one side of coin look the other side they have cut our prince so he never have child in shiraz they humiliated agha mohamad khand and his mother cuz of their turkic background with hostage they have they forced turkmen to attack other turkmens and shed the each others blood for 44 years when qajars siege the kerman people of kerman goes to the wall and mock and humiliated the agha mohamad khand and his solider for their for their turkness and insult agha mohamad khand for not being a men and mock his soldier to follow him and this continued until the day where turks take the city

people of kerman reap what you sow

btw comper to the nice job British done in Ireland or Russian done in Turkmenistan it is nothing

Interesting claim and what about sources?
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Nope, I am too busy with research and I did not look into staffing companies. I will surely do that after January. But, before January, I doubt that I could do so. I will need to finish writing 3 journal papers, 2 of them first author, by the end of december, and I still have not written more than a paragraph. Hopefully, I have the results almost ready, but it is still a pain in the *** to write them in this timeline. Also, we annually submit a paper for an important conference at the January, which I don't wanna miss it, and by adding 3 graduate courses that I have taken for this semester, It's a killing workload. I hope I can survive this year!!!
Don't worry my friend, you will ace it. Why did you take 3 courses in one sem? Do you have a death wish? Lol:woot:

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