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Çay Bahçesi

@T-123456 No prob. I just wrote "turk turboprop motor gelistirme" in google. IIRC it was on "tf/x program" thread in this forum.
Not true. After the death of Mozaffar ad-din Shah and the modernization process, the Qajar house tried to re-establish the absolute monarchy again. Naser al din Shah the predecessor of Mozaffar ruled over Iran as an absolutistic and corrupt monarch. Naser Al Din was despised by the Iranians. That's the reason why the whole revolution begann because the folks couldn't handle the bankrupt Qajars and their absolutism anymore. Beides that the Qajars were also hated by the other Turkmen tribes

I don't think you will get anywhere talking to some people who see Qajars as angels only because they had Turkic ancestry or spoke Turkish language. You will hear only one thing: Qajars were great (since they were Turks and no such thing as incompetent or bad Turks exist) and everyone opposing them is a fascist (the irony). Good for us, historians don't give a crap about racists and race-obsessed beings, hence there are tons of books out there about Qajars and others which we can read and learn a lot about and nearly all of them have covered the huge number of their failures during Qajars. Some of them did have good works, but still that doesn't cover their failures.
I think my region might have the highest percentage of people with visible Mongoloid features :D

Roughly this, and some surrounding places


A last second 3p kickass parade by Turkish basketball player from Fenerbahçe Ülker

Turkey is at Quarter-finals now, matched with Lithuania.

Emir Preldzic!

From tonight's game:


I think my region might have the highest percentage of people with visible Mongoloid features :D

Roughly this, and some surrounding places

Here is genetic comparison of Turks from Istanbul, Kayseri and Aydin. As you can see Turks from Aydin are more Mongoloid admixed ( East Eurasian) than Turks from Istanbul and Kayseri.

Here is an Autosomal DNA PCA plot and Aydin Turks cluster closer to Turkmens than Istanbul and Kayseri

Dienekes’ Anthropology Blog: First look at Turkish and Kyrgyz data from Hodoğlugil & Mahley (2012)
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I don't think you will get anywhere talking to some people who see Qajars as angels only because they had Turkic ancestry or spoke Turkish language. You will hear only one thing: Qajars were great (since they were Turks and no such thing as incompetent or bad Turks exist) and everyone opposing them is a fascist (the irony). Good for us, historians don't give a crap about racists and race-obsessed beings, hence there are tons of books out there about Qajars and others which we can read and learn a lot about and nearly all of them have covered the huge number of their failures during Qajars. Some of them did have good works, but still that doesn't cover their failures.
Such a loser! Get a life :lol:
Senin yaran daha çok kişisel gibi duruyor. Yok biz de bu ülkede yaşıyoruz da bu kadar ağlanıp, sızlanmıyoruz. eleştirilecek yanları var ama seninki artık aşmış, kişisel davaya donusmus. adam savunma sanayiindeki gelismelerden bahsediyor, onu da inkar ediyorsun, ustelik kufrediyorsun. terbiyesizlesme. siz cok biz az mı milletciyiz.

Evet aynen öyle. Akpliler vatanın satılmadık yerini bırakmadılar. Her türlü ahlaksızlık, şerefsizlik bu akplilerde var. Hırsızlık, vurgunculuk, din sömürüsü... Yeni Osmanlı olacaklarmış, peh. Ülkenin doğu illerinde polis ve asker sokağa çıkamıyor.

Savunma sanayin olsa ne olacak? Yazdım daha önce... Asker polis istifa basıp gidiyor. Pilotun durmuyor yüksek maaşla özele geçiyor. Asker polis bile vazgeçti terörle uğraşmaktan.

Akpliler kapı kapı dolaşıyor, yardım dileniyor sanayicilerden, vermezsen vergi denetmenini yolluyor. Haksız hukuksuz cezalandırmalar, gırla. Teröriste tokiden konut veriyor, namuslu vatandaşı tekme tokat dövüyor.

Akp, bu ülkeye gelmiş geçmiş en aşağılık iktidar. Garibanı göbekten kendilerine bağlamışlar, göt kılıyız diye geziyorlar.

Elhamdülillah, ben bu insanlardan değilim. Bunlar Müslüman bile değil. Müslüman adam, namuslu olur. Halkın malını çalıp çırpmaz. Müslüman halk da Allahın kulu olur, göt kılı değil.

Here is genetic comparison of Turks from Istanbul, Kayseri and Aydin. As you can see Turks from Aydin are more Mongoloid admixed ( East Eurasian) than Turks from Istanbul and Kayseri.

Here is an Autosomal DNA PCA plot and Aydin Turks cluster closer to Turkmens than Istanbul and Kayseri

Dienekes’ Anthropology Blog: First look at Turkish and Kyrgyz data from Hodoğlugil & Mahley (2012)

Is there only Aydın ? :)

@asena_great You see bro we cluster closer to Turkmens then rest of country :D

@atatwolf are you from Kayseri ? I guess you guys are converted Armenians :D

@Alienoz_TR Geçen gün temizlikçilik yapan teyze mi bile işten çıkarmaya çalıştılar partiden torpille adam yollandı diye :D
Is there only Aydın ? :)

@asena_great You see bro we cluster closer to Turkmens then rest of country :D

@atatwolf are you from Kayseri ? I guess you guys are converted Armenians :D

@Alienoz_TR Geçen gün temizlikçilik yapan teyze mi bile işten çıkarmaya çalıştılar partiden torpille adam yollandı diye :D

Yes I couldn't find any other Turkish aDNA besides these samples from Istanbul, Kayseri and Aydin

There are more aDNA about Turks in general but not from with province they are
Is there only Aydın ? :)

@asena_great You see bro we cluster closer to Turkmens then rest of country :D

@atatwolf are you from Kayseri ? I guess you guys are converted Armenians :D

@Alienoz_TR Geçen gün temizlikçilik yapan teyze mi bile işten çıkarmaya çalıştılar partiden torpille adam yollandı diye :D
No, we have a house in Kayseri and couple of other places but we my grand parents are from Yozgat and Ankara. I'm very Turkic looking. ;) Tall, Turkic eyes, and warrior build. Some people confuse me for Central-Asian or partly-East Asian like Japanese but I look mostly Turkish.
I have heard of the saying scratch a Turk and find a Circassian before but not the ones you mentioned. I was going to tag atatwolf in that thread but didn't want to start a war. :lol:
:butcher:.. I only have distant Circassian blood
No, we have a house in Kayseri and couple of other places but we my grand parents are from Yozgat and Ankara. I'm very Turkic looking. ;) Tall, Turkic eyes, and warrior build. Some people confuse me for Central-Asian or partly-East Asian like Japanese but I look mostly Turkish.

Dude you shared your pic in a thread, I think you exaggerate a little :D

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