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There was some dispute a few days ago..... started with Cabatlı's reaction over a series of question and answer..
Azerbaycan Military Development | Page 71

Read the posts if you have time and decide for yourself.

I was not referring to that thread. There was also some talks in Turkish Politics thread, and similar threads and to wrap it up, there was too much El-Turco and [tr]Ahmet.
Currently nope...am in London was visiting sis now going to visit parents...dad retired so back in Pakistan :(

Yes it is awesome!! But my school wasnt offering it as extra curricular activity ....so had to take karate :(

Well...I have literally slapped 2 guys in real life..1 was my cousin and the other I think was a classmate....I dont even remember the reason...My hands have a mind of their own :ashamed:

It seems that your karate classes has paid off, sister. :lol::lol::lol:
Thank you @rmi5 and @xenon54

Singapore is a very nice city and as far as i know a good exsample of how different religions can coexist am i right?
Yea it is ....Well there is racism....(there are always black sheep in every society)...however it is not that bad though those who wanna complain always complain and those who wanna be racist will always be that way :P

It seems that your karate classes has paid off, sister. :lol::lol::lol:
Oh it was free for a few months and that is why I joined otherwise being the little tom boy of the family my parents didnt want me taking any such thing since it was free I joined em and didnt tell my parents till I was few weeks in :p:

Wish you happiness and fun wherever you and your family and friends are. :)
thank you uncle ;)

:lol: Have you tried Taekwondo? it is a good sport to strengthen your legs and knees. Karate is mostly good to strengthen your hands.
Anyway, An Azerbaijani music for you:
Opera? Me no likey :fie:
Opera? Me no likey :fie:
My taste in music is more about classical and folklore music, although most people like pop and hip-hop music. Except for me, I think only @ASQ-1918 is interested in Classical and folklore music in this forum :lol:
Anyway, What about these ones, auntie:

Just slap some sense in them. :D
I like the style of this slapping, as well. :lol::lol::lol:
My taste in music is more about classical and folklore music, although most people like pop and hip-hop music. Except for me, I think only @ASQ-1918 is interested in Classical and folklore music in this forum :lol:
Anyway, What about these ones, auntie:
I hate Lady gaga...she is cookoo

like the style of this slapping, as well.
It was the inn thing for me :p:

Lol, i asked you this sometime ago... but i used the word "boyish". :)

So i was true... :D Anyways, i like boyish girls too..... they don't trip much like regular girls. :D
Yes you did :agree:

Trip? Where am I supposed to fall? :woot: Whose gonna catch me? :woot: :ashamed:
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