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Çay Bahçesi

Do report/cry/beg whatever you want. Your activities are under close control of mine. FETO traitors, PKK terrorists and their Fake account don’t have a place in any society of this country. If you keep insisting on bashing all institution of Turkish Republic with hiding behind some fake politic arguments to lose sight of your real intention, You will just meet what you deserve. That is the reason your trails have been spoted by me for a while.

I don’t want interfere in this kind of conversation, but want to know where criticism ends and where bashing begins. Who can really claim to know @Taskforce really intentions without any doubts?
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I don’t want interfere in this kind of conversation, but want to know where criticism ends and where bashing begins. Who can really claim to know @Taskforce really intentions without any doubts?
He is using every opportunity to spread anti Turkish propaganda and by anti Turkish propaganda I mean even fake news that doesn't have to to anything with Turkey but they are presented to the public as events that are happening in Turkey. In this way it is easy to deceive people who doesn't have deep knowledge about Turkey and those are things that are damaging the reputation of the country while it is not deserved.

I can only speculate about his real intentions and I think he is doing it driven by the hate for the government and its institutions and he is using every chance to make them look bad and blinded by hate he is spreading even content that doesn't represent the truth in anyway. Such behavior must not be tolerated in anyway and appropriate measures must be taken. Such behavior is deceiving the public opinion about Turkey, destroying the prestige of Turkey as a country and gives false image of the Turkish people.
Man... What the f*** happened to the 29 October and 30 August celebrations? There used to be tanks, helicopters, jets, artillery and thousands of soldiers passing through the streets. This is just sad. I miss the good old days where we used to have the best military parade in the world.
I stopped coming coz of problems...Now I am too free and bored so I pop by :D

Glad to see you still the same ;)
So,finished your study,what is your title now,how is life,whats new and where are you now?
Do report/cry/beg whatever you want. Your activities are under close control of mine. FETO traitors, PKK terrorists and their Fake account don’t have a place in any society of this country. If you keep insisting on bashing all institution of Turkish Republic with hiding behind some fake politic arguments to lose sight of your real intention, You will just meet what you deserve. That is the reason your trails have been spoted by me for a while.

I had a quick look at his post history and to be honest I didn't really find anything bad. Bashing institutions that aren't doing their jobs properly doesn't make you a traitor and neither does criticizing acts by your fellow countrymen that are detrimental to strength and stability of your nation.

In fact most of the posts I saw were very good, such as:

"countries like Saudi Arabia who is allied with Israel is financing the TOW and other equipment to PKK YPG. These Arabs are doing America’s and Israel’s bidding. My question is why aren’t we boycotting them by not going to Haj? The money Turks and Muslims spend in Saudi Arabia comes back to us by Saudi sponsored TOW’s."

"Turkey needs to produce high value products and create brands like China, US, Japan and South Korea. Exporting nuts, sweets and other food products is good but the real money isn’t there. Even if there was the money to finance industrialization there isn’t the mindset. Current leadership only knows how to earn easy money with construction. They milked that out. And now there isn’t even money or demand to let the existing factories run. 2019 is going to be a giddy year."

"Looks like it is going to be a great Halloween in Syria." - in response to strikes by Turkey and rat on rat violence

I don't know why some of you are being so harsh on him. Show me evidence that he is a traitor.
I had a quick look at his post history and to be honest I didn't really find anything bad. Bashing institutions that aren't doing their jobs properly doesn't make you a traitor and neither does criticizing acts by your fellow countrymen that are detrimental to strength and stability of your nation.

In fact most of the posts I saw were very good, such as:

"countries like Saudi Arabia who is allied with Israel is financing the TOW and other equipment to PKK YPG. These Arabs are doing America’s and Israel’s bidding. My question is why aren’t we boycotting them by not going to Haj? The money Turks and Muslims spend in Saudi Arabia comes back to us by Saudi sponsored TOW’s."

"Turkey needs to produce high value products and create brands like China, US, Japan and South Korea. Exporting nuts, sweets and other food products is good but the real money isn’t there. Even if there was the money to finance industrialization there isn’t the mindset. Current leadership only knows how to earn easy money with construction. They milked that out. And now there isn’t even money or demand to let the existing factories run. 2019 is going to be a giddy year."

"Looks like it is going to be a great Halloween in Syria." - in response to strikes by Turkey and rat on rat violence

I don't know why some of you are being so harsh on him. Show me evidence that he is a traitor.
Neither Erdogan. He ain’t better than the Saudi’s. Saudi’s are responsible for one murder. Erdogan is responsible for the civil war in Syria which killed tens of thousands.
It was wrong what Saudi’s did but let’s not pretend that the victim wasn’t a clean guy either. He was a member of the terrorist organization Muslim brotherhood. In Turkey we have a lot of sympathizers of this terrorist organization. My perspective is this: terrorist killing terrorists.
This is new Turkey of Erdoğan. Poor, uneducated, pompous, lying and awfully backward. Same people who ban this innocent behavior and being caught with little boys and girls.
And any journalist who says the boat is leaking will be put into prison (no joke).


Atatürk understood the importance of being realistic. He also said that the battles will be fought in the skies. Currently Turkey’s Air Force is in dire situation and there is still Feto in the Air Force. At the same time procurement of s400 is too late. When true enemy gets control of the air space it will be over.
Erdogan will talk about Allah and will ask people to pray while Assad pulls out his little friend

Turkey will turn into Lebanon first. Then Pakistan. And end up as Afghanistan.
Turkey’s army will be no different than Iran’s army in one decade unfortunately. When the spare parts of the f16 run out Erdogan can pray to allah all he wants. Only thing will be airing is hot air.
Yea recently finished like in August...Now job hunting ...tough life! :(

I will be heading back to Pakistan on Wednesday so slightly busy cleaning up apartment and packing!

Nothing new...Same old story...at first it was crying about studies now it is crying about job hunting :rofl:
Good congratulations and dont worry,you'll get a good job eventually.
Just dont disappear again,say hi and let us know whats going on in your life.

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