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Çay Bahçesi

I'd personally like the TF series... We don't need corvettes but a bigger displacement ship to replace the Tariq class frigates that are obsolete ,
You can get at least two Chinese 054A frigates($240 million) for one TF-2000($700 million at least),dont think your Navy would go for the TF-2000.
To expensive maybe?
You can get at least two Chinese 054A frigates($240 million) for one TF-2000($700 million at least),dont think your Navy would go for the TF-2000.
To expensive maybe?

Yup that's expensive but our economy is improving and we are looking itno expanding our navy.

I don't know if the TF series shall cost 700 million but even in that case (cost comes down after development and local production) .. Apart from that one can install our own weapons on them to bring down the costs ..
Anyways .. A 7000 ton destroyer still beats a 4000 ton frigate :).

How much do the ADA class cost per ship?
Yup that's expensive but our economy is improving and we are looking itno expanding our navy.

I don't know if the TF series shall cost 700 million but even in that case (cost comes down after development and local production) .. Apart from that one can install our own weapons on them to bring down the costs ..
Anyways .. A 7000 ton destroyer still beats a 4000 ton frigate :).

How much do the ADA class cost per ship?
Well,i hope you get some Tf-2000s(2),the ADA class costs $250 million but built in Pakistan will be cheaper.
Well,i hope you get some Tf-2000s(2),the ADA class costs $250 million but built in Pakistan will be cheaper.

250 million for a 2400 ton corvette ? Dayum bro..the F-22P class uses Western systems like radar,sonar etc too and costs almost 200 a pop .. With a 34,00 ton displacement.
Any ways hope for the best! :tup:
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