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Career in the ISI

This is for anyone who chooses to listen:

I am an ISI agent. I am given a lot of incentives by the evil pakistani "ISI". I am offered monetary rewards and free sex to motivate me (according to article n8 me :angel:) I have contact with every insurgent group in India. Assam, Manipur Kashmir, Khalistan, Maoists, tamil rebels... all of them! I infiltrate India from Nepal or china but India shoul also know there is a large underground tunnel from Canada to India. I use the tunnel to get from Canada to India in a matter of minutes. I also coordinate my evil activities with Bangladesh inteligence...


Yup thats right I am an evil Pakistani from ISI "Hrrrrr". :D
I have a very important question for Indians? Do i scare you?
Why does isi rely on fpsc for its recruitment and why not use some procedure similar to issb, as it would save a lot of time of the motivated pakistani youth aspiring to join the secret agency.


I would think the ISI or similar organisations would not want "motivated youth" rather they would want smarter older persons who use their brains a tad more.

After all the word "INTELLIGENCE" agency should be a give away.
I am very good friends with the former head of one of these Pakistani "intelligence" agencies and from what I hear, they spend most of their time setting up and making pornos of Pakistani politicians. And when they're not doing that, they're busy spying on Pakistani businessmen because of some stupid thing that automatically raised a red flag, i.e. visiting the port area, going to some ambassador's party, or having a foreign friend visit you in Pakistan. Finally, and most controversially, according to my contact....these intelligence agencies often carry out these false flag operations in which some poor fool who either wishes to join the ISI or has some other die-hard belief is totally used as a pawn in one of these "suicide blasts". It seems that you have to either be willing to sell your soul to the devil or be content to spend your time on some idiot task.
I am very good friends with the former head of one of these Pakistani "intelligence" agencies and from what I hear, they spend most of their time setting up and making pornos of Pakistani politicians. And when they're not doing that, they're busy spying on Pakistani businessmen because of some stupid thing that automatically raised a red flag, i.e. visiting the port area, going to some ambassador's party, or having a foreign friend visit you in Pakistan. Finally, and most controversially, according to my contact....these intelligence agencies often carry out these false flag operations in which some poor fool who either wishes to join the ISI or has some other die-hard belief is totally used as a pawn in one of these "suicide blasts". It seems that you have to either be willing to sell your soul to the devil or be content to spend your time on some idiot task.

So who are you a businessman or a politician...:pakistan:
I'm a nobody who means absolutely nothing. Thank God! You wouldn't find me in their movie collection.
hello ppl

i am very interested in joining ISI but i m not sure whether i ought to take engineering or not. I also want to know about the way to get enrolled into ISI. currently i m doing my O levels and i have my dad and grand dad in airforce, two uncles of mine are army doctors but none are related to ISI.

i wanna know how to get into ISI and what are the re
My name is Hamid Irfan and I am 29 years old and my job in national police Foundation Karachi last 10year. I want to join the ISI and I would like to know about the recruiting process and what positions are open for me to join. I don't want to join the ISI via the whole army enrollment process.I have always wanted to do something great for my people and I feel the ISI is the ideal platform to use my skills, knowledge and training to achieve greatness. Please reply with concrete suggestion and advice .thanks :pakistan:
Ahum, well first thing that you need to know is that the ISI a small organization, disproportionate to what people (especially those abroad) seem to think of it. The guys who are the core of the ISI are all soldiers (unsurprisingly) but the ISI uses everyone...HOWEVER you can’t apply. It’s more like a "don’t call us, we call you" sort of thing. Besides posting your heart’s desire to join the ISI on the net is not exactly the most ISI-ish thing to do. So to cut a long story short, no one here can help you mate.
salam .janab i hv some useful data...derived from another forum.... supPost Name: Assistant Director
Eligibility: 01. Age 21 to 35
02. Qualification: Bachlor's Degree (Prference will be given to those who possess Masters or higher degree in subjects of Economics, Political Science, IR, Defense and Strategic Studies, and Compter Science/ IT)




Written Examination.

Two papers
1. Essay
2.Current affairs

1.Essay: 100 Marks Time 3 hrs

You will be given abt five essays. You will have to attempt any one. Your essay must be of at least 2500 to 3000 words.

--Woman Related Issue
--Democracy in Pakistan
--Economic Development in Pakistan
--Corruption and accountability in Pakistan
--Energy Crisis
--Global War against Terror and its Future
--Conflict or Dialogue among Civilizations
--Nuclear Proliferation
Prepare these topics coprehensively. Other tpics for essay will be from Current affairs. so prepare best for Current affairs paper.

2. Current Affairs 100 Marks

You will have to opt 5 questions only.

One question will be Compulsory and it will be of MCQs type.
Now You will have to attempt 4 questions out of 9 remaining. All will be descriptive. One question will be of notes; u will have to attempt two notes if u are attempting that question.
Note: Current Affairs paper will be like CSS IR+Current Affairs paper. So take help from previous years CSS IR papers.

Read All National Issue:
Baluchistan Distrubance,
Waziristan and War On Terror,
Charter of Democracy and Future of Pakistani politcs,
Personalised politics in Pakistan,
Future Military Role in Pakistani Democracy etc
Energy and Water Crises
Earthquacke Reconstrcution

---International and Reginal Organisations and Allainces :
---UNSC Reforms
---Nuclear Proliferation
---WTO and Globalisation and its impact on SAARC countries
---India-USA Relations
---India-Pakistan Relations an Progress on Compsosite Dialogue
---Pakistan-China Relations and Cooperation in All Areas particulary Defense
---Pakistan-Iran and Regional Dynamics and IPI- Gas Pipleline
---Pakistan-Afghanistan Relations and Taliban Factor
---Iran-USA and Nuclear proliferation
---Pakistan-USA Strategic Dialogue and future
---Foreign Policy of USA, India, China.
---Global Warming
---Geo-political and geo-strategic importance of Pakistan
---Political Culture of Pakistan and Democratic Future of Pakistan
Structure of ISI

Joint Intelligence X: JIX

It serves as the secretariat which co-ordinates and provides administrative support to the other ISI wings and field organizations. It also prepares intelligence estimates and threat assessments.It provides administrative support to the other major divisions and regional organizations of the ISI.

Joint Intelligence Bureau (JIB)

One of the largest and most powerful divisions of the ISI, monitors political intelligence.The JIB consists of three subsections, with one subsection devoted to operations involving India, other operations involve, anti-terrorism and VIP security.

Joint Counter Intelligence Bureau (JCIB

Responsible for oversees intelligence operations in Central Asia South Asia, Afghanistan, the Middle East, Israel and Russia also responsible for field surveillance of Pakistani diplomats stationed abroad, if need be monitoring foreign diplomats as well .

Joint Intelligence/North (JIN)

Conduct ISI operations for Jammu and Kashmir , including monitoring Indian forces deployed within disputed Kashmir forcefully held by India.

Joint Intelligence Miscellaneous (JIM)

Responsible for covert offensive intelligence operations and war time espionage.

Joint Signal Intelligence Bureau (JSIB)

It includes Deputy Directors for Wireless, Monitoring and Photos, operates a chain of signals intelligence collection stations, and provide communication support to its operatives. It aslo collects Intelligence through monitoring of communications channels of neighboring countries.It has a chain of stations that track and collect intelligence signals along the Indo-Pakistani border, and it provides communications assistance for freedom campaigns in Kashmir.
A sizeable number of the staff is from the Army Signal Corps. It is believed that it has its units deployed in Karachi, Lahore and Peshawar.

Joint Intelligence Technical (JIT)

Not much is know about this section however it is believed that JIT include a separate explosives section and a chemical warfare section.

The ISI maintains one more primary sections in addition to the seven outlined above that is the Joint Intelligence Technical division.

At first, the ISI focused primarily on domestic espionage, such as tapping telephone conversations and monitoring internal political affairs. Because of its narrow scope, it was reportedly unable to locate an Indian armored division during the Indo-Pakistani War in 1965. When the war was over, Ayub appointed General Yahya Khan to chair a committee to evaluate the ISI and its subdivisions . From 1983 to 1997, the ISI reportedly trained over 80,000 Afghan Mujahideen for campaigns in Afghanistan. During the 1990s, the ISI grew into a powerful and questionable organization. It is said to function as an “invisible government and is frequently called “a state within a state
Brother for ISI u must be a military personnal ................ the selection process for ISI is internal (Army) From 100 people the only select like 2 or 3 people for ISI. Its very tuff they select the best person for the Job and secondly the training for ISI is very tuff u have to go through physical as well as mental training for the ISI job. This iz way ISI iz the best even i wanted to join ISI but i cant. Why dont you apply for IB (intelligence bureau) the selection process iz not very difficult.
Whn it comes figures ISI iz ranked 3rd in the worlds top spy agencies
1. Foreign intelligence service (SVR) Russia
2. The Mossad (Isreal)
3. ISI
4. Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) India
5. Ministry of state security (MSC) China

ISI is like a front line defence of Pakistan and for that u have to be the best in every way.

my IQ is damn good. i m not interested to carry my life without any reason. i want ISI to give me a reason to live.

i did B.Com form Pakistan. now i m studying "IT Security" in USA.

in simple words i want to join ISI.

plz any knowledgeable Person give me some guidance.


Angel Brothers
Salamz! im doin bba from lahore uni and im in 5th semester... i want to join isi because im intrested to investigate and want to be a spy. . whats the procedure and what courses do you recomend me..
im wsiting for your reply... :wave:
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