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Captured CST Terrorist

I'm not exactly sure that the terrorists would be making long speeches with huge vocabularies. They'd be speaking in short sentences or instructions, which would probably use the same words in both languages.
Pakistani siyasat men voh lajavab hai (Urdu)

Pakistani rajniti men voh lajavab hai (Hindi)

These loan words are what distinguished Hindi and Urdu. If he spoke in Urdu, it's reasonable to suggest he was from Pakistan perhaps. But they were speaking the chaste form of Hindi when alone.

Obviously it's these loanwords that suggested they spoke Hindi. This means their native tongue was Hindi, not Urdu.

Now a days, common people doesn't speak in such nice shudh Hindi. Only in Hindi news or Official documents are such words used. The Hindi that is used by common people is more like a slang Hindi and Siyasat is not a strange word to me and is quite often used in India.
Here is some interesting news

Mumbai cops share proof with FBI on Pakistan's role
Toral Varia

IN THE NET: Arrested terrorist Ajmal Amir Kasab reveals he trained in camps at Kotli and Umm-al-Qura.

New Delhi: Maharashtra Police have shared information with the US Federal Bureau of Investigation on the Mumbai terror attacks.
The seven-member FBI team visited the site of the attacks on Monday morning and also met the state police top brass. It is the first time India has shared proof of Pakistani involvement in the terror attacks with the FBI.
Mumbai Police investigation report consists of admissions by the captured terrorist Ajmal Amir Kasab. Details of the Pakistani made arms, including Kalashnikov assault rifles, have also been recovered from him.
Intercepted satellite phone calls between the terrorists and Lashker-e-Toiba commander Mohammad Muzammil too are part of the proof as also the details of the merchant ship Al Husseini on which the terrorists travelled from Karachi to the Indian waters.
Moreover, the terror e-mail which claimed responsibility for the attacks have been tracked to Lahore.
It was a guarded sharing of intelligence in a bid to reassert what India has been claiming about Pakistani terrorist activities.
Investigators say the terrorists left Karachi with the help of underworld don Dawood Ibrahim and the whole operation was planned by former ISI chief Nadeem Taj.
Investigators have told CNN-IBN that the captured terrorist Kasab was recruited by Zakir-ur-Rehman as a fidayeen (suicide bomber) by paying an amount of approximately Rs 2 lakh to his family.
A standard fourth drop out, Kasab belongs to a very poor family and has admitted he was trained in camps at Kotli, Umm-al-Qura and the exclusive 'Point' camp for fidayeens.
LeT commander Muzammil himself was reportedly involved in conducting the training.
Kasab has also revealed the names of a host of LeT operatives based in Pakistan.
The investigators say they have reached a point where they will now have to depend on a full-fledged co-operation from Pakistan.
mince no words they were pakistanis . the swine who held the gun to my cousins head is from faidakot. just wait . ill give you proof in a few days.
He didn't surrender. If you really want to know, he was almost lynched by a group of angry Mumbaikars when the police intervened to save him.

Don't believe me? Watch the video:

Mumbai Terror Attacks: Suspect Ajmal Qasab Captured And Beaten Following Massacre In Indian City - Sky News Video Player

That bastard is currently spilling out his life story to the Mumbai police, which will be used to expose to the world how Pakistani mujaheddeen camps are the source of global terror.

Thanks for the video.

The question is when he was injured and laying on the ground. He had no guns or bullets or grenades?
Thanks for the video.

The question is when he was injured and laying on the ground. He had no guns or bullets or grenades?
It allegedly shows him with other gunmen on Marine Drive, a few streets away from the train station where the group had just carried out a killing spree. Fleeing the scene of the carnage, the gunmen were forced to stop because the tyres of their getaway car had blown out. Within seconds, they were surrounded by unarmed police. Sky reporter Ashish Joshi, in Mumbai, said: "Officers told them to come out of the car with their hands up. They did, but Qasab had a gun between his legs which he then brought out and shot three officers dead.
"It was seen by passers-by who shouted 'Look, look, they're killing police officers' and then suddenly from every direction a mob gathered.
"They over-powered him and started beating and attacking him. Then another police unit arrived and he was arrested."
kindly go to dna website yesterdays the skoda in which kasav and ismail was caught is my cousins.and he has admitted his originn .even if you cant swallow that.by the way my friend my collegues at jj have done the autopsies.if you didnt know im a doc posted at gt hospital.

As per newspaper reports in India

This teen now famous as CST killer is 18.
He is educated and hails from Bangladesh.
He is fluent in English.
He revealed Karachi connection.

He is a newage terrorist does not look like Jihadi. He spilled beans and provided vital clues based on his information Pranav Mukherjee suspected Pakistan connection during news conference.
He was shot in hand at CST dropped his weapon and soon caught.After taken to hospital he said "I want to Live put me on Saline". He was tight lipped till he saw mutilated body of his colleague.
Soon after intense grilling session by intelligence agencies "He pleaded police and medical staff I don't want to live".

I couldn't find sources on internet yet but I can arrange for snapshots from the newspaper. The clipping used here is from pdf itself

Clearly an Indian :agree:
kindly go to dna website yesterdays the skoda in which kasav and ismail was caught is my cousins.and he has admitted his originn .even if you cant swallow that.by the way my friend my collegues at jj have done the autopsies.if you didnt know im a doc posted at gt hospital.

Sorry to hear that man. Hope your cousin is fine.
Every piece of intelligence is "suspected". I doubt they fought a court case to establish Dawood's whereabouts.

That's my whole point - the Pakistani government is still not willing to admit that terrorists from around the world are given safe havens in their country.

I had said earlier that I don't' expect Pakistan to suddenly switch from aiding anti-India organizations to going after them and eliminating them.

This kinda proves that Zardari's words were simply hot air - he doesn't have the support of the establishment.

Not really correct.

The GoP is obviously not denying that Massoud Azhar is in Pakistan, or Hafiz Saeed. The denial is of DI' presence, and why should the GoP merely accept the claim that he is in Pakistan when they have no indication or evidence to believe he is?

This proves nothing about Zardari's words. He hasn't said that DI is in Pakistan. He has made a very reasonable claim of helping India resolve the Mumbai tragedy based on evidence it provides. So far all we have gotten from India is a list of 20 or so people.
pray for all those who are admitted in the hospitals here.it dosent matter where the terrorist came from.blame our politicians .i hope they rot in hell.some of the ridiculous statements they have made.its our fault we voted them.

Our prayers are with the injured, killed and their families.

That said, the witch hunt against Pakistan that the Indian media has launched is not acceptable. Go through this thread and read the articles from the Indian media from beginning to end - the identities, names and story behind the attack has changed several times, all based on 'reliable intelligence sources'.

I'd day at this point there is nothing reliable whatsoever about the Indian media as far as its coverage goes on this tragedy.

Absolutely ridiculous.
pray for all those who are admitted in the hospitals here.it dosent matter where the terrorist came from.blame our politicians .i hope they rot in hell.some of the ridiculous statements they have made.its our fault we voted them.

Definitely we need to clean our mess inside even before pointing at others. Good that heads have started rolling. More needs to be done though. I hope better sense prevails over our politicians and they take necessary measures so that these things are not repeated.
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