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Captured CST Terrorist

First you say you want evidence, and then you say that Pakistan is denying that Dawood is in Karachi.

Everyone from India to CIA to MOSSAD to Interpol knows that the guy is happily living in Karachi and he's even married a naval officer's daughter.

So it seems like even before you examine the evidence, you've made up your mind that you're gonna deny everything.

Well, lets wait and watch. Lets infact wait and watch till the FBI and MOSSAD complete their own investigations.

None of those agencies (bar India) can say with certainty that DI is in Pakistan it is mostly a suspicion.

Till strong evidence emerges suggesting the contrary, I'll have to go with what the GoP's official position is.

And as far as 'making up minds before evidence', don't go off like a loose cannon - my doubts were primarily over DI, based on what the GoP has stated. We don't even know who the evidence is pointing towards at this stage
None of those agencies (bar India) can say with certainty that DI is in Pakistan it is mostly a suspicion.

Till strong evidence emerges suggesting the contrary, I'll have to go with what the GoP's official position is.

And as far as 'making up minds before evidence', don't go off like a loose cannon - my doubts were primarily over DI, based on what the GoP has stated. We don't even know who the evidence is pointing towards at this stage

So Interpol is wrong?
Setting out to kill, undetected, in Mumbai
By Keith Bradsher
Sunday, November 30, 2008

MUMBAI: As Prasan Dhanur prepared his 13-foot boat on Wednesday evening for a hard night of fishing, he saw something strange.

A black inflatable lifeboat equipped with a brand new Yamaha outboard motor threaded its way among the small, wooden fishing boats at anchor and pulled up to the concrete pier of the slum where Dhanur, 24, has lived his whole life as a fisherman.

Ten men, all apparently in their early 20s, jumped out. They stripped off orange windbreakers to reveal T-shirts and blue jeans. Then they began hoisting large, heavy backpacks out of the boat and onto their shoulders, each taking care to claim the pack assigned to him.

Dhanur flipped his boat light toward the men, and Kashinath Patil, a 72-year-old harbor official on duty nearby, asked the men what they were doing.

"I said: 'Where are you going? What's in your bags?"' Patil recalled.

"They said: 'We don't want any attention. Don't bother us."' Thus began a crucial phase of the recent terror attacks, one that seemed from the start to be coordinated meticulously to cause maximum fear and chaos.

Dhanur and Patil said in interviews that they did not see the guns hidden in the backpacks and did not call the police as they watched the 10 men walk into town on Wednesday, leaving their boat and windbreakers at the dock. Fanning out across South Mumbai, the men began unleashing deadly assaults everywhere they went.

With proximity to Pakistan and visibility as the hub of India's financial sector, Mumbai has suffered many terrorist attacks over the years. But the killings last week, played out so publicly and prolonged over so many days, have shaken many as never before.

"In 51 years, I have never seen this kind of thing," said Dev Gohil, a tailor and lifelong Mumbai resident who lost a neighbor, another tailor who was locking up his street-front shop nearby when a gunman saw him and killed him. "We're scared for ourselves and for our families." At least nine attackers were confirmed dead by Sunday and one was captured, which would appear to account for all 10 men seen by Dhanur and Patil. Local media have reported that there might have been additional boatloads of gunmen, or that some gunmen may have already been staying in city hotel rooms and joined the attackers, but the authorities said over the weekend that there were 10 attackers.

As security forces seek to reconstruct how the gunmen managed to inflict so much carnage so quickly, they have been turning their attention to how so many assailants managed to reach the heart of Mumbai undetected and with such a large collection of guns, ammunition and explosives.

Fishermen here said that the police removed and impounded the boat that came ashore at the Fishermen's Colony pier where Dhanur lives.

Kulprit Yadav, a spokesman in Delhi for India's coast guard, said that an Indian fishing trawler, the Kuber, disappeared on Nov. 14 and had just been found close to Mumbai, abandoned. The Kuber's 30-year-old captain was found dead on the boat, and his four crew members were missing.

That discovery has led the authorities to suspect that the Kuber may have been hijacked and used as a so-called mother ship to transport inflatable rafts within range of South Mumbai - much as pirate mother ships from Somalia, across the Arabian Sea from Mumbai, have used smaller boats to hijack tankers and other vessels in recent weeks.

When the terrorists landed in front of Dhanur's boat, they were just three blocks straight down a narrow lane from Nariman House, a five-story building housing a Jewish center run by a young rabbi, Gavriel Holtzberg, and his wife, Rivka, who had moved from New York.

But the attack does not appear to have started there. According to the Indian Home Affairs Ministry, the first shots were fired at the train station, and soon after that at a police station, where an officer was killed, and at the Leopold Café.

Popular with tourists, the café is about eight blocks from the dock where Dhanur was surprised by the arrival of the inflatable raft. It is just a block behind a top target for the terrorists: the luxurious Taj hotel, Mumbai's most famous place for maharajahs and wealthy businesspeople to stay.

A large red sign over the two double-width entrances to the Leopold Café still boasts that the restaurant has been in business "since 1871." But the steel shutters of the Leopold Café were pulled down over the entrances on Friday afternoon, sealing the site of a deadly assault. Two attackers stood at the front, one at each entrance, and one threw a grenade before both and raked the diners with heavy fire from assault rifles. The power of the rounds is still visible from three shots that missed the diners. They struck the thick concrete columns on either side of an entrance and penetrated more than an inch deep, leaving red stains.

Through a gap at the top of the shutters, the darkened restaurant could still be seen on Friday. Half-eaten meals still sat on tables, and napkins lay on tables and chairs, as though the diners had disappeared suddenly into thin air.

Few signs of the fallen remained visible by Friday afternoon. Farzad Jehani, one of the owners of the café, said on Sunday that the attack had killed eight diners - four foreigners and four Indians - and fatally wounded a waiter, an Indian who staggered out into the street before succumbing to his wounds. Another waiter, also Indian, was fatally shot in the back as he fled down an adjacent street.

On Sunday, staff finished cleaning the premises and prepared to reopen for business at 11 a.m. But the restaurant was later told not to reopen for security reasons, and remained closed on Sunday afternoon.

Jehani, a member of the family that has run the restaurant for more than 75 years, said that the restaurant would not fill in the 12-centimeter-wide, 5-centimeter-deep, or 5-inch-wide, 2-inch-deep, crater left by grenade that one of the two attackers threw before they began shooting.

Jehani was upstairs at the time of the attack, watching India's cricket victory over England. "It sounded like a huge blast, and then the machine gunning started," he said.

The terrorists then attacked and occupied three buildings from which the police would find it very difficult to dislodge them: the Taj and Oberoi hotels and Nariman House.

At the hotels, the attackers managed to hide in a maze of rooms, especially at the Taj, and so avoided easy capture. The smaller Oberoi proved more difficult for the assailants, and they were defeated there first, with the police leading out dozens of hostages at midday on Friday.

Nariman House took a full day on Friday for the army to capture, as the attackers holed themselves up in the middle floors of the building, where they could not easily be reached from the ground or from above. Only on Friday evening were the assailants finally overwhelmed.

The most complex building, the Taj Hotel, with its many passageways, took the longest to clear. The National Security Guard announced Saturday morning that it believed the last three gunmen had been killed and declared the siege over.

Setting out to kill, undetected, in Mumbai - International Herald Tribune
Interpol 'suspects'.

For the GoP to state definitively that DI is not in Pakistan is a serious matter.

Every piece of intelligence is "suspected". I doubt they fought a court case to establish Dawood's whereabouts.

That's my whole point - the Pakistani government is still not willing to admit that terrorists from around the world are given safe havens in their country.

I had said earlier that I don't' expect Pakistan to suddenly switch from aiding anti-India organizations to going after them and eliminating them.

This kinda proves that Zardari's words were simply hot air - he doesn't have the support of the establishment.
Muslim body refuses to bury 9 killers
1 Dec 2008, 0604 hrs IST, Mateen Hafeez, TNN

MUMBAI: The Muslim Council on Sunday decided not to allow burial of the bodies of the nine terrorists killed during the Mumbai siege in the
Marine Lines Bada Qabrastan (cemetery).

The council said it was trying to send a message to all cemeteries in India that none of the bodies should be buried on Indian soil.

Bhai Jagtap, a Congress MLA from VP Road-JJ constituency, told TOI some Muslim organisations had approached him demanding that the terrorists should not be buried in any cemetery in India.

"Considering their sentiments, I am trying to get in touch with deputy CM R R Patil and other senior leaders. I will forward this message to the state government," said Jagtap. The council authorities have handed over a letter to the Marine Lines cemetery in this regard.

In 2003, a Pakistani national killed in an encounter was buried in a Mumbai cemetery. This time, it has been decided not to allow burial of the terrorists because of the gravity of the attack. However, other Muslims organisations are yet to take a decision on the issue.

Muslim body refuses to bury 9 killers-India-The Times of India
shocks me to read the response of people on this forum as a doctor posted in gt hospital and having lost my own i find it so hard hard to believe that people on this forum can make this issue so trivial. guys go take a hike. you will face the wrath . i promise you.
He didn't surrender. He was hit on the hand by a bullet and was a fortuitous catch AFAIK. He is the most critical evidence to crack this case.

I am sure the FBI would be interrogating him too. That should satisfy the conspiracy theorists.

Well, I guess even that may not be sufficient for the likes of those who consider 9/11 to be an inside job too. But then, it is not even worth trying convincing them.

He did surrender. If the guns were pointing to him and he was unable to pick that gun up, and asked to be lived (like some of the articles posted here). He did surrender.

Now another interesting thing i found out today. The boat that came from Pakistan had "Touch Me" cream from Pakistan. :lol: and the topis with Pakistani shop names (No topi in Pakistan has shop names or with tags). Seems like Indians are putting topi on Pakistan or they are just too topis. :lol:
He did surrender. If the guns were pointing to him and he was unable to pick that gun up, and asked to be lived (like some of the articles posted here). He did surrender.

Now another interesting thing i found out today. The boat that came from Pakistan had "Touch Me" cream from Pakistan. :lol: and the topis with Pakistani shop names (No topi in Pakistan has shop names or with tags). Seems like Indians are putting topi on Pakistan or they are just too topis. :lol:

you speak as though you know him personally.please refrain i am not blaming any one but dont talk as though you know everything.
He did surrender. If the guns were pointing to him and he was unable to pick that gun up, and asked to be lived (like some of the articles posted here). He did surrender.

Now another interesting thing i found out today. The boat that came from Pakistan had "Touch Me" cream from Pakistan. :lol: and the topis with Pakistani shop names (No topi in Pakistan has shop names or with tags). Seems like Indians are putting topi on Pakistan or they are just too topis. :lol:

He didn't surrender. If you really want to know, he was almost lynched by a group of angry Mumbaikars when the police intervened to save him.

Don't believe me? Watch the video:

Mumbai Terror Attacks: Suspect Ajmal Qasab Captured And Beaten Following Massacre In Indian City - Sky News Video Player

That bastard is currently spilling out his life story to the Mumbai police, which will be used to expose to the world how Pakistani mujaheddeen camps are the source of global terror.
I don't think there is going to be a big difference in Hindi or Urdu being spoken with a Punjabi accents.

If they spoke in Hindi while they thought they were alone, they most like spoke Hindi as their mother tongue.

If I was in Switzerland, with my cousin, we would not be speaking in Swiss together, even if we knew German/Swiss. We would speak in English since that is what we know best.

If a Swiss native was with us, we'd try and speak Swiss/German.

These pair did not know anyone was with them when they spoke Hindi.

They would both use "bolchal ki jaban" and not the pure version and that is practically the same in both countries.

People do not speak Hindi in Pakistan. They speak Urdu. There is a difference between Hindi and Urdu. Anyone from the subcontinent knows that Hindi and Urdu can be distinguished. They are mutually intelligible, but the cop who overheard them obviously identified it as a Punjabi/Hindi tongue, not a Punjabi Urdu tongue.

The young gunmen said little during the harrowing drive, but spoke Hindi with a strong Punjabi, north-Indian accent.
If they spoke in Hindi while they thought they were alone, they most like spoke Hindi as their mother tongue.

If I was in the Switzerland, with my cousin, we would not be speaking in Swiss together, even if we knew German/Swiss. We would speak in English since that is what we know best.

If a Swiss native was with us, we'd try and speak Swiss/German.

These pair did not know anyone was with them when they spoke Hindi.

People do not speak Hindi in Pakistan. They speak Urdu. There is a difference between Hindi and Urdu. Anyone from the subcontinent knows that Hindi and Urdu can be distinguished. They are mutually intelligible, but the cop who overheard them obviously identified it as a Punjabi/Hindi tongue, not a Punjabi Urdu tongue.

The young gunmen said little during the harrowing drive, but spoke Hindi with a strong Punjabi, north-Indian accent.

Well there are many words in spoken hindi that are borrowed from Urdu. So, very frequently a lot of urdu words are used in Hindi. So many people in India cannot distinguish between Hindi and Urdu, unless some one is very well learned.

And I'm wondered at how you are nitpicking what that police overheard and magnifying, on the other hand when the captured terrorist says that he is from Pakistan, you don't believe.

You want to believe in only those things that proves that some one from India is involved but not from Pakistan. How very convenient.
Well there are many words in spoken hindi that are borrowed from Urdu. So, very frequently a lot of urdu words are used in Hindi. So many people in India cannot distinguish between Hindi and Urdu, unless some one is very well learned.

And I'm wondered at how you are nitpicking what that police overheard and magnifying, on the other hand when the captured terrorist says that he is from Pakistan, you don't believe.

You want to believe in only those things that proves that some one from India is involved but not from Pakistan. How very convenient.

I know what Hindi and Urdu are! You think I'm stupid?

Urdu has many arabic and persian loanwords. It has a similar grammatical structure to Hindi, but the two languages ARE DISTINGUISHABLE.
I know what Hindi and Urdu are! You think I'm stupid?

Urdu has many arabic and persian loanwords. It has a similar grammatical structure to Hindi, but the two languages ARE DISTINGUISHABLE.

Not by all people, especially when you speak in that Punjabi-accent.
Pakistani siyasat men voh lajavab hai (Urdu)

Pakistani rajniti men voh lajavab hai (Hindi)

These loan words are what distinguishes Hindi and Urdu. If he spoke in Urdu, it's reasonable to suggest he was from Pakistan perhaps. But they were speaking the chaste form of Hindi when alone.

Obviously it's these loanwords that suggested they spoke Hindi. This means their native tongue was Hindi, not Urdu.
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