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Captured CST Terrorist

Are you suggesting a precedent be set that when ever and where ever a bomb explodes in the world, it should without reservation and immediately be blamed on British Pakistanis?
That doesn't sound too smart to me.

I did not mention or say that all terrorist activities that happens in the world are linked to Pakistan or British Pakistanies. The british bombing was a hard reality, that i took and applied to India current experience based on your suggestion.

As for how the terrorists did it, maybe I am being a simpleton but I just saw some determined guys with guns and grenades wreak havoc in some hotels.

The wreak havoc because the cowards attacked soft target, that is why they are not called men, they are cowards that attacked for there idelogy of innocent lives.

Is it too outlandish to suggest that the extremely poor response and abilities of the Indian forces perhaps makes the baddies look better than they actually were? This is ofcourse with reference to the statements circulating in the Indian media that these guys had military training.

Sure the Indian did look bad and not organized enough, but time will fix this problem, that is why you are seeing all resignations happening.
Clearly an Indian :agree:


Suspect named as Azam Amir Qasab
21 years old, fluent English speaker
Told police he is from Faridkot village, in Pakistan's Punjab province
Said the attackers took orders from handlers in Pakistan

BBC NEWS | World | South Asia | India makes protest to Pakistan

Suspect named as Inderjeet Bahadur Singh
21 years old, fluent English/Malayalum speaker
Told police he is from Faridkot village, in India's Punjab province
Said the attackers took orders from RAW in Delhi (and I didnt have to hang bottles from his balls either to extract that info.)

So whats your point? :azn:

Suspect named as Azam Amir Qasab
21 years old, fluent English speaker
Told police he is from Faridkot village, in Pakistan's Punjab province
Said the attackers took orders from handlers in Pakistan

BBC NEWS | World | South Asia | India makes protest to Pakistan

I think the point he's making is that that confession was probably extracted under torture. When he wasn't being tortured, he said he was from Hyderabad. Now he changes his story, after being apprehended.

Then there's his Kalava. It's simply not what an Islamic radical would want to be associated with in his last moments, plus the fact he spoke Hindi.

Suspect named as Inderjeet Bahadur Singh
21 years old, fluent English/Malayalum speaker
Told police he is from Faridkot village, in India's Punjab province
Said the attackers took orders from RAW in Delhi (and I didnt have to hang bottles from his balls either to extract that info.)

So whats your point? :azn:

His point is Damned if you do, Damned if you don't.
MOD EDIT: Cross posted from another thread.

Mumbai terror: Sleepy village baffled by link to captured terrorist | World news | The Guardian

Saeed Shah in Faridkot, Pakistan
guardian.co.uk, Tuesday December 2 2008 00.01 GMT

A sleepy village in Pakistan has found itself at the centre of the Mumbai terror plot, leaving locals bewildered.

Faridkot, a settlement in the south of the Punjab province, has been overrun by Pakistani intelligence agents and police for the past three days after it was reported by Indian officials that the lone gunman captured alive in Mumbai came from a place called Faridkot.

Agents from Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) were still questioning locals yesterday.

"All the agencies have been here and the (police) special branch," said village elder Mehboob Khan Daha. "We have become very worried. What's this all about?"

A dusty backwater, the inhabitants are peasant farmers who own small parcels of land and are poorly educated. Water buffalo and goats roam the dirt tracks of the village.

Men sit around gossiping on traditional woven rope beds, placed out in the open, wearing the usual baggy shalwar kameez pyjama suits, some with turbans. Roughly built small brick homes and little mud huts are dotted around the village, which has a population of about 3,000. It is 34 miles east from the nearest large city, Multan.

"There are no jihadis here," said Ijaz Ahmed, 41. "I can think of maybe 10 or 20 people here who have even been as far as Multan."

The Faridkot link is a key plank of India's accusations against Pakistan. The captured gunman, variously named as Ajmal Amir Kamal, Azam Amir Kasav or Azam Ameer Qasab, is said to come from Faridkot, which is described as being near Multan. He is said to speak fluent English and a clear photograph of him shows a young man in western clothes. Shown a picture of the alleged militant, Daha said: "That's a smart-looking boy. We don't have that sort around here."

In Faridkot, no one appeared to be able to speak much English; most could only converse in a dialect of the provincial language. None of the villagers recognised the face in the photograph.

They said the intelligence agents wanted to know if there was any presence of the radical Deobandi or Al-Hadith religious movements in the village, to which they were told "no". The agents mentioned five names, villagers said, including Ajmal, Amir, Kamal and Azam, all common names in Pakistan. There were five Ajmals in the village, all present except one who is living in provincial capital Lahore, and none fitted the description of the militant. The Azam in the village is a 75-year-old retired railway worker.

One of the Ajmals, a man who thought he was about 30, has worked in a nearby tea factory for the past 12 years, he said. The police and intelligence agencies have been asking his whereabouts.

"All I ever do is go to work, which is about 3km away. I have never been beyond Kanewal (the closest town)," said Muhammad Ajmal. "I'm uneducated."

Faridkot lies in a part of Punjab known for extremist activity but the village itself did not show any signs of being a hotbed of militancy. Written on a board at the entrance to the village mosque, it is declared that members of the hardline Tablighi Jamaat "are not permitted".


This isolated rural community seems to have been fingered as a blatant joke by the captured militant, there is nothing here but people who know everyone by name and never travel.
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The newspapers shouldn't reach conclusions so fast. It's now coming out that he's a pakistani guy. By the look of him, one can (at least I can) say his facial structure is that of northwestern south asian!

The guy looks south Indian actually, if you ask me. It's possible he migrated to the northwest. But his face structure isn't like that of most Pakistanis. It's much more rounded and chubbier.
This initial statement that he was a Bangladeshi pretty much messed up any credibility the Indians might have had in their investigations .....
This initial statement that he was a Bangladeshi pretty much messed up any credibility the Indians might have had in their investigations .....

Spray and Pray is the method being used to gather evidence unfortunately, where one party "sprays" allegations and "prays" something sticks, utilizing it's potential consequences as a unilateral bargaining chip whether right or wrong.
Spray and Pray is the method being used to gather evidence unfortunately, where one party "sprays" allegations and "prays" something sticks, utilizing it's potential consequences as a unilateral bargaining chip whether right or wrong.

Actually, contrary to your point of view, I associate the debacle and the hodge podge of allegations India is making - to the kind of silly (not methodical) elements associated in dealing with it.

You have to look around to see, we have too many corrupt, or inefficient people handling many decisive things - and media, here, must be jumping the gun with every tid bit of information they receive, then be it from a half zombie policeman who just happened to hear half the thing and came out and spoke to a reporter which then splashed onto the various jumpy news channels India has... there is bound to be a case of what we see today.

I really dont see a method to the haphazard and silly allegations India/various-channels are making (which are obviously hurtful to Pakistan/Bangladesh I can understand) - but there doesn't seem to be a design behind it - instead, a fallout of complete irresponsible, silly and idiotic factors that govern almost everything in our countries.

However, now that the dust is settling in, there is no denial that India might use some tactics to twist an arm or two. I think that is diplomacy, and any country would do the same, provided - there is a reason for it to do so. (And that reason, Please - can not be that INDIA IS EVIL !)
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This initial statement that he was a Bangladeshi pretty much messed up any credibility the Indians might have had in their investigations .....

Initial reporting was based on preliminary information, Now he is giving details of the operation agencies are verifying his claims, Investigation agencies will include agencies from other countries too. I put the image and details from BBC.
Some people are really taking the Indian media news and making fun of it. That is what GoI is intended to do. This is a pure psy-ops on part of GoI to make the enemy complacent and confused, while the real information is only known to the investigation agencies. If any one remembers, none of the information about this guy was officially releases by GoI, all the information given to media is nothing but disinformation.

So, people continue having fun, while the real stuff is being done behind the curtains.
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