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Captured CST Terrorist

Why would these militants need to "dress up" as Hindus in India? Not every Hindu wears a Kalava, and if he did not have a Kalava it would have made no difference, would it not? Muslims are not routinely stopped and searched, as I doubt there's anyway to tell the difference between a Muslim and a Hindu.
Why would these militants need to "dress up" as Hindus in India? Not every Hindu wears a Kalava, and if he did not have a Kalava it would have made no difference, would it not? Muslims are not routinely stopped and searched, as I doubt there's anyway to tell the difference between a Muslim and a Hindu.

As the report says, they were trying to pose as fishermen. They probably saw the thread on the wrists on the fishermen that they killed, and decided to do the same to avoid suspicion.
That explanation appears a little too convenient.

Why would they be worried about the Kalava and Vermillion when their big fat machine guns could have given them away? They had the presence of mind to use these items when they were up to their eye balls in drugs.
The conspiracy theorists who can indulge in any mental gymnastics to imagine all sorts of things, from 9/11 being an inside job to this being done to target one person, find it too convenient!

I just hope these conspiracy theorists be treated on a par with the terrorists too and extradited for special treatment.
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If it was an inside job, they would have conspicuously wore the skull cap and all. This thing doesn't stand even from the conspiracy theory point of view.
Some Kalavas can be wider than others. You just get a longer one that you wrap round more times.

It does at least pass a resemblance to a Kalava, which is why a lot of people are discussing it. If it is one, the chances of him being a Hindu would suddenly increase quite dramatically I would have thought.

Quite the opposite. If it is a conspiracy, they would try to pass off as belonging to the other religion. No?
That explanation appears a little too convenient.

Why would they be worried about the Kalava and Vermillion when their big fat machine guns could have given them away? They had the presence of mind to use these items when they were up to their eye balls in drugs.

Erm, the whole purpose was to discourage the Coast Guard from searching the boat by pretending to be fishermen.

Please, I know all this is speculation on my part, but try not to raise red-herrings and then refute them. It makes you look stupid.

You are talking about "drugs" like they were smoking pot. These drugs were not hallucinogens, but certain substances that probably increased energy levels and performance, or made them more alert to stay awake longer.
This whole thing is very confusing.

10 terrorists come from some where and 1 remains alive to tell the tale.

9 terrorists fight well and kill well over ~200 people knowing that they will be dead.

1 terrorist surrenders and some how cares about his life.

India recovers bullets made by Pakistan Ordance Factory.. Why would they carry such bullets?

Indian media blames Pakistan.. and then they blame Bangladesh. This says that they have no idea what they are talking about.

All in all.. an intelligence failure, a terrorist success, profitable media attention, and well conspiracy theories to give attention to the old neighbors.
10 terrorists come from some where and 1 remains alive to tell the tale.

9 terrorists fight well and kill well over ~200 people knowing that they will be dead.

1 terrorist surrenders and some how cares about his life.

He didn't surrender. He was hit on the hand by a bullet and was a fortuitous catch AFAIK. He is the most critical evidence to crack this case.

I am sure the FBI would be interrogating him too. That should satisfy the conspiracy theorists.

Well, I guess even that may not be sufficient for the likes of those who consider 9/11 to be an inside job too. But then, it is not even worth trying convincing them.
The FBI is meeting police Top Brass and surveying the evidence as well as the attack locations as we speak.
heeeeey guys if this guy is muslim check simply open his trauser and see why you fight each other it will be clear he is sikh or muslim within minuts
heeeeey guys if this guy is muslim check simply open his trauser and see why you fight each other it will be clear he is sikh or muslim within minuts

I am sure that has been done already. But they can't do that on TV, right?
Erm, the whole purpose was to discourage the Coast Guard from searching the boat by pretending to be fishermen.

Please, I know all this is speculation on my part, but try not to raise red-herrings and then refute them. It makes you look stupid.

You are talking about "drugs" like they were smoking pot. These drugs were not hallucinogens, but certain substances that probably increased energy levels and performance, or made them more alert to stay awake longer.

Fisherman wearing Versace T-shirts and using Blackberry's. Damn your fisherman live the high life! Yep a lot red of herrings in the sea between Karachi and Mumbai.

So these drugs were not amphetamines or dope. You say the drugs increased energy levels and performance. Do you mean like Viagra? These terrorists were not only pretending to be rich fisherman but were also oversexed.

Not only that so as to cover up that they were terrorists pretending to be rich fisherman they put on vermillion and kavala to fit in with the Mumbai crowd.

There is not doubt about it. From all this evidence it is clear they belong to LeT and were financed by the ISI and communications was provided by the Bangladesh DGFI. Well done Sherlock Holmes!
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Is an agreement between hijackers valid ? Is there any international law governing this aspect? As far as I remember we did not sign any agreement with Pakistan.

Also It simply drives home the point that

There are terrorists from Pakistani origin
They had logistical base in Pakistan
They can be safe in Pakistan after perpetuating henious crimes in India
Though Pakistani governments support for millitants is debated by Pakistan, they sure were negligent in controlling them and it the process failing to address India's concern.


There is no 'international law' governing this, but any country that wants to keep the option of future negotiations open will be forced to honor the commitment. I already mentioned how Israel does this, and Pakistan has too, in its negotiations with the Taliban.

We on this forum often fume over why the GoP does not track and neutralize the militants after their release, and the reason they don't is because they would not be able to negotiate again.

The only reason these people are 'safe' in Pakistan is because the GoI negotiated their release and set them free.
Why is so much information being leaked to the media, or is this all made up?

If this is all true, then this has to be one botched up investigation.

Chacha, Bhatija and all, if they exist, are probably already hiding in a cave in FATA now, ala Rashid Rauf, since their identities have been plastered all over the news.
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