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Capital to have cycle tracks


Feb 2, 2007
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ISLAMABAD - The Capital Development Authority (CDA) will construct 44-kilometer cycle tracks along four major roads of the capital city with the help of China.
CDA Chairman Nadeem Hassan Asif during a meeting, with Chinese delegation, held in CDA headquarters on Wednesday said, "We want to promote healthy activities and lessen the traffic burden on the roads by providing cycling tracks." The Chinese delegation discussed three proposals regarding construction of these tracks, electrification of the Parliament House and Fatima Jinnah (F-9) Park through solar lights.
Environment member Ahsan Ali Mangi briefed the participants about the proposals. He apprised the meeting that the cycling track would be constructed along four major avenues namely Faisal Avenue, Margalla Avenue, Garden Avenue and Attaturk Avenue.
There is no issue as far as the land acquisition is concerned because we have availability of the area required, he apprised. The meeting was informed that these proposals would be completed by the Chinese government through grant assistance. The Chinese delegation head thanked the CDA chairman for posing confidence in the Chinese government. He said they would come up with complete solution after feasibility study of the proposals.
The CDA chairman thanked Chinese delegation for their cooperation and interest in the projects. He said the CDA would fully cooperate with Chinese in completion of these projects. The CDA is committed to provide excellent and healthy facilities to the citizens of the capital, he added.

Capital to have cycle tracks
With current situation of economy, inflation and oil prices, i think we should have main road for cycles and separate track for automobiles
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