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PMLN : Zigzagging road will lead to new Islamabad airport

Why do I care? Because I'm gonna be using it just like million other Pakistanis, what kinda question is that?

You are more concerned about styles whilst this proposal is brought up to make more convenient for common people which will take another 15 billion dollars; however, PMLN is dedicated to make that happen.
You are more concerned about styles whilst this proposal is brought up to make more convenient for common people which will take another 15 billion dollars; however, PMLN is dedicated to make that happen.
So common people deserve an airport with bathroom tiles as ceiling? We don't deserve a modern airport to show off to the world that we can still build modern architecture? $15 billion my arse, even Beijing airport didn't cost that much to build.
Dude, it's so easy nowadays to open a case. Someone should do it and file a petition. That alone will drag the fat fvck for couple years!


Malik = Some Pindiwala arsewipe living on Nawaz's payroll....in the end ALL money has to be paid back from tax payers.... do you even have an inkling of an idea how borrowing works? Typical Pindiwala thought process. Acting all knowing, yet brain capacity of a chimp. Malik my arse, every other retard there is a Malik. Clerk, chaiwala. So which one are you?

Why do you care? This investment money is not coming from you, and another 15 billion dollars for Zigzagging road is to expand which will be convenience for common people; far from Airport is in Islamabad.

It is not about you. @SHAMK9
So common people deserve an airport with bathroom tiles as ceiling? We don't deserve a modern airport to show off to the world that we can still build modern architecture? $15 billion my arse, even Beijing airport didn't cost that much to build.

You want Modern Airport? Pay more than 50 billion dollars then. Even the Airports are not that modern in Canada. It requires a lot of money which Pakistan currently lacks at this moment, but extra 15 billion dollars was the surprised part.
You want Modern Airport? Pay more than 50 billion dollars then. Even the Airports are not that modern in Canada. It requires a lot of money which Pakistan currently lacks at this moment, but extra 15 billion dollars was the surprised part.
Done arguing with you when you can't seem to get what I'm saying. Enjoy your bathroom tiles airport
Dude, it's so easy nowadays to open a case. Someone should do it and file a petition. That alone will drag the fat fvck for couple years!

Malik = Some Pindiwala arsewipe living on Nawaz's payroll....in the end ALL money has to be paid back from tax payers.... do you even have an inkling of an idea how borrowing works? Typical Pindiwala thought process. Acting all knowing, yet brain capacity of a chimp. Malik my arse, every other retard there is a Malik. Clerk, chaiwala. So which one are you?

I am not supporter of Nawaz, but the problem is uneducated people like you, ungrateful and brute, are the reasons several projects inluding Khalabaag Daam were abandoned due to loud protest by uneducated people yelling out loud like there is no tomorrow.

Pakistan is already on bankrupt, but surviving on bank loan. You gotta make money to pay back, and this is good-design Aiport which is good convenience, better than not doing anything. Have you learnt nothing in the past 20 years? Government don't care, and if they try to invest little, we should encourage them rather than behave like aunty demoralizing its efforts like in the past. Something is better than nothing. Wake up. This is about Pakistan, so put your feelings aside for PMLN and commend its efforts so the government can continue to invest more regardless of where the money come from. The nation is already bankrupt, might as well invest borrowed money for long term if possible which is not bad plan.

Done arguing with you when you can't seem to get what I'm saying. Enjoy your bathroom tiles airport

It is simple. Pay quality money if you want quality service. You don't seem to grasp how it works.

This is better, with improvised bathrooms [just in case if you are concerned. I like in Canada, and i hate to go through the existing Airport, outdated and crowded for small base - previously used for Army. Anything is better than nothing.

If you want quality, you have to pay for quality. We all want quality, but Pakistan government is using borrowed money to invest on decent design Airport, not to mention15 billion dollars for the expansion to other towns as well. It's better than nothing, so stop being ungrateful.
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It is simple. Pay quality money if you want quality service. You don't seem to grasp how it works.
No nation would ever grow if that's the mantra they use. Give quality service = expect quality money
No nation would ever grow if that's the mantra they use. Give quality service = expect quality money

If that is case, the whole world would have top quality standard lifestyle. Some are poor that uses whatever it is affordable enough along with reasonable design, and some are rich that can easily invest for top quality and beyond top design that requires crazy money. That's the way the world operates.

North America, Europe and Dubai are crazy riches, and especially Dubai. Why do you think the standard of lifestyle in middle east whilst in Dubai, their lifestyle standard is quite high which makes it even more expensive place to live that is beyond the reaches of the middle-class families.

However, this is just beginning. I am sure if Pakistan situation gets better, and make a lot of money, more money would be improve to improve the quality of Airport into better. So, it is not end of the world. Right now, the government is going as per the budget which is reasonable, although this is better than nothing at this moment.
If that is case, the whole world would have top quality standard lifestyle. Some are poor that uses whatever it is affordable enough along with reasonable design, and some are rich that can easily invest for top quality and beyond top design that requires crazy money. That's the way the world operates.

North America, Europe and Dubai are crazy riches, and especially Dubai. Why do you think the standard of lifestyle in middle east whilst in Dubai, their lifestyle standard is quite high which makes it even more expensive place to live that is beyond the reaches of the middle-class families.
What do those all countries have in common? They started poor and made their way up. But let's end it, you are right, we are poor, we don't need metro buses, roads, trains and airports, khota gari ftw!
What do those all countries have in common? They started poor and made their way up. But let's end it, you are right, we are poor, we don't need metro buses, roads, trains and airports, khota gari ftw!

They didn't become riches overnight. Neither can Pakistan. It is going to take some times. Let's appreciate there has been tons of investment especially metro buses in lahore, and also, there will be in Karachi, Peshawar, including modern trains. This is shaping up nicely even though the process is very very slow. We gotta have patient. People in Pakistan can afford cars, but nations that are a lot poorer than Pakistan cannot even afford khota gari. So, don't be ungrateful.
Dude, it's so easy nowadays to open a case. Someone should do it and file a petition. That alone will drag the fat fvck for couple years!

Malik = Some Pindiwala arsewipe living on Nawaz's payroll....in the end ALL money has to be paid back from tax payers.... do you even have an inkling of an idea how borrowing works? Typical Pindiwala thought process. Acting all knowing, yet brain capacity of a chimp. Malik my arse, every other retard there is a Malik. Clerk, chaiwala. So which one are you?

Im sure someone would do
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