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A New Islamabad across Margallas, linked by a tunnel

This dream project is going to remain a dream project since we do not have 12 billion dollars in government account.

This is just a dream similar to bullet train from Peshawar to Karachi. Wait for another 5-10 years if you were to even think about fulfilling such a dream
This dream project is going to remain a dream project since we do not have 12 billion dollars in government account.

This is just a dream similar to bullet train from Peshawar to Karachi. Wait for another 5-10 years if you were to even think about fulfilling such a dream

yes all Talks no Actions....
Pakistan should not go 2 IMF IMF is an american organisation they impose thier economic policy on other countries nd IMFS economic policies r anti business due 2 which Pakistans economy will further detoriote due 2 Pakistan going 2 IMF nd IMFS economic policies Pakistan shudnt go 2 IMF Pakistans economy will not grow if Pakistan goes 2 IMF. Pakistan should lower its interest rates to 4% from 15% which zardari set up nd the demise of zardaris economic policies were first he was the biggest corrupted dacoit who unfortunately became the president of pakistan nd his dacoit party which looted pakistan for 5 years so corruption was the main problem in peoples party government nd second their economic policies zardari set up interest rates at 15% nd this was the worlds highest interest rates no country can generate gdp nd economic growth from 15% interest rates so lesson for nawaz sharif nd his government is to reduce interest rates from 15% to 4% i bet u if nawaz sharif nd his government lowers interest rates to 4% pakistans economic nd gdp growth will b atleast 8% i bet u ontop of tht pakistan should bring down the dollar value from 100 rupees to 60 rupees for 1 dollar no economy or no country can thrive with a weak currency due to weak domestic currency hyperinflation occurs nd country nd countrys economic systems collapses nd import bill increases in terms of dollars bc u hve to pay more rupees to cover the dollars nd rupees gap due to whch a countrys import bill increases so pakistan should fixed its exchange rates with dollar 1 dollar should b equal to 60 rupees pakistans foreign exchange with u.a.e should b 1 u.a.e dinaar should b of 100 rupees pakistan should fix its exchange rates with u.a.e with similarly for u.a.e bring it up u.a.e dinaar from 1 u.a.e dinaar= 25 rupees pakistan should fix the exchange rates with u.a.e to 1 u.a.e dinaar = 100 rupees so due to this pakistanis living in u.a.e will b able to send less dinars to pakistan nd pakistanis receiving the money will get 4 times the more money as previously due to new exchange rates nd in turn pakistanis living in u.a.e will b saving enough money for themselves also due to which their portfolio nd finances in u.a.e will increase so after 5 years gradually bring down the value of u.a.e dinaar 1 u.a.e dinaar to = 25 rupees after 5 years nd maintain dollars exchange rate to 1 dollar = 60 rupees to next 5 years nd then c the real economic boom pakistan will witness ontop of tht pakistan should sign free trade agreement with every islamic country ontop of tht all islamic countries should form a free trade area same as of e.u nd oic countries all islamic countries should promote free trade with each other nd designate all islamic countries in 1 block as islamic union with free trade area no tarrifs no quotas in trading with each other free trade agreement with islamic countries will increase pakistan nd islamic countries trade by many folds nd this will increase islamic countries gdp by many folds nd increase standard of living of islamic countries by many folds similarly pakistan should sign trade deal free trade agreement with e.u with russia with brazil nd with latin american countries this will increase pakistans gdp nd economy by many folds so i gave u the whole idea nd theory i hope pakistan nd nawaz sharif nd pakistans government will do all the things i stated above nd implement it wat i stated above due to this pakistan will b able to achieve such a economic boom which the world has never seen before. ONTOP OF THT PAKISTAN NEEDS 2 TAX THE RICHEST SEGMENTS OF THE SOCIETY INCREASE TAXES ON THEM INCREASE INCOME TAX ON THE RICHEST SEGMENTS OF THE SOCIETY INCREASE TAX 2 GDP RATIO PAKISTANS TAX 2 GDP RATIO IS THE LOWEST IN THE REGION PAKISTAN NEEDS 2 INCREASE TAX 2 GDP RATIO ND BRING THE TAX 2 GDP RATIO TO 20% DUE 2 THIS PAKISTANS ECONOMY WILL MULTIPLY BY MANYFOLDS ND WILL QUADRIPLE IF THESE MEASURES R TAKEN ONTOP OF THT GOVERNMENT NEEDS 2 REDUCE NON DEVELOPMENT EXPENDITUES DUE 2 THESE MEASURES TAKEN PAKISTANS BALANCE OF PAYMENTS WILL B IN SURPLUS ND PAKISTANS ECONOMIC GROWTH WILL ATLEAST INCREASE BY 8% TO 10% ND PAKISTAN ECONOMY WILL MULTIPLY BY MANYFOLDS ND WILL QUADRIPE I HOPE NAWAZ SHARIF ND HIS GOVERNMENT ND HIS SO CALLED FINANCE MINISTER ISHAQ DAR IS LISTENING THIS. Thanks

For credentials of IMF please read "Confessions of an Economic Hitman" by John Perkins.
As far as taxation is concerned, government has already taxed, tax payers more. Rich will never get taxed and people like NS, AZ will continue to pay 5000/- as tax

yes all Talks no Actions....

It will quickly materialise, if Ch Nisar's or likes worthless land has to be acquired at premium rate.
hey that tunnel was suppose to connect haripur kpk to islamabad reducing the traffic time stop spreading lies
Tunnel project to resume : Govt may despoil Margalla Hills

CDA chairman asked by prime minister to start work on $12 billion project

ISLAMABAD: Despite rules that prohibit any construction work at the Margalla Hills, the Capital Development Authority (CDA), on the directions of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, has once again taken up the controversial Margalla Tunnel project.

According to sources, the CDA chairman had been asked by the prime minister to work on a $12 billion project on war footings.

The CDA is currently working day and night to complete the plans, which, according to the sources, will be announced by the prime minister himself in the next few weeks.

This is not the first effort to build a tunnel at Margalla Hills. A similar plan was charted by the CDA on the directions of former president Pervez Musharraf but was immediately taken down after the Supreme Court took a suo motu notice on the plea of the Margalla Hills Society.

In March 2012, the Supreme Court disposed of the matter when Chaudhry Ramzan, a former legal adviser to the CDA, informed the court that the project had been deferred.

The hills are a national park area since they are an extension of the Himalayan range and the northern boundary of the Pothohar Plateau. The area consists of 12,605 hectares of sub-Himalayan forest vegetation.

The project was also hugely criticised by environmentalists who believe that building a tunnel at Margalla Hills will result in crowds of people thronging the area, causing damage to the natural beauty of the hills.

According to environmentalists, there are 82 bird species in the area, including the Griffon vulture, Laggar falcon, Peregrine falcon, Kestrel, Indian sparrow hawk, Egyptian vulture and White-cheeked bulbul. Many reptiles can also be found in the area, including Russell’s viper, Indian cobra and Saw-scaled viper. Besides, dozens of species of trees and around 50 varieties of grass grow at Margalla Hills. The project is not the first to be proposed in the area. A few years ago, local officials established a chairlift from the Margalla foothills to Makhiala Peak (Pir Sohawa). The project was later abandoned because of security problems.


Damn it.
Not for troll
1)Its high earthquake prone area
2)Freequent mud sliding,hostile weather
3)from starting gwadar to xinxiang entire terrorist heavens
4)if u give 100 rs these hard core terrorist blast anywhere
5)Ind and afg may interfere
6)gwa ti xin if railway is cost effective if by road I THINK NOT EFFECTIVE
Countries usually do a mix.. Government, Local investors, and Foreign investors. Here is the thing. We have the possibility of doing that plus also use of loans from World Bank and Islamic Bank

Anyhow time will tell if its a gimmick like past leaders or dream into reality.

yes i completely understand the first bit of investment.....

i will be delighted to see some thing Iconic in Islamabad that would actually be a symbol of pride for the country (may it be just one thing).....well we have to wait :) im ready for the wait, if they do proceed ahead i wish them the best of luck :tup:
Not for troll
1)Its high earthquake prone area
2)Freequent mud sliding,hostile weather
3)from starting gwadar to xinxiang entire terrorist heavens
4)if u give 100 rs these hard core terrorist blast anywhere
5)Ind and afg may interfere
6)gwa ti xin if railway is cost effective if by road I THINK NOT EFFECTIVE

So much bullshiat in one post, if you had the balls to interfere, you would have done it long time ago.
Not for troll
1)Its high earthquake prone area
2)Freequent mud sliding,hostile weather
3)from starting gwadar to xinxiang entire terrorist heavens
4)if u give 100 rs these hard core terrorist blast anywhere
5)Ind and afg may interfere
6)gwa ti xin if railway is cost effective if by road I THINK NOT EFFECTIVE

What is this why would we interfere
It is not some military base

& Astan lacks the power to do it
So only one who can make this project a flop or a hit are Pakistanis

On topic
Good luck pakistanio
Not for troll
1)Its high earthquake prone area
2)Freequent mud sliding,hostile weather
3)from starting gwadar to xinxiang entire terrorist heavens
4)if u give 100 rs these hard core terrorist blast anywhere
5)Ind and afg may interfere
6)gwa ti xin if railway is cost effective if by road I THINK NOT EFFECTIVE

Stop doing drugs kid.

What is this why would we interfere
It is not some military base

& Astan lacks the power to do it
So only one who can make this project a flop or a hit are Pakistanis

On topic
Good luck pakistanio

Even if it was one what could india do? answer: absolutely nothing.
Stop doing drugs kid.

Even if it was one what could india do? answer: absolutely nothing.

Well if the project is sponsored by some Intl agency say IMF
We can use our influence to stop Funds

The success depends on how much powerful we are
You asked what we can do
This was a serious answer so don't troll & Bring in Supa Pawa stuff
Stop doing drugs kid.

Even if it was one what could india do? answer: absolutely nothing.

U KNOW ONE NAME CALLED RAW they can provide men,money,weapons. it used as a BARGAINING CHIP :yahoo:

Well if the project is sponsored by some Intl agency say IMF
We can use our influence to stop Funds

The success depends on how much powerful we are
You asked what we can do
This was a serious answer so don't troll & Bring in Supa Pawa stuff

India is not USA or CHINA it doesn't have that much power BUT WE(Raw) have strong base so we can make destruction if it not good for ind national interest:laughcry:
This is a CDA project to generate revenue. it will generate billions of dollars !!!

It has nothing to do with musharaf or nawaz.

The idea was launched during Musharraf era... and media campaign was launched against it and it was reported to WWF. later Malik Riaz, offered his services, on TV.

Since, Malik Riaz has launched its Island project, to me it seems like a childish reaction of Mr. Sharif.

We'll wait and see, where does he get the billions required, in order to generate billions.
Well if the project is sponsored by some Intl agency say IMF
We can use our influence to stop Funds

The success depends on how much powerful we are
You asked what we can do
This was a serious answer so don't troll & Bring in Supa Pawa stuff


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