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Can't fight India over Kashmir: Gilani


1947: no indian armed forces present in kashmir when pakistan attacked it (for absolutely NO reason other than greed for territory)....it was much later that indian armed forces intervened and since and still a larger part was retained by india

1965: operation gibraltar and grand slam failed...approx 2000 sq miles of pak land lost...operation dwarka failed....80% ammunition depleted...yes ur air force had more hits...i admit...lahore was not SUCCESSFULLY defended....the cease fire was enforced before army could attack in full force...lahore was defended only against minor skirmishes

1971: that 2000 km away of "OUR" land got LIBERATED.90k SURRENDER..yes we are proud...no1 surrenders for no reason..operation to sink ins vikrant failed..pns ghazi sunk..east pak navy destroyed...west pak operation trident and python...battle of longewala...complete air superiority..YES WE ARE PROUD..going by your logic...america will not be able to defend hawaii ever ryt??

1984: read urself...if it was no mans land who the hell gave pak govt permission to issue licenses for mountaineering expeditions??...pak tried hard and FAILED...our PM is anxious to even make the indo pak border peaceful...

1999: betrayal and backstabbing at its best...indian army still gained back all the land (except for one useless peak...useless coz it is surrounded by indian peaks)...in an almost impossible mission when ur pm was running to usa for help...after failing there calling up indian pm and begging to end the war...even china dint come forward and help u guys

as for aksai chin...yes india lost it...1962 no army on indo china border...no logistics or proper roads...country struggling with poverty with almost no air force in that region was attacked....

learn to admit failures gracefully and learn from them...

ps: i do not mean to offend any1 except this guy whom ive quoted
Where You've read this all ? In wikipedia?
I started from 1947-48 war to read wikipedia.. but before reading just have a look on its major resources from where wiki collected the all data..

Major sources
Ministry of Defence, Government of India. Operations In Jammu and Kashmir 1947-1948. (1987). Thomson Press (India) Limited, New Delhi. This is the Indian Official History.
Lamb, Alastair. Kashmir: A Disputed Legacy, 1846-1990. (1991). Roxford Books. ISBN 0-907129-06-4.
Praval, K.C. The Indian Army After Independence. (1993). Lancer International, ISBN 1-897829-45-0
Sen, Maj Gen L.P. Slender Was The Thread: The Kashmir confrontation 1947-1948. (1969). Orient Longmans Ltd, New Delhi.
Vas, Lt Gen. E. A. Without Baggage: A personal account of the Jammu and Kashmir Operations 1947-1949. (1987). Natraj Publishers Dehradun. ISBN 81-85019-09-6.
Other sources
Cohen, Lt Col Maurice. Thunder over Kashmir. (1955). Orient Longman Ltd. Hyderabad
Hinds, Brig Gen SR. Battle of Zoji La. (1962). Military Digest, New Delhi.
Sandhu, Maj Gen Gurcharan. The Indian Armour: History Of The Indian Armoured Corps 1941-1971. (1987). Vision Books Private Limited, New Delhi, ISBN 81-7094-004-4.
Singh, Maj K Brahma. History of Jammu and Kashmir Rifles (1820–1956). (1990). Lancer International New Delhi

All rubish is taken from indian resources...;)
Ehem! Yea! Thats wat called brainwashed of indians...
Be real
Probably Kashmir is the only place in Pakistan where it doesnt happen..:azn:

btw, here is what a Pakistani Kashmiri says about Pakistan and Kashmir

Dr Shabir Choudhry's blog: Kashmir, Pakistan and the Empowerment of the People, by Khurshid Khan


All AK governments are either an extension or installed and implanted by the politics and establishment in Islamabad. We have reached a level of bankruptcy in Pakistan due to our Kashmir policy and misplaced priorities.

Invasion of Kashmir after partition divided the state and put Pakistan on a course to disintegration on the same day. Pakistan was a very poor new born country and it needed to put all its resources in health education and infrastructure building. Instead we were hijacked by vested interests of minority feudal elite rulers and we sank our resources in building a huge military complex.

We lost half of our country but did not learn anything.....instead of fixing our priorities, abandoning a policy of hypocrisy and deceit, we again embarked on a biggest lie of being born again MUSLIMS and created a business out of fake Jihad, where our military failed we tried to exploit the youth of the nation to win a proxy war for us from India.

Kashmir issue was again exploited to keep the budget and brain washing the youth, to be cannon fodder.

We invaded Kashmir with the help of tribes (which I admire for many other reasons) and gave an excuse to the Maharaja to invite Indian forces in Kashmir. The rest is history. The second mistake in my view was made after we had UNO resolutions when we did not give any real autonomy to the *** and in fact created a ghetto for the people with a section officer in charge with real powers in Islamabad.

Chanting the mantra of “Kashmir bunay ga Pakistan” yet asking the whole world to help secure the rights of self determination of Kashmiri people is the biggest contradiction in itself and no moral grounds to stand on
just have a look what your own indian resources claims..
East India Company allowed the Dogra ruler Gulab Singh to acquire Kashmir from the Sikh kingdom in exchange for making a payment of 750,000 rupees to the East India Company. Gulab Singh became the first Maharaja of the newly formed princely state of Jammu and Kashmir,
it was Decided that the maharaja would accede to Pakistan when the British paramountcy ended on 14–15 August.
Viscount Louis Mountbatten, the last Viceroy of British India, stayed on in independent India from 1947 to 1948, serving as the first Governor-General of the Union of India.

It means Britishers and indians are mutually involved to forcefully Hijack kashmir... Your own books proved that..:wave:
Like we care. :pop:
Yea! Don't care of it . But your 600,000 troops are stucked there, suicide rates among them are increasing ,getting killed in avalanches ,stroms ,ambush.. Now matter how many Vir chakra award you give them.. The reality is Kashmir is becoming headache for you.. According to your own resources..
just have a look what your own indian resources claims..
East India Company allowed the Dogra ruler Gulab Singh to acquire Kashmir from the Sikh kingdom in exchange for making a payment of 750,000 rupees to the East India Company. Gulab Singh became the first Maharaja of the newly formed princely state of Jammu and Kashmir,
it was Decided that the maharaja would accede to Pakistan when the British paramountcy ended on 14–15 August.
Viscount Louis Mountbatten, the last Viceroy of British India, stayed on in independent India from 1947 to 1948, serving as the first Governor-General of the Union of India.

It means Britishers and indians are mutually involved to forcefully Hijack kashmir... Your own books proved that..:wave:

Your logic makes no sense.. But I am kind of used to it here.. Talk of Kashmir removes any thought of logic from the minds of some Pakistanis.
Where You've read this all ? In wikipedia?
I started from 1947-48 war to read wikipedia.. but before reading just have a look on its major resources from where wiki collected the all data..

Major sources
Ministry of Defence, Government of India. Operations In Jammu and Kashmir 1947-1948. (1987). Thomson Press (India) Limited, New Delhi. This is the Indian Official History.
Lamb, Alastair. Kashmir: A Disputed Legacy, 1846-1990. (1991). Roxford Books. ISBN 0-907129-06-4.
Praval, K.C. The Indian Army After Independence. (1993). Lancer International, ISBN 1-897829-45-0
Sen, Maj Gen L.P. Slender Was The Thread: The Kashmir confrontation 1947-1948. (1969). Orient Longmans Ltd, New Delhi.
Vas, Lt Gen. E. A. Without Baggage: A personal account of the Jammu and Kashmir Operations 1947-1949. (1987). Natraj Publishers Dehradun. ISBN 81-85019-09-6.
Other sources
Cohen, Lt Col Maurice. Thunder over Kashmir. (1955). Orient Longman Ltd. Hyderabad
Hinds, Brig Gen SR. Battle of Zoji La. (1962). Military Digest, New Delhi.
Sandhu, Maj Gen Gurcharan. The Indian Armour: History Of The Indian Armoured Corps 1941-1971. (1987). Vision Books Private Limited, New Delhi, ISBN 81-7094-004-4.
Singh, Maj K Brahma. History of Jammu and Kashmir Rifles (1820–1956). (1990). Lancer International New Delhi

All rubish is taken from indian resources...;)
Ehem! Yea! Thats wat called brainwashed of indians...
Be real

brainwashed... you guys didn't even make the Hamoodur Rahman Commission report public... what were you guys scared off????
just have a look what your own indian resources claims..
East India Company allowed the Dogra ruler Gulab Singh to acquire Kashmir from the Sikh kingdom in exchange for making a payment of 750,000 rupees to the East India Company. Gulab Singh became the first Maharaja of the newly formed princely state of Jammu and Kashmir,
it was Decided that the maharaja would accede to Pakistan when the British paramountcy ended on 14–15 August.
Viscount Louis Mountbatten, the last Viceroy of British India, stayed on in independent India from 1947 to 1948, serving as the first Governor-General of the Union of India.

It means Britishers and indians are mutually involved to forcefully Hijack kashmir... Your own books proved that..:wave:

it was a fair deal...he paid and bought the land..

or to u guys ..killing the people and taking away their..only that is considered fair??

and is that y ..u guys worship butchers like ghazni, ghori..?? because they captured Indian lands, killed and raped millions of people...
Your logic makes no sense.. But I am kind of used to it here.. Talk of Kashmir removes any thought of logic from the minds of some Pakistanis.
:rofl: Then don't put anymore pressure on your Nut Head..
Yea! Don't care of it . But your 600,000 troops are stucked there, suicide rates among them are increasing ,getting killed in avalanches ,stroms ,ambush.. Now matter how many Vir chakra award you give them.. The reality is Kashmir is becoming headache for you.. According to your own resources..

It may be a headache, but then most good things in life are high maintenance.. The sight of Pakistan continuously damaging herself thru its Kashmir policy it has got itself entangled in, is well worth the headache though, (many times over :D)

For your reading pleasure..

Yea! Don't care of it . But your 600,000 troops are stucked there, suicide rates among them are increasing ,getting killed in avalanches ,stroms ,ambush.. Now matter how many Vir chakra award you give them.. The reality is Kashmir is becoming headache for you.. According to your own resources..

people get killed in avalanches..and suicides are common in Armed forces around the world..sad, but common..

But atleast we have not lost half the country for Kashmir sake..we have infact become a world economic power and military and diplomacy power inspite of Kashmir issue...can u say the same thing of Pakistan??
There's a reason behind every statement from someone of Gilani's caliber. And, one must also realize Kashmir issue's unresolved for over 60 overs for a reason. I don't know about Indian Military, but Pakistani Military certainly doesn't want Kashmir Issue to resolve for their own justified or unjustified reasons. However, Trade with India is very important for Pakistan economy and perhaps for India as well. And I believe, Pakistani Military has no issue on trade with India, since ultimately, they'd get a piece of action as well.

Now, if Gilani is saying Pakistan can't India over Kashmir, I'm assuming he's saying so with Establishment's approval.
Probably Kashmir is the only place in Pakistan where it doesnt happen..:azn:

btw, here is what a Pakistani Kashmiri says about Pakistan and Kashmir

Dr Shabir Choudhry's blog: Kashmir, Pakistan and the Empowerment of the People, by Khurshid Khan

Well to my query of finding me sources to prove that protest/mass demonstrations happen against Pakistani rule in AJK and NA ... You can only find one blog post no youtube videos , no amnesty international reports or any credible source ... Even that doesn't say something about people revolting against PA ... Pathetic really ! Ever heard that Kashmiri Muslims were protesting about Pakistani rule ? ... Ironically , the same people helped PA secure AJK and NA in 1947 ... The fighting continued for almost a year and Indians couldn't evict us from the controlled areas whilst we progressed beyond Skardu after that ... If i begin posting about human rights violation / protests in Indian Occupied Kashmir then i doubt if the PDF bandwidth will be able to host it all :wave: Why cant you control the people despite having 6 million troops in the valley ? :azn:

What if i post what Arundhati Roy has to say about Indian Occupied Kashmir ?
But atleast we have not lost half the country for Kashmir sake..we have infact become a world economic power and military and diplomacy power inspite of Kashmir issue...can u say the same thing of Pakistan??

Pakistan lost half of country that was never actually meant to be part of it and was 2000+ km away due to Kashmir ? Really , that is a new unique theory you have came up with ... Care to elaborate ? :azn: ... Aren't we a military and atomic power ? :lol: ... Or you are one of those who thinks , that PA is not capable of defending Pakistan as they have for the past 60 years ... The recent examples being in 2002 and 2008 ... Somebody massed troops and then unilaterally backed off :lol: ...

---------- Post added at 11:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:28 PM ----------

brainwashed... you guys didn't even make the Hamoodur Rahman Commission report public... what were you guys scared off????
what is it somehow related to Kashmir issue ? :azn:
Yes , psychologically obsessed with Pakistan , Indian ...
we are obsessed with anything funny :lol:
We have lost every war yet gained and retained 37% of Kashmir ...
because we never invaded.
you guys do it many times. in that process you lost half of your country but could not do a jack to us :enjoy:
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