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Can't fight India over Kashmir: Gilani

Better to have not attacked at all than to have attacked and lost .. (like Pakistan :D)

From Maharaja of Kashmir and not from India. India's entry stopped you cold and pushed you back from Srinagar airport..
Pakistan attacked and had to end up having defending Lahore and Sialkot.. Proud.. Are you ??

Yes.. Liberated Bangladesh, cut you in 2 and permanently damaged the psych of generations of Pakistan.. I say very proud.. And it was 93 K PA regulars..The largest ever after world war II

As per your Prime minister at the time, Pakistan Army lost in excess of 4000 men.. Pakistan lost all credibility on Kashmir after that.. Your PM was summoned to USA and given a tongue lashing by your then masters.. Actually this was Mushy's attempt to avenge Siachen (he was the senior Army Brigadier who got his butt handed to him by Indian Army).. So repeat..

Nah! You think wrong :azn:

So you are dead sure that you would have lost if you attacked ? :rofl: and that remains the reason for not trying ?

IA was present before even the Maharaja signed the instrument of accession ... There was revolt and rage in NA and AJK before the tribals even thought of intervening in Kashmir ... Jinnah had to ask them because General Gracy was reluctant to send troops ... If even i accept your version for the sake of argument , the fighting continued for more than 1 year ... why couldn't you take the area back ? ... As if you were so close to victory , why did your PM went running to the UN and pleaded for ceasefire ? :azn: ... I must tell you why , because he saw that IA wasn't able to clear Kashmir of PA and tribals who were poorly equipped ... Before the ceasefire was declared , we progressed far beyond Skardu ... Check where the LOC lies today ... Still have any doubt left ?

Yeah , cut us into two ... A country which could never be together due to the geographical distance and different cultures ... Did you do it alone ? Or the Bengalis did it for you ? :azn: You just went there to steal the credit when the PA couldn't even travel without hindrance in Dhaka ... None can control the people when they dont want to live with you ... Check the stats again , it was never 93k PA regulars ... Permanent what in psyche ? :rofl: ... Is one victory enough to satisfy your tiny ego when we have ruled you for 1000 years ? :D

Lost in excess of 4000 men ? :rofl: Are you even serious ? ... Do you know the strength of NLI at that time ? ... Nawaz Sharif plays/still keeps playing the victim game because his Govt was overthrown for betraying the army , attempting to change COAS and going to Washington and accepting an unconditional withdrawal when there was absolutely no need for it ... Well , whatever floats your boat ... You can even claim 10 000 men
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