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If any of PDF members are interested in so called Armenian Genocide issue, i suggest you to watch that video of Turkey's Prime Minister who gave the opening speech at the 44th Security Conference held in Munich, Germany, and answered attendees' questions. In this video he responds to a question asked about the "Armenian issue." While the speech is in Turkish, English subtitles are included.

Decide for yourselves..

You will try to convince me that the AG is fake with BS from the Turkish PM?!?!?!?!?! Why in the world would you present him as an unbiased source.

If you think about it, there are contradictions within Turkish denial system as well. Turkish diaspora and occasionally politicians say that there was no Armenian Genocide. At the same time, Ahment Davutoglu offers to set up "joint historical committees" or having historians look into it, therefore signaling that he is open to the idea. This means there is either a giant contradiction or Turkey is malicious, as the verdict of such a joint committee will be disregarded if Turkey is so sure about its history. So why set up committee?

There you go. There are infinite ways to describe this falsification of history.

BronzePlaque, please read the book "Ottoman Centuries" by British historian Lord Kinross. He is expert on Turkish history. It will correct all your misconceptions, and is very readable.
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Look what's happening to other countries :) Also look what's happening to insurgents, I doubt you have the stomach to see what mountain commandos are doing to them. We have their leader in cage like an animal rotting since years -also an armenian btw-

Something similiar to what they did at Hocalı for you maybe? It requires some balls.

There is nothing Turks can ever do that would be a surprise to the Armenians, we have seen it all from you butchers....your cut throat commandos show up in Armenian lands they will be hunted like wolfs and hanged to dry.
There is nothing Turks can ever do that would be a surprise to the Armenians, we have seen it all from you butchers....your cut throat commandos show up in Armenian lands they will be hunted like wolfs and hanged to dry.
Hahahaha :D you won't last a week,

Speaking of which, i wonder if you're gonna return Armenia to get your azz handed over to you or chicken out in that kind of situation :)
You will try to convince me that the AG is fake with BS from the Turkish PM?!?!?!?!?! Why in the world would you present him as an unbiased source.

If you think about it, there are contradictions within Turkish denial system as well. Turkish diaspora and occasionally politicians say that there was no Armenian Genocide. At the same time, Ahment Davutoglu offers to set up "joint historical committees" or having historians look into it, therefore signaling that he is open to the idea. This means there is either a giant contradiction or Turkey is malicious, as the verdict of such a joint committee will be disregarded if Turkey is so sure about its history. So why set up committee?

There you go. There are infinite ways to describe this falsification of history.

BronzePlaque, please read the book "Ottoman Centuries" by British historian Lord Kinross. He is expert on Turkish history. It will correct all your misconceptions, and is very readable.

This video is not a source..I havent claimed that it is a source..But if you watched the clip, you would have seen that, Turkish side is open to every kind of discussion about Armenian claims..

I am quoting Erdogan`s words as maybe there can be people who dont have access to Youtube..

" You use the expression : massacred Armenians, massacred Christians..Why do you persist in using such phrases? What evidence do you have that supports such conclusions? Right now Armenia`s Minister of Foreign Affairs is among us..Look, i issued my invitation..I wrote a letter in 2005..We have opened our archieves and to date over onemillion documents regarding the issue have been catalogued..If there is evidence in the Armenian archieves, they should open them.They too should catalogue their evidence or documents..Our position is that archeologists, historians, political scientists and lawyers should be commissioned to investigate and study this issue..If there are related archieves in any third party countries, then the commission should investigate those documents and their information too..We politicians should make decisions only after such a study is completed..We are ready to speak about this topic in any forum with all categories of information and documents..And we invite Armenia to prepare itself in a similar fashion..But its impossible to force us to accept allegations of genocide as a result of behind the scene lobbying efforts in the parliaments of various countries. They can try to force the label on us in this manner as much as they want..We will not accept it. But let them come, let them make their documents available..After that, if necessary, we will account on our history, i am saying this very openly"

Basically, Turkey is open to any kind of discussions with every kind of documents and evidences ( whether they be Turkish, Armenian or German, Russian, French etc)related to this issue and ready to account her history if necessary..So Kajutyun, would you please tell me why this invitation of Turkey was declined? It would solve the issue once and for all
No need to discuss fantasies, if Armenians was such a peace angel they should work for Algerian genocide against France instead of fantasys
Native American genocide, aboriginal etc etc etc Caucasian genocide by Russia, hocalı genocide
No need to discuss fantasies, if Armenians was such a peace angel they should work for Algerian genocide against France instead of fantasys

How can they work against greatest supporter of "Armenian Genocide" BS? Of course they won't

If we were genocidal, half the nations in Eastern Europe would not exist :) If they still exist and still keep their orthodox christian beliefs(except that few nations converted willingly) it's because of Ottoman allowance.
This video is not a source..I havent claimed that it is a source..But if you watched the clip, you would have seen that, Turkish side is open to every kind of discussion about Armenian claims..

I am quoting Erdogan`s words as maybe there can be people who dont have access to Youtube..

" You use the expression : massacred Armenians, massacred Christians..Why do you persist in using such phrases? What evidence do you have that supports such conclusions? Right now Armenia`s Minister of Foreign Affairs is among us..Look, i issued my invitation..I wrote a letter in 2005..We have opened our archieves and to date over onemillion documents regarding the issue have been catalogued..If there is evidence in the Armenian archieves, they should open them.They too should catalogue their evidence or documents..Our position is that archeologists, historians, political scientists and lawyers should be commissioned to investigate and study this issue..If there are related archieves in any third party countries, then the commission should investigate those documents and their information too..We politicians should make decisions only after such a study is completed..We are ready to speak about this topic in any forum with all categories of information and documents..And we invite Armenia to prepare itself in a similar fashion..But its impossible to force us to accept allegations of genocide as a result of behind the scene lobbying efforts in the parliaments of various countries. They can try to force the label on us in this manner as much as they want..We will not accept it. But let them come, let them make their documents available..After that, if necessary, we will account on our history, i am saying this very openly"

Basically, Turkey is open to any kind of discussions with every kind of documents and evidences ( whether they be Turkish, Armenian or German, Russian, French etc)related to this issue and ready to account her history if necessary..So Kajutyun, would you please tell me why this invitation of Turkey was declined? It would solve the issue once and for all

Look, I understand what you are saying. There are museum fulls of evidence, and not just in Yerevan. And no, Turkey will not account for its history. Look at how long it took to get an apology for Dersim, which even then was politically motivated. Were any documents released? No. Because Turkey does not care about documents, it knows exactly what happened.

If Turkey is justified in saying that Armenia should first "open its archives" then why doesn't any other nation in the world (except Azerbaijan, which does not have a single independent thought on the matter) share this opinion. I have never heard of any other nation asking Armenia to open its archives. I have only heard leaders of respectable nations call on Turkey to recognize the genocide.

Finally, don't give me this lobbying BS. Turkish lobby spends exponentially more than Armenian lobby. Turks compose 1/10 of German population, yet Germany is at the forefront calling for justice.
Look, I understand what you are saying. There are museum fulls of evidence, and not just in Yerevan. And no, Turkey will not account for its history. Look at how long it took to get an apology for Dersim, which even then was politically motivated. Were any documents released? No. Because Turkey does not care about documents, it knows exactly what happened.

If Turkey is justified in saying that Armenia should first "open its archives" then why doesn't any other nation in the world (except Azerbaijan, which does not have a single independent thought on the matter) share this opinion. I have never heard of any other nation asking Armenia to open its archives. I have only heard leaders of respectable nations call on Turkey to recognize the genocide.

Finally, don't give me this lobbying BS. Turkish lobby spends exponentially more than Armenian lobby. Turks compose 1/10 of German population, yet Germany is at the forefront calling for justice.

And Again, only evasive manoeuvres with no actual response..I just asked one simple question..If Armenia truly believes in its claims, why did it decline Turkey`s proposal? Why doesnt Armenia bring that AG claims on international courts? May be because at the end, the truth will be exposed?
Look, I understand what you are saying. There are museum fulls of evidence, and not just in Yerevan. And no, Turkey will not account for its history. Look at how long it took to get an apology for Dersim, which even then was politically motivated. Were any documents released? No. Because Turkey does not care about documents, it knows exactly what happened.

If Turkey is justified in saying that Armenia should first "open its archives" then why doesn't any other nation in the world (except Azerbaijan, which does not have a single independent thought on the matter) share this opinion. I have never heard of any other nation asking Armenia to open its archives. I have only heard leaders of respectable nations call on Turkey to recognize the genocide.

Finally, don't give me this lobbying BS. Turkish lobby spends exponentially more than Armenian lobby. Turks compose 1/10 of German population, yet Germany is at the forefront calling for justice.

Loool 1/10 of German population, there's 8 million Turks? This guy is mad there's, 3 million Turks.
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